惹争议的空投?Beosin KYT带你追踪AltLayer链上可疑囤积地址

币圈资讯 阅读:30 2024-04-22 10:11:08 评论:0



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近期,Rollup as a service(RaaS)赛道的头部项目 AltLayer 开启了2024年目前最大的空投,空投总价值超1亿美元,成为了Web3社区热议的事件。

而本次 AltLayer 的空投活动受到了社区的质疑,空投份额的35%(约3500万美元)分配给了持有AltLayer NFT(流通总量仅2157)的地址,平均每个地址获得价值约1.4万美元ALT代币,而参与测试网的地址平均每地址仅获得约30美元ALT代币。此外,交易员 BlurCrypto 与 AltLayer 的增长主管就是否有内幕交易获利20万美元在社交媒体上进行争论。



AltLayer通过支持所有主要的 Rollup 技术栈、数据可用性层、结算层、去中心化排序器集的组合,帮助开发者快速启动模块化的 Rollup。其主要 RaaS 合作伙伴包括 Optimism、Arbitrum、Polygon、zkSync、EigenLayer、Celestia 和 Hyperlane。

如上图所示,基于 AltLayer 构建的区块链网络会将交易分三步处理:先聚合交易以提高性能,再生成区块,最后验证区块。在打包生成区块时,AltLayer支持使用名为SQUAD的去中心化排序器打包交易。而在验证区块时,验证者需要提交交易数据到Layer1,开发者可根据性能和安全的需求,选择不同的数据安全级别。

而为了实现去中心化排序,AltLayer在执行层和共识层之间加入了一层名为信标层(Beacon Layer)的组件。它是 AltLayer 的核心组件之一,在执行层和共识层之间提供协调和验证功能。信标层中的共享排序节点为AltLayer中的Rollup提供分层交易排序服务,如下图所示。当开发者通过AltLayer的仪表板来创建和启动自己的Rollup后,信标层会分配排序器节点负责执行Rollup中的交易,如下图所示:



AltLayer在公布空投细则后,社区对NFT Holders可获得35.47%(106,410,000枚ALT代币)的空投额度表示不满。因为AltLayer此前发行过两个NFT系列:AltLayer OG Badge和Oh Ottie!,两个系列的流通总数仅为2157。这意味着持有NFT的地址将获得巨额空投,而参与测试网活动的用户平均每个地址仅获得约1000个代币的空投,部分用户被误标记为女巫,更加重了社区的不满。


我们用 Beosin KYT 检查NFT持有者的地址后,发现不少NFT Holders在购买OG Badge和领取Oh Ottie!系列NFT后,他们的地址就暂时停止了活动,直到AltLayer的空投开启


0xf39a地址在2022年7月30日从FTX提出以太坊后,只通过Seaport共花费2.569个ETH购买了8个OG Badge,除了领取Oh Ottie!系列的NFT空投,在领取代币空投前没有任何交易记录。

Beosin KYT

0xf39a购买的8个OG Badge

0xf39a在本次空投中共领取了129万枚ALT代币,随后它将领取的代币发送到多个新地址。具体操作可在 Beosin KYT 查看:


Beosin KYT

分析其交易可以发现,0x4f0e先是于2022年7月-8月花费了2.0414个ETH购买了6个OG Badge。

然后在2023年2月,0x4f0e继续花费了3.343个ETH购买了7个Oh Ottie!系列NFT。随后直到AltLayer开启空投,0x4f0e才重新活跃。

0x4f0e领取了119万枚ALT,与0xf39a类似,它也将领取的代币分散到多个新地址。具体操作可在 Beosin KYT 查看:



AltLayer是RaaS赛道的头部项目,而RaaS赛道可根据支持的Rollup分为op-Rollup as a Service与zk-Rollup as a Service。目前RaaS赛道的服务提供商主要使用的op-Rollup技术栈,支持op-Rollup的快速启动。而op-Rollup as a service的服务提供商,面临着众多安全挑战。


