一文详解新的 NFT 标准:ERC-7401

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作者:XP.NETWORK 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

ERC-7401 是一种新的 NFT 代币标准,允许创建者和用户在父 NFT 中嵌套多个子 NFT。它在游戏和社区管理方面有很多潜在的用途,并允许用户创建和销售 NFT 捆绑包。

NFT 2.0 背景下的嵌套 NFT

NFT 2.0 革命的核心是 NFT 的新效用来源:例如,可以在其中保存整个加密货币投资组合或可以与其他资产绑定的不可替代资产。然而,这种实用性需要新技术和全新的代币标准。在本文和接下来的几篇文章中,我们将回顾这些开创性标准以及它们将如何增强古老的 ERC-721 和 ERC-1155。

最有趣的可能性之一是创建嵌套的 NFT:一个收藏品(父级)在其中包含另一个收藏品(子级)。嵌套 NFT 可用于销售收藏品捆绑包、向社区成员授予特殊福利、设计强大的游戏角色,甚至启用基于 NFT 的 DAO 投票。

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨嵌套 NFT 的主要代币标准 ERC-7401。

ERC-7401 及其工作原理

ERC-7401,即家长管理的可嵌套非同质代币,是 2022 年 11 月提出的以太坊新代币标准。它由 Bruno Škvorc、Cicada、Steven Pineda、Stevan Bogosavljevic 和 Jan Turk 开发。它最初的名称为ERC-6059,但后来在许多社区评论后进行了修订并给出了新的编号。有点令人困惑的是,两个 ERC 现在都存在于存储库中,但实际集合创建者仅使用 ERC-7401。

新的 ERC 首次在 EIP 门户上发布,其作者在以太坊魔术师论坛上发起了讨论。与必须被整个网络社区接受和实施的所谓核心 EIP 不同,ERC 是可选的:每个项目都可以决定实施哪些 ERC。因此,举例来说,ERC-1155 是比 ERC-721 更先进、更高效的 NFT 标准,但大多数集合仍然使用 ERC-721。

ERC-7401的主要思想是一个NFT可以拥有另一个NFT。我们已经习惯了只有用户帐户(钱包)或智能合约才能拥有 NFT 的事实,但也可以将不可替代的东西“嵌套”在彼此之间。这个概念首先由同一个团队作为 Kusama 上 RMRK 项目的一部分实施(我们肯定会在未来的一篇文章中介绍 RMRK)。ERC-7401 在以太坊上重现了这个想法。


  • 每个“父”NFT 可以持有多个“子”NFT;

  • 反过来,子 NFT 可以成为父代并持有 NFT;

  • 持有母 NFT 的账户(钱包)的所有者可以管理其所有“子”;

  • 为了将一个 NFT 嵌套在另一个 NFT 中,只需通过特殊交易发送它即可;

  • 父 NFT 和子 NFT 可以属于不同的集合,只要两者都实现了 ERC-6059(这将该标准与 ERC-6150 区分开来,两者必须使用相同的智能合约);

  • 为了将子 NFT 与其母体分离,账户所有者(用户)需要签署一项特殊交易;

  • 子代币可以转移到不同的钱包、不同的父 NFT、“未嵌套”、放弃或拒绝;

  • 帐户所有者可以选择自动接受其他人发送给他们的孩子(尽管这会产生垃圾邮件的风险),或拒绝他们;

  • 常规 ERC-721 合约不能与 ERC-6059 集合互操作。因此,不可能嵌套像 Azuki 或 Pudgy Penguins 这样的现有 NFT。



正如 ERC-7401 的作者所概述的,以下是嵌套父子 NFT 的主要实用来源:

  1. 收藏品和捆绑包:您可以根据收藏品、稀有度、风格等对 NFT 进行分组。例如,您可以列出待售的稀有 NFT,并添加同一收藏品中的几件不太稀有的物品,以创建特殊的捆绑优惠。这里有充足的游戏实用性:出售升级后的游戏角色 NFT(母体),该角色管理各种 NFT 资源/武器/等。作为孩子。

  2. 社区管理:如果一个项目向其社区成员发行 NFT,它可以直接在这些成员 NFT 中铸造额外的收藏品。例如,如果用户获得新的 OG 角色,他们就会被删除一个新的 NFT,使他们能够访问 Discord 等中的 OG 频道 - 并且该特殊的 NFT 嵌套在父成员 NFT 中。

