RAAS 赛道深度解析 除了 AltLayer 外你还需要知道哪些项目

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币安 Launchpool 第 45 期项目 AltLayer 即将上线,也带出了新的赛道 RAAS(Rollups-as-a-Service)在现在多链的风潮中,不仅是 Optimism、Arbitrum、zkSync 以及 Polygon 等龙头公链纷纷推出 Rollup SDK,也衍生出了许多帮助项目方构建 Rollup 公链的服务商,而这类型的服务便称作是 RAAS(Rollups-as-a-Service)。

本周 Dr.DODO 将带大家一同了解 AltLayer 以及其他同属于 RAAS 赛道的五个早期项目介绍,我们一起畅游多链宇宙吧。


第一个介绍的是近期上币安交易所的 AltLayer,AltLayer 目前主打的是与 EigenLayer 再质押服务结合的 Restaked Rollups,能透过 EigenLayer 的主动验证服务(AVS)来加强 Rollup 公链的安全性、去中心化程度与用户体验,并且还提供临时执行层的服务,适用于特定短时间段用途的临时链,例如 Yuga Labs 发售 Otherdeed for Otherside NFT 时造成以太主网拥堵便能使用临时层服务来解决,除此之外 AltLayer 的平台是为多链和多虚拟机世界设计的,因此不仅支持 EVM和 WASM (由Cosmos、Polkadot等使用),还计划支持 Solana VM(Sealevel) 和 Move VM。


Gelato 一直参与为 EVM 公链提供各种后端基础设施服务,包括以太坊、BNB Chain、Polygon、Avalanche 等,Gelato 一直深入参与智能合约自动化服务,并在去年也加入 RAAS 的行列,专注于 zkRollup 公链的 zkRAAS 服务与 Polygon CDK 深度合作为项目方提供一键 zkRollup 升级,核心功能包括托管、监控和运营 Rollup,目前正在为 Astar Network 构建 zKatana(Astar zkEVM 的测试网络,除此之外近期也宣布支持 OP STACK 也就是 Optimism 推出的 Optimism Rollup SDK。


Conduit 则是专注于 Optimism Rollup 的 RAAS 平台,去年三月获得 Paradiam 的 7M 种子轮融资,最初专注于 OP Stack,并成功搭建了 Zora Network、Aevo、Lyra 以及 Orderly Network 等 OP stack Rollup 公链,并在最近也增加了对 Arbitrum Orbit 的支持,并帮助了 Parallel Network 成功构建基于 Arbitrum 的 L2 Rollup,而在数据可用性层(DA) 上 Conduit 同样支持不管是以太坊或是 Celestia,有了 Conduit 运营和维护 Rollup,项目方便可以专注于构建产品而不是基础设施。


Caldera 同样是专注于 Optimism Rollup 的 RAAS 平台,去年九月获得了由红杉资本与 Dragonfly 领投 1kx、SevenX Ventures 等参投的 9M 种子轮融资,Caldera 将自己定位为一站式服务为项目方提供所需的全部工具和资源构建 OP Stack 或 Arbitrum Orbit 框架的 Caldera Chains,在 Caldera 架构中结算层允许以太坊、BNB链、Polygon 和 Avalanche 等 EVM 兼容链作为结算层,数据可用性层(DA)则同样支持以太坊、Celestia 或 EigenDA 等服务。

目前包括 Adventure Gold DAO 推出的 Loot Chain(OP Stack)、币安第 44 期 Launchpool 项目 Manta 的 Manta Pacific(OP Stack)、NFT 平台 Rarible 推出的 Rari Chain(Arbitrum Orbit)与前身为 NFTworlds 团队推出的 HYTOPIA(Arbitrum Orbit)皆是由 Caldera 提供技术支持构建。


Lumoz 是一个 zkRAAS 平台,去年四月获得由 Web3.com Ventures 领投 NGC Ventures 以及 Puzzle Ventures 等参投的 4M 种子轮融资,它利用创新的混合共识机制,包括权益证明 (PoS) 和工作证明 (PoW)。Lumoz 还支持多个链作为基础结算层,可以选择以太坊、BNB链、Polygon 或 Lumoz 本身进行结算并可以搭配多种 zkEVM 解决方案例如可以使用 Polygon zkEVM、zkSync、Scroll 或StarkNet,最后数据可用性层(DA) 也可以任意选择以太坊、Celestia 或 EigenDA。近期在社区之间非常热门的 ZKFair 便是由 Lumoz 提供服务构建的。

