激进 or 稳定?一文盘点 BRC-20 升级争议风波

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比特币生态、铭文与 BRC-20 贯穿了2023年的大部分时间。就在币价回落,所有人都以为铭文的热度将会告一段落时,关于 BRC-20 是否应该升级的争论,又将各方重新拉回到聚光灯下。争端的核心可以概括为【是否要将 BRC-20 索引所运行的0.9版本升级并和 Ordinals 的迭代保持同步】。目前此次争议以 BRC-20 标准跟随 Ordinals 升级到0.14(截止本文完成时,Ordinals 已经发布0.15版本)初步告一段落。本文将尝试从技术背景,各方观点及动机,投资者及用户观察等角度对整个升级的过程进行梳理,我们可以从中一窥比特币社区达成共识的过程。

1. 争端回顾

1.1 技术背景

BRC-20 是什么

BRC-20是比特币链上的可替代代币(Fungible Token,对比于NFT,Non-Fungible Token)协议,开发者可以基于这个协议进行发币、记账等操作。

比特币链,Ordinals 与 BRC-20 三者的关系

  • BRC-20 是元协议,基于 Ordinals 构建;使用 Ordinals 协议作为完整的数据可用性层,并带有链下索引器来确定元协议状态;

  • Ordinals 也是元协议,基于比特链构建;使用比特链协议作为完整的数据可用性层,并带有链下索引器来确定元协议状态;

所以,BRC-20 实际上是元元协议,通过名为”索引(Index)”(详见1.1.3)的机制来实现1.1.1中所提到的金融行为。




索引器是一个数据库,可读取和注册所有 BRC-20 交易数据,如检查哪个铭文是第一个部署新代币的名称、跟踪铸造代币的钱包余额变动及相关交易地址数据等。索引器应用的规则,就是由各相关方达成的共识。

Jubilee 升级

Ordinals 协议一次升级的名称,发生在#824,544区块上,升级时间为2024年1月5日,具体内容是将 Ordinals 协议更新至0.13版本。0.13版本是 Ordinals 的例行但非定期更新,主要内容是协议功能的进一步丰富。

图 1-1 Ordinals 0.13 版本更新的内容(1) (来源:Ordinals 的 Github 页面)

图 1-2 Ordinals 0.13 版本更新的内容(2) (来源:Ordinals 的 Github 页面)

需要注意的是,Ordinals 本次更新的内容和索引问题并不直接相关。引发本次争端的源头是【BRC-20 根据 Ordinals 0.8 和0.9版本所生成的不同索引标准导致的索引结果不一致,并可能在未来版本产生更大的差异】以及【BRC-20 的协议标准已经冻结在0.9】这两项内容(详见1.2.1)。

1.2 问题与争端


如上文所述,虽然比特链自身的技术已经不再发展,但是 Ordinals 作为元协议,自身存在技术迭代和更新的情况。这种迭代自然也会影响其上的协议以及生态发展,自然也包括 BRC-20。

11月,由 BRC-20 协议创始人Domo提出的提案已经在链上生效。该提案的内容是【将 BRC-20 的索引以Ordinals 0.9 为基准进行标准化并冻结】(意译),旨在维持协议的稳定运转,避免盲目迭代导致对技术标准和协议运行产生预料外冲击。

而在此前的10月,有人发现铭文 #35321413 和 #35329860 可以被 0.9 版本的 Ordinals 协议索引,但不被0.7和0.8版本索引。由于不同的市场采用不同版本的 Ordinals 协议,有的铭文在一些市场上无法被正确索引,并且造成了事实上的铭文编号偏移。

而对于 BRC-20 协议整体而言,这个问题更大。0.8版本 Ordinals 协议的 BUG 可能会导致:1)超出最大供应量铸造;2)不同市场 Ordinals 协议版本差异间的双花。这类风险是不容忽视的。