1.  Layer1的验证器合约。每一条Rollup都需要在Layer1部署一个验证器合约,该合约的功能为接收和存储Rollup提交的区块哈希值和状态根,更新用户往Rollup充值提现的状态,Rollup需及时同步修改Layer1与Layer2用户的状态。如果Rollup服务运营商跑路了,用户的资产也需要确保可在Layer1上的这个合约里提取出来。

2.  交易排序器(Rollup Sequencer)。负责处理和执行Rollup的交易,维护Layer1和Rollup 之间用户的状态,以及同步L1和L2的状态。

3.  欺诈证明。欺诈证明正是op-Rollup的核心,乐观认为所有交易和状态都是正确的,等第三方提出挑战,向Layer1提交相关证明等待确认。如果欺诈被证明,则原先发布相关交易的节点会受到惩罚,状态将回滚。

4.  数据可用性。Rollup会将交易数据存入Layer1,用于保证数据的最终确认和状态更新。这样即使Rollup项目方跑路了,用户有可能在Layer1上取回资金。

如果要做op-Rollup as a Service,那上述4个部分都由RaaS服务商提供,Rollup的代码、节点的维护都会由RaaS服务商负责(服务商可能会外包/分配给其合作伙伴)。使用RaaS服务的项目方只需要做好运营和营销,吸引用户来使用自己的Rollup即可。


一是上文提到的欺诈证明。欺诈证明是op-Rollup保证网络安全稳定运行的核心,而随着Rollup as a Service的推广,越来越多op-Rollup的推出很难让安全公司/社区去监控Rollup的状态是否正常,是否有恶意交易。后续相关Rollup的安全事件发生的频率大概率增加。

二是Layer1和Layer2的资产安全问题。目前很多op-Rollup的资产并不是从其部署在Layer1的智能合约充值跨入到Rollup的,很多资产是通过第三方的跨链桥进入的Rollup,这些跨链桥的存在引入了更多潜在安全风险,上个月Orbit Chain就因私钥泄露损失8000万美元。

以上是op-Rollup与op-Rollup as a Service目前最需改进的两个安全问题。

zk-Rollup的核心组件和op-Rollup类似,但zk-Rollup采用有效性证明,当证明被验证为正确后,状态才会更新在Layer1上。这确保了zk-Rollup始终可保持正确的状态运行,相比op-Rollup更为安全。但zk-Rollup的性能与开发难度导致了zk-Rollup as a Serivce的进展缓慢,目前zk-Rollup as a Serivce的服务商基本都还处于开发测试阶段。



