一文详解 MANTA 代币经济学

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作者:Manta Network 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

Manta Network 是为可扩展的下一代 dApp 构建的模块化生态系统。目前它提供两个网络:

  • Manta Pacific是以太坊上面向下一代 dApp 的模块化 L2 生态系统,为应用程序提供了一个可扩展且廉价的 Gas 费环境,使其能够超越传统 EVM 环境的限制。

  • Manta Atlantic是 Polkadot 上最快的 ZK L1 链,通过 zkSBT 将可编程的 ZK 驱动的机密链上身份和凭证引入 web3。

Manta Network 提供了无与伦比的环境来满足 dApp 的可扩展性需求。该生态系统采用模块化方法来满足现在和未来不断变化的 dApp 市场需求。


Manta Pacific 目前利用 Celestia 进行模块化 DA,从而能够降低 Gas 费用,成为最便宜的 ETH L2。自从集成成为Celestia 上的第一个 ETH L2以来,Manta Pacific 已经为用户节省了超过750,000 美元的汽油费。今天,我们很高兴正式宣布关于 $MANTA 的代币经济学,$MANTA 是 Manta 网络生态系统的原生实用程序和治理代币。


  • Genesis 的 $MANTA 总供应量:1,000,000,000。

  • 从 Token Genesis 开始,每年铸造率为 2%。

  • 治理:$MANTA 代币持有者可以对 Manta Pacific 和 Manta Atlantic 的网络治理决策进行投票。

  • 质押:质押 $MANTA 有助于 Manta Atlantic 的整体安全。

  • 收集人委托:$MANTA 持有者可以选择将其持有的资产委托给收集人,或者质押 $MANTA 来运行他们的收集人以保护网络。

  • 网络费用:Manta Atlantic 使用 $MANTA 支付交易费用。

  • 原生流动性和抵押品:$MANTA 代币可在 Manta 生态系统中用作原生流动性和抵押品。

Manta Pacific公司的 $MANTA 实用程序

Manta Pacific 旨在通过链上活动蓬勃发展,为代币持有者、贡献者、建设者和用户创造价值:


  • 代币持有者受益于测序仪收入的高效重新部署以及模块化 DA 的 Gas 节省。

  • Sequencer 收入和 DA Gas 费用节省主要为链上活动和 zk 应用程序提供资金,从而推动了对区块空间的需求。


  • 构建者和贡献者可以从追溯性链上活动资金及其支持的市场中获得直接利益。

  • 当资金充足的生态系统吸引建设者时,就会出现一种共生关系,促进工具、教育、应用程序和基础设施的增长。

  • 收入分配给生态系统项目和公共产品资金,不断激励、促进创新、支持早期项目,并推动 Manta 生态系统采用尖端技术。


  • 由 $MANTA 资助的持续生态系统和社区激励措施以及项目激励措施使用户和社区成员受益。

  • 价值源自链上活动和 zk 应用提供的优势。


  • 对 $MANTA 区块空间的需求会产生收入。

  • 测序仪的初始资金将归入 Manta 基金会进行重新分配。

  • 未来的资金可能会通过出售 Manta 去中心化测序网络的参与权直接计入该协议。

曼塔大西洋 (Manta Atlantic) 上的 $MANTA 实用程序

$MANTA 在 Manta Atlantic 生态系统中发挥多种功能:


  • 交易和合同/托盘执行会产生使用费。

  • 72% 的网络使用费分配给生态系统项目,增强了对基于 Manta 构建的应用程序的激励。

  • 18% 进入财政部,用于激励网络发展和未来的平行链拍卖。

  • 10% 分配给生成包含交易的区块的整理者。


  • $MANTA 充当 Manta 网络的原生货币,促进点对点转账和合约/托盘交易。

  • $MANTA 可以在网络内购买 zkSBT 和 zkKYC 等凭证。


  • $MANTA 充当链上治理决策的投票权重。

  • 它用于提议公投、选举理事会成员以及塑造 Manta 网络的未来。


  • 收集者在捆绑交易和支持区块活跃性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

  • $MANTA 代币激励收集者,确保强大且去中心化的网络。

  • 网络每年将总发行量的 2% 分配给权益持有者,用于维护网络安全。

$MANTA 供应的一部分被分配给空投,以奖励参与和支持 Manta 生态系统的真实、活跃和先锋用户。

$MANTA 代币分配:

$MANTA 最初的总供应量为 1,000,000,000 $MANTA,分布在下表列出的类别中。



MANTA 在 Manta Pacific 和 Manta Atlantic 跨链互操作

$MANTA 在启动时的总初始供应量 10 亿。Atlantic 和 Pacific 两个网络共同拥有总计 10 亿代币。随着流动性在两个网络之间流动,代币将在 Celer 桥的流动性池上被锁定和解锁。Manta Atlantic 和 Manta Pacific 的解锁代币总量决定了当前的流通供应量。

$MANTA 代币在 Manta Atlantic 上推出

分配给公共投资者、私人投资者、战略投资者、机构投资者、基金会、团队和顾问的代币将在 Manta Atlantic 上分配和解锁。Manta Pacific 签订了一份合同,锁定其分配给大西洋的代币供应。由于Atlantic代币是根据归属解锁的,Pacific合约将把相应的解锁代币部署到Celer流动性池中。通过这样做,代币持有者能够在两个网络之间建立桥梁。

Manta Pacific 推出 $MANTA 代币

分配给空投 1(Into the Blue)、空投 2(新范式)、币安 Launchpool 和生态系统/社区的代币将在 Manta Pacific 上分配和解锁。与上述类似,合约将通过 Celer 流动性池锁定和解锁代币。(Into the Blue)、Airdrop 2(新范式)、Binance Launchpool 和生态系统/社区将在 Manta Pacific 上分发和解锁。与上述类似,合约将通过 Celer 流动性池锁定和解锁代币。




TGE MANTA 初始循环供应量为 251,000,000 个。在 TGE 阶段,释放的 MANTA 代币将分配给空投、新范式(空投 2)、公开销售、顾问以及生态系统和社区。


空投 - 5.60%

请阅读 Manta Network 推出 Into the Blue 空投计划了解详情,空投将在 2024 年 1 月 18 日至 2024 年 6 月 18 日晚上 11:59 UTC 期间可申领,为期 6 个月。

  • 「Into the Blue」活动中的 5,000 万 MANTA 代币将在 TGE 解锁。

  • 600 万 MANTA 将在 TGE 解锁,并分发给参与 Binance 平行链拍卖的用户。

  • 对于申领期后未领取的奖励,未领取的奖励将分配回生态系统基金,由社区治理决定如何重新分配。

New Paradigm(空投 2)- 6.5%

为了将 Manta 定位为领先的 L2 解决方案,我们推出了开创性的产品,New Paradigm。

这一创新的 L2 产品不仅提供真实收益,还奖励用户一系列好处。

MANTA 总供应量的 6.5% 将分配给 New Paradigm 参与者。

阅读有关 New Paradigm 的详细信息 Manta New Paradigm 现已上线!

  • 基础奖励:总供应量的 3%.