BRC-20 是”寄生”在 Ordinals 协议之上的协议,其索引是否要跟随 Ordinals 协议进行升级,在现阶段是一个两难的问题。一方面,Ordinals 协议依然在快速地更新迭代,越来越多的新特性被增添到协议中,尤其是”禧年 (Jubilee)”升级即将在区块高度 824544 激活,原有的生成诅咒铭文的方式将被修复,也就意味着,在0.9版本 Ordinals 协议中将被赋予负数编号的诅咒铭文,在0.13版本中将被赋予正数编号,Ordinals 协议的版本差异将使后续新铭文的编号情况出现极大差异。

此外,像 CBRC-20 这种使用了 Ordinals 协议新版本的新特性带来了性能优化的魔改版 BRC-20 协议也对 BRC-20 的发展形成了一定的挑战。

而另一方面,作为一个已经诞生了数量繁多、市值庞大的资产协议,BRC-20 在发展过程中保持稳定自然也成为了第一要务。如果为了追求新特性对 BRC-20 带来的优化与拓展而造成了用户的资产损失,毫无疑问会对 BRC-20 生态造成巨大的伤害。

所以,在技术问题和生态问题的双重加持之下,BRC-20 协议有话语权的各家出现了分歧,争端的核心可以概括为【是否要将 BRC-20 索引所运行的0.9版本升级并和 Ordinals 的迭代保持同步】。

1.3 各方声音

UniSat 钱包:严格跟随升级

UniSat 决定跟随 Ordinals 进行 Jubilee 升级,这可能会导致在比特币链上对 BRC-20 有两套不一样的索引标准并导致不同的记账规则。记账规则差异意味着用户在不同的地方可能会出现不同的余额、或者账户余额对不上的情况,这将会使 BRC-20 市场因 Ordinals 版本索引标准的不同而碎片化。

除此之外,UniSat 还推出了黑白模块系统。开发者可以在黑模块中引入新功能,代币可以放在黑模块中,但是直至被批准("变白")之后才可以被取出。UniSat 也寄希望于借助该模块来为使用者提供便利并且进一步规范市场。

对于其他未升级的协议,UniSat 的态度是 “Split”。虽然是“分离”,但并不等同于 BTC 与 BCH 一样的”Fork(分叉)”。按 UniSat 官方的解释,这种 Split 可以允许两套不同的标准在两个不同的生态之下同时运行,但代币/账本信息等内容还可以自由进行交互。但相比于对技术迭代的反复提及,UniSat 并未过多解释如何应对市场混乱以及双花攻击等风险。

BRC-20 创始人 Domo:暂时冻结,聚焦测试

虽然 Domo 在此前提出了将 BRC-20 冻结在 Ordinals 0.9的提案并且该提案也已经正式生效,但他同样认识到了技术上的问题及风险,并且对升级持开放态度。但是处于稳定性和防范风险的考虑,Domo 反对直接跟随 Ordinals 进行 Jubilee 升级,而是希望当前各索引者继续冻结在0.9,同时在后台对未来版本的 Ordinals (不局限于0.13)进行充分测试。待测试收到满意的结果时,再决定 BRC-20 具体升级使用 Orindals 的哪个未来版本以及是否继续冻结。


除 UniSat 和 Domo 这对阵的两方以外,市场上还存在一些少数激进派,他们提出来的看法就是直接分叉(Fork),即如同 BTC 与 BCH 一样,干脆执行不同的标准,代币信息不互通,”各玩各的”。但是一方面,该方案会对刚刚起步的 BRC-20 造成冲击并且进一步制造混乱,另一方面该声音的持有者在数量上为极少数并且并不会像 Domo 或者 UniSat 一样对生态产生重要且直接的想法,该种看法并没有得到过多的关注。

1.4 走势预测


1月3日,推主 @lilyanna_btc 发表长推,分析了几种潜在的可能性,在 TA 看来,大概有以下几种可能:

