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ETF是一种公开交易的投资工具,追踪标的资产的价值;就比特币 ETF 而言,该资产就是比特币。比特币 ETF 的倡导者认为,交易所、加密钱包和私钥的复杂性仍然对新手进入加密领域构成了巨大的障碍。比特币 ETF 将使这些投资者能够获得比特币的投资,而无需实际持有自己的加密货币。

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)于 1 月 10 日批准了第一批10 只现货比特币 ETF,它们均于 1 月 11 日开始交易。以下是目前在美国交易的所有现货比特币 ETF 的概要,以及了解期货 ETF 及其变化。

贝莱德 iShares 比特币信托 (IBIT)

2023 年 6 月,全球最大的资产管理公司贝莱德(截至 2023 年第一季度管理的资产超过 9 万亿美元)提交了比特币现货 ETF申请,震惊了 TradFi 世界。iShares 比特币信托(IBIT)现已在纳斯达克上市,是市场上最受瞩目的比特币 ETF 之一,标准费用为 0.25%。

然而,贝莱德将前 50 亿美元资产或 12 个月(以先到者为准)的费用降至 0.12%。贝莱德 (BlackRock) 使用 Coinbase 作为其加密货币托管机构和现货市场数据提供商,纽约梅隆银行 (BNY Mellon) 作为现金托管机构。该公司还指定摩根大通证券、Jane Street Capital、麦格理资本和 Virtu Americas 为授权参与者。


加密货币投资基金管理公司 Grayscale 的GBTC比特币信托基金管理着超过 600,000 枚 BTC(按今天的价格计算,价值近 280 亿美元),并且毫不掩饰其希望将该信托基金转换为成熟的比特币现货 ETF 的愿望。事实上,正如主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)不情愿地承认的那样,正是灰度的法律推动帮助美国证券交易委员会扭转了局面。

作为在 NYSE Arca 上市的 ETF,GBTC 的费用是美国现货比特币 ETF 中最高的,为 1.5%,实际上比转换前的 2% GBTC 费用略有下降。分析师表示,高额费用可能是为了防止 GBTC 所有者抛售股票转而购买另一只 ETF,因为这可能会带来重大税收打击。

灰度还可能认为,尽管费用高昂,但其悠久的业绩记录和巨大的比特币持有量将阻止投资者转向其他地方。Coinbase 担任加密货币托管人和指数提供商,纽约梅隆银行担任管理人。Jane Street、Virtu Americas、Macquarie Capital 和 ABN AMRO Clearing 是授权参与者。


2021 年 3 月,比特币 ETF 申请激增,其中包括富达 (Fidelity) 的Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust,这或许并不令人意外,因为就在几周前,其全球宏观总监 Jurrien Timmer 表示,比特币相对于黄金具有“独特优势”。

独特的是,富达选择自行托管 ETF 基础的比特币,而不是使用 Coinbase 或 Gemini。Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust 在 Cboe 的 BZX 上进行交易,标准费用为 0.25%,但 Fidelity 在 2024 年 8 月 1 日之前免除该费用。授权参与者包括 Jane Street、摩根大通证券、麦格理和 Virtu Americas。

按位比特币 ETF (BITB)

Bitwise 于 2019 年 10 月首次提交现货比特币 ETF 申请,但与许多其他申请一样,被 SEC拒绝。但 Bitwise 坚持了下来,并且是第一个希望推出与比特币 ETF 相关的广告活动的公司,它聘请了因在啤酒公司 Dos Equis 中扮演“世界上最有趣的人”而闻名的演员乔纳森·戈德史密斯 (Jonathan Goldsmith) 来传达其“Bitwise 是有趣”的消息。

Bitwise 比特币 ETF现已在 NYSE Arca 上线,其费用是目前所有现货产品中最低的,为 0.20%,但 Bitwise 完全免除了前 10 亿美元资产或六个月期间的费用,以先到者为准。Coinbase 是加密货币托管人,而纽约梅隆银行既是管理员又是信托托管人。Jane Street、Macquarie 和 Virtu Americas 都是授权参与者。


总部位于纽约的资产管理公司 WisdomTree 已经拥有运营比特币 ETF 的经验;它于 2019 年在瑞士第六证券交易所推出了一款比特币 ETF。它于 2021 年 3 月加入了美国比特币 ETF 的候选者行列,向 SEC 提交了 S -1,提议在 Cboe BZX 交易所上市 WisdomTree 比特币信托的股票,股票代码为 BZX BTCW。

WisdomTree 比特币基金现已在 Cboe 上市,股票代码为 BTCW,收取 0.3% 的标准费用,尽管与 Bitwise 一样,该公司在前六个月或在价值 10 亿美元的资产交易之前完全免除这一费用(以较早者为准)。Coinbase 再次成为这里的加密货币托管人,而道富银行和信托银行则是管理人和现金托管人。Jane Street、Virtu Americas 和麦格理资本已签约成为授权参与者。

