Metis:Layer 2首个去中心化Pos排序器

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以太坊生态系统一直面临着可扩展性的挑战,Metis的崛起正在为这个问题带来全新的解决方案。作为以太坊Layer 2扩容解决方案的后起之秀,Metis最近取得了惊人的成就,尤其是其计划在2024年第一个季度推出的首个去中心化Pos排序器更是引发了市场的热烈关注。

市场对于Metis的未来前景普遍看好,也反应在其代币上,METIS作为Metis原生代币同时也是Metis网络的Gas Token,在刚刚过去的三个月内涨幅超过了800%,Metis的TVL更是两次超越同类项目,成为了继Arbitrum和Optimism之后的Layer 2网络第三大巨头。

Metis的快速崛起并非偶然,除了去中心化Pos排序器和Gas Token之外,项目方的推动也发挥了重要作用。12月18日,MetisDAO开发组织MetisDAO基金会宣布成立约1.1亿美元的生态系统发展基金,此举措进一步提高了Metis网络的效率和透明度,同时也为其生态系统带来了新的发展机遇。



除了代币价格的上涨之外,Metis的Total Value Locked(TVL)也呈迅猛增长,在过去两个月内两次超过Base。根据L2BEAT数据显示,截至1月17日,Metis的TVL已超9.6亿美元,过去7天涨幅超过50%,即将成为第三个突破10亿市值的layer2网络。

Metis的惊人涨幅引发了市场的强烈关注,但同时也带来了一些争议。事实上,就在三个月前,Metis还只是一个基于Optimistic Rollup的layer2方案,相比Arbitrum、Optimism、Base等L2网络,Metis的知名度要小得多,甚至不如zkSync、Starknet、Linea等。

因此,一些投资者认为Metis的涨幅背后可能存在庄家或做市商的操作。根据一位链上数据分析师的观察,过去一段时间里有11个地址被怀疑是Metis的庄家或做市商。这些地址在过去的时间内充值了大量METIS代币,而且它们的购买和转移行为与METIS代币价格的变动高度一致。此外,知名做市商DWF Labs也参与了METIS代币的交易,他们以较低价格购入大量代币,并在代币价格上涨后获得了显著利润。这一事实进一步支持了庄家或做市商在METIS代币涨幅中的可能存在。



去中心化排序器是Layer2 Rollup的核心概念,对于实现Layer2原生的DeFi和生态爆发具有重要意义。虽然过去几年Layer2取得了长足的进展,并出现了许多创新项目,但在去中心化排序器方面的进展却相对缓慢。特别是那些规模庞大的公链,往往不愿改变现状。这是因为急于推动去中心化排序器可能会对整个Layer2生态产生潜在的危机和挑战,并直接影响项目方的收益。因此,即使是行业排名前列的Layer2公链,如Arbitrum和Optimism,目前也仍然使用中心化的排序器。


Metis是首批实践去中心化Pos排序器的Layer2网络,为未来的发展提供了一个范本。这个范本不仅实现了排序器的去中心化,还提供了一个基于PoS(权益证明)的去中心化Optimistic Rollup解决方案。在这个范本中,Metis的去中心化Pos排序器包含了三个主要角色:管理员、排序器和PoS共识层。


排序器池是系统的核心,由一组经过验证的排序器组成。每个排序器承担不同的任务。其中一个重要的排序器是L2 Geth,负责对交易进行排序和打包成区块。还有适配器模块,用于与其他系统进行交互。另外,还有一个叫做Proposer的角色,负责将处理好的交易批量提交到另一个系统中。


为了保障系统的正常运行,Metis的去中心化Pos排序器采用了Staking激励制度。排序器池的运营方和共识层节点运营者都需要质押一定数量的代币作为担保。如果有排序器在处理交易时出现不诚实行为,其他人可以提出挑战。如果挑战成功,该排序器将失去部分质押。此外,为了吸引更多参与者,Metis生态还将推出一些Staking dApp,以服务于那些没有足够资金进入排序器池的普通用户,如此一来,一个广泛参与、监管透明且每个参与方都能获益的稳定去中心化Pos排序器执行框架便呼之欲出。