  • 特别奖励:总供应量的 2%。

  • 生态系统激励:总供应量的 1.5%。


  • 5,000 万 MANTA NFT 奖励将在 TGE 释放

  • 1,500 万 MANTA 生态系统激励将在 TGE 后 3 个月释放。

  • 对于申领期后未领取的奖励,未领取的奖励将分配回生态系统基金,由社区治理决定如何重新分配。

Binance Launchpool - 3.00%

适用于参与 MANTA 代币 Binance Launchpool 的参与者。


  • TGE 时 100% 释放。

公开销售 - 8.00%

MANTA 总供应量的 8% 将分配给参与 Squad Game 的 MANTA 代币公开销售的参与者。


  • TGE 时释放 4,000 万 MANTA;其余部分在 6 个月内逐月(每月底)发布。

私募轮 - 12.94%

MANTA 总供应量的 12.94% 将分配给私人投资者。


  • 12 个月 Cliff,随后 36 个月内线性释放。

战略投资者 - 6.17%

MANTA 总供应量的 6.17% 将分配给战略投资者。


  • 12 个月 Cliff,随后 36 个月内线性释放。

机构投资者 - 5.00%

MANTA 总供应量的 6% 将保留给机构投资者。


  • 12 个月 Cliff,随后 36 个月内线性释放。

生态系统 / 社区 - 21.19%

MANTA 代币将通过链上治理分配给贡献者、建设者和生态系统合作伙伴的补助金和激励。有关链上治理结构和工作流程的详细信息将另行公布。此部分的初始释放将用于流动性供应、生态系统项目和合作伙伴的支持。请关注 Manta Network 的 Twitter 获取最新信息。


  • TGE 时释放 5,000 万 MANTA;其余部分在 48 个月内线性释放。代币将通过治理分发。

基金会财库 - 13.50%

Manta 基金会财库成立,以指导 Manta 生态系统并维护其价值观。有关 Manta 基金会和治理的详细信息即将发布。


  • 72 个月内线性释放。

团队 - 10.00%

适用于当前和未来对 Manta Network 的增长和成功做出贡献的核心团队成员。


  • 18 个月 Cliff,随后 48 个月内线性释放。

顾问 - 8.10%

顾问分配给那些帮助 Manta Network 取得迄今为止的成功,并在未来继续帮助的人。


  • TGE 时释放 2,500 万 MANTA;其余部分在 30 个月内逐月(每月底)发布。

Estimated Validator/ 发行奖励 - 每年 2%

从 TGE 开始,网络每年将总发行量的 2% 分配给质押者,以维护网络安全。作为预计验证者 / 发行奖励代币分配的一部分,将额外发行代币。


  • MANTA 在初始发行时的总供应量为 10 亿。从 TGE 开始,网络将每年分配总发行量的 2% 给质押者以维护网络安全。作为 Estimated Validator / 发行奖励代币分配的一部分,将额外发行代币。

Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is a modular ecosystem built for the scalable next generation. At present, it provides two networks, which are the modular ecosystem of the next generation above Ethereum, providing an extensible and cheap environment for applications to go beyond the limitations of the traditional environment and the fastest chain in the world. It provides an unparalleled environment to meet the scalability requirements by introducing the identity and credentials on the confidential chain of programmable drivers. This ecosystem adopts modularity. Methods to meet the changing market demand at present and in the future. At present, modularity can reduce the cost, which is the cheapest. Since integration became the first in the world, it has saved users more than US dollars in gasoline costs. Today, we are pleased to officially announce that token economics is the original utility of the network ecosystem and the total supply of governance tokens is summarized. From the beginning, the annual casting rate is used to pledge the governance token holders to vote on the network governance decision. Contributing to the overall security of collectors, the entrusted holders can choose to entrust their assets to collectors or pledge to run their collectors to protect the network fees, use and pay transaction fees, and the original liquidity and collateral tokens can be used as the original liquidity and collateral in the ecosystem. The utility program of the company aims to flourish through on-chain activities to create value for token holders, contributors, builders and users. The accrued value of token holders benefits from the sequencer. The efficient redeployment of income and the modular saving of income and expenses mainly provide funds for on-chain activities and applications, thus promoting the demand for block space. Builders and contributors can obtain direct benefits from the traceability of on-chain activities funds and the markets they support. When well-funded ecosystems attract builders, there will be a symbiotic relationship to promote the growth of tools, educational applications and infrastructure, and the income will be distributed to ecosystem projects and the public. Product funds are continuously encouraged to promote innovation, support early projects and promote the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in the ecosystem. Users and community members benefit from the continuous ecosystem and community incentives and project incentives. The value comes from the advantages provided by activities and applications on the chain, and the demand for block space will generate income. The initial funds of the sequencer will be redistributed to the foundation, and the future funds may be directly calculated by selling the participation rights of decentralized sequencing networks. In this agreement, the utilities in Manta Atlantic play a variety of functions in the ecosystem. The distribution of network usage fees to ecosystem projects will enhance the incentive for construction-based applications. It will enter the Ministry of Finance to stimulate network development and future parallel chain auctions. It will be distributed to organizers who generate blocks containing transactions. The exchange medium will serve as the original currency of the network to promote peer-to-peer transfer and contract pallet transactions can be purchased within the network. And other voucher governance rights act as the voting weight of chain governance decisions. It is used to propose a referendum to elect board members and shape the future of the network. Network security collectors play a vital role in bundling transactions and supporting block activity. Tokens encourage collectors to ensure a strong and decentralized network. Every year, the total circulation is distributed to equity holders, and part of the network security supply is allocated to airdrops to reward participation and support the real activity and initiative of the ecosystem. The initial total supply of front-end users' tokens distribution is the total initial supply of billion distributed in the categories listed in the following table and interoperating with cross-chains at startup, and the two networks jointly own a total of billion tokens. With the liquidity flowing between the two networks, the tokens will be locked and unlocked on the liquidity pool of the bridge, and the total amount of unlocked tokens determines the current circulation supply of tokens. The tokens distributed to public investors, private investors, strategic investors, institutional investors, foundation teams and consultants will be launched on the Internet. On the distribution and unlocking, a contract was signed to lock the supply of tokens allocated to the Atlantic Ocean. Because the tokens are unlocked according to their ownership, the corresponding unlocked tokens will be deployed to the liquidity pool. By doing so, the token holders can build a bridge between the two networks and push out the tokens allocated to the airdrop, the new paradigm of currency security and ecosystem community will be allocated and unlocked on the Internet. Similar contracts with the above will be locked and unlocked through the liquidity pool, and the new paradigm and ecosystem community will be distributed on the Internet. And unlock contracts similar to the above, we will try to achieve transparency by locking and unlocking tokens through the liquidity pool. In the future, these indicators will be displayed on the dashboard to improve transparency. In addition, once the contracts are deployed, they will be verified and released on the chain. The initial circulation supply of tokens released in stages will be distributed to the new paradigm of airdrop, airdrop public sales consultants, and airdrop in ecosystems and communities. Please read the launch airdrop plan for details. Airdrop will be held in the evening of October to October. You can apply for 10,000 tokens in the month-long activity, which will be unlocked and distributed to users who participate in the parallel chain auction. The rewards that are not received after the application period will be distributed back to the ecosystem fund, and community governance will decide how to redistribute the airdrops. In order to position ourselves as a leading solution, we have launched a groundbreaking product, which not only provides real benefits but also rewards users with a series of benefits. The total supply will be distributed to participants to read relevant detailed information. Now online, the basic rewards are special rewards for the total supply, and the ecosystem incentives for the total supply are released. Ten thousand rewards will be released in the next month. The rewards that have not been received after the application period will be distributed back to the ecosystem fund. The community governance will decide how to redistribute the total supply for public sales when releasing the release plan for participants who participate in tokens, and release ten thousand rewards when releasing the plan for participants who participate in public sales of tokens. The rest will be released at the end of each month every month within the next month, and will be distributed to private investors. The total supply of strategic investors will be released linearly within the next month, and the total supply of institutional investors will be released linearly within the next month. The total supply of institutional investors will be reserved for institutional investors. The subsidies and incentives distributed to contributors, builders and ecosystem partners will be released linearly within the next month through on-chain governance. Details about the on-chain governance structure and workflow will be announced separately. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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