比特币ETF、场外换U 我在香港体验Web3的灰色地带

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进入大厦一楼,仿佛进入了什么地下钱庄。各种换汇的字眼以及各个国家的货币符号挤进你的眼前,有一些拉客的咖喱老哥们上前直勾勾的凝视你,你只能尴尬而不失礼貌的微笑,他们也对你点头示意,我鼓起勇气悄悄的跟身边一个穿着米白色T恤的印度老哥,说了四个字母:USDT。看着他嘴角逐渐上扬的模样,我摇了摇手,用蹩脚的英语说了句:JUST KIDDING,我一个健步就踏出了大厦门口,旁边的朋友都听到了自己的心跳声,突然自己有种当落难毒枭的感觉。


寻找刺激的我,准备缓缓神,先去一下著名的K11商场,依靠着地图发现附近的K11商场也有BTC ATM机的存在。我二话不说,直冲商场里,试图寻找转机。K11的BTC ATM机坐落在二层、三层的洗手间附近,找到的时候,发现有两个外国小哥正在试图用现金购买BTC,旁边还有等人上厕所的香港男高凑近观看,看个热闹。

等到两位外国小哥操作完之后,我跃跃欲试,却发现这个ATM机只支持港币购买数字货币,但不支持加密货币取现。我站在ATM机旁,和旁边等待上厕所的排成长龙的人们,形成强烈的对比,显得可怜弱小又无助。顿时,我突发奇想,目前人民币兑港币汇率是1:1.12,按照中国强化人民币国际地位,人民币必定升值,我可以在BTC ATM前面倒腾人民币兑换,那我应该越来越刑了。















