
币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 10:54:43 评论:0



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作者:Psyduck Fomo 来源:X,@psyduck_fomo


《股票作手回忆录》原文:股市今天发生的事情以前发生过,以后会再度发生;华尔街永不改变,钱袋会变、投机者会变、股票会变,但华尔街永不改变,因为人性永不改变 —— 杰西利弗莫尔




2.日本留过学的强总在A股还处于初期都没听过收购概念(对应现实版的宝延大战),将这个概念运用在了炒作股价上,主打搬砖地理套利。在币圈的发展史中,前期利用中美BTC的价差的搬砖者,后期将CeFi用200年走完的经验在5年内完整的搬到DeFi,造成了ETH生态的繁荣(29b TVL)。同样是英语老师的李笑来和马云同样能够通过进行地理套利。所以再次说明了语言不仅仅是语言而是了解另外一个世界运行机制的通道。




1.麒麟会成为最大赢家,巫医生语录:这个市场没有什么是不可以交易的,即使是棺材板也有个价格。原本强总没有拿到上市承销商资格想自己强行坐庄,结果还是被背后巨鲸麒麟会给教育了。一鲸落万物生,又和当初整个市场都去捡尸A先生有啥区别呢。在币圈同样有三箭资本破产,FTX暴雷这类事件将市场一遍又一遍的重新洗牌,最后只有疯子还能记得黄河路上曾经还有个宝总。的确没有什么不可交易的,BTC ETF事件上演着SEC,Matrixport等机构的戏码。


《繁花》的结局,确实拍得颇有《红楼梦》 的味道,曾经灯红酒绿、觥筹交错,多少人的命运在黄河路、大上海沉沉浮浮。最后宾主尽欢,曲终人散之时,繁华落尽,空留满天满地的寂寥。






The author's source God recently said not to use more than twice the leverage, but also used twice the leverage to raise money. The remarks made two days ago also hinted at the ending of Bao Zong yesterday. What happened in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again in the future. Wall Street will never change, money bags will change, stocks will change, but Wall Street will never change because human nature will never change. Jesse Livermore's main story Shenzhen Bangqiang always went to Shanghai to speculate on the stock market by the concept of acquisition, and then Bao always relied on illegality. The inside information of the money raised by fund-raising and the exchange of interests between Li and Li follow the rhythm of the Shenzhen gang, and then the meat-eating treasure always determines three stocks through the three-no plate before the determination. The three-no plate refers to the plate with no state shares, no legal person shares and no foreign shares. The biggest feature of the plate is that the plate is small and all of it is in circulation, so it is easy for the main force to collect chips in the secondary market. Why are retail investors and institutions keen on this three-no plate? The recent popularity of the inscription is also about chip sharing between individuals and institutions. In any case, the extreme embodiment of uneven distribution is to tell stories, while your organization tells stories with technology and data, while silently shipping goods. Then why don't we just order and find an air coin to speculate? The strong Japanese company that studied in Japan is still in its infancy, and has never heard of the concept of acquisition, which corresponds to the real version of Baoyan War. This concept has been applied to speculation of stock prices. In the history of currency development, the brick movers who used the price difference between China and the United States in the early stage will move completely within the year. Li Xiaolai and Ma Yun, who are also English teachers, have also been able to carry out geographical arbitrage, so they once again show that language is not just a language, but a channel to understand the operating mechanism of another world. This is so similar to the early money circle, which is full of wealth and wealth. When you are still struggling whether this thing is illegal or not, smart people have rushed in. The prosperity of the money circle is also the victory of the grassroots. At this time, the development stage is rough and gray. Do you want to go to work when you don't want to join in the high-quality development? The main story is that Bao Zong, as an underwriter of clothing companies, has an initial capital of 100 million yuan, and he was finally forced to take the bottom of the barrel. He was originally prepared to throw high explosives at Bao Zong's warehouse, and then suck up the corpse at a low level, just like Mr. Bao Zong picked up the corpse at the beginning. As a result, Kirin will call Xi Guotou and take over 3000 million plates of Bao Zong. Finally, Bao Zong's 30 million cash is gone, leaving only a piece of land in Chuansha, which Loss of 30 million will lead to jail Kirin will be the biggest winner. Dr. Wu's quotations: There is nothing in this market that can't be traded. Even the coffin board has a strong price. It was always strong, and it was always hard to get the qualification of listed underwriter. As a result, Kirin, a giant whale, was educated. What is the difference between the whole market and Mr. Wu? In the currency circle, there are also three arrows, capital bankruptcy and thunder, which reshuffled the market again and again. Finally, only crazy people can remember it. There used to be a treasure on the Yellow River Road, and there was really nothing that could not be traded. The drama of other institutions was staged. Recently, God said not to use more than twice the leverage. The treasure also used twice the leverage to finance the explosion, which was equivalent to the explosion of the chip and gave it to Kirin Huishen. The remarks two days ago also hinted that the ending of the treasure yesterday was indeed filmed with the flavor of a dream of red mansions. The fate of many people was ups and downs in huanghe road and Shanghai. At last, when the guests and the host had a good time, they ended up in prosperity. Loneliness all over the sky and other interesting contents. When Bao Zong came to the foreign trade number for the first time, people crowded in line outside, waiting for the staff inside to have a leisurely drink of tea and put up stamps. The so-called publicity meeting of stock critics rose sharply. Shareholders like Xiao Jiangxi believed that they really went into the stock market with tens of thousands of money. What's the difference between the stock critics like the wealth management center of the so-called big bank and the research institute of securities firms? Did the research report say that a lot of users made money from them? The foreign trade list raised the cost price, which was originally a loss. In the end, because the exchange rate rose, Miss Wang made a small profit. Why did she dare to gamble on the exchange rate like this? It was because the master of her number, Jin Kechang, hinted that these people with connections and connections made money by insider information. At the same time, Xiao Jiangxi and Mei Ping at the bottom lamented the injustice of fate. If Miss Wang was chased as her favorite bean, it would be really a cool drama master, Jin Kechang's partner was huanghe road's treasure manager and pursuer, Wenzhou Leather Factory owner Wei Zong mixed up, but the audience finally found out that she was Mei Ping 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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