Unibot替代者?Banana Gun近期的亮眼数据表现能否一直维持?

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部分数据表现呈过山车走势,但Banan Gun总交易量仍位居Bot赛道第二名

在BOT赛道的激烈竞争中,Banana Gun的表现格外引人注目,尤其是其在关键数据指标上的显著成长。这一赛道在整体数据上呈现出显著的波动,特别是在交易量、交易次数(Tx 数)和用户数量方面。

Unibot替代者?Banana Gun近期的亮眼数据表现能否一直维持?

具体来看,Banana Gun的交易量从峰值期每日近30百万美元降至约10百万,Tx数也从每日最高的80千次下降至40千。不过,用户数方面的下降幅度相对较小,平均每日仍保持在10千左右,这为新兴力量如Banana Gun提供了突破的机会。

下面,介绍一个Banana Gun这个项目,以及其数据表现呈过山车态势的原因。

以太坊链上用户的首选狙击代币工具,Banana Gun具有快速和安全两大核心功能

Banana Gun作为一个电报机器人,其主要功能是帮助用户在加密货币市场中快速抢购代币,特别擅长于开盘狙击操作。这个特性让Banana Gun在以太坊平台上的用户中备受关注,成为他们首选的狙击工具之一。

与其竞争对手Unibot类似,Banana Gun的出现标志着加密交易领域中狙击操作的普及化。传统上,狙击通常是技术精湛者的专属领域,需要对智能合约的深入理解和配置能力。但Banana Gun通过其平台的自动化功能,简化了这一过程,使得普通用户也能轻松参与。用户仅需提供合约地址,Banana Gun即可自动处理其余操作,如识别方法ID、计算税率和设定最大交易量等,降低了用户的技术门槛。

Banana Gun的独特价值在于其对自动化的集中和对Rug Pull(诈骗)防御的强调。它通过私下执行用户设定的以太坊交易,为用户提供了额外的安全层。这种私下交易机制不仅降低了在高gas费用环境下的成本,还保护用户免受三明治攻击——即通过在用户交易前后放置交易来利用交易顺序的策略。Banana Gun甚至在检测到交易可能被夹时,可以撤销交易,这是其竞争对手如Maestro所缺乏的细致功能。

在这一领域中,交易速度极为重要。Banana Gun自上市以来,已经成为市场上最快的零售抢购机器人之一。自2023年6月初推出以来,它迅速吸引了约700名日活跃用户,并拥有超过12,000的累计用户基础。

在用户界面方面,Banana Gun采用了独特的设计。一旦用户完成购买,界面会自动切换到卖出频道,这种设计使用户能够更专注于销售策略。这与其他抢购机器人的设计不同,后者通常在同一界面上处理买入和卖出操作,可能会导致用户操作上的混淆。

Banana Gun的这些创新特性,包括其简化的操作流程、增强的安全性能和高效的界面设计,使其在BOT赛道上脱颖而出,成为加密交易领域中的一个重要工具。尽管如此,其未来的发展和在市场中的持续竞争力,还需观察市场反应和用户的长期接受度。随着加密市场的不断发展和用户需求的多样化,Banana Gun和其他类似工具的角色和重要性将持续演变。

关键性能加持之下,Banana Gun的数据表现持续上涨、涨势明显

在TG Trading Bot赛道中,Banana Gun的快速崛起尤其显著。从数据上看,Banana Gun不仅在交易量和交易次数上实现了稳定的增长,更在用户数量上取得了显著的突破。9月初,Banana Gun成功超越Unibot,以约35%的用户占比攀升至市场第二的位置。而作为一度的市场领头羊,Unibot在币价达到历史最高点(ATH)之后,其数据和用户数量却持续下滑,用户数甚至跌破了10%。

Unibot替代者?Banana Gun近期的亮眼数据表现能否一直维持?