The following contents were published after editing. Bitcoin became a masterpiece of the year through a bottom-up battle. As a promising asset class, Bitcoin spot was approved in the United States, and the world's attention was drawn to Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission has been ready to evaluate and deal with the applications for recognition of funds such as virtual assets spot, and has made substantial progress in this direction. For example, its regulatory measures for spot virtual assets are clearer than those of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. As a figurative city of Cyberpunk, Hong Kong has become a world financial center since the last century. He is obsessed with money and lost in a period of confusion. Like his building, it is as tall and narrow as a strange stone in the sky, and it is densely inserted on a small island. After a long period of seawater corrosion, it presents a sense of shabby luxury. It was a spring when someone drew a circle about it in Hong Kong. Tens of thousands of people crowded into Hong Kong and were shocked because of the epidemic. Grandpa, a taxi driver in 2008, made sure that it happened in Hong Kong and became a slogan to wake Hong Kong up. I claimed to have a decentralized belief. I started a trip about Hong Kong at the end of the year. Maybe I stayed in the mobile payment environment for a long time. When I had a good meal in a Hong Kong-style restaurant, I took out my mobile phone and began to scan the code to pay, but they only supported cash. At this moment, I was a little scratching my head. Although my companions helped me, there was still some anxiety about changing foreign exchange. I would just be a Hong Kong valve. Take it. Take a look at the Chinese passport on the streets of Hong Kong and see where there is an out-of-town transaction. Smell the smell of money by the way. It's quite young and dangerous. The first stop is Yau Ma Tei, the gathering place of children of Hong Kong's rivers and lakes. The crowd flows along the neon Nathan Road. This is the Hong Kong you remember. It's like Stephen Chow selling beef balls in the temple street next door. The next second, Ah Ma Tei police station will appear in front of you to arrest criminals. This is the fireworks of Hong Kong and the seat of the Hong Kong Digital Exchange. This is a number licensed by the Hong Kong government. The currency exchange here claims that you can buy encrypted currency with cash in minutes, and the encrypted currency machine next to it can directly convert encrypted currency into cash. It stands at the crossroads of Nathan Road and greets all kinds of people. The striking blue color seems to announce the ambition of staying in Hong Kong to the world, but when we get to the exchange, the business hours have passed, and the legendary hour machine that can be directly converted into cash has not been seen. The second stop is Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsim Sha Tsui, an extremely contradictory place in Tsim Sha Tsui. You can smell the luxury goods, the curry in Southeast Asia and the salty sea breeze blowing from Victoria Harbour Bay at the same time. Go through the subway station to find the OTC exchange store recommended by Xiaohongshu. As a result, the map has been changed to three stores, but the original store has not been found. After searching online, I found the news that the founder was arrested. It seems that people are always eager to pull blankets, but there is a big symbol in the residential building opposite the original address, which is like a place where gangsters hang out. Suddenly I want to make up for myself. I swaggered into the depths of that place with a cigarette in my flip-flops and shouted a word to terminate the transaction. I flashed my mind and chose to take the avenue and go a little further. I went to chungking mansions, the location of the film Chongqing Forest. According to social media recommendations, there is the cheapest off-site store in Hong Kong. chungking mansions, with a high floor, gathers businessmen, laborers and backpackers from Asian and African countries. It is called the Kowloon City Village of Hong Kong's ethnic minorities. Except for the rest of Takeshi Kaneshiro and Brigitte Lin under the lens of Wong Kar-wai. The key words are basically negative. Rape and murder are dirty, messy, complicated and unsafe, but as a feline animal with strong curiosity, I still set off to find out what happened on the first floor of the building, as if I had entered an underground bank, and all kinds of foreign exchange words and currency symbols of various countries squeezed into your eyes. Some curry buddies came forward to stare at you, and you could only smile awkwardly and politely. They also nodded to you, indicating that I had the courage to follow quietly. An Indian brother in a beige T-shirt said four letters and looked at the way his mouth was gradually rising. I shook my hand and said a sentence in broken English. I stepped out of the door of the building with one quick step, and all my friends next to me heard my heartbeat. Suddenly, I felt like a fallen drug Lord looking for excitement. I was going to slowly go to the famous shopping malls and rely on the map to find that the nearby shopping malls also existed organically. I went straight to the shopping malls without saying anything, and the machine trying to find a connecting flight was located on the second and third floors. When I found it near the toilet, I found that two foreign brothers were trying to buy it in cash, and there was a Hong Kong male who was waiting for someone to go to the toilet next to him. When the two foreign brothers finished the operation, I was eager to try, but I found that this machine only supported the purchase of digital currency in Hong Kong dollars, but did not support the withdrawal of encrypted currency. I stood by the machine and stood in a strong contrast with the long queue of people waiting to go to the toilet. It suddenly occurred to me that the current exchange rate of RMB against Hong Kong dollars was poor, weak and helpless. According to China to strengthen the international status of RMB, RMB will definitely appreciate. I can exchange RMB in front of me. Then I should be punished more and more. When I came out, I saw a billboard about the project. In this land-intensive Hong Kong, this brand can be described as huge. After all, how much weight you gain in Hong Kong is suspected of occupying public resources. There is always a low-pixel video scrolling on the huge billboard, which has a low-security video style. Compared with the sense of joint occupation of Tsim Sha Tsui, the third stop is oily. There are crowds of tourists in Tsim Mong and never-ending office workers in Central. Sheung Wan seems to be a special existence. It seems to be the slowest and least noisy area in Hong Kong. It is full of leisurely street life. The ubiquitous tavern allows many foreigners to walk here and listen to the languages from all over the world. For a moment, I actually feel that I am a foreigner. The tinkling car to Kennedy City is walking slowly, and the street graffiti that causes you to stop and always looks for goods suddenly slows you down. When you get down in Sheung Wan, you can find a laundromat with coffee and sit in a daze at the door. However, the sexy posters of online licensing by lotus officials and the occasional smell of plants mixed with alcohol make you particularly fascinated by this city. The inner agitation is that the speed here can't slow down for a moment. I followed the navigation and went straight to a laundromat. I was confused when I looked at the cryptocurrency machine in the corner, but the fact is that this machine still didn't have the cash withdrawal function, and the blisters on the soles of my feet were not enough for me to enjoy the scenery again. I sat in some disappointment. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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