IOSG Ventures 研究员:我对 EigenLayer 的4点看法

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 10:17:23 评论:0



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作者:Jiawei,IOSG Ventures 来源:X,@Elegy4TheArctic

最近关于 Eigenlayer 的讨论非常多,我们从22年8月开始和团队接触,写了一系列介绍EigenLayer和EigenDA的文章。这篇推文我会分享我对EigenLayer的看法。

1. EigenLayer 是以太坊加密经济安全的外延。EigenLayer 的市场需求和供给非常坚固。




EigenLayer 让现有的以太坊质押者进行再次质押 (Restaking),从而为这些中间件提供经济安全。如果这些再质押者诚实工作可以获得奖励,若作恶则会导致原有的以太坊质押敞口被罚没。


2. EigenLayer 是一个「超级连接器」,同时连接 Staking、基础设施中间件和 DeFi 三大板块。

最近 EigenLayer 提升存款上限,一下点燃了多个 Staking 项目的热度。对于质押者来说,EigenLayer 将来可以为他们提供额外收益。

对于中间件项目来说,EigenLayer 可以帮助他们进行网络快速冷启动,即便之后自己发行代币,也可以切换到由自己代币驱动的模式。EigenLayer 就像一个安全服务提供商。

对于 DeFi 来说,可以基于 EigenLayer 构建各种衍生品。

3. EigenDA 是以太坊 Rollup-centric Roadmap 下扩容解决方案 Danksharding 的先行探索版本。

如果我们阅读 EigenLayer 提出的一些技术方案,容易发现 EigenDA 类似于 Danksharding、MEV-Boost++ 类似于 ePBS,这两项服务就像是以太坊协议层设计的「青春版」。

这样说是因为,它们是对比协议层而言能够更快推出市场的解决方案,和以太坊未来要做的事情保持同步,并通过 Restaking 让一部分的以太坊验证者参与进来,实现一定程度上的 Ethereum Alignment。

4. EigenLayer 有没有使以太坊的共识超载?

Vitalik 的文章 Don't Overload Ethereum Consensus 被多数人认为是对 Restaking 的批评。笔者认为这是一种对维护社会共识的提醒或警告,重点在于社会共识,而非对 Restaking 的否定。

在以太坊的婴儿时期,The DAO 攻击事件曾引发巨大争议,社区就是否硬分叉进行了激烈的讨论。而如今,包括 Rollup 在内的以太坊生态已经承载了庞大的应用。因此,避免在社区内引起极大分歧,保持社会共识的一致性是非常重要的。

今天 L2 的总 TVL 超过百亿美金,如果出现问题,牵扯极大。此时若社区提议执行硬分叉,对状态进行回滚,必然会引起巨大争议。假设你我有一笔不小的资金在上面,将会如何选择 —— 拿回这笔钱还是敬畏区块链的不可篡改性?Vitalik 想要说的点是:依赖于以太坊构建的项目应该妥善管控风险,不应该试图拉拢以太坊的社会共识,把项目的生死存亡和以太坊进行强绑定。

回归到 EigenLayer 的讨论上,管控风险的重点是 AVS 需要定义客观的、链上可查的、可归因的罚没规则,以避免产生分歧。例如,在以太坊上对区块进行双重签名;在


There has been a lot of discussion about the author's source recently. We have written a series of introduction and articles in contact with the team since June. I will share my views on this tweet. The market demand and supply of Ethereum encryption is very strong. At present, there are nearly 30 million pieces pledged in Ethereum, which constitute the trust and security base of the whole Ethereum ecology. It is conservatively assumed that only the pledged Ethereum can provide hundreds of millions of dollars of encryption for middleware projects. Economic security In the ecology of Ethereum, some middleware services, such as Oracle, can't directly guide the trust network with the help of the consensus and security needs of Ethereum. Usually, the project party operates first, and then introduces token incentives to attract participants to gradually realize decentralization. There are at least two difficulties in this way. First, the introduction of incentive mechanism requires additional costs, the opportunity cost for participants to buy tokens to participate in pledge, and the operating cost for the project party to maintain the value of tokens. Second, even if the above costs are paid. And a decentralized network is built, and how its security lasts is still unknown. For start-up projects, these two points are particularly difficult. Let the existing Ethereum pledgers re-pledge, thus providing economic security for these middleware. If these re-pledgers work honestly, they will be rewarded. If they do evil, the original Ethereum pledge exposure will be confiscated. The advantage of this is that one of the project parties does not need to guide the new trust network by themselves, but outsource it to the Ethereum verifier as much as possible. Secondly, the economic security of the set of verifiers in Ethereum is very firm, which ensures the security to a certain extent. It is a super connector that connects the infrastructure middleware and the three major sectors at the same time. Recently, the deposit ceiling has been raised, which has ignited the enthusiasm of many projects. For the pledge, it can provide them with additional benefits in the future. For the middleware project, it can help them to start the network quickly, and even if they issue their own tokens later, they can switch to be driven by their own tokens. As a security service provider, it can be based on the construction of various derivatives, which is the first exploration version of the expansion solution under the Ethereum. If we read some technical solutions proposed, it is easy to find that these two services are similar to the youth version of the design of the Ethereum protocol layer. This is because they are solutions that can be introduced to the market faster than the protocol layer, and keep pace with what Ethereum will do in the future, and by involving some Ethereum verifiers. The article on whether or not to overload the consensus of Ethereum to a certain extent is criticized by most people. The author thinks that this is a reminder or warning to maintain social consensus. The focus is on social consensus rather than the denial of right. In the infancy of Ethereum, the attack incident caused great controversy, and the community had a heated discussion on whether or not to be hard-forked. Nowadays, the ecology of Ethereum has already carried a huge application, so it is necessary to avoid causing great differences in the community and maintain social consensus. The consistency is very important. Today's total is more than 10 billion dollars. If there is a huge problem involved, if the community proposes to implement a hard fork to roll back the state at this time, it will inevitably cause great controversy. Assuming that you and I have a lot of money on it, how will we choose to get back the money or fear the unbreakable nature of the blockchain? The point I want to say is that the project built on Ethereum should properly control risks, and we should not try to win over the social consensus of Ethereum to carry out the life and death of the project with Ethereum. In the discussion of strong binding regression, the key point of risk management is to define the objective penalty rules that can be checked and attributed on the chain to avoid differences, such as double signing the block in the Ethereum and signing the invalid block in another chain in the cross-chain bridge based on light nodes, which are clear penalty rules. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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