被硅谷创业教父 Paul Graham 点赞的 Farcaster 新功能 Frames 是什么?

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作者:Cobo Argus

由 a16z 领投的去中心化社交平台 Farcaster 最近推出了新功能「Frames」,激发了前所未有的应用开发热潮,并带来了 DAU 的新高。与加密行业中的大多数热点不同,这一次 Farcaster 吸引的主要是开发者,进而促进了更多的终端用户互动,甚至获得了硅谷创业导师 Paul Graham 的点赞认可。



在了解 Frames 之前,先来认识一下 Farcaster。

Farcaster 是一个去中心化的社交网络,由 Dan Romero 和 Varun Srinivasan 创立。

Farcaster 本身是一个协议,就像电子邮件的底层协议 SMTP 一样。Farcaster 负责存储用户的 handle、casts(Farcaster 版本的推文)和其他交互行为(例如点赞和转发)等内容。对于终端用户来说,需要构建一个类似 Warpcast 的客户端访问该社交网络。

客户端是用户访问信息流的接口。如今,已经不再使用「客户端」这个词了,因为在大多数现代中心化社交网络中,协议和客户端是同一件事。 Twitter 曾经拥有 Tweebot、 Tweetdeck 和 Twitterific 等客户端,直到它关闭 API 访问,客户端时代便终结了。现在,Twitter 就只是 Twitter 而已(或者,你也可以叫它的新名字 X)。

Farcaster 团队构建了自己的官方客户端 Warpcast,但第三方开发者同样被鼓励开发自己的客户端,任何人都可以在 Farcaster 之上免费构建客户端,使用 Farcaster 的数据但提供不同的前端体验。a16z crypto 在 Awesome-farcaster 仓库中列出了一系列通用和垂直客户端,包括 Supercast、Yup、Searchcaster、Launchcaster、Kiwi News 和 Casthose。

几个月前,Farcaster 引入了新的功能——频道(channels),可基于主题组织对话,类似于豆瓣的小组或 Reddit 的 subreddits。 目前允许任何用户支付 WARP 创建不同的主题频道。

Frames 是什么?

上周五 Farcaster 又推出了 Frames,允许在 cast(推文)中构建小型应用。

诚如其名,Frames 是一种嵌入在 cast 中的小型交互式 iframe,支持用户在发布的内容中嵌入自定义交互操作,比如投票、画廊、调查问卷、预测市场等,用户可在无需跳转至第三方平台的情况下直接在 Farcaster 信息流中参与交互。打开一个 Frames,就像打开另一个应用的门,允许其他应用直接访问该用户。从 Web 2 的角度来看,它与使用

和 Web 2 相比,Frames 提供了一种新的 Web 3 原语,一种当用户处于 X 应用时运行 Y 应用的简单方法,而 X 和 Y 之间几乎不需要额外的协调。区块链的可互操作的身份和交易记录,以及对货币和数字所有权的无缝处理,让跨消费者应用拥有一种真实且通用的用户操作图谱成为可能,这是即使是鼎盛时期的 Facebook 也无法做到的。

底层逻辑上,每一次交互操作是 Farcaster 用户的 EdDSA 密钥签名操作,因此,它支持自动身份验证 ,兼容所有其他 Farcaster 客户端,且没有丢失资金的风险。

前所未有的 Frames 开发热潮

Frames 提供画布,而开发者在上面绘制内容。

上线仅仅 5 天,这个看似简单的功能目前已经激发了开发者难以置信的创造力,比如直接在 Farcaster feed 流中 Mint NFT,直接在 Farcaster feed 流中订阅 newsletter,以及直接在 Farcaster feed 流中领取水龙头测试币、生成艺术、文字冒险游戏、一个可自动帮你检查未领取空投的应用、支持使用代币支付的链上购物车和结帐流程、直接通过命令行创建钱包和打赏。目前纽约的 Farcaster frames 开发者黑客松活动还在如火如荼进行中。


Degen Jeeves 是一个 $DEGEN 自动化机器人,可基于命令行!tip 直接向特定的 Farcaster 用户打赏特定额度的 $DEGEN 代币,在打赏之前需要使用!create 自动创建一个 base 钱包。

Farcaster 社区代币 $DEGEN

事实上,Farcaster 迎来 DAU 新高还有一个关键原因,那就是社区代币 $DEGEN 近期开启第二轮空投。

$DEGEN 是发起于 Farcaster degen 频道的代币,近期第二轮 Airdrop 中,用户通过获得来自其他人的打赏金额来赚取 Farcaster 积分,每个 Farcaster 用户(至少发布 3 个原创 cast) 可获得初始的打赏津贴,金额大小取决于回复 / 推文数量的比额。向特定贴文打赏只需在底下评论「数量 +$DEGEN」,比如「420 $DEGEN」。在特定频道打赏将获得更大的空投权重。第二轮 Airdrop 活动开启以来,$DEGEN 代币价格已增长 230%。由于这种分配方法导致了广泛的空投农业,$DEGEN 开发人员正在开发一种自动检测系统。

$DEGEN 是迄今为止生长自 Farcaster 最为成功的模因币,它属于真正由社区主导的 meme 项目。$DEGEN 的公平发行、草根氛围、自下而上扩展并推进社区有机增长,采用松散的非官方 DAO 组织和 build,让其拥有天然的集成友好优势,Farcaster 上的开发者围绕 $DEGEN 进行了各种实验,展示了一种加密行业中的罕见的消费者用例。

