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Block chain technology applications? We find that block chains, as a start-up technology, do not adequately meet the complex needs of commercial applications and there are several issues that need to be addressed.


How can fast-track application docking be achieved?


The provider of the application is either the institution, which, although often more detailed or concerned with the details of the technology at the bottom of the block chain, is actually implementing the connection or using it, the majority of the concerns are about the cost of the application, which includes time costs, the cost of inter-departmental coordination, the cost of manpower, the cost of material resources, etc.


Can block chains support the use of large-volume users?


So far, there has never been a large commercial application in the block chain, and most of it is being explored. There are many large institutions that already have hundreds of millions of users, considering that one of the important indicators of the use of a new technology is whether it can be smooth to support the import and use of these large users, and that the import of large users leads to problems of performance and distribution, high expansion and storage of big data.


3. How can access to private keys be secured?


In the case of financial institutions, this is a very important issue. In practical business applications, it is impossible for users to use a series of disorderly public and private keys directly. It is too long to remember, and most of them prefer to use their user names and passwords. This requires block-chain platforms to provide a secure and reliable private key access program with top-level applications. Users can still use their original usernames, passwords, such as cell phone numbers, mailboxes or nicknames, which correspond to the generation, creation, writing or access to the complete private key behind them.


4. How to control the chain of blocks?


For most upper-level applications, the block chain is a black box, and the block chain system is built and maintained jointly by the various actors. For operators, the whole system is either completely uncontrollable or not controlled unilaterally.


5. How can the protection of business privacy and control of operating rights be met?


Block chains have always claimed to be data-sharing and transparency, either in very sensitive terms or in very opposing terms in many commercial areas. So how to meet the protection of commercial privacy and control of operating rights while building this multi-centralized technical trust is a problem that needs to be addressed or confronted in the context of the commercial application of the block chains.


Bubi's block chain solution


In response to these questions, Bubi, as a solution provider to the block chain, provides, in addition to the lowest-level block chain service, an appliance layer, which serves to encapsulate lower-level technologies, provide more landscaped interfaces for top-level operations, and significantly shorten the time for top-level applications. At the same time, we have abstracted some of the concepts that are easier to understand or use in traditional areas of finance or in business.


Bubi also provides a number of visual operating management interfaces, including the configuration of the bottom system, and the management of the bottom health surveillance. This surveillance is divided into three dimensions: the bottom hardware surveillance, such as the memory CPU; the second layer, the network layer, the transmission of information or experiments throughout the block chain; and the upper layer, which is the operational layer, including the synchronization of data between nodes, the normal generation of blocks, the normal validation of transactions, etc.


Bubi also provides interfaces for the application of some data analysis at the upper level, as the block chain contains the most basic raw data, the amount of data is larger, and the analysis of these data varies from application to application, and we also provide a standard set of analytical interfaces for use at the upper level.


Bubi will also provide a visual block browser, and the user will be able to see clearly how each node of the block chain, each block, or how each transaction is displayed in the block chain, or how it is stored.


A chain of blocks that have landed.


Finally, several applications that are already online or already open can be shared.


Apply 1: Score Distribution and Circulation Platform


The country should have scores for hundreds of millions of users, but the degree of stickyness of the points has remained low, mainly because it is subject to the constraints of the issuer, since most of the share consumption is the share of the issuer that builds its own business town, and the commodities in the self-builder city are hardly able to meet the actual needs of the users.


By using a block chain for this sort of distribution, once the volume is distributed to the user’s account, the ownership and ownership of the score is entirely vested in the user. For example, in our first case on the line, it allows users to transfer and trade points between friends, as in the case of red parcels. The traditional points platform needs to solve the problem of exchange rates, using a more market-oriented approach on our side, which means that some users want to exchange a B point with an A fraction, either on the exchange or on a platform, for those with a negative demand, and that the exchange rate is dealt with entirely by consultation or market-based behaviour between the two users.


We want to involve multiple actors on a mass distribution platform. Upstream, some institutions, including those that want to make some stock points; downstream, we want to introduce some large traders, or some power suppliers, as exports, and then retain the original exchange platform, because they have up-and-down resources, and they can use their own resources for commercial development. Many people will ask why there are now a lot of exchange platforms, and one of the more important features of the block chain is that it is the nature of the transaction, which can drive the flow of the transaction or the scale of the transaction.


It is also important that the platform of the block chain system is capable of supporting multi-dimensional assets. Scores are recognized as a more standardized asset that can only be classified as a digital asset, and other assets, such as vouchers, prepaid cards, film tickets, and so on, can be called small asset distribution and circulation.


At first, we chose to use credits as a cut-off entry for block-chain applications because they were a very small asset and a very low test cost application, and in many large institutions, they were treated as a block-chain test water or block-chain POC project. With these empirical data, he was able to test whether the block-chain platform was stable, whether it was able to support or satisfy his business. And he probably had an empirical data that, when he put some of the more valuable assets up, he was able to do a better internal push, including an assessment of how much effort was invested, what sectors needed to be coordinated, or how much time it would cost.


Application 2: supply chain traceability


With the technological development and reduced cost of hardware and equipment and the achievement of a supply chain traceability, it would already be good in a centralized system, so many would ask why the block chain should be used again.


This vaccine incident, for example, involved a well-established supply chain system, which, at the time of the vaccine incident, was largely judged to be a cold chain problem, but it was hard to trust users when it took this part of the data out to regulators or made public to users. Because for a long time, the system operated centrally, it was a black box for most people, and it was hard for them to come up with such a data after the problem, even to prove their innocence.


In the case of vaccines, for example, from regulators to vaccine manufacturers, to the cold chain in the middle, to community hospitals, and even to consumers, everyone can record relevant or important information with their own private key signatures. The information of this system has been open and transparent from the time it was set up and started to operate, so if there is a problem, at least some producers, or some of the unproblematic links, can use this data as evidence of recrimination.


The same is true of the supply chain for indigenous products. In many places, it is difficult to provide local protection because of counterfeits. Inner sheep, for example, the country's lambs are said to be internal sheep, but real internal lambs are difficult to sell at high prices, because it is difficult for the whole country to sell thirty pounds a pound for a pound, which makes it very difficult for you to sell, and makes it very expensive for many people to buy, if you really sell them at other prices, and local governments need large subsidies. This is when the government has the incentive to take the lead or organize the up and downs of these local meats, including processing, production, procurement, marketing, distribution, etc.


Application of 3. Block chain equity registration and trading platforms


This was created by us in partnership with another business team, currently in some local stock exchanges, some cultural exchanges, etc. For regional exchanges, the volume of transactions is either relatively small, and they want to use block chains to break geographical boundaries.


We have also interacted with a number of fund-raising platforms, many investors' project management is very confusing, and each investment director spends a lot of time on all these adjustments, which are, to some extent, open or shared, because in the whole area of investment, many times it is possible to follow or lead, and everyone is not directly competing.


For Pre-IPO companies, such as rice or dripping as valuable equity or options, many may not be able to wait to be listed, may wish to leave early, or may wish to change their jobs, etc., and they may trade and cash this portion of PREIPO equity in advance.


We will also work with some of the P2P platforms, which now have an increasing number of P2P running events, and are actually trying to create a transparent platform where some information about projects or objects, including the process of their implementation, can be made public to the credit of the C-side users of these funds or of some institutional users.


The application of block chain technology? The principle of block chain? This is reflected in the application of each living block chain, and we can easily sense the power of this block chain technology and the good prospects that it will bring about a rapid change in the world.



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