API3新公链 瞄准被忽视的亿美金的OEV

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API3是一个创新的第一方预言机,昨日宣布推出OEV 的zk layer2。OEV是MEV的子集,指与oracle相关的可提取价值。当oracle将最新价格提供给Dapp的时候,部分资产会有清算和套利的机会。API3的layer2专门捕获OEV的价值,并反哺给Dapp让其享受收益。


1)API3是一个创新的第一方预言机,昨日宣布推出OEV 的zk layer2。OEV是MEV的子集,指与oracle相关的可提取价值。当oracle将最新价格提供给Dapp的时候,部分资产会有清算和套利的机会。API3的layer2专门捕获OEV的价值,并反哺给Dapp让其享受收益。




1 API3介绍

API3是一个旨在改革区块链预言机领域的创新项目。其核心目标是通过第一方预言机(First-party Oracles)解决现有第三方预言机的问题。API3通过其Airnode技术实现,其节点托管在 API 提供商的基础设施中,这意味着预言机数据并不需要中间方聚合中转,而是由第一方直接提供。这种方法旨在提高数据传输的隐私性、成本效率、源透明性等。更重要的是,并不需要跨链桥作为中间中转,以杜绝频繁发生的黑客事件。


  1. 第一方预言机:API3通过Airnode使API提供者直接托管预言机节点,提高了数据的透明性和可信度。

  2. 隐私保护:API提供者自行操作预言机,第三方无法观察到API的原始数据处理,从而显著提高了隐私保护。

  3. 成本效率:减少了中间环节,降低了数据提供的成本,并提高了系统的整体效率。

  4. 源透明性:链上可见的数据源,确保数据的透明性和可信度。

API3发布ZK Layer2:瞄准被忽视的数亿美金赛道,OEV有何创新之处?

2 Airnode


Airnode 被设计为 Web API 的轻量级包装器,使其能够与智能合约平台进行通信,而不会产生任何开销或支付代币摩擦。Airnode的设计基于“设定并忘记”原则,无需特定的操作知识,且具有出色的抗永久停机和操作干预的能力。基于按需定价的服务构建,使节点运营商仅按节点使用量付费,为API提供者提供免费运行预言机的可能性。

3 dAPI

dAPIs(Decentralized APIs)是API3项目的关键组成部分,是由API提供者自己拥有和运营的第一方预言机提供的链上数据源。这些数据源由第一方预言机使用签名数据不断更新,使得dApp所有者可以实时读取任何dAPI的链上值。dAPIs由一个或一组信标(beacon)组成,有时被称为第一方数据源,因为它们源自第一方预言机。dAPIs的核心是将智能合约连接到第一方数据源,提供更高的安全性、成本效率和可扩展性。


API3发布ZK Layer2:瞄准被忽视的数亿美金赛道,OEV有何创新之处?

4 OEV Network

Oracle Extractable Value(OEV)是MEV的一个子集,指那些与oracle服务相关的可提取价值。在DeFi应用中,oracle提供的数据常常用于确定资产的价格、执行清算或其他关键功能。当oracle更新其提供给智能合约的数据时,这些更新可能会影响DeFi市场的状态,从而创造套利或清算的机会。在oracle更新发生时,某些参与者可能会尝试利用这些机会从市场参与者(如流动性提供者)那里提取价值。根据Flashbots统计结果,MEV的捕获的收益每年高达几亿美金。

OEV network 是用Polygon CDK定制的zk rollup 网络,用于捕捉所有使用API3数据源Dapp中的OEV。OEV network是一个专门的订单流拍卖平台,它出售对特定Dapp的特定数据源更新执行权的权利给出价最高的竞拍者。获胜者在执行数据源更新时支付费用,使得去中心化应用能够立即在其原生链上收到收益。这一切都作为我们常规数据源的附属运行,这意味着使用API3数据源的去中心化应用将能够简单地启用OEV网络并开始赚取收益。

5 代币经济学


API3发布ZK Layer2:瞄准被忽视的数亿美金赛道,OEV有何创新之处?
















API3发布ZK Layer2:瞄准被忽视的数亿美金赛道,OEV有何创新之处?