目前Metis的去中心化Pos排序器已经在Sepolia测试网上进行了测试,并于2024年1月3日开启了社群测试。参与者可以通过测试dApp、Learn to Earn等方式获得积分,积分的不同等级将获得不同类型的NFT奖励。通过所获得的NFT,参与者将有机会获得社群测试的空投奖励。Metis积极鼓励社群广泛参与,以便更好地测试网络的稳定性,发现并修复潜在问题,并推动去中心化POS排序器解决方案的进一步完善。


如何吸引更多的开发者加入生态系统,构建新的项目并进行持续创新是所有公链发展生态系统所需要面临的课题,在以往的layer2用户争夺战中,各个Layer 2项目都利用各自的优势吸引用户,例如Optimism通过多轮空投吸引了大量用户,随后利用开源元件OP Stack逐步构建了自己的超级链宇宙。Arbitrum则积极引入了顶级的DeFi项目,如Uniswap、Aave、Curve、1inch等,从而吸引了大量的用户。

首先在费用方面,凭借Hybrid Rollups的巧妙设计,Metis生态的交易体验既高效又安全,另外Metis集成了一个去中心化储存MemoLabs,这使得其交易费用相比较于Optimism、Arbitrum低了十数倍,ETH转帐小于$0.01。虽然未来随着Metis将DA层改为ETH主网,交易费用虽然会有所上升,但也在一个低廉的范围之内,且交易安全性会进一步提高。


另外,Metis非常重视开发者的体验,Metis保留了Optimistic Rollup架构,提供了EVM等效性,使得大量以太坊开发者能够轻松入驻生态系统。此外,Metis还提供了详尽的技术文件、开发教程和相关技术工具,并组建了开发者交流社群,促进技术交流与学习。Metis还通过Bug赏金计划和骇客松活动资助开发者,并提供资金、技术和行销支援。

目前Metis生态应用超过100+,DeFi、钱包、NFT等板块均囊括其中,其中也不乏Aave、SushiSwap、Stargate等拥有较高知名度的DeFi应用,从默默无闻的layer2公链到目前排名仅次于Arbitrum和Optimism第三大layer2公链,Metis的崛起也为长期陷入OP系VS ZK系的竞争内耗的以太坊layer2赛道开辟了一个新的道路。通过技术+激励手段以及坚定的去中心化理念,Metis或将在即将到来的牛市中开启新的叙事。