Banana Gun之所以能够在这样的市场环境中脱颖而出,归功于其一系列的创新策略和优势功能。Banana Gun最初通过空投活动吸引了大量新用户,随后通过其独特的MEV Bribe Snipe功能和相对较低的0.4%服务费用成功巩固了这些用户群。更重要的是,Banana Gun在产品创新上不断进步,最近推出的具有Bribe功能的限价单赢得了市场的广泛好评,并为用户带来了显著的利润。在MEV Bribe狙击新币的功能方面,Banana Gun已经明显领先于市场上的其他竞争者。据数据显示,过去十天中,Banana Gun用户对MEV Builder的贿赂总额已超过1700E,远超Maestro的65E,而Unibot在这一领域则尚未展现出同等的竞争力。

此外,BananaGun官方近期宣布,其协议总交易量已达到惊人的3.88亿美金,使其在BOT赛道中的地位稳固为第二名。同时,其代币链上的单日成交量也创下了新高,达到865万美金,并带来了28 ETH的手续费收入。为了进一步增强用户的参与度,BananaGun还计划将奖励提升至15%,从而为用户提供更高的费用回扣。

总的来说,Banana Gun之所以能够在BOT赛道上迅速崛起,关键在于其对市场动态的快速响应、持续的产品创新,以及在关键数据指标上的显著提升。

















2、用户奖励:项目通过奖励机制鼓励用户使用Banana Gun机器人进行交易。这包括对交易费用的部分返还,以$Banana代币形式实施,以及通过代币收益分享计划激励用户保持持有。







风险和机遇同在:用户和投资者需理性看待Banana Gun运行过程中的各种情况

Banana Gun项目的市场估值启动前表现出了投资者的初步信心,通过对预售数据的分析揭示了一个约648万美元的估值。这一数字是基于800E的预售额和每个以太坊1621美元的市场价格,考虑到这20%的预售比例,我们得出一个较为乐观的初步市场评估。

Unibot替代者?Banana Gun近期的亮眼数据表现能否一直维持?

然而,代币上线后的市场反应带来了估值的飞跃,代币价格飙升至8.493美元,完全稀释市值(FDV)达到近8490万美元,这是项目初始估值的约13倍。这种显著的增长可能表明市场对Banana Gun的功能性和未来潜能持有极大的期待,或者反映了对项目团队和路线图的信心。



综上所述,Banana Gun的估值和市场表现为投资者提供了一个动态的视角,展现了其在市场中的成长潜力和接受度。然而,任何高速增长的市场估值都伴随着相应的投资风险,包括项目安全性的担忧、市场流动性的管理以及团队执行能力的不确定性。投资者在热情追求潜在高回报的同时,必须对这些风险因素保持敏感和警觉,做出平衡的投资决策,以确保资本的长期增值。