Cartidge Slot

由 StarkNet 游戏基建服务商 Cartidge 推出的平台,Slot 允许开发人员部署可管理的 Katana 排序器和 Torii 索引器,并构建以 StarkNet 作为结算层的 L3 公链,是第一个专门针对全链上游戏(FOCG)需求而设计的 RAAS,目前披露的消息并不多,正在帮助 Realms 与 Dope Wars建立基于 StarkNet的 L3 游戏链。


自上一轮牛市便奠定的多链发展方向,在本轮牛市中更加大放异彩,模块化区块链的发展方向让建造一条链这件事更加简单,以往要构建一条公链所需的技术如今都各自有对应的团队与服务能够达成需求,RAAS 这方向便是看准了多链趋势为多链宇宙与 APP CHAIN 应用链而诞生的赛道。

叙事很棒,但实用性与真实用户我在这打上了个大大的问号,链始终是为了应用所服务的除了 GameFi 公链以及 Defi Perp 永续合约赛道能够排除互操作性外,其他目前的区块链项目尤其在 Defi 领域都是架构在少数几间上的乐高产品,并不具备独立做一条公链的条件。


如何孵化或寻找具备发展独立应用链的产品与如何创造持续性的收入包括赋能给代币持有人等,是这些 RAAS 项目需要突破的一堵高墙。

The first phase of Bi 'an project is about to go online, and it has also brought out a new track. In the current multi-chain trend, not only leading public chains have been launched, but also many service providers have been derived to help the project side build public chains. This kind of service is called "This week, I will take you to know about it and introduce five early projects belonging to the track. Let's swim in the multi-chain universe together. The first one is about the active verification service that is combined with the re-pledge service recently. It is necessary to strengthen the security, decentralization and user experience of public chains, and also provide temporary execution layer services. Temporary chains suitable for specific short-term uses, such as Ethernet main network congestion when they are sold, can be solved by using temporary layer services. In addition, the platform is designed for multi-chain and multi-virtual machine worlds, so it not only supports and uses them, but also plans to support and always participate in providing various back-end infrastructure services for public chains, including Ethereum, which has been deeply involved in intelligent contract automation services. Last year, we joined the ranks of focusing on the service and deep cooperation of public chain, providing one-click upgrade for the project parties. The core functions include hosting, monitoring and operation of the test network currently under construction. In addition, we recently announced our support, that is, we launched a focused platform. The seed round financing obtained in March last year initially focused on and successfully built the public chain, and recently increased our support for and helped to successfully build a data availability layer based on, regardless of whether it was With the convenience of operation and maintenance projects, Ethereum can focus on building products instead of infrastructure, and it is also a dedicated platform. In September last year, it obtained seed round financing from Sequoia Capital and Leading Investment, positioning itself as a one-stop service to provide all the tools and resources needed for the project. In the framework, the settlement layer allows Ethereum chain and other compatible chains as the settlement layer, while the data availability layer also supports Ethereum or other services, including the first phase of the currency security project. The platform launched by the destination platform is built by providing technical support. In April last year, it obtained the seed round financing from the leading investors and other participating investors. It also supports multiple chains as the basic settlement layer, and can choose the Ethereum chain or itself for settlement, and can be matched with various solutions, for example, it can be used or the final data availability layer can also choose Ethereum at will or it is very popular among communities recently. The platform built by providing services and introduced by game infrastructure service providers allows developers to deploy manageable sorters and indexers and build a public chain as a settlement layer. It is the first one designed specifically for the needs of games on the whole chain. At present, not much information disclosed is helping to build a game chain based on it. The author's view is that the development direction of multi-chain laid since the last round of bull market is more brilliant in this round of bull market, and the development direction of modular blockchain makes it even more important to build a chain. Simple in the past, the technology needed to build a public chain now has its own corresponding team and service, which can meet the demand. This direction is to look at the multi-chain trend. The track narrative born for the multi-chain universe and application chain is great, but it is practical and real users. I have always put a big question mark on the chain for the application service. Except for the public chain and the perpetual contract track, other current blockchain projects, especially in the field, are Lego products built in a few rooms. I don't have the conditions to make a public chain independently, so I think the priority is better than this type of products that serve the public chain. Of course, whether to develop infrastructure or products first is like the problem of eggs or chickens first. But before the emergence of killer application products, I am not particularly optimistic about the medium-term development of this type of projects. In the short term, I can get attention with the new narrative theme, and in the long term, I am expected to follow the explosion. How to incubate or find products with independent application chains and how to create sustainable income, including empowering token holders, is a high wall that these projects need to break through. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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