2024展望:比特币ETF新周期 加密市场水大鱼大

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"Fish where the fish are." (在有鱼的地方钓鱼)


最近有好些朋友问,DeepQuant 有 2024年的预测吗?去年看了你们年初报告,抄底币圈,抓住了复苏牛市,收益颇丰,想了解你们今年怎么看?

感谢信任,恭喜 To da Moon,感兴趣可以翻阅公众号【DeepQuant Group】。但我再次声明,个人及团队的观点均不构成投资建议,仅供参考,我们这些年坚持输出认知,主要是为了日后复盘。

在我初入投资行业时,前辈教诲,你有哪些洞察与众不同?将决定你何去何从。本文信息量较大,涉及行为金融学、宏观经济周期、基本面分析、AI 、各赛道分析,建议先收藏或分享,日后细读,如有异议,欢迎交流。


1. 2023 年复苏小牛市已经结束,短中期内注意风险控制,比特币 ETF 通过后靴子落地,利好出尽即利空,注意风险控制,切勿加杠杆,否则很容易多空双爆。

2. 目前是预期牛,如果 2024 年没有范式转移,比特币大概率会在 3 万 U-5 万 U 震荡,也有可能跌破 3 万 U。

3. 虽然复苏小牛市趋势将结束,但下一波才是真正的超级大牛市,现在的行情只是预热。

4. 短期情绪导向,但如果看长远些,例如 2-5 年,我们正处于加密市场的超级周期底部,2024 年是最好的入场时机。

5. 中期看开发者,Web3 市场得开发者得天下,目前开发者没增长,哪里有牛市引擎?不断炒概念是能激活存量韭菜,但无法吸引增量用户。

6. 长期看金融,取决于美联储降息,不确定 2024 年比特币是否会突破 7 万 U,但2025 年大概率会到 15 万 U。

7. 比特币一枝独秀不是超级牛市,像 2017 年、2021 年千币齐涨才是,这一次和以前也没啥不一样,加入泡沫,理解泡沫,质疑泡沫。

8. Web3下一轮牛市引擎来自于 AI,Web3 从业者不要画地为牢,过去乐高式金融玩法简单粗暴,但如果能结合生产力革命,更多内容,更多流量,更多流动性。

9. 用 AI 驱动 Web3 行业是一种思路,例如 GameFi 的 NPC、DeFi 的智能交易,但远不如用 Web3 改造 AI 行业的思路,那是更高维度的估值。

10. 错过铭文、MEME 等各类暴富不可怕,错过超级周期才可怕,只要别瞎搞,都能抓住行业红利,人生只需富一次,别踩雷,就够了。

如下 10 条认知,1-3 是关于趋势的判断,4-6 是关于趋势的变量参考,7-10 是关于我们对 2024 加密市场牛市引擎的分析。

1. 2023 年牛市复苏

很多人没有预料到,2023 年的走势竟然是 J 型复苏,有些机构年前预测会 L 型复苏,但市场就是这么随机,往往不按常理出牌。

据我观察,很多机构和大户一直在等比特币回调后抄底,结果一年都没怎么回调,有时候千金难买牛回头,不过也证实了用户情绪,苦熊市久矣。2023 年有比特币 ETF 预期,动能就一直很强劲,一年之内就有 MEME、AI、铭文三轮热潮。

但是,2023 年的牛市主要还是比特币驱动,而且已经趋近末尾,短中期内注意风险控制,比特币 ETF 通过后靴子落地,市场已经充分 price in,利好出尽即利空,宴会落幕,注意风险控制,切勿加杠杆,否则很容易被多空双爆。

作为一名传统交易员,我可能对短期并没有那么乐观。比特币 ETF 通过,意味着比特币的定价权易主。比特币价格将会更加公允,华尔街机构将对加密市场更有影响力。正规军入场,原先 USDT 增发、头部交易所造势、散户情绪的影响力将会大幅削弱。

2. 保持清醒

2023 年的复苏是对 2022 年危机的修复,虽然一直有一些造富效应,但大部分都是炒概念、强控盘、FOMO 的结果,并没有形成夯实的正循环增长逻辑。


目前加密市场还是停留在炒概念阶段,如果 2024 年未发生范式转移,比特币大概率会在 3 万 U-5 万 U 左右波动几个来回,也有可能跌破 3 万 U。从目前 DeFi 抵押市场分析,比特币如果低于25000 U 则具备很高安全边际,也将是很难得的抄底机会。