Some data show a roller coaster trend, but the total transaction volume still ranks second in the track. The performance in the fierce competition of the track is particularly eye-catching, especially its remarkable growth in key data indicators. This track shows significant fluctuations in the overall data, especially in terms of transaction volume, number of transactions and number of users. Can the recent bright data performance of the replacement be maintained? Specifically, the transaction volume has dropped from nearly one million dollars per day to about one million, and it has also dropped from the highest thousand times per day. However, the decline in the number of users is relatively small, and the average number of users remains around 1,000 per day, which provides a breakthrough opportunity for emerging forces. Here is a description of this project and the reason why its data shows a roller coaster trend. The user's first choice sniper token tool on the Ethereum chain has two core functions: fast and safe. As a telegraph robot, its main function is to help users quickly snap up tokens in the cryptocurrency market, and it is especially good at opening sniper operations. Users on Fang platform have attracted much attention and become one of their preferred sniper tools. The similar appearance of competitors marks the popularization of sniper operation in the field of encrypted transactions. Traditionally, sniper is usually the exclusive field of skilled people, which requires in-depth understanding and configuration ability of smart contracts. However, through the automation function of its platform, this process is simplified, so that ordinary users can easily participate. Users can automatically handle other operations such as identifying methods, calculating tax rates and setting up by providing the contract address. The unique value of setting the maximum transaction volume reduces the technical threshold of users lies in its concentration on automation and emphasis on fraud prevention. It provides users with an additional layer of security by privately executing the Ethereum transaction set by users. This private transaction mechanism not only reduces the cost in a high-cost environment, but also protects users from sandwich attacks, that is, by placing transactions before and after users' transactions, they can even cancel transactions when they detect that they may be caught. The transaction speed of competitors is extremely important in this field. Since its listing, it has become one of the fastest retail snapping robots in the market. Since its launch in early January, it has quickly attracted about 20 daily active users and has more than a cumulative user base. It has adopted a unique design in the user interface, which will automatically switch to the selling channel once the user completes the purchase. This design enables the user to focus more on the sales strategy, which is different from other snapping robots. Users usually handle buying and selling operations on the same interface, which may lead to confusion of users' operations. These innovative features include its simplified operation process, enhanced security and efficient interface design, which makes it stand out on the track and become an important tool in the field of encrypted transactions. Nevertheless, its future development and sustained competitiveness in the market still need to observe the market reaction and users' long-term acceptance. With the continuous development of the encrypted market and the diversification of users' needs, it is also necessary to observe other categories. The role and importance of tool-like tools will continue to evolve, and the data performance under the blessing of key performance will continue to rise. The rapid rise is particularly remarkable in the track. From the data point of view, not only the transaction volume and number of transactions have achieved steady growth, but also the number of users has made a significant breakthrough. At the beginning of the month, it successfully surpassed the proportion of users and climbed to the second position in the market. As a market leader, its data and number of users continued to decline after the currency price reached the highest point in history. Even below the recent bright data performance of the substitutes, the reason why it can stand out in such a market environment is due to its series of innovative strategies and superior functions. At first, it attracted a large number of new users through airdrop activities, and then it successfully consolidated these user groups through its unique functions and relatively low service costs. More importantly, it has made continuous progress in product innovation. The recently launched functional price limit list has won wide acclaim in the market and brought remarkable benefits to users. According to the data, the total amount of bribes paid by users in the past ten days has exceeded far, but it has not shown the same competitiveness in this field. In addition, the official recently announced that the total transaction volume of its agreement has reached an astonishing US$ 100 million, making it firmly in the second place on the track, and at the same time, the single-day transaction volume of its token chain has reached a new high of US$ 10,000, and the fee income brought by it has been further enhanced. The participation of users is also planned to increase the reward to provide users with higher fees and rebates. Generally speaking, the key to its rapid rise on the track lies in its rapid response to market dynamics, continuous product innovation and significant improvement in key data indicators. The detailed token economic model, pre-sale and the proportion of tokens available for circulation in the liquidity pool are tokens. The economic strategy and market behavior are all built around its unlocking plan, liquidity and tax policy. This strategic layout aims to balance generations. Coin supply and market demand provide incentives for holders and users at the same time. According to the published information, the liquidity and unlocking plan of tokens are as follows: the supply of initial tokens can be circulated immediately, and there is no lock-up period. The supply of consulting airdrops will be locked in the annual airdrops, and some of them will be reserved for the social task team. The total supply of tokens will be unlocked to the community gradually according to their contributions. The amount is tokens, and the proportion of the pre-sale and liquidity pool tokens available for circulation is designed to provide sufficient liquidity for the market and reduce price fluctuations. The tax mechanism is designed as follows: the tax will be collected for each transaction, in which the distribution obtained by the token holder from the tax is used to reward the tax distribution obtained by the long-term holding team to support the continuous operation of the project. The same distribution is used to provide liquidity and ensure market stability. The project party plans to use tokens and provide initial liquidity. The token economic model, whose initial market value is designed to be consistent with the pre-sale price, also includes the holder's income sharing and user rewards. These measures are aimed at improving the user's participation and rewarding long-term investors. The income sharing comes from part of the income and taxes of robot trading. Although this part of the income is only distributed to the user team holding unlocked tokens, it accounts for a large proportion. However, because the lock is not included in the income sharing, users are encouraged to use robots to conduct transactions through the reward mechanism, which includes returning part of the transaction costs in the form of tokens and encouraging users to keep them through the token income sharing plan. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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