The rise of the Ethereum ecosystem has been facing the challenge of scalability, which is bringing a brand-new solution to this problem. As a rising star of the Ethereum expansion solution, it has made amazing achievements recently, especially the first decentralized sorter it plans to launch in the first quarter of 2008, which has aroused enthusiastic concern in the market. The market is generally optimistic about its future prospects, and it is also reflected that its tokens, as native tokens, have also increased more than in the past three months. It's not accidental that it surpassed similar projects twice and became the third giant of the network after them. Besides the decentralized sorter and the promotion of the project side, it also played an important role. On March, the Development Organization Foundation announced the establishment of an ecosystem development fund of about US$ 100 million. This move further improved the efficiency and transparency of the network, and also brought new development opportunities to its ecosystem. The three-month increase caused a heated discussion. With the upgrading of Ethereum Cancun, the market opened. The note point has temporarily shifted from bitcoin spot to market, which stands out among many star tokens with its amazing increase. From the highest dollar at the beginning of the month, it once rose to the highest dollar increase, which has become the most watched dark horse at present. In addition to the increase in token prices, it has also grown rapidly. In the past two months, it has exceeded US$ 100 million twice. According to the data, the amazing increase in the past day has exceeded the network that will soon break through the market value of 100 million, which has triggered a strong market barrier. Note, but it has also brought some controversy. In fact, just three months ago, it was only a scheme based on the Internet, which was much less well-known than the peer-to-peer network. Therefore, some investors think that there may be the operation of the banker or market maker behind the increase. According to the observation of an online data analyst, there was an address that was suspected to be the banker or market maker in the past. These addresses have recharged a large number of tokens in the past time, and their purchase and transfer behaviors have a high fluctuation with the token price. In addition, well-known market makers also participated in the transaction of tokens. The fact that they bought a large number of tokens at a lower price and made significant profits after the price of tokens rose further supported the possible existence of bookmakers or market makers in the increase of tokens. Despite the suspicion of bookmakers' operation, as a rising star, their innovative development concepts and technical advantages have won great recognition from the market. Through the continuous increase of prices, it can be seen that investors are still optimistic about the future increase. It is mentioned that it is not yet online, which means that it still has the potential to explode again in the future. The core concept of decentralized sorter is of great significance for realizing the original and ecological explosion. Although great progress has been made in the past few years and many innovative projects have appeared, the progress in decentralized sorter is relatively slow, especially those large-scale public chains are often reluctant to change the status quo. This is because eager to promote decentralized sorter may affect the whole. Ecology produces potential crises and challenges and directly affects the benefits of the project parties. Therefore, even public chains in the forefront of the industry, such as and at present, still use centralized sorters. However, the concept of blockchain tells us that decentralization is the future direction. Traditional centralized sorters sort and package a large number of transactions into one transaction, and then submit them for confirmation to achieve high performance and low commission. However, centralization cannot avoid the risk of single-point evil or failure, so the sorter is decentralized. In this respect, it is imperative to go ahead of all public chains. The network of decentralized sorters is the first batch to practice, which provides a model for future development. This model not only realizes the decentralization of sorters, but also provides a decentralized solution based on the proof of rights and interests. In this model, the decentralized sorter includes three main roles: the administrator, the sorter and the consensus layer. The administrator is responsible for managing the operation of the decentralized system. They set rules and decisions. Deciding which sequencers can participate in transaction sequencing and processing, and controlling the speed of transaction processing, etc. The sequencer pool is the core of the system, which is composed of a group of verified sequencers, each of which undertakes different tasks. One of the important sequencers is responsible for sequencing and packaging transactions into blocks, and there is an adapter module for interacting with other systems. Another role called is responsible for submitting processed transaction batches to another system, and the consensus layer is independent of the existence and management. When a transaction batch needs to be submitted, at least more than half of the sequencers need to confirm that the batch is effective. The consensus layer manages the joining and quitting of sequencers and ensures the safe redistribution of signature rights. In order to ensure the normal operation of the system, the decentralized sequencers adopt an incentive system. Both the operator of the sequencer pool and the node operator of the consensus layer need to pledge a certain number of tokens as a guarantee. If there are sequencers appearing during the transaction, If the challenge is successful, the sorter will lose part of the pledge. In addition, in order to attract more participants, Eco will launch some to serve ordinary users who don't have enough funds to enter the sorter pool. Thus, a stable decentralized sorter implementation framework that is widely involved in supervision and transparent and can benefit every participant will come to the fore. The current decentralized sorter has been tested on the test network and the community test reference was opened on. Participants can get points through tests and other means, and different grades of points will get different types of rewards. Participants who pass the tests will have the opportunity to get airdrop rewards from community tests, and actively encourage the community to participate in order to better test the stability of the network, find and fix potential problems, and promote the further improvement of decentralized sorter solutions. How to attract more developers to join the ecosystem, build new projects and carry out continuous innovation is all public chains. In the past user wars, each project used its own advantages to attract users. For example, it attracted a large number of users through several rounds of airdrops, and then gradually built its own super-chain by using open source components. The universe actively attracted a large number of users, such as top-level projects. Compared with these old-fashioned projects with deep background and strength, it attracted a large number of developers and projects to settle in the ecosystem by virtue of its own technical advantages and being good at figuring out users' psychology. First of all, it was efficient and safe to rely on the ingenious design of ecological trading experience in terms of cost. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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