如今,作为 Farcaster 内社交互动的中心,Degen 成为 Farcaster 最为活跃的频道, Degen 项目代表的 Degentlemen 和 Degentlewomen 群体贡献了 Degen 的 DAU。数据显示, $Degen 是 Farcaster 上活跃度最高的频道,甚至高于所有其他主题频道的总和。


可以说,通过创建 Frames,Farcaster 在区块链之上提供了无缝的加密原生社交网络体验,这种体验让用户几乎意识到不到区块链的存在。当 Twitter 在 Musk 的掌管下对第三方开发者的限制越来越多而广遭诟病,另一方面,Farcaster 则为开发者提供了移动优先、分发(冷启动)友好、无需允许的加密原生开发体验,让我们看到了「Farcaster will flip Twitter」 的真正潜力。

和硅谷创业教父 Paul Graham 一样,看好 Farcaster 的长期价值,因为它不仅仅是关乎于加密行业的未来,对于变得越来越封闭的互联网更显得弥足珍贵。


希望 Farcaster 让我们离万维网最初的愿景更近一点。

The decentralized social platform led by the author recently launched new functions, which inspired an unprecedented upsurge in application development and brought new heights. This time, unlike most hotspots in the encryption industry, it attracted mainly developers, which in turn promoted more end-user interaction and even won praise and recognition from Silicon Valley entrepreneurial instructors. Before understanding, let's know what a decentralized social network is, and the creation itself is a protocol, just like the underlying protocol of e-mail. Storing users' versions of tweets and other interactive behaviors, such as likes and forwards, is necessary for end users to build a similar client to access the social network. The client is the interface for users to access information flow, and now the word client is no longer used, because in most modern centralized social networks, the protocol and client are the same thing, and once owned and waited for the client until it closed, the era of accessing the client ended. Now it is just now or you can call it it. The new name team has built its own official client, but third-party developers are also encouraged to develop their own clients. Anyone can build the data used by the clients for free, but provide different front-end experiences. A series of general and vertical clients are listed in the warehouse, including a new functional channel introduced a few months ago, which can organize dialogues based on themes, similar to Douban's group or what is currently allowed for any user to pay to create different theme channels? Last Friday, it was introduced to allow. As the name implies, building a small-scale application in tweets is a kind of small-scale interactive support for users to embed custom interactive operations in published content, such as voting galleries, questionnaires, forecasting markets, etc. Users can directly participate in the interaction in the information flow without jumping to a third-party platform. Opening a door is like opening the door of another application, allowing other applications to directly access the user. From a new perspective, it seems that it is not much different from embedding another website in a website, but it is different. The difference is that the sharing state of blockchain makes this embedded experience as original as the application itself, and provides a new primitive, a simple method to run the application when the user is in the application, and almost no additional coordination is needed between the blockchain's interoperable identity and transaction records, as well as the seamless handling of currency and digital ownership, which makes it possible for cross-consumer applications to have a real and universal user operation map, which is the bottom layer that can not be achieved even in the heyday. Logically, every interaction is the user's key signature operation, so it supports automatic authentication, is compatible with all other clients, and has no risk of losing money. The unprecedented development boom provides canvas, and the seemingly simple function that developers draw content on it for only days has stimulated the incredible creativity of developers, such as directly subscribing in the stream and directly collecting faucet test coins from the stream to generate an artistic text adventure game, which can automatically help. You check the applications that haven't received airdrops, support online shopping carts and checkout processes that use tokens to pay, and create wallets and rewards directly through the command line. At present, the hacking activities of developers in new york are still in full swing. It is an automated robot that can reward a certain amount of tokens directly to specific users based on the command line, and it is necessary to automatically create a wallet before rewarding. In fact, there is another key reason why the community tokens have recently opened the second round of airdrops. Tokens originated from channels in the recent second round, users earn points by getting rewards from others. Each user can get an initial reward allowance by publishing at least one original. The amount depends on the proportion of the number of replies to tweets. Just comment on the number below, for example, rewards on specific channels will gain greater airdrop weight. Since the second round of activities started, the price of tokens has increased. As a result of this distribution method, agricultural developers are developing a wide range of airdrops. The automatic detection system is the most successful meme coin so far. It belongs to the fair distribution of truly community-led projects. The grassroots atmosphere expands and promotes the organic growth of the community from the bottom up. The developers who adopt loose unofficial organizations and make them have natural advantages of integration and friendliness have conducted various experiments to show a rare consumer in the encryption industry, such as today, who has become the most active channel project representative and the data contributed by the group. Display is the most active channel in the world, even higher than the sum of all other theme channels. It can be said that it provides a seamless encrypted native social network experience by creating on the blockchain. This experience makes users almost unaware of the existence of the blockchain, and on the other hand, it provides developers with mobile priority distribution, cold start friendliness, and an encrypted native development experience without permission, which shows us the real potential and Silicon Valley. The long-term value as optimistic as the godfather of entrepreneurship, because it is not only related to the future of encryption industry, but also more precious to the increasingly closed Internet, hoping to bring us closer to the original vision of the World Wide Web. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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