探索BTC Layer 2生态 MAP Protocol的定位与战略分析

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作者:Haotian,独立研究员 来源:@tmel0211

最近,BTC Layer 2 正如雨后春笋般涌现,不完全统计已有上百条项目箭在弦上,整个扩展生态呈现一片繁荣且混乱的景象。

正因为如此,新链切入 BTC Layer 2 赛道,必须找到契合的卡位。接下来,要谈的是 @MapProtocol。All in 比特币生态之心已路人皆知,但其终局可能并非 Layer 2,而是 BTC 的 interoperability 层。为什么呢?

因为在我看来,BTC Layer 2 生态当前并无一个清晰的“标准”和“规范”:可以成熟的 EVM Compatible 链当成 BTC Layer 2;可以把能够安全跨链 BTC 资产的独立侧链当成 BTC Layer 2;可以把一些类 UTXO 账户模型的性能新链也视为 BTC Layer 2 等等,当然也包括状态通道闪电网络、客户端验证 RGB 等更 Native 的 BTC Layer 2。

理论上,只要这条链能够接入 BTC 生态有关资产,且能够促进 BTC 资产二次繁荣的扩容链都可以归类到 BTC Layer 2 的范畴。听上去似乎对“Layer 2”的定义和边界大不敬,但前阵子 Vitalik 面对以太坊的 Layer 2 内卷大战不也跳出来提议放弃 Layer 2 概念么?

某种程度上,BTC Layer 2 现在呈现的混沌无秩序(熵 Entropy)态是一个不受任何个体主观意志所控制的形态,需要经历长时间的共识摩擦、技术掐架、市场内卷、优胜劣汰才能逐渐趋于清晰。

之前我撰文分析了 @BSquaredNetwork 在 bitVM 挑战机制上的特殊性,也提及了 @ParticleNtwrk 联合 @BitmapTech 在 BTC Connect 上的抽象设计,MAP Protocol 很长时间内,在推特上的呼声都比较大,不少朋友让我分析。

说实在的,一开始我并没有看明白。因为,一个原本对标 Layer ZERO 做全链可交互操作性的链,突然宣传 All in 比特币 Layer 2 生态了,总让人感觉有点为了“叙事”委身的感觉。毕竟,明明可以做全链通的叙事,如果定位于 BTC Layer 2 不相当于自我受限么?

带着这个疑问,我们先来简单分析下 MAP Protocol 的技术逻辑框架:

MAP 定位是基于轻客户端于 ZK 的点对点全链基础设施,专注于去第三方中心的点对点互操作性。如何做呢?MAP 的方案其实是构建 MAP 中继链,相当于 BOB 链中链,该中继链会在合约中预编译同构不同链的签名算法,基于此可以获得跨链通信和零摩擦资产转移能力。

以 BTC 为例,MAP 先在 BTC 链上部署 ZK 轻客户端,轻客户端不需要下载全节点历史数据,就可以执行在 BTC 主网上执行一些操作:比如,验证区块头和交易相关的 Merkle 证明,可以实现在二层链进行提币请求时,主网轻客户端只需要验证特定交易相关的部分数据就可以安全完成操作。

这其实最早源自比特币白皮书中被定义的简单支付验证标准 SPV(Simplified Payment Verification)技术。

若把 BTC 主网视为资产结算层,采用轻节点客户端的方式可以显著提升资产跨链转移的安全性,同时也避免了全节点验证的资源损耗和成本。而之所以采用 ZK 技术加持,则是为了保证 Layer 2 侧链的操作和主网验证共识保持一致性。

(需要厘清楚,轻客户端只能验证支付类型,并无法对 Layer 2 链上的状态有效性做验证,即主网可以根据 Layer 2 提交上来的部分数据验证是否解锁 UTXO 解锁条件进行资产转移,并无法对 Layer 2 链上的更复杂状态做验证)

应该说 ZK 轻客户端 + 中继链的方式,确实可以实现资产的安全跨链和同链无磨损转化。中继链会部署适配全链环境的智能合约(BTC 这类无智能合约则用轻客户端做资产安全迁移)并遵循一套标准来进行跨链通信,再配合一套基于 POS 的交互有效性验证机制。做到这些,就构成了一条全链可交互操作性解决方案。

正因为 MAP Protocol 有做全链可交互操作性的基因,定位成 BTC Layer 2 其发展路径也会不同:

1)MAP 会重点针对 BTC 的主网特性,去丰富自己的 Layer 2 功能,让 BTC 的资产,除 BTC 主资产外,像诸多铭文资产也能安全跨链到 Layer 2 上。

因为单 BTC 这种强共识的资产流通,任何 Layer 2 扩展方案都很难撬动 BTC holder 们的共识,若是铭文资产就不一样了。BTC Layer 2 可以更低成本、低损耗的管理并流通这些 BTC 衍生资产,达成 Layer 2 扩展 BTC 主网价值的目标;

要实现这一目标,就并非简单地把 BTC 资产 Wrap 到 Layer 2 链那么简单了,涉及到 indexer 索引器的账本一致性管理,不同 BTC 衍生铭文资产的流通性兼容和管理等等。显然,要围绕 BTC 衍生资产的特性,开发出更多符合 BTC 原生特性的扩展性能才是关键。