景顺银河比特币 ETF (BTCO)

Galaxy Digital 和 Invesco 于 2021 年 9 月联合申请了比特币 ETF,名为Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF。根据该文件,其 ETF 也将由比特币“实物支持”,而不是通过期货等衍生品。景顺 (Invesco) 是美国第四大 ETF 提供商,因此在比特币推出之前拥有悠久的业绩记录。

Invesco Galaxy 比特币 ETF (BTCO) 目前在 Cboe BZX 进行交易,标准费用为 0.39%,不过与名单上的其他公司一样,这些公司将承担运营前六个月的所有赞助商费用,资产价值高达 50 亿美元。纽约梅隆银行是转账代理和现金托管人,而 Coinbase 将负责加密货币托管。JP Morgan Securities、Jane Street、Virtu Americas 和 Marex Capital Markets 是授权参与者。

Valkyrie 比特币基金 (BRRR)

资产管理公司 Valkyrie 是最近才加入这场竞赛的,它于 2021 年 1 月提交了第一份比特币 ETF申请。现在, Valkyrie 比特币基金的代码为 BRRR,这是对“印钞机 brrr”模因的有趣暗示,指的是美联储向经济注入充足的现金。这肯定会取悦一些比特币顽固分子。

该 ETF 在纳斯达克交易,标准费用为 0.25%,但 Valkyrie 完全免除三个月的保荐费。Valkyrie 比特币基金使用 Coinbase 作为主要经纪商和比特币托管人,而 US Bank 是现金托管人。Jane Street 和 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. 已签约成为授权参与者。

方舟 21 股比特币 ETF (ARKB)

由 Cathie Wood 领导的投资公司 Ark Invest于2021 年 6 月提交了Ark 21Shares ETF 的申请。Ark Invest 与瑞士 ETF 提供商 21Shares AG 合作推出Ark 21Shares 比特币 ETF;它在 Cboe 的 BZX 交易所进行交易,股票代码为 ARKB。

ARKB ETF 几乎与 Bitwise 0.21% 的低费用相当,并且与其他公司一样,这些公司将在六个月内完全免除赞助商费用,或者直到其资产达到 10 亿美元(以先到者为准)。Coinbase 是加密货币托管机构,Jane Street、Macquarie 和 Virtu Americas 是授权参与者。

VanEck 比特币信托(HODL)

VanEck 是最早的比特币 ETF 申请者之一。它对比特币 ETF 的首次尝试——与 SolidX 合作的 VanEck SolidX 比特币信托——早在 2018 年就已开始。“HODL”代码指的是常见的比特币行话;它可以追溯到 2013 年BitcoinTalk 论坛帖子中“hold”一词的拼写错误。VanEck 还将基金利润的 5% 捐赠给比特币核心开发人员。

大多数其他申请人都指定 Coinbase 作为支撑其 ETF 的比特币托管人,而 VanEck 却选择了竞争对手交易所 Gemini 来托管其比特币。VanEck比特币信托在 Cboe 进行交易,收取 0.25% 的费用,Jane Street、Virtu Americas 和 ABN AMRO Clearing 是授权参与者。

富兰克林比特币 ETF (EZBC)

富兰克林邓普顿是全球最大的资产管理公司之一,管理着约 1.4 万亿美元的资产,于 2023 年 9 月加入了现货比特币 ETF 的竞争。该 ETF 的股票在 Cboe BZX 交易所上市,与大多数申请者一样,加密货币交易所 Coinbase 是该基金的托管人。

富兰克林比特币 ETF 的股票代码为 EZBC,现已上市,费用为 0.29%,在当前现货 ETF 中处于中等水平。对于早期投资者来说没有明显的折扣。Jane Street 和 Virtu Americas 被列为授权参与者。