  • 冻结派和升级派共存

  • 升级派妥协,和冻结派一起停留在0.9

  • 冻结派妥协,跟随 Ordinals 进行升级




Domo 在 L1F 的论坛上曾经说过,考虑用维护模式慢慢接纳 Ordinals 的升级。也就是说先冻结,后续再升级。这个方案实际上是不可行的。先冻结再升级,会重来一次铭文编号改不改的争论。在升级前的这部分铭文如果回溯,会重排铭文编号,这中间的铭文和交易,会出现比 BRC-20 直接升级更大的混乱。如果不回溯,BRC-20 的编号和 Ordinals 的编号会永远不一致。

1.5 最终结果


图 1-3 各方同意的最终方案 (来源:推特)

  • BRC-20 随 Orindals 升级至0.14版本,即比 Jubilee 还要更进一步。该版本解决了索引过程中出现的 Bug,但是和0.9又不至于有明显的差异;

  • 短期内不讨论 BRC-20 是否冻结于 Ordinals 0.14 版本,当前主要着眼于安全性、稳定性以及相关测试工作,后续根据结果再进一步决定。

  • 对于1.2.2中提到的,可能造成铭文编号重复的问题,Ordinals 的编写者 Casey 曾提议如下:在编号有可能重复的铭文特定部分中添加标记,以表明该铭文在未来将会借助 Ordinals 上的微量修改而被正确索引。在更新到届时版本的 Ordinals 之前,索引商可以暂时跳过,并且在更新之后对铭文进行合并。在当前各方达成的中,这个名叫 “Vindication” 的提案被搁置,不过未来可能会被启用;

  • “Vindication” 中提到的极端情况,各方正在一同尝试解决;

  • 忽略代理和代码(Delegation and Encoding)问题。不过共识中并未详细说明代理和代码指代的是什么。

图 1-4 Casey 提出的 Vidication 提案(来源:Casey 的 Github 页面)

2. 各方分析

2.1 UniSat:“激进”

UniSat 在整个事件中所提出的方案与观点,始终是一个非常”激进”的角度。该种激进有好有坏,一方面该种激进可以始终保持和 Ordinals 协议的同步性,或主动或被动地促进者 BRC-20 生态的更新和发展,另一方面过于激进的方案并且缺乏和同行的沟通协调,确实忽略了可能产生的 Bug,进一步可能导致市场混乱甚至是技术断层。

Domo 曾评价该种激进是纯纯的投机行为,但是该种批评也主要是基于”时间太短”,”缺乏沟通”等角度,而并非技术、生态以及发展路线层面的肆意妄为。考虑到 UnSat 同样为初创团队,希望在生态早期”多做事”以丰富团队经验也是可以理解的。所以笔者不愿以”好”或”坏”来评价 UniSat 的动机与角色,但是非常认可其在本次争端中的积极性。

2.2 Domo 及创世团队:”稳定”

Domo 与团队和 UniSat 不同,始终突出一个”稳”字,即便是在争端发生之前,提出的将 BRC-20 版本冻结在0.9的提案,也主要是为了保障整个协议的稳定性。在整个争端过程中,无论是其所持的观点,还是在社交媒体上的发声,也主要聚焦于技术和协议本身,较少地考虑未来路线。

该种思维方式其实在各行各业中都很常见。主要表现是技术背景人员非常注重技术层面的稳定和质量,认为质量大于一切。对于未来发展,尤其是市场与资金角度的发展重视不足。该种思维方式同样无法单纯地用好与坏来评价,只能说和 UniSat 的角度一样,存在优越性,也存在局限性。

2.3 市场及用户 中立派:聚焦客户关系

持有中立观点的主要是服务提供者,例如 OKX 等交易所。对于 OKX 来讲,BRC-20 或者是 Ordinals 协议,只是其诸多主营业务之一。具体采用0.8,0.9又或是 Jubilee 升级后的0.13甚至0.14并不重要,重要的是尽快达成共识采用哪一套标准,既避免了多套系统共存带来的额外成本,也有助于维护市场秩序。

