DAO 不是网络极端主义的法外之地

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 10:10:39 评论:0



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作者:Preston J. Byrne 来源:coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

本周,《连线》杂志声称去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 正在成为“危险团体”的聚集地。Preston J. Byrne 则表示,这篇文章误解了 DAO 的实际功能和用途。

知名杂志 《连线》 近期发表文章,声称去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 可能会成为下一个重大线上极端主义聚集地。文章写道:

“2024 年或许是新纳粹主义者、圣战分子和阴谋论者将他们创建自我治理国家的乌托邦愿景变为现实的一年——不是在现实世界,而是在去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 的形式中。”

文章作者 Julia Ebner 是一位学术界研究极端主义的学者,撰写有关欧洲政治运动的书籍,据称她还“渗透”过几个此类组织(指参与公开宣传的聚会和 Discord 语音聊天)。这些组织包括极具争议且公开活动的团体,例如法国的 "Les Identitaires" 和德国的 "Reconquista Germanica"。


Reconquista Germanica 尤其容易受到这种攻击,因为该组织通过 Discord 群组运营,而 Discord 是一家总部位于旧金山的社交媒体公司,其同名应用程序以明文(即未加密)形式显示所有用户通信,因此这些通信可以自由地披露给执法部门,并且经常被披露。正如 《连线》 文章中提到的涉嫌右翼编码的“Redacted Club DAO”一样,大多数 DAO 也依赖 Discord 进行社区管理和宣传。

Ebner 对 DAO 的指控缺乏佐证

Ebner 声称 DAO 可能成为极端主义大本营,但她的论点存在诸多漏洞,难以令人信服。

首先,她只提到了那些在 Twitter 上公开 Discord 群组信息的 DAO,例如 Les Identitaires 和 Reconquista Germanica。这些组织在 Discord 上活动,一个总部位于美国的平台,这固然值得研究,但并非所有 DAO 都如此。更具说服力的证据应该是:证明文章中提到的任何 DAO 都使用了加密协议而非 Discord 进行交流。

最理想的情况是提供直接证据,证明 DAO 被此类组织用于非法目的。例如,塔利班满足 Ebner 提出两项标准中两项:他们不使用 Discord,而是利用加密协议(主要是 WhatsApp)协调针对阿富汗主要城市的闪电袭击。然而,据我所知,即使塔利班拥有阿富汗领土内的完全自治权,可以自由选择任何软件工具,也不使用 DAO。

Ebner 在 《连线》 继续写道:

“如果网络喷子利用 DAO 合作发起干预选举的活动,会带来多大危险?极端主义 DAO 的活动可能会挑战法治,威胁少数群体,并破坏被视为民主制度基本支柱的机构。另一个风险是,DAO 可以成为极端主义运动的避风港,使用户能够绕过政府监管和安全部门的监控活动。”



现实情况是,在现实世界中,如果你愚蠢到在公开的 Discord 策划严重犯罪或严重挑战法治,那么执法部门很可能已经掌握了你的一切,你最终会入狱。

当我们看到那些和平爱好、精通加密技术、非种族主义的 “DAO” 也使用类似的交流工具时,我们不应该得出结论说这会让加密社区变成极端主义者,也不意味着 DAO 对极端主义者友好,甚至意味着 DAO 适合极端主义者使用。这只能说明,DAO 和许多其他使用 Discord 的线上社区一样,都更看重参与而非保密,而 Discord 正是全球最受欢迎的社交媒体应用之一,甚至包括政治运动等组织。加入 DAO 并不会创造任何 “避风港”,更不会 “绕过政府监管和安全服务(sic)监控活动”。事实上,恰恰相反。

DAO 实际做什么

我对 DAO 颇有经验,2014 年我参与设计了首个以太坊 DAO 原型,之后还为多个 DAO 提供过咨询服务。DAO 的主要功能并非交流,而是管理链上智能合约,决定何时行使、修改、添加或移除合约上的某些管理员级别权限(例如设置利率或更改功能集)。