It is a publicly traded investment tool to track the value of the underlying asset. As far as bitcoin is concerned, the asset is bitcoin. Advocates of bitcoin believe that the complexity of exchange encryption wallets and private keys still poses a huge obstacle for novices to enter the encryption field. Bitcoin will enable these investors to obtain bitcoin investment without actually holding their own cryptocurrency. The US Securities and Exchange Commission approved the first batch of spot bitcoins on May, and they all started trading on May. The following are the current ones. A summary of all the spot bitcoins traded in the United States and an understanding of futures and their changes BlackRock Bitcoin Trust BlackRock, the world's largest asset management company, submitted a bitcoin spot application with more than one trillion dollars as of the first quarter of last year, which shocked the world. Bitcoin Trust is now listed on Nasdaq and is one of the most watched bitcoins in the market. The standard fee is, however, BlackRock reduced the assets of the first hundred million dollars or the fee of the first month to BlackRock to use as its encryption. Bank of New York Mellon, the money custodian and spot market data provider, is the cash custodian. The company also appointed JPMorgan Chase Securities Macquarie Capital and the authorized participant Gray Bitcoin Trust Encryption Money Investment Fund Management Company to manage more than one bitcoin trust fund worth nearly US$ 100 million at today's price, and made no secret of its desire to convert the trust fund into mature bitcoin spot. In fact, as Chairman Garrigan Schler reluctantly admitted. It is the legal promotion of Grayscale that helped the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States reverse the situation. As the cost of listing is the highest among the spot bitcoins in the United States, in fact, it is slightly lower than that before the conversion. Analysts said that the high cost may be to prevent the owner from selling the stock and buying another one because it may bring a major tax blow to Grayscale. It may also be considered that despite the high cost, its long performance record and huge bitcoin holdings will prevent investors from moving to other places. Cryptographic currency custodian and index provider, Bank of New York Mellon, is the manager and authorized participant. Fidelity Wisely Originated Bitcoin Fund witnessed a surge in bitcoin applications in October, including Fidelity's. This may not be surprising, because just a few weeks ago, its global macro director said that bitcoin has a unique advantage over gold. The unique thing is that Fidelity chose to host the basic bitcoin by itself instead of using or conducting transactions on the Internet. The standard fee is, but the fee is exempted from the authorized participant package before June. Including JPMorgan Chase Securities Macquarie and Bitcoins submitted their applications for spot bitcoin for the first time in June, but they were rejected like many other applications, but they persisted, and they were the first companies that wanted to launch advertising activities related to bitcoin. They hired Jonathan Goldsmith, an actor who is famous for playing the most interesting person in the world in a beer company, to convey that it is interesting news. Bitcoin is now on the line, and its cost is the lowest among all spot products at present, but the first hundred million dollars are completely exempted. Dollar assets or fees during the six-month period, whichever comes first, are cryptocurrency custodians, while Bank of New York Mellon is both an administrator, a trustee and an authorized participant. The new york-based asset management company has already had experience in operating bitcoin. It launched a bitcoin on the sixth Swiss stock exchange in 2006, and it joined the ranks of American bitcoin candidates in June, and submitted a proposal to list the shares of Bitcoin Trust on the exchange with the stock code of Bitcoin. The fund has been listed on the stock code, which is the standard fee charged, although, as usual, the company completely exempted this fee in the first six months or before the transaction of assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars, whichever is earlier, and State Street Bank and Trust Bank are the managers and cash custodians. Jing Shun Galaxy Bitcoin and Macquarie Capital have signed up as authorized participants and jointly applied for Bitcoin in June, which is called according to this document, it will also be supported by Bitcoin in kind instead of. Through derivatives such as futures, Jing Shun is the fourth largest provider in the United States, so it has a long track record of performance before the launch of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is currently trading at a standard fee, but like other companies on the list, these companies will bear all the sponsor fees for the first six months of operation, with assets worth as much as hundreds of millions of dollars. Bank of New York Mellon is a transfer agent and cash custodian, and will be responsible for cryptocurrency custody and an authorized participant. Bitcoin fund asset management company has only recently joined this competition. It submitted its first application for bitcoin in June, and now the code of Bitcoin Fund is "This is an interesting hint to the meme of printing machine", which means that the Federal Reserve will inject enough cash into the economy, which will certainly please some bitcoin diehards. The standard fee for trading on Nasdaq is but the sponsorship fee for three months is completely exempted. Bitcoin Fund is used as the main broker and bitcoin custodian instead of cash custodian, and has signed an investment company led by Ark shares as an authorized participant in. The application submitted in June cooperated with Swiss providers to launch Bitcoin. The stock code of the exchange where it is traded is almost the same as that of other companies. Like other companies, these companies will completely waive the sponsorship fee within six months or until their assets reach US$ 100 million, whichever comes first. It is a cryptocurrency custodian and an authorized participant. Bitcoin Trust is one of the earliest Bitcoin applicants. Its first attempt and cooperation with Bitcoin began to code as early as. Refers to the common bitcoin jargon, which can be traced back to the misspelling of the word in the forum post in, and also donates the fund profits to the core developers of bitcoin. Most other applicants have designated it as the bitcoin custodian to support it, but they have chosen a rival exchange to host the fees charged by their bitcoin trust in the transaction, and Franklin Bitcoin Templeton, an authorized participant, is one of the largest asset management companies in the world, managing about one trillion dollars of assets. Produced in September, it joined the competition of spot bitcoin. The stock is listed on the exchange. Like most applicants, the cryptocurrency exchange is the custodian of the fund. The stock code of Franklin Bitcoin is now listed, and the fee is at a medium level in the current spot. For early investors, there is no obvious discount and it is listed as an authorized participant. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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