图 1. WBTC 质押

加密市场期待根本性的范式转移,包括新的出圈应用、流动性机制等,本质上都是突破行业流量、流动性增长的困境,例如 DePIN、Fair Mode、Telegram Bot 等创新玩法,都是很有价值的尝试,值得深入探索。

3. 超级周期底部

虽然 2023 年复苏小牛市趋势将结束,但下一波才是真正的超级大牛市。我们可以看到,GBTC 的负溢价缩小,已经从原先的-40%多要转正了,这也说明加密市场早已度过至暗时刻。

图 2. GBTC 溢价

BTC ETF 通过,将为传统金融机构涌入加密市场搭建通道,增量流动性有了。2024 年比特币生态基础设施将会更加完善,未来更有扩展性。AI 生产力降低门槛,赋能到 Web3 各个领域。DePIN 赛道极有可能诞生出圈应用,带来更多流量。

基于如上种种变化,不只是比特币的超级周期,Web3 旧叙事也会老树开新花,市场将会更加繁荣。不过在新兴市场里,炒新不炒旧,新叙事毕竟比旧盘子抛压小。

4. 短期看情绪

过去一年复苏呈现的动能很强劲,几乎无回调上涨,很多人错过了上车机会,所以下一波大牛市会有一大波存量资金加入,从而形成动能增强。在此之前,市场需要大幅回调,也有可能会持续盘整,但都是为了蓄势突破 7 万新高。

如果看长远些,例如 2-5 年,我们正处于加密市场的超级周期底部,2024 年是最好的入场时机,没有抄底接刀子的恐惧,也不会焦虑被套牢在山顶。

市场不会一直上涨,大暑之后也会有大寒,永远都有机会,不要太 FOMO 而一次性 All in,学会在市场回调、盘整中等待。忍耐期间不用太难受,蓄势越久,下一波大牛市越强劲,越能创新高。

5. 中期看开发者

保持清醒的一个重要数据来自于开发者活跃率,由于量化交易背景,我们团队技术驱动,而且在加密货币行业呆了 7 年,深知每一轮大牛市都需要新的叙事和流量,哪怕不出圈,也要有开发者狂热地开新盘子。

加密市场和一级市场密不可分,二级市场的板块离不开一级市场的生态推动,往往生态得开发者得天下,例如 2021 年的 Solona 凭借独特定位吸引了大批开发者,才有了 200 倍收益的神话。

目前根据公开数据可知,行业里每周活跃开发者已经从 2021 年牛市的 1 万降低至 5 千,虽然数据可能统计不全面,但也能反映开发者趋势。开发者都没增长,哪里有牛市引擎?不断炒新概念是能激活存量韭菜,但无法吸引持续增量用户。

图 3. 各大公链生态开发者汇总

6. 长期看美联储降息

短期趋势存在诸多变数,没有人能够精准预测每一次涨跌,长期更具有确定性。根据美国非农就业数据、掉期交易等分析,原本今年 3 月份美联储降息板上钉钉,但概率已经降低至 70%左右。降息如果延后,将会影响超级牛市启动时间。

加密市场本质是新型科技风险资产,高成长也伴随高风险,只有在降息宽松情况下,大量的热钱才会转化为流动性。虽然不确定比特币 2024 年是否会突破 7 万 U,但中长期来看,美联储降息势在必行,2025 年比特币大概率会到 15 万 U。

如果美联储开始降息,比特币 ETF 通道已经搭建好,降息放大水,水大鱼更大,这就真的顺应了查理芒格的那句“去有鱼的地方钓鱼“格言,整个加密市场都会迎来超级溢价。原先价值投资派批判比特币是老鼠仓,目前却已成为华尔街香饽饽,可见时过境迁。

7. 与泡沫共舞

2023 年虽然有一些十倍百倍币,但比较少,而且大多是情绪驱动,媒体宣传中也存在幸存者效应。忽略这些噪音,市场的本质还是比特币一枝独秀,所以并不是超级牛市,像 2017 年、2021 年千帆竞技才是,目前泡沫需要挤一挤。


