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众多文章探讨了 Web3 如何极大地释放创作者经济的潜能。在这个新兴领域,创作者不仅拥有并控制自己的平台和盈利模式,还能与他们的粉丝群建立更深层次的联系。这一变革使得利用 “1000 个忠实粉丝” 的理念成为可能。对于那些渴望与顾客直接建立联系的品牌而言,通过去除社交媒体平台这一中间层,它们能够创建自己的(第一方)渠道,与最忠诚的顾客直接互动。为忠诚度提供奖励,比如通过增值服务和独家优惠,可以将品牌追随者转化为品牌倡导者。虽然现有的 Web2 工具也可实现这些目标,但 Web3 提供了一种更为简便且可扩展的途径,以便于更便捷地访问和实现盈利。


然而,要注意的是,这种网络通常是单向的,或者说是一对多的。在这种网络中,创作者或品牌作为网络的中心,占据了大部分价值的创造和获取。即使像通过 Substack 或 Patreon 这样的平台拥有了自己的观众,实际的交流方式仍然是一对多的广播形式,而非多对多的互动。如果人们之间没有进行实质性的互动,那么我们还不能称之为一个真正的社区。


“代币化的一个显著优势在于它实现了经济活动的核心目标:有效地将激励与理想行为相对齐”——Social Tokens: The Economy of You | The Generalist (readthegeneralist.com)

“WE 经济”模式为创作者和品牌开辟了一条新的增长和商业道路。这种模式不仅满足了人们对归属感的追求,而且迎合了消费者和粉丝对真实参与及共同创造机会的日益增长的需求。特别是年轻一代的消费者和粉丝,他们渴望更深入、更积极地参与其中。这些年轻人追求与拥有共同品牌或创作者喜好的人建立联系,他们希望自己的声音被听到并得到认可。为了达成这一目标,他们愿意投入时间、技能和资源,参与到品牌的创新、发展和决策过程中,以获得成果的一部分。


"共识商业模式立足于两个关键理念。首先,它依赖于社区成员的积极参与——他们投入时间帮助创造、发展和管理品牌或产品,并因此获得一部分成功的回报。其次,这种模式利用基于区块链的智能合约和代币化系统来实现大规模、安全的投票、参与和奖励分配机制。"——Consensus Commerce: A New Era of the Empowered Consumer — Altered (longdash.co)

在这种新兴的商业环境中,集体所有权和社区行动力转变成了一个强大的增长和动力的催化剂,帮助创作者和品牌快速构建他们的成长网络。这种转变意味着从单一的交易关系过渡到更加参与性强和共同体导向的关系。因此,创作者和品牌开始塑造自己独特的网络效应。在“品牌 3.0”的框架下,他们不再只是简单地推广产品,而是通过将消费者的激励与品牌声誉、访问权限和所有权相结合,构建起一种持久且真实的忠诚关系。

“随着加密技术的进步,现在已经可以搭建一个全新的参与型经济基础设施。这种基础设施不仅增强了品牌的社交和金融价值,而且充当一种推动力,激励粉丝和客户成为他们所支持品牌的积极贡献者。在“品牌 3.0”的新模式下,品牌的构建和管理不再是少数专家的专属领域,而是在一个更广泛的社群中进行,这个社群鼓励所有人积极参与,共同开发和塑造品牌,从而将消费者转变为共同创作者和利益相关者。”

对于创作者或品牌来说,从以自身为中心的“ME 经济”向以共同体为核心的“WE 经济”的转变,并非一个简单的开关式过程。建议采用一个有序和深思熟虑的策略,逐步从“爬”到“走”,再到“跑”,同时确保始终专注于品牌和业务的实质性成长,而非仅仅通过推出一些表面华丽但无实质意义的计划来实现目标。首先,应考虑如何在粉丝群体中培养社区的积极性和参与方式。重要的是要探索如何开放合作,满足那些追求归属感和希望积极参与的粉丝和客户的新期望。

问自己:哪些粉丝或成员的行为是我所期待的,能够为品牌增值?我需要采取什么样的激励模型(例如代币)来促进这种行为?简单地创建一个 Discord 频道或推出 NFT 并不足以构建一个真正的社区。相反,应当聚焦于技术的潜力,探索它如何能够助力构建社区、共同创造和价值分享。从小规模做起,邀请最忠实的粉丝参与,逐步扩大范围,征求他们的意见,开放合作。同时,认可并奖励成员的贡献,并逐渐引入代币,使其成为参与正在兴起的“WE 经济”的一种凭证和奖励机制。