DAO 并不是 “自我治理的国家”,而是自我治理的软件应用。大多数 DAO 还未成熟,往往只是为了售卖加密代币为创始人提供“跑道”开发新代码、寻找产品市场契合点,才仓促添加了 DAO 元素。

少数项目,例如 MakerDAO,一经推出就实现了产品市场契合,或是非常接近,代币持有者会定期参与投票表决提案。即使在这种情况下,相关投票讨论也会发生在公开的 “治理门户” 且受到代币持有者的监督,他们往往不会为了参与而自曝身份创建用户账户,尽管许多有能力左右提案结果的大型代币持有者会选择公开自身信息。


DAO 为何不适合极端主义

Ebner 担忧 DAO 可能成为极端主义温床,但这种担忧缺乏依据。

首先,社交媒体方面,DAO 并无特殊之处,与现有社交媒体的通信方式并无二异。

更重要的是,DAO 的技术特性反而使其难以用于犯罪和隐藏活动:

  • (a) 智能合约公开透明,链上数据可查

  • (b) 主流 EVM 链(多数 DAO 所在)的区块链交易数据未加密,可被 Chainalysis 等分析公司直接用于协助执法部门监控

  • (c) DAO 主要功能是协调智能合约状态更改

这些状态更改只有在 DAO 成员就更改达成大致共识后才会提交到链上,通常会经过冗长而艰苦的辩论,内容往往是枯燥的金融、密码经济和计算机科学问题。

相比之下,极端主义思潮的传播通常采用高音量、高速度、低干扰的方式,传播煽动性的模因和宣传。这种方式在链上并不经济可行,因为填充一个区块的 GIF 图片成本高昂,而且更新分布式有限状态机(即区块链)并不需要共识,甚至邮件这种方式都比 DAO 更适合这类用途。

如果极端分子想要一个散播毒素的工具,DAO 绝对不是他们的最佳选择。它完全不适合用来传播宣传。DAO 的本职工作是就智能合约利率微调 50 个基点等事项达成共识,并通过链上可验证的投票记录自动执行决策。一旦投票达到特定阈值,底层 L1 区块链会自动执行。

当像塔利班这样的真正极端组织,而不是那些在 Discord 上胡言乱语的loser,开始用 DAO 代替 WhatsApp 进行交流时,或许我们可以坐下来好好讨论这个话题。但根据前面提到的原因,这种情况发生的可能性微乎其微。目前,任何了解 DAO 的人都知道,它们根本不是恐怖分子或极端分子使用的工具,也不对他们有任何帮助。真正的新闻工作,像我们父辈及其父辈以前所做的那样,不应该沦为凭空捏造毫无根据的诽谤性猜想,就像 《连线》 这篇文章所做的,抹黑一群试图让世界变得更好的优秀技术人员。