索罗斯有句名言,大意是世界经济史是一部充满假象与谎言的连续剧,要想获得财富,就要认清假象,参与其中,然后在公众认识之前退出游戏。这句话想起来容易,但做起来难,回顾一下,2000 年的互联网泡沫,2017 年的币圈热潮,赚钱的毕竟是少数,很多人都有深度认知,但都缺乏纪律性,最后在泼天富贵下还是亏钱。

可以预料得到,2024 将会有各种新叙事轰炸,加入泡沫,理解泡沫,质疑泡沫,这样就能快速洞察真正的牛市引擎。

8. AI 驱动 Web3 牛市

让我们把视野从加密行业看向全球趋势,2024 年我们正处于数十年之大变局。过去 20 年,互联网的发展影响,超过了过去 200 年工业革命的影响,过去 200 年的影响,也超过了过去 2000 年的影响,技术正在加速发展,我们正处于幂指数跃迁增长的时代节点。

加密市场并不是一个孤岛,下一轮牛市引擎大概率来自于 AI,Web3 从业者不要画地为牢,过去 DeFi 乐高式玩法简单粗暴,造富神话确实吸引了不少人前赴后继,如果能结合 AI 生产力,可能会发生更多神奇的化学反应。

我们在量化分析区块链项目的过程中,得出一个"临界点"理论。很多 Web3项目非常有价值,而且逻辑自洽,但是由于基础设施不完善、运营成本高、增长 ROI 低等各种原因,导致无法突破用户增长的临界点,从而会自然萎缩。如果借助 AI 赋能,突破临界点,形成分布式的网络效应,原先很多有价值的 Web3 产品确实可以落地,让更多人享受 Web3 商业化的价值。

让我们看一些潜在 AI+Web3 案例:

- 用 AI 开发 GameFi 的 NPC,降低开发成本,创造更丰富的用户体验。

- 用 AI 进行 DeFi 的智能交易,创造不菲收益,甚至还能把 DeFi 可组合性玩出新花样。

- AI 能够降低内容创作成本,繁荣 Web3创作者经济,赋能更多普通人,从而吸引更多流量。

- DePIN 赛道最难的是突破网络效应临界点,大部分很难成功,但少数和 AI 场景结合则有戏,因为能创造更高的 ROI,一旦成功,将会给行业带来巨大流量和流动性。

9. Web3 赋能 AI 产业

用 AI 驱动 Web3 行业,本质上是把 AI 当成工具,用在 Web3 行业降本增效,但 Web3 存量市场有限,增量市场还需要时间培养,估值有限。不过由于比较容易讲故事,比较受加密二级市场欢迎,最近 Binance 上线的 NFTPrompt、Sleepless 都是类似逻辑。

有时候我们需要逆向思考,如上思路远不如用 Web3 改造 AI 行业,AI-native 才具备更高维度的估值,因为 AI 产业链是万亿级别的市场。我们更需要思考 Web3 的独特价值,如何成为 AI 行业必不可少的一部分。例如 DePIN 的分布式经济优势、DAO 的去中心化治理价值。

二级市场已经给出了方向,例如 Binance 上的 Render 市值 20 亿刀以上,主打分布式 GPU,虽然都是在讲故事,用户量都很一般,但 AI-native 估值更高。还有 DCG、Polychain 也在挖矿的 Bittensor,去中心化机器学习模型市场,市值 50 亿刀,也是头部 AI+Web3 项目。

当然,一切还是需要回到商业本质,并不是为了+AI 而+AI,AI 哪些环节是非要 Web3 不可的,必须去思考 AI 产业链的困境在哪里?例如 Vitalik 提出的 d/acc 理念,用民主化的技术加速手段才能保障 AI 安全,直指 AI 乐观主义者的中心化监管问题。

Web3 行业已经形成了去中心化金融,货币化机制也较为成熟,而且链上有透明可信等优势,是否能降低算法的研发风险?是否能降低 AI 大模型的运营成本等?这一轮加密市场超级周期,很有可能诞生去中心化 OpenAI、Huggingface、Character. AI 这样的 Web3 独角兽。专注在 AI+Web3 具备高胜率和高回报率,最好是关注平台层,类似下一个以太坊级别。