The author's compilation source regards collective ownership and subjectivity as powerful reinforcing factors, which can significantly amplify its influence and effect. Many articles discuss how to greatly release the economic potential of creators. In this emerging field, creators not only own and control their own platforms and profit models, but also establish deeper connections with their fans. This change makes it possible to use the concept of loyal fans. For those brands who are eager to establish direct contact with customers, by eliminating social interaction, Media platform, the middle layer, can create its own first-party channel to interact directly with the most loyal customers and provide rewards for loyalty. For example, brand followers can be transformed into brand advocates through value-added services and exclusive offers. Although existing tools can also achieve these goals, it provides a simpler and more scalable way to access and realize profits more conveniently. It is not enough to form a community simply by establishing direct contact with the audience. It is not enough to transform brand fans into supporters. The key to establishing a more stable relationship is to cultivate a sense of common ownership, especially through token, which we can call sponsorship upgrade. However, so far, this sense of ownership has mainly stayed at the individual level and has not extended to the collective, which provides a unique opportunity for creators and brands to recognize and reward their core fans by providing extra attention, practical privileges and benefits in return for their support, which can often promote stronger. Strong sense of loyalty and network effect, however, it should be noted that this kind of network is usually one-way or one-to-many. In this kind of network, creators or brands, as the center of the network, occupy most of the creation and acquisition of value. Even if they have their own audience through or such a platform, the actual communication mode is still one-to-many broadcasting rather than many-to-many interaction. If there is no substantive interaction between people, then we can't call it a real community interaction mode. From one-to-many to many-to-many, that is, to the community model, in essence, it is from simply paying attention to the number of audiences and profits to strengthening the connection and co-creation within the network. In this model, as a creator or brand, your role is no longer the only core of activities and value creation. On the contrary, you become a promoter and connection point to gather groups around common interests or goals. Although you may still dominate the narrative, it also means that you need to gradually give up some control rights and turn to more interactive and participatory relationships. This transformation encourages like-minded individuals to connect, cooperate and share the value created. This model is sometimes called community creator economy, which is an evolution or branch of creator economy. This concept focuses on creators and brands who use their online communities or fans to create and expand value. A remarkable advantage of token is that it has achieved the core goal of economic activities, effectively aligning incentives with ideal behaviors, and the economic model has opened up a way for creators and brands. The new growth and business road not only satisfies people's pursuit of belonging, but also caters to the growing demand of consumers and fans for real participation and co-creation opportunities, especially the younger generation of consumers and fans, who are eager to participate more deeply and actively. These young people seek to establish contact with people who share common brands or creators' preferences, and they hope that their voices will be heard and recognized. In order to achieve this goal, they are willing to invest time, skills and resources. Participating in the brand's innovative development and decision-making process to get a part of the results can be realized as a token-based loyalty programs. In these plans, members are provided with exclusive privileges and benefits by setting up token gates. In addition, it allows members to vote on product development and brand strategy by using token-based systems. At the same time, this model rewards those loyal and substantial customers through token incentives so that they can share the success of the brand. Such plans can continue to capture powder. Silk's latest expectation is to exchange their valuable insights and create common efforts by providing unique community experience and practical benefits. The business model is based on two key concepts. First, it depends on the active participation of community members, who invest time to help create, develop and manage brands or products, and thus get some successful returns. Second, this model uses the smart contract and token system based on blockchain to realize large-scale safe voting participation and reward distribution mechanism in this emerging situation. In the business environment, collective ownership and community action have turned into a powerful catalyst for growth and motivation, helping creators and brands to quickly build their growth network. This transformation means a transition from a single trading relationship to a more participatory and community-oriented relationship, so creators and brands have begun to shape their own unique network effects. Under the framework of brands, they are no longer simply promoting products, but accessing rights and ownership through consumer incentives and brand reputation. With the development of encryption technology, a brand-new participatory economic infrastructure can be built, which not only enhances the social and financial value of the brand, but also acts as a driving force to encourage fans and customers to become active contributors to the brands they support. Under the new brand model, brand construction and management are no longer the exclusive domain of a few experts, but are encouraged by this community in a wider community. Some people actively participate in the joint development and shaping of brands, thus turning consumers into co-creators and stakeholders. For creators or brands, the transition from a self-centered economy to a community-centered economy is not a simple on-off process. It is suggested to adopt an orderly and well-thought-out strategy to gradually climb, walk and run, while ensuring that they always focus on the substantial growth of brands and businesses, rather than just launching some ostentatious but meaningless plans. At present, the goal should first consider how to cultivate the enthusiasm and participation of the community among the fans. It is important to explore how to open cooperation to meet the new expectations of fans and customers who pursue a sense of belonging and want to actively participate. Ask yourself which fans or members' behaviors are what I expect to add value to the brand. What kind of incentive model do I need to adopt, such as tokens, to promote this behavior? Simply creating a channel or launching it is not enough to build a real community. On the contrary, we should focus on the potential of technology and explore how it can help build a community, create together and share value. Starting from a small scale is the most loyal invitation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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