This week's Wired magazine claimed that decentralized autonomous organizations are becoming a gathering place for dangerous groups, but it said that this article misunderstood the actual function and use. Well-known magazines recently published an article claiming that decentralized autonomous organizations may become the next major gathering place for online extremism. The article wrote that 2008 may be the year when neo-Nazis, jihadists and conspiracy theorists turned their utopian vision of creating a self-governing country into reality. Not in the real world, but in the form of decentralized autonomous organizations, the author of the article is an academic scholar who studies extremism and writes books about European political movements. It is said that she has also infiltrated several such organizations, including parties and voice chats that participate in public propaganda. These organizations include highly controversial and public activities, such as France and Germany. It is relatively simple to conduct academic research on such extremist groups because most of the participants are a group of game houses addicted to role-playing. Publicly publishing inflammatory content to gain attention has almost no basic awareness of cyber security. One indicator that can judge whether extremist groups are as dangerous as Hamas or Hezbollah is whether the servers used by the group are located in the United States. In the United States, the FBI can identify the users on these servers within one day through subpoenas, and even in an emergency, there is no need to subpoena them at all. Many companies will voluntarily disclose these records in life-threatening situations, which is particularly vulnerable. This kind of attack is because the organization operates through a group, but is a social media company headquartered in San Francisco. Its application of the same name displays all users' communications in clear text, that is, unencrypted form, so these communications can be freely disclosed to law enforcement agencies and often disclosed, just like the alleged right-wing coding mentioned in the online article. Most of them also rely on community management and publicity, and the allegations are lack of supporting evidence, claiming that it may become an extremist stronghold, but there are many loopholes in her argument, which is hard to make people feel. Convinced, first of all, she only mentioned those who disclosed group information on the Internet, such as working with these organizations on an American-based platform. This is certainly worth studying, but not all of them are so convincing. The more convincing evidence should be that anyone mentioned in the article used encryption protocols instead of communication. The ideal situation is to provide direct evidence to prove that they were used by such organizations for illegal purposes, such as the Taliban meeting the requirements. They did not use two of the two standards, but mainly used encryption protocols. However, as far as I know, even if the Taliban have full autonomy within the territory of Afghanistan, they are free to choose any software tools and do not use them on the line. I continue to write how dangerous it will be if the network spray uses cooperation to launch activities to intervene in elections. Extremist activities may challenge the rule of law, threaten minorities and destroy institutions regarded as the basic pillar of democratic system. Another risk is that it can become a safe haven for extremist movements and enable users to It is absurd to bypass the government supervision and the monitoring activities of the security department. First of all, she studies that members of such extremist organizations live freely in western society. Although their views may be unacceptable to the mainstream society, it is not illegal to hold and express extreme views in the United States at least. In fact, extremists' public statements will help the early warning of law enforcement agencies. They will closely monitor the existence of these forums, and even if they are legal, they will really regard the existence of these communities as a threat to society. Since the extremist research and misinformation research circles in academia, the press and their political allies, these are ideological opponents of freedom of speech. The reality is that in the real world, if you are stupid enough to openly plan serious crimes or seriously challenge the rule of law, law enforcement agencies are likely to have mastered everything about you, and you will eventually go to jail. When we see that those who are peaceful, proficient in encryption technology and non-racist also use similar communication tools, we should not conclude that this will happen. Turning an encrypted community into an extremist doesn't mean being friendly to extremists, or even being suitable for extremists. This can only show that, like many other online communities, participation is more important than confidentiality. It is one of the most popular social media applications in the world, and even organizations including political movements will not create any safe haven, let alone bypass government supervision and security service monitoring activities. In fact, on the contrary, what do I actually do? After the first prototype of Ethereum, I have provided consulting services for many companies. The main function is not to communicate, but to manage the intelligent contracts on the chain, and to decide when to exercise some administrator-level permissions on the contracts, such as setting interest rates or changing the function set. Most of the self-governing software applications are not yet mature, and only to sell encrypted tokens, provide the founders with runways, develop new codes, and find product market fit points, do they hastily add a few elements. The purpose is, for example, to achieve the product market fit once it is launched, or to be very close to it. Token holders will regularly participate in voting on the proposal. Even in this case, the relevant voting discussion will take place in an open governance portal and be supervised by token holders. They often do not disclose their identity to create user accounts for participation, although many large token holders who have the ability to influence the outcome of the proposal will choose to disclose their own information. Generally speaking, when a change proposal is finally agreed and implemented, it has already passed. There have been a lot of public discussions. Most of these debates take place in the open, and law enforcement agencies can easily monitor them if they want. Why is it not suitable for extremism? Fear may become a hotbed of extremism, but this fear lacks basis. First of all, there is nothing special about social media, which is no different from the existing communication methods of social media. More importantly, the technical characteristics make it difficult to use it for crimes and hidden activities. Intelligent contracts are open and transparent, and data can be found in the blockchain where most of the mainstream chains are located. The unencrypted transaction data can be directly used by other analysis companies to assist law enforcement agencies in monitoring. The main function is to coordinate the status changes of smart contracts. These status changes will only be submitted to the chain after the members have reached a general consensus on the changes. Usually, the content will go through a long and arduous debate. In contrast, the spread of extremist ideas usually adopts a high volume, high speed and low interference way to spread inflammatory memes and propaganda. This way is not economical and feasible in the chain because it is expensive to fill a block of pictures and update the distributed finite state machine, that is, the blockchain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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