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作者:Solidity Academy 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


分布式验证器技术(DVT)正在重塑以太坊的权益证明(PoS)框架,解决去中心化的挑战。通过划分验证者的职责并采用 Shamir 的秘密共享和阈值签名等加密技术,DVT 增强了安全性。DVT 由 SSV Network 和 Diva 首创,致力于培育去中心化的质押生态系统。Lido 的合作实验强调了 DVT 的可靠性。

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  • Solidity 开发人员面试指南

  • 审计技术和工具

  • Solidity 蓝图:构建 DApp 的 21 天之旅

除了以太坊之外,DVT 作为一股革命性力量出现,促进信任、安全和更广泛地参与不断发展的区块链技术领域。它是寻求弹性加密货币生态系统的一个里程碑。

以太坊的历程堪称革命性的,尤其是近年来。从工作量证明 (PoW) 到权益证明 (PoS) 的转变标志着交易验证方式和将区块添加到网络的方式发生了巨大转变。在能源效率和增强网络安全性需求的推动下,这一举措带来了一系列新的挑战,需要创新的解决方案。分布式验证器技术(DVT)是以太坊 PoS 框架中的游戏规则改变者。

以太坊的演变:PoW 到 PoS 

以太坊从 PoW 转向 PoS 旨在解决与 PoW 相关的低效率和环境问题。PoS 根据加密货币持有量和风险承诺选择验证者,提供更节能、更易于使用的替代方案。然而,PoS 去中心化的追求带来了挑战,例如财富集中和通过质押池实现中心化的风险。

PoS 去中心化的必要性⚖️

去中心化是 PoS 的关键,确保网络的公平和安全。51% 攻击的风险(即一个实体控制大部分算力)在 PoW 中非常突出,但在 PoS 中则有所缓解。然而,挑战依然存在,较富裕的利益相关者可能会发挥不成比例的影响力,并且质押池会无意中集中验证权力。这些挑战需要 DVT 等解决方案来均匀分布验证过程并强化 PoS 的去中心化性质。

推出分布式验证器技术 (DVT) 

DVT 的出现是解决以太坊向 PoS 过渡带来的挑战的突破性解决方案。从本质上讲,DVT 彻底改变了区块链网络验证交易的方式,特别是在 PoS 系统中。主要目标包括通过将单个验证者的职责分布到多个节点来增强安全性和促进去中心化。

DVT 的机制

DVT 通过密码技术的复杂相互作用来实现其目标。Shamir 的秘密共享将验证者的私钥分成几部分,分布在不同的节点上。这可以防止对完整密钥的未经授权的访问。阈值签名方案确定执行任务所需的密钥数量,即使某些节点受到损害也能确保系统功能。

分布式密钥生成 (DKG) 可确保每个参与者在不完全可见的情况下收到一部分密钥。多方计算 (MPC) 使节点能够在签名上进行协作,而无需泄露其关键部分。容错共识协议(QBFT)可确保每个持有密钥份额的节点就确认区块等操作达成一致。

SSV 网络:以太坊质押中开创性的 DVT 

SSV 网络利用秘密共享验证器 (SSV) 或 DVT,引入了一种革命性的以太坊质押方法。该网络的主网最近揭晓,展示了 DVT 在建立去中心化和开源质押生态系统方面的实力。

SSV 生态系统动态 

SSV 网络由利益相关者、运营商和 DAO 成员组成。质押者利用 DVT 技术来增强验证者的安全性,并用 SSV 代币补偿运营商。运营商在支持 SSV 协议、确保网络稳健性方面发挥着关键作用。DAO 负责管理 SSV 网络协议并管理其财务,并通过治理职能和代币持有者投票做出决策。

$SSV 代币:增长催化剂

原生代币 $SSV 是 SSV 网络的命脉。质押者向运营商支付 SSV 美元,促进网络参与和治理。该代币在支付和决策中的双重作用使其成为网络增长周期中的关键参与者。

Diva:通过 DVT 重新定义流动质押 

Diva 是一种以太坊流动性质押协议,采用 DVT 来提升以太坊的权益证明系统。Diva 为 Liquid 质押者和运营商提供了新颖的功能,引入了动态和非托管的质押方法。

Diva 的独特功能

Liquid 质押者存入 ETH 即可获得 divETH,这是一种可累积奖励的多功能 Liquid 质押代币。DivETH 的流动性加上其 ERC20 性质,允许无缝交易和参与 DeFi 生态系统。运营商无需处理实际资金,将 divETH 作为抵押品,确保网络安全。

Lido 的实验:协作和 DVT 的实际应用 

Lido 涉及 DVT 的项目证明了区块链交易领域协作和实验的力量。Lido 与 SSV 网络合作,进行了一项涉及从节点运营商到社区利益相关者等各种参与者的全面测试。结果证明了 DVT 在处理以太坊交易方面的可靠性和潜力。

更广泛的区块链背景下的 DVT 

DVT 的影响超越了以太坊,代表了区块链网络验证器模型的范式转变。在 PoS 机制中,DVT 的去中心化方式抵消了传统模型带来的中心化风险。这对更广泛的加密货币生态系统的影响是深远的,可以促进信任、安全和更广泛的参与。