10. 从铭文热潮到比特币生态

在币圈久了,看别人赚钱比自己亏钱更难受,但市场要的就是这反应,如果没有造富神话,终究会一潭死水,例如 3000 点都保不住的大 A 。币圈用户很容易 FOMO,而且市场缺乏投资者保护机制,到处都是镰刀,哪怕有好机会,一般人都把握不住。币圈永远不缺热点,如果要穿越牛熊,修炼内功非常有必要。

比特币铭文爆火,本质上是散户看透了币圈庄家游戏规则,开始追求 Fair 模式,这是市场诉求,也是下一轮大牛市的必然趋势。目前铭文模式本质上也不公平,虽然有一些造富案例,但终究是少数,所以铭文 1.0 时代很难长久。

铭文热潮虽然有点黑色幽默,但至少给比特币生态开头了。如果能够在比特币生态上嫁接各种应用,具备丰富扩展性,也有可能是下一轮牛市增长引擎,当然最重要的是,行业亟需新的 Fair Launch 模式。

图 4. BRC-20 铭文铸造数量

错过铭文、MEME 等各类暴富机会不可怕,错过超级牛市才可怕。只要别瞎搞,都能抓住行业红利,人生只需富一次,别踩雷,就够了。加密市场上的每一轮大牛市,都是从 Fair 范式开始的,例如 2017 年的低成本 1co,2020 年 DeFi summer 的 Fair Launch。


2023 年 11 月,我建议一个很要好的朋友去抄底比特币,她问我有多少把握,我问你要抄多少,她说类似上海卖套房的样子,然后我就不说话了,也不知道她有没有执行。所以做投资最重要的不是预测,而是预测对的时候赚了多少,预测错了止损多少。认知只是基础,难的是执行纪律。


很多年后,我们回过头看,才会发现当前的意义。也许目前经济环境不好,但这的确是最好的时代。处于 AI 和 Web3 两大浪潮拐点,也许短期内我们高估了 2024 的影响,但长期我们肯定低估了 2024 的转折。