2.4 阴谋论

小到铭文用户,大到比特币链,所有的参与者或多或少都有逐利的想法,无论这里的利是钱,技术,还是其他。自然,也有阴谋论认为,Domo 和 UniSat 的争执主要是未来抢夺生态话语权从而最大化自己的利益。

笔者认为,该种逻辑虽然说得通,但无论是 UniSat 和 Domo 前期的思考逻辑,发声措辞,还是后期协商的过程以及最后结果所呈现的各退一步,直接给双方扣上”抢夺话语权”的帽子属实有些莫须有。并且,考虑到 BRC-20 的刚刚起步就已经吸引了大量的资金,生态中的机制、玩法等尚处于早期探索和发展阶段,在这个时候就急于抢夺话语权并实现一言堂,并且借此”割韭菜”,实属短视。尤其是各方在争端中所展现出来的,对未来发展的远景,也侧面证实了阴谋论的确站不住脚。

2.5 事件评价


经过了半年的发展,BRC-20 生态已经不再是一个娱乐品或者投机方向,其30亿美金的体量足以引发所有人的重视。那么未来 BRC-20 生态如何发展,并不应该由用户决定,也不应该是 UniSat 或者 Domo,或者交易所来单方推动。很高兴看到的一点是,在后期各方表态以及 Domo 本人的采访中,各方普遍不在意”赢”或”输”的说法,而是反复提到”沟通”、”合作”、”协调”等字眼,同时并不盲目地坚持自己的观点,而是集各家之众长。

近期美国方面也通过了比特币现货ETF的申请,数字货币和区块链本身,也逐渐在由”投机品”向”投资品”演化。BRC-20 生态30亿美元的资金体量,说大也大,说小也小。大在于,参与人数众多,市场资金雄厚,会明智地支持每一个健康发展的项目与社区。小在于,BRC-20 甚至区块链行业之外,仍有更大体量的资金在蓄势待发。本次争端结束之后,虽然各方只达成了一个暂时性的共识,但是所展现出来的良好态度,向用户、开发者、运营团队、甚至向场外的传统投资者,都传递出了非常积极的信号。或许一段时间之后再回首本次事件,会发现生态和行业恰好集中了天时地利与任何,并从此走上了快速健康发展的道路。