2)MAP 会成为其他 BTC Layer 2 的可交互操作层(第 0 层),试想当 BTC Layer 2 接入的是一批成熟的 EVM 链,以及一批 Non-EVM 性能链,这些链都可以和 BTC 主链以某种方式进行连接,但核心问题不正是 interoperability 可交互操作么?显然一个充分异构 BTC 主网特性且能兼容其他全链环境的链中链会成为关键。

MAP 大可选择不去争抢 Layer 2 链的 C 位,静观其他 Layer 2 链互相竞争,然后在他们把市场撕裂到七分八裂的时候,再基于自己全链可交互操作性的特性来整合和管理流动性。


当然,在 BTC Layer 2 角逐的蛮荒时期,大家都在挤破脑袋抢 C 位,其中不乏有一些不顾 BTC 主链客观缺陷事实,也理不清二层链价值核心的方案活跃在市场上,这种背景下,一个 BTC Layer 2 若能安定下来,找准自己的生态卡位,才是最终的制胜关键。

The author's independent researcher sources have sprung up like mushrooms after rain recently. Incomplete statistics show that there are hundreds of projects on the line, and the whole extended ecology presents a prosperous and chaotic scene. It is precisely because of this that the new chain must find a suitable card position when it cuts into the track. Next, we will talk about the layer where the ecological heart of Bitcoin is well known, but its end may not be the right one. Why? Because in my opinion, there is no clear standard and specification for ecology at present, and mature chains can be regarded as assets that can cross the chain safely. Independent side chains can be regarded as the performance of some new chains of account-like models, and so on. Of course, they also include state channels, lightning network client authentication, etc. In theory, as long as this chain can access ecological related assets and promote the secondary prosperity of assets, the expansion chain can be classified into categories. It sounds disrespectful to the definition and boundary, but didn't it jump out and propose to give up the concept in the face of the involution war of Ethereum a while ago? To some extent, the chaotic and disorderly entropy state now presented is an irregularity. The form controlled by any individual's subjective will needs to go through a long period of consensus, friction technology, pinching the market, and the survival of the fittest can gradually become clear. Before that, I wrote an article to analyze the particularity of the challenge mechanism, and also mentioned the abstract design of the joint network. For a long time, the voice on Twitter was relatively loud. Many friends asked me to analyze it. To be honest, at first, I didn't understand it, because a chain that was originally labeled as the interoperability of the whole chain suddenly promoted the bitcoin ecology, which always made people feel good. After all, it is obvious that you can do a full-chain narrative if positioning is not equal to self-limitation. With this question, let's first analyze the technical logic framework positioning based on the point-to-point full-chain infrastructure of light client, focusing on point-to-point interoperability to the third party center. How to do it? The solution is actually to build a relay chain, which is equivalent to a chain in the chain. The relay chain will precompile the signature algorithms of isomorphic different chains in the contract, based on which cross-chain communication and Zero-friction asset transfer capability, for example, deploying light clients on the chain first can perform some operations on the main network without downloading the historical data of all nodes, such as verifying the proof related to the block header and the transaction, which can be realized when the main network makes a money withdrawal request in the second-tier chain, and the light clients can safely complete the operation only by verifying some data related to a specific transaction. This actually originated from the simple payment verification standard technology defined in the Bitcoin white paper. If the main network is regarded as an asset node, The adoption of light-node client in the computing layer can significantly improve the security of asset cross-chain transfer, and at the same time avoid the resource loss and cost of full-node verification. The reason for adopting technical blessing is to ensure the consistency between the operation of side chain and the verification consensus of the main network. It needs to be clarified that light-node client can only verify the payment type, but can not verify the validity of the state on the chain, that is, the main network can verify whether to unlock or not according to some submitted data, but can not transfer assets on the chain. It should be said that the way of light client relay chain can really realize the safe cross-chain and abrasion-free transformation of assets in the same chain. The relay chain will deploy intelligent contracts that adapt to the whole chain environment. Such intelligent contracts use light clients to make asset safe migration and follow a set of standards for cross-chain communication, and cooperate with a set of interactive validity verification mechanism based on, which constitutes a full-chain interoperability solution precisely because of the genetic positioning that makes the whole chain interoperable. Its development path will also be different, focusing on the characteristics of the main network to enrich its own functions, so that assets other than the main assets can cross the chain safely, like many inscription assets, because it is difficult to shake people's consensus in any expansion scheme of asset circulation with strong consensus. If the inscription assets are different, these derivative assets can be managed and circulated at lower cost and low loss to achieve the goal of expanding the value of the main network. To achieve this goal, it is not as simple as linking assets to the chain, involving indexes. Account book consistency management of different derivative inscriptions, liquidity compatibility and management, etc. Obviously, it is the key to develop more extended performance that conforms to the original characteristics around the characteristics of derivative assets, and it will become other interoperable layers. Imagine that when a group of mature chains and a group of performance chains are accessed, these chains can be connected with the main chain in some way, but the core problem is not interoperability. Obviously, a chain with fully heterogeneous main network characteristics and compatible with other full-chain environments, The chain will become the key, so you can choose not to compete for the position of the chain, watch other chains compete with each other, and then integrate and manage the liquidity based on the interoperable characteristics of the whole chain when they tear the market apart. In my opinion, this may be a wonderful move. Of course, in the wild period of competition, everyone is squeezing their heads to grab the position, and there are many schemes that ignore the objective defects of the main chain and can't figure out the value core of the second-tier chain. Under this background, if one can settle down and find his own ecological card position, it is the final key to win. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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