Fishing where there are fish Charlie Munger Recently, many friends have asked about the forecast for the year. Last year, I read your report at the beginning of the year, and the coin-hunting circle caught the recovery bull market. I want to know what you think this year. Thank you for your trust. Congratulations. You can browse WeChat official account if you are interested, but I reiterate that neither the personal nor the team's views constitute investment advice for reference only. We insist on exporting cognition in recent years, mainly for the future resumption. When I first entered the investment industry, what insights my predecessors taught you to be different will determine what you are. Where to go? This article contains a large amount of information, involving behavioral finance, fundamental analysis of macroeconomic cycle, and analysis of various tracks. It is suggested to collect or share it first, and read it carefully in the future. If you have any objection, welcome to exchange ideas. The recovery of the small bull market in 2008 has ended, and pay attention to risk control in the short and medium term. After the bitcoin is passed, the boots will land and the benefits will be exhausted. Pay attention to risk control, otherwise it will be easy to add leverage. At present, it is expected that if there is no paradigm shift in 2008, bitcoin will probably fall below 10 The trend will end, but the next wave is the real super bull market. The current market is only warming up the short-term emotional orientation, but if we look at the long term, for example, in 2000, we are in the super cycle of the encryption market. The bottom year is the best time to enter the market. In the medium term, the developer market has won the world. At present, the developer has not grown. Where there is a bull market engine, the concept of continuous speculation can activate the stock of leeks but cannot attract incremental users. In the long run, it is uncertain whether Bitcoin will cut interest rates by the Federal Reserve in 2000, but it will The rate will reach 10,000 Bitcoin, which is not a super bull market. It is like a thousand yuan rising every year. This time, there is nothing different from before. Join the bubble to understand the bubble and question the bubble. The next round of bull market engine comes from practitioners. Lego-style financial play is simple and rude, but if we can combine the productivity revolution with more content, more traffic and more liquidity, it is an idea to drive the industry, such as smart trading, but it is far less than the idea of transforming the industry. It is a higher-dimensional valuation and missing inscriptions. It's not terrible to be rich, but it's terrible to miss the super cycle. As long as you don't mess around, you can seize the industry dividend. Life only needs to be rich once and don't step on the thunder. The following cognition is about the judgment of the trend. It's about the variable reference of the trend. It's about our analysis of the bull market engine in the encryption market. Many people didn't expect the trend to be a recovery in 2008. Some institutions predicted a recovery in 2008, but the market is so random that it often doesn't follow the common sense. According to my observation, many institutions and large After the callback, the bargain-hunting results haven't been adjusted for a year. Sometimes it's hard to buy a cow for a thousand dollars, but it also confirms that the user's emotions are bitter and bear market for a long time. The expected kinetic energy of Bitcoin has been very strong for a long time. Within a year, there will be a three-wheel craze for inscriptions, but the bull market in 2008 is mainly driven by Bitcoin and it is approaching the end. In the short and medium term, pay attention to risk control. After Bitcoin passes, the boots have landed in the market and the party has ended. Pay attention to risk control. Don't add leverage or it will easily A traditional trader, I may not be so optimistic about the short term. The adoption of Bitcoin means that the pricing power of Bitcoin will change, and the price of Bitcoin will be more fair. Wall Street institutions will have more influence on the encryption market. Regular troops will enter the market, and the influence of the original head exchange to create retail sentiment will be greatly weakened. The recovery in the sober year will be a repair to the crisis in 2008. Although there have been some wealth-making effects, most of them are the result of speculation and strong control, and there is no solid positive cycle growth logic, such as My prediction is not important, and we will correct mistakes at any time. The key is that the countermeasures you take are very important and must be implemented in a disciplined system. At present, the encryption market is still at the stage of speculation. If there is no paradigm shift in 2008, the probability of Bitcoin will fluctuate around 10 million, and it may also fall below 10,000. From the analysis of the current mortgage market, if Bitcoin is lower than that, it will have a high margin of safety, and it will also be a rare opportunity to bargain-hunt. The pledge encryption market expects a fundamental paradigm shift, including new out-of-circle application streams. In essence, the dynamic mechanism is to break through the dilemma of industry traffic and liquidity growth, such as innovative gameplay, which is a valuable attempt. It is worth exploring the bottom of the super cycle. Although the trend of small bull market will end after the annual recovery, the next wave is the real super bull market. The reduction of negative premium we can see has turned positive from the original one, which also shows that the encryption market has already passed the dark moment. The adoption of the premium will build a channel for traditional financial institutions to flood into the encryption market, and the incremental liquidity has reached an annual bit. The ecological infrastructure of the currency will be more perfect in the future, and the productivity will be more expanded. The threshold will be lowered and the track will be empowered in all fields. It is very likely that the application of the circle will bring more traffic. Based on the above changes, not only the super cycle of Bitcoin, but also the old narrative will open up new trees. The market will be more prosperous. However, in emerging markets, it is less stressful than the old ones. In the short term, the momentum of the recovery in the past year is very strong, and there is almost no callback. Many people have missed the opportunity to get on the bus. In the next big bull market, there will be a large wave of stock funds to join, thus forming momentum enhancement. Before that, the market needs a sharp correction and may continue to consolidate, but all of them are in order to gain momentum and break through a new high of 10,000. If we look at the long term, for example, in 2008, we are in the super cycle of the encryption market. The bottom year is the best time to enter the market. There will be no fear of catching a knife at the bottom, and there will be no anxiety about being stuck at the top of the mountain market. After the summer heat, there will always be a chance to learn to adjust the market Don't be too uncomfortable when waiting for patience during consolidation. The longer you gain momentum, the stronger the next big bull market, the higher it will be. In the medium term, an important data for developers to stay awake comes from the activity rate of developers. Because of the quantitative trading background, our team is technology-driven and has been in the cryptocurrency industry for years, and we know that every big bull market needs new narrative and traffic. Even if it doesn't go out of the circle, developers will enthusiastically open new plates. The crypto market and the primary market are inseparable from the secondary market. At present, according to public data, the number of weekly active developers in the industry has dropped from 10,000 in the bull market in 2000 to 1,000, although the data may not be comprehensive, it can also reflect the trend of developers. Where there is a bull market engine, the new concept of continuous speculation is to activate the stock of leeks, but it cannot attract continuous incremental users. The summary of ecological developers in major chains shows that there are many variables in the short-term trend of Fed interest rate cuts in the long run, and no one can accurately predict every rise and fall, which is more certain in the long run. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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