Recently, the head project of the track opened in, and the biggest airdrop in the world has become a hot topic in the community. This airdrop activity has been questioned by the community. About $10,000 of airdrop share was allocated to the addresses with only a total circulation, and each address got about $10,000 worth of tokens on average, while the addresses participating in the test network only got about $10,000 worth of tokens on average. In addition, traders and growth executives argued on social media about whether there were insider trading profits of. A solution with high expansibility and low cost to start quickly. Is there any abnormality in the address of the airdrop after the airdrop on the day of the month? What security challenges are faced by the track where the activities are located on the chain? Today, the team will analyze the technical architecture for everyone. By supporting the combination of all major technology stack data availability layers, settlement layers and decentralized sorter sets, it will help developers start modularization quickly. Its main partners include the blockchain network based on construction as shown above, which will process transactions in three steps. Combine transactions to improve performance and regenerate blocks. The final verification block supports the use of decentralized sorter to package transactions when packaging generated blocks, while the verifier needs to submit transaction data to developers when verifying blocks. Different data security levels can be selected according to the requirements of performance and security. In order to realize decentralized sorting, a component called beacon layer is added between the execution layer and the consensus layer, which is one of the core components to provide coordination and verification functions between the execution layer and the consensus layer. The shared sorting nodes in the beacon layer provide hierarchical transaction sorting services for China, as shown in the following figure. When developers create and start their own dashboards, the beacon layer will assign sorting nodes to be responsible for the transactions in progress, as shown in the following figure. These shared sorting nodes use the pledge reduction mechanism to encourage and punish the behavior of the sorters to ensure the security and activity of the network. It is planned to open the shared sorting nodes into a decentralized network that anyone can join, but at present these nodes are the main ones. The airdrop dispute to be controlled by its cooperative projects, after the airdrop rules were announced, the community expressed dissatisfaction with the airdrop quota of tokens, because two series and the total circulation of the two series were only before, which meant that the addresses held by them would be heavily airdropped, and the users who participated in the test network activities only got about tokens per address on average. Some users were mistakenly labeled as witches, which aggravated the dissatisfaction of the community. After checking the addresses of the holders, we found that many of them were buying and selling. After receiving the series, their addresses temporarily stopped their activities until the airdrops started to get the most airdrops. For example, the address was bought only by spending a total of 10 after the ethereum was put forward on, and the one bought without any transaction record before receiving the series airdrops received 10,000 tokens in this airdrop, and then it sent the received tokens to several new addresses. The specific operation can be obtained by checking the address of the second airdrop, which is similar to that of, and then passed. A total of 10,000 purchases were spent, and the transaction was analyzed. It can be found that first, 10,000 purchases were made in June, and then 10,000 series were purchased in June, and then 10,000 tokens were re-activated until the airdrop was started. Similar to this, the specific operation can be done by checking whether the hoarding and silence of these addresses are coincidences. How should the airdrop rules of the project be set to achieve anti-witch and fair reward for users? This is something that both the project and the community need to continue to explore. The security challenge of the track is the head project of the track, and the track can be divided into fast start supported by technology stack, which is mainly used by the service providers of the track at present, while the service providers are faced with many security challenges. The usual core components are shown in the figure, and each of them needs to deploy a verifier contract. The function of this contract is to receive and store the submitted block hash value and state root, and update the status of users to withdraw cash from the recharge, which needs to be repaired in time. Change the user's status. If the service operator runs away, the user's assets also need to be ensured to be extracted from this contract. The transaction sequencer is responsible for maintaining and synchronizing the transactions handled and executed between the user's status and the status of the synchronization. Fraud proof is the core of optimism that all transactions and status are correct. The third party challenges the third party to submit relevant certificates for confirmation. If fraud is proved, the node that originally issued relevant transactions will be punished, and the status will be rolled back. According to the availability, the transaction data will be stored to ensure the final confirmation and status update of the data, so that even if the project party runs away, the user may get back the funds on the internet. If all the above parts are to be maintained by the service provider, the service provider will be responsible for outsourcing the services allocated to its partners. The project party only needs to do a good job in operation and marketing to attract users to use its own, which greatly reduces the start-up cost and time of the project party, but leaves it to the service provider. There is a lot of room for evil, among which there are security challenges. First, the fraud proof mentioned above is the core to ensure the safe and stable operation of the network. With the more and more promotion, it is difficult for the security company community to monitor whether the state is normal or not, and whether there are malicious transactions. The frequency of subsequent related security incidents has increased greatly. Second, the security of assets has increased. At present, many assets are not recharged from smart contracts where they are deployed, and many assets are entered through third parties. The existence of these cross-chain bridges has introduced more potential security risks. Last month, more than 10,000 US dollars were lost due to the leakage of private keys, which are similar to the core components of the two security problems that need to be improved most at present, but the status will not be updated until the validity certificate is proved to be correct, which ensures that the correct status can always be maintained. It is safer to run than the performance and development difficulty, but the progress is slow. At present, the service providers are basically still in the development and testing stage. As the head project of the track, it has reached a cooperative relationship with a number of public chain projects to help developers start quickly. In order to solve the centralization problem of the sorter, a beacon layer is introduced for decentralization and hierarchical verification. However, due to the optimistic assumption, it is difficult to monitor the security of each transaction, and subsequent services may have malicious transactions but have not been challenged for a long time, resulting in financial losses. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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