The ecological inscription of Bitcoin has been in the spotlight for most of the year, when everyone thought that the popularity of the inscription would come to an end. The core of the dispute can be summarized as whether to upgrade the version of the index and keep pace with the iteration. At present, the dispute has come to an initial end with the standard upgrade to the published version as of the completion of this paper. This paper will try to invest from the technical background, perspectives and motives of all parties. By combing the whole upgrade process from the perspective of users' observation and so on, we can get a glimpse of the process of the bitcoin community reaching a consensus, and review the technical background. What is the alternative token on the bitcoin chain? Compared with the protocol, the developer can carry out operations such as issuing coins and accounting based on this protocol. The relationship between the bitcoin chain and the three is that the meta-protocol is based on the construction and use protocol as a complete data availability layer and has an offline indexer to determine the status of the meta-protocol, and the meta-protocol is also based on the bit chain construction. The bit chain protocol is used as a complete data availability layer with an indexer under the chain to determine the status of the meta-protocol, so it is actually a meta-protocol to realize the financial behavior index mentioned in the mechanism called index for details. The index is based on the bit chain mechanism, because the tokens on the bit chain are different from the real tokens distinguished by contract addresses, but the transaction information recorded in the ledger in the remarks field is stored in text form in each block. The decentralized nature of the bit chain allows anyone to package and upload the contents of a block, and the remarks field information does not affect the validity of the block. Therefore, in order to maintain the information order, it is necessary to follow certain rules to collect these account book information and verify the process, that is, to index and execute the verification process. On the Ethernet, it is called a smart contract, which is an indexer. The indexer is a database that can read and register all transaction data, such as inspection. Which inscription is the first to deploy the name of a new token? The rules applied by indexers such as tracking the change of wallet balance and related transaction address data of forged tokens are the consensus reached by all parties concerned. The name of an upgrade agreement occurs on the block. The specific content is to update the agreement to the version. It is a routine but irregular update. The main content is to further enrich the protocol function. The page diagram version updates the content source. The page needs to update the content source. It should be noted that the content of this update is not directly related to the indexing problem. The source of this dispute is that the indexing results are inconsistent according to the different indexing standards generated by the version and may produce greater differences in the future version, and the new protocol standards have been frozen in these two contents. See the technical problems of problems and disputes. As mentioned above, although the technology of bit chain itself is no longer developed, as a meta-protocol itself, there will naturally be technical iterations and updates. The agreement and ecological development that affect it naturally include the proposal put forward by the founder of the agreement in January, which has come into effect in the chain. The content of the proposal is to standardize the index of the agreement and freeze the free translation, in order to maintain the stable operation of the agreement and avoid the unexpected impact on the technical standards and the operation of the agreement caused by blind iteration. In the previous month, it was found that inscriptions and agreements that can be indexed by versions are not indexed by versions. Because different markets adopt different versions of the agreement, some inscriptions are in the same place. Some markets can't be indexed correctly, which has caused the actual inscription number deviation. As for the agreement as a whole, this problem is that a larger version of the agreement may lead to exceeding the maximum supply and casting double flowers between the version differences of different markets. This kind of risk can not be ignored. The ecological problem is that the index of the agreement is parasitic on the agreement, and whether it should be upgraded with the agreement is a dilemma at this stage. On the one hand, the agreement is still updating and iterating rapidly, and more and more new features are added. The upgrade to the agreement, especially in the jubilee, will soon activate the original way of generating curse inscriptions in the block height, which means that the curse inscriptions that will be given negative numbers in the version agreement will be given positive numbers in the version agreement, which will make the numbering situation of subsequent new inscriptions greatly different. In addition, the magic revision agreement that uses the new features of the new version of the agreement has brought about performance optimization, and on the other hand, as an existing one, A large number of asset agreements with huge market value have been born, and it has naturally become the top priority to maintain stability in the development process. If the user's asset losses are caused by the pursuit of new features, it will undoubtedly cause great harm to the ecology. Therefore, under the double blessing of technical issues and ecological issues, there are differences among the parties who have the right to speak in the agreement. The core of the dispute can be summarized as whether to upgrade the version of the index and keep pace with the iteration. Packages strictly follow the upgrade decision to upgrade, which may lead to two sets of different index standards on the bitcoin chain and different accounting rules. The difference in accounting rules means that users may have different balances or account balances in different places, which will make the market fragmented due to different version index standards. In addition, black and white modules have been introduced. System developers can introduce new functions in the black module, and tokens can be placed in the black module, but until. It can only be taken out after it is approved to be whitened. It is also hoped that this module will provide convenience for users and further standardize the market attitude towards other agreements that have not been upgraded. Although it is separated, it does not mean that it is the same as the same fork. According to the official explanation, this allows two different sets of standards to run in two different ecosystems at the same time, but the contents such as token book information can also interact freely, but compared with repeated references to technical iterations, it does not explain how to deal with market confusion. Risks such as chaos and double flower attack, etc. The founder temporarily freezes the focus test. Although he has put forward a proposal that will be frozen before, and this proposal has also come into effect, he also recognizes the technical problems and risks and is open to the upgrade. However, considering the stability and risk prevention, he opposes directly following the upgrade, but hopes that the current indexers will continue to freeze the future version in the background at the same time, not only fully testing the future version, but also decide which future version to use for the specific upgrade and whether to continue to freeze a few radicals to directly divide the two parties against it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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