分布式验证器技术(DVT)成为区块链和加密货币发展的基石。以太坊采用 DVT 开创了先例,展示了增强安全性、效率和去中心化的潜力。随着区块链网络的不断发展,DVT 为信任至上、安全坚定、去中心化成为常态的未来铺平了道路。在不断发展的区块链技术领域,DVT 就像一座灯塔,指引着走向更强大、更有弹性的加密货币生态系统的道路。

The decentralized Ethereum distributed verifier technology of Shanouba Bitcoin trading network is reshaping the rights certification framework of Ethereum to solve the challenge of decentralization. By dividing the responsibilities of the verifier and adopting encryption technologies such as secret sharing and threshold signature, the security is enhanced. The cooperative experiment with the first one dedicated to cultivating decentralized pledge ecosystem emphasizes the reliability, and the intelligent contract becomes simple. This book series of intelligent contract design patterns, developer interview guide audit. In addition to Ethereum, the journey of technology and tool blueprint construction has emerged as a revolutionary force to promote trust and security and participate more widely in the ever-developing blockchain technology field. It is a milestone in the search for an elastic cryptocurrency ecosystem. The course of Ethereum is revolutionary, especially in recent years, the transition from workload proof to equity proof marks a great change in the way of transaction verification and the way of adding blocks to the network, in terms of energy efficiency and enhancing network security requirements. This move has brought a series of new challenges that need innovative solutions. The distributed verifier technology is a game changer in the framework of Ethereum. The evolution of Ethereum has shifted from aiming at solving related inefficiency and environmental problems. According to the cryptocurrency holdings and risk commitments, the verifier is selected to provide more energy-saving and easier-to-use alternatives. However, the pursuit of decentralization has brought challenges, such as wealth concentration and risk decentralization through pledge pool. The necessity of decentralization is the key to ensure the fairness of the network and the risk of security attacks, that is, one entity controls most of the computing power, but it is alleviated in the process. However, the challenges still exist, and the richer stakeholders may exert disproportionate influence and the pledge pool will inadvertently centralize the verification power. These challenges need to wait for solutions to evenly distribute the verification process and strengthen the decentralization nature. The emergence of distributed verifier technology is to solve the transition zone from Ethereum to Taiyuan. The breakthrough solution to the challenge in the future has fundamentally changed the way of verifying transactions in blockchain network, especially in the system, the main goals include enhancing security and promoting decentralization mechanism by distributing the responsibilities of a single verifier to multiple nodes, and realizing the secret sharing of its goals through the complex interaction of cryptographic technology, dividing the verifier's private key into several parts and distributing them on different nodes, which can prevent unauthorized access to the complete key. The threshold signature scheme is correct. Set the number of keys needed to perform the task, even if some nodes are damaged, it can ensure the system function. Distributed key generation can ensure that each participant receives a part of the key under the condition that it is not completely visible. Multi-party calculation enables nodes to cooperate on the signature without revealing their key parts. Fault-tolerant consensus agreement can ensure that each node holding the key share reaches an agreement on the operation of confirming the block, etc. The main network of the network has recently revealed its strength in establishing a decentralized and open source pledge ecosystem. The dynamic network of the ecosystem is composed of stakeholders, operators and members. The pledger uses technology to enhance the security of the verifier and compensates the operators with tokens. The operators play a key role in supporting the agreement and ensuring the stability of the network, and are responsible for managing the network protocols and managing their finances, and making decisions through governance functions and token holders' voting. Growth catalyst The primary token is the lifeblood of the network. The pledger pays USD to operators to promote network participation and governance. The dual role of the token in payment and decision-making makes it a key participant in the network growth cycle. By redefining the mobile pledge as an Ethereum liquidity pledge agreement, the rights and interests certification system of Ethereum is improved. It provides novel functions for the pledger and operators, and introduces the unique function of dynamic and unmanaged pledge methods. The pledger can get it by depositing it. The fluidity of a multifunctional pledge token that can accumulate rewards, coupled with its nature, allows seamless trading and participation. The experimental collaboration and practical application of the ecosystem operators will ensure network security without dealing with actual funds. The projects involved prove the power of collaboration and experiment in the blockchain trading field. A comprehensive test involving various participants from node operators to community stakeholders has been carried out. The results show that it is reliable and reliable in handling Ethereum transactions. The influence of blockchain with wider potential has surpassed that of Ethereum, which represents the paradigm shift of blockchain network verifier model. The decentralization mode in the mechanism offsets the centralization risk brought by the traditional model, which has a far-reaching impact on the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem and can promote trust, security and wider participation. Conclusion The distributed verifier technology has become the cornerstone of blockchain and cryptocurrency development, and the adoption of Ethereum has set a precedent and demonstrated its enhancement. With the continuous development of blockchain network, security, efficiency and decentralization have paved the way for the future in which trust is paramount, security and decentralization become the norm. In the developing blockchain technology field, it is like a beacon guiding the road to a stronger and more flexible cryptocurrency ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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