投了还是没投?Binance Labs 和 SkyArk 吵了起来

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1 月 29 日,Binance Labs 发布的一则澄清公告引爆了近日火热的 3A 游戏平台 SkyArk Chronicles 用户的情绪。

Binance Labs:未参与新一轮融资

1 月 29 日下午 4 点,Binance Labs 在 X 上表示,SkyArk Chronicles 是 Binance Labs 于 2021 年通过 Binance Labs 孵化器第三期孵化和投资的项目,但 Binance Labs并未参与该项目今年官宣的最新一轮融资。

SkyArk Chronicles 是一个 3A 链游项目,2021 年入选了 Binance Labs 孵化器的第三期,并获得 Binance Labs 投资。

1 月 12 日,SkyArk Chronicles 在其官方 X 账号上宣布完成 1500 万美元融资,Binance Labs领投,VividThree、 GuildFi、Jambo等参投。

在官宣融资消息后,SkyArk Chronicles 在 1 月 26 日启动了 Genesis NFT 销售。链上数据显示,SkyArk Chronicles 的NFT销售合约中存入了超过 5 万枚以太坊,价值超过 1 亿美元。

由于用户对市场行情的预期,以及币安的背书,用户对 SkyArk Chronicles 的预期拉满,纷纷选择以 0.6 枚以太坊的顶格价格参与了 Bid。币安的澄清公告引爆了这些用户的情绪。

不少用户在币安的声明下留言表示,为什么不早点发布声明呢,而是在 NFT 销售结束之后发布。

SkyArk Chronicles 回应表示,Binance Labs 在孵化器第三期中孵化和投资了 SkyArk Chronicles,这是 SkyArk Chronicles 的第一轮也是唯一一轮融资。

随后,Binance Labs 在 X 上澄清了此前发布公告的原因。

Binance Labs 表示,在 SkyArk Chronicles 团队 PR 之前并不知道其 1500 万美元的这一轮融资,以及会提及 Binance Labs领投,之后联系项目方删除更正,但项目方仅删除了推特,并未澄清事实,以至于有用户找币安确认投资信息,因此,Binance Labs 作了单方面澄清。


不少用户表示,希望知道该事件更多的细节,截至发稿,Binance Labs 和 SkyArk Chronicles 并未再公布更多细节。

据 SkyArk Chronicles 官方社群公告显示,SkyArk Chronicles 在币安发布澄清声明后启动了社区 AMA,创始人 Kelvin 在 AMA 中表示,SkyArk 确实完成了 1500 万美元的融资,包括币权和股权的多轮融资,于2021年第三季度开始。公司仅进行过一次币权融资,而在这轮融资中,Binance Labs不仅参与了,还占有最大的份额。

Kelvin 认为,Binance Labs 可能误解 SkyArk Chronicles 是否再次进行了币权融资。

事实上,Binance Labs 公告中提及的证据显示,Binance Labs 曾于 SkyArk Chronicles 发布融资公告当天(1 月 12 日)晚上与其沟通,要求 SkyArk Chronicles 删除融资的推特,并做适当的修正。

Binance Labs 在沟通中要求,去掉「Binance Labs领投」以避免误会。

可见,事实是 Binance Labs 确实对 SkyArk Chronicles 进行了投资,只是不满 SkyArk Chronicles 对外宣传「Binance Labs 领投」,且没有事先沟通。

然而,正如 Binance Labs 所言,SkyArk Chronicles 在沟通后只是删除了此前的融资公告,却并未发布进一步的澄清,不带「Binance Labs 领投」的融资消息也并未再发布。

由于 SkyArk Chronicles 对融资情况的遮掩,已有社区成员质疑其融资的真实性,而 SkyArk 面对质疑也采取了相应的行动。

SkyArk Chronicles 此前发布的公告显示,其 NFT 销售采用投标机制,出价最高的 7000 个地址将获得铸造 NFT 的资格,未中标者将全额退款。有用户表示,现在只希望项目方别跑路,退回没中奖的钱。

截至发稿, SkyArk Chronicles 已发布退款链接,用户可检查是否中标,未中标者可以申请退款。

A clarification announcement released on May, 2008 detonated the recent fiery emotions of users of game platforms, saying that they did not participate in a new round of financing. On the afternoon of May, 2008, they were hatched and invested in the third phase of the incubator, but they did not participate in the project. The latest round of financing announced by the government this year was a chain tour project, which was selected into the third phase of the incubator in 2008 and won the investment. After the official announcement of financing news, the data showed that they started the sales chain. More than 10,000 Ethereum worth more than 100 million US dollars were deposited in the sales contract. Due to users' expectation of the market and the endorsement of Coin's security, users chose to participate in the clarification announcement of Coin's security at the top price of one Ethereum, which detonated the emotions of these users. Many users left messages under the statement of Coin's security, saying why not issue a statement earlier, but issued a response after the sale ended, saying that they hatched and invested in the third phase of the incubator. This was the first and only round. The financing later clarified the reason for the previous announcement, saying that the team didn't know about this round of financing of $10,000 before and would contact the project party to delete the correction after mentioning the bid. However, the project party only deleted Twitter and didn't clarify the facts, so that some users went to Qian' an to confirm the investment information, so they unilaterally clarified the truth and falsehood of the financing. Many users expressed their desire to know more details of the incident as of press time and did not announce more details. According to the official community announcement, clarification was released in Qian' an. After the statement, the founder of the community said in the statement that it had really completed the financing of $10,000, including multiple rounds of financing of currency rights and equity. Since the third quarter of 2008, the company has only conducted currency rights financing once, and not only participated in this round of financing, but also occupied the largest share. It is thought that it may be misunderstood whether the currency rights financing has been carried out again. In fact, the evidence mentioned in the announcement shows that it was communicated with it on the evening of the day when the financing announcement was issued, requesting to delete the financing Twitter and make appropriate amendments. In the communication, it was requested to remove the collar. To avoid misunderstanding, we can see that the fact is that we are really dissatisfied with the investment, but we are only dissatisfied with the external publicity, and we have not communicated in advance. However, as we said, after the communication, we only deleted the previous financing announcement, but did not release further clarification, and the financing news that we did not lead the investment was not released again. Because of the cover-up of the financing situation, some community members questioned the authenticity of its financing and took corresponding actions. The previous announcement showed that its sales adopted the bidding mechanism, and the address with the highest bid would be awarded. Those who fail to win the bid will be refunded in full. Some users said that they only hope that the project party will not run away and return the money that has not won the prize. As of press time, a refund link has been posted. Users can check whether the unsuccessful bidders can apply for a refund. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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