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It is an innovative first-party Oracle announced yesterday that the subset refers to the related extractable value. When the latest price is provided to, some assets will have the opportunity of liquidation and arbitrage, and the specially captured value will be fed back to let them enjoy the benefits. It is an innovative first-party Oracle announced yesterday that the subset refers to the related extractable value. When the latest price is provided to, some assets will have the opportunity of liquidation and arbitrage, and the specially captured value will be fed back to. This is mainly due to the fact that the first-party Oracle, that is to say, the Oracle data does not need to be aggregated and transferred by the third party, but is directly provided by the first party of the data source, which is realized through the core components. It allows the provider to easily run its own Oracle node and directly publish the data source to any website interested in its service without an intermediary. The circulation is 100 million pieces, of which 10,000 pieces are in pledge. According to the online survey, the largest net inflow of recharge in recent days is Coin Security Wallet. The biggest outflow is the pledge address, which has a total outflow of 10,000 pieces, but it is less than the total pledge. It can be said that there has been no severe selling pressure in these two days. Note that there is investment in the recent increase. Please decide to introduce it according to your own risk ability. It is an innovative project aimed at reforming the blockchain Oracle. Its core goal is to solve the problems of the existing third-party Oracle through the first-party Oracle and realize its node hosting in the provider's foundation through its technology. In the facility, this means that the data of the Oracle is provided directly by the first party instead of the intermediate party. This method aims to improve the privacy, cost-effectiveness, source transparency and so on of data transmission. More importantly, it does not need the cross-chain bridge as the intermediate transit to put an end to the main features and highlights of frequent hacking projects. The first-party Oracle improves the transparency and credibility of data by enabling the provider to directly host the Oracle node, and privacy protection is provided by the provider itself. Operating the original data processing that the third party can't observe has significantly improved the cost and efficiency of privacy protection, reduced the intermediate links, reduced the cost of data provision and improved the overall efficiency of the system. The data sources visible in the source transparency chain ensure the transparency and credibility of data. What is the innovation of aiming at the neglected hundreds of millions of dollars track is the core component of the project, which allows providers to easily run their own Oracle nodes and directly publish the data sources to any one without intermediaries. The design concept of decentralized application in the chain of service interest is to provide providers with almost zero maintenance deployment capability. It aims to enable intelligent contract engineers to easily access the required data by simplifying the connection with the blockchain, thus promoting the realization of meaningful use cases and enabling them to communicate with the intelligent contract platform without any overhead or paying token friction. The design based on the principle of setting and forgetting does not require specific operational knowledge and has excellent durability. The ability of long downtime and operational intervention is based on the service construction of on-demand pricing, which makes it possible for node operators to pay only according to the node usage to provide providers with the possibility of running the Oracle for free. The key component of the project is the on-chain data sources provided by the first-party Oracle owned and operated by the provider itself. These data sources are constantly updated by the first-party Oracle using signature data, so that the owner can read any on-chain value in real time, which is composed of one or a group of beacons and is sometimes called the first-party data sources. Because they originate from the first-party Oracle, the core of which is to connect the smart contract to the first-party data source to provide higher security, cost efficiency and scalability. It is directly maintained and supported by the data owner, that is, the provider, which effectively eliminates the dependence of other Oracle solutions. Its operation is efficient and flexible, and the service construction based on on on-demand pricing enables the provider to run the Oracle for free and start paying after starting to generate revenue. It has a standardized user-friendly interface and standardization. The user-friendly interface aims at abstracting the technology, realizing the release and aiming at the neglected hundreds of millions of dollars track. What is the innovation? A subset refers to the extractable value related to the service. The data provided in the application is often used to determine the price of assets and perform liquidation or other key functions. When updating the data provided for smart contracts, these updates may affect the market state, thus creating arbitrage or liquidation opportunities. When the update occurs, some participants may try to take advantage of these opportunities from. Market participants, such as liquidity providers, extract value. According to the statistical results, the captured income is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars every year. The customized network is used to capture all the data sources. It is a special order flow auction platform, which sells the right to update the execution right of a specific data source to the highest bidder. The winner pays the fee when updating the data source, so that the decentralized application can immediately receive the income in its native chain. All these are our regular data sources. This means that the decentralized application using the data source will be able to simply enable the network and start to earn income. The total supply of token economics is 100 million pieces of circulation supply, and the market value of circulation is 100 million dollars. What is the innovation of aiming at the neglected hundreds of millions of dollars track? From the data on the chain, the largest position is pledged pool position address pledge position address treasury position address currency security wallet position address year and month transferred to unmoved position address currency security wallet. Position Address Wallet Position Address Wallet Position Address Wallet Position Address Wallet Position Address Coin Security Wallet According to the data on the chain, there are about 10,000 tokens placed in the pledge pool in the exchange, and the sum of the two items is 10,000. Except for these two items, there are not many chips flowing outside. Due to the drastic fluctuations in the price of coins in recent days, we look at the address changes in recent days, among which the largest inflow is the net inflow of tens of thousands of coins from the recharge address. The next day, the address is the wallet inflow. The biggest outflow of 10,000 pieces is that there are 10,000 pieces from the pledge address, but in general, although there are inflows and outflows, the overall amount is not large, especially the pledge wallet has flowed out of 10,000 pieces, which is less than the total amount of pledges of 10,000 pieces. It can be said that there has been no severe selling in the sudden pull-up in these two days. The specific situation can be seen in the innovation of the release aiming at the neglected hundreds of millions of dollars track. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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