  3. DAO 委托投票:在那些通过 NFT 授予投票权的 DAO 中,NFT 可以嵌套在另一个不可替代的代币中,以将投票权委托给它。

  4. 物流:在区块链上管理供应链时,您可以有一个单独的 NFT 来代表正在运输的每个项目。这些物品被分组在代表整个货物的 ERC-6059 捆绑包中,当物品卸载时,它们的子 NFT 会从捆绑包中分离出来。ERC-7401 还允许在钱包内整齐地组织 NFT。

  5. Soulbound NFT: soulbound 代币(SBT)是一种与钱包地址绑定且无法分离的代币。但是,您可以通过添加 ERC-7401“子项”功能来升级 SBT 本身。例如,您可以为您参与的每个活动添加嵌套的 POA(出席证明)令牌,从而在 Web3 中创建您的活动记录。

ERC-7401 目前的状态如何?

正如我们提到的,嵌套 NFT 方法是由 Bruno Skvorc 领导的同一团队首创的,作为 Kusama 的 RMRK 标准集的一部分。所有实施该团队提出的新标准的集合都可以在Singular 市场上找到。然而,它们都没有被明确列为可嵌套(虽然有一些多资产、可显示和可装备的资产)。


ERC-7401 于 2023 年 9 月才最终确定为标准,因此现在判断短期内有多少项目将使用它还为时过早。也许,与 RMRK 的其他标准一样,团队本身将基于 ERC-7401 发布第一个真正的集合。然而,这对于 NFT 行业的长期发展来说是向前迈出的重要一步。

Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is a new token standard, which allows creators and users to nest multiple children in their fathers. It has many potential uses in games and community management, and allows users to create and sell bundles. The core of the nesting revolution is a new source of utility, such as an entire cryptocurrency portfolio or an irreplaceable asset that can be tied to other assets. However, this practicality requires new technologies and brand-new token standards in this paper. In the next few articles, we will review these groundbreaking standards and how they will enhance the ancient and most interesting possibilities. One of them is to create a nested parent of collectibles, which contains another child of collectibles. Nesting can be used to sell collectibles bundles, grant special benefits to community members, design powerful game characters and even enable based voting. In this article, we will discuss the main standards of nesting tokens and their working principles, that is, nested heterogeneous tokens managed by parents are The new token standard of Ethereum, which was originally named and developed in June, was revised and given a new number after many community comments. It is a bit confusing that both of them now exist in the repository, but the actual collection creator only uses the new one to publish it on the portal for the first time. The author initiated a discussion on the Ethereum Magician Forum, which is different from the so-called core that must be accepted and implemented by the whole network community. Each project can decide what to implement, so for example. Generally speaking, it is a more advanced and efficient standard, but the main idea that most collections still use is that one can have another fact that we are used to having only user accounts, wallets or smart contracts, but we can also nest irreplaceable things between each other. This concept was first implemented by the same team as part of the last project, and we will definitely introduce this idea in a future article. We will list the main technical features of each parent. In order to hold multiple children, the reverse child can become the parent, and the owner of the account wallet holding the mother can manage all its children. In order to nest one in another, it is only necessary to send it through a special transaction, and the father and the child can belong to different sets. As long as both of them are realized, the standard and distinction must be made. In order to separate the child from its mother, the account owner user needs to sign a special transaction, and the child token can be transferred to different wallets and different fathers. Account owners who give up or reject accounts without nesting can choose to automatically accept the children sent by others, although this will lead to the risk of spam or reject them. Conventional contracts cannot interoperate with collections, so it is impossible to nest existing utilities like or. As outlined by the author, the following are the main practical sources, collections and bundles of nested fathers and sons. You can group them according to the rarity style of collections, for example, you can list the rarity for sale and add them to the same collection. A few rare items to create a special bundle offer. There is sufficient game practicability to sell the upgraded parent character of the game. The character manages all kinds of resources, weapons and so on as a child community management. If a project is released to its community members, it can directly cast additional collections among these members. For example, if users get new characters, they will be deleted and a new channel will be made available to them, and the special nesting will be entrusted to vote in those channels among the parents. Those who have been granted voting rights can be nested in another irreplaceable token to entrust the voting rights to it. When managing the supply chain on the blockchain, you can have a separate one to represent each item being transported. These items are grouped in bundles representing the whole goods. When the items are unloaded, their children will be separated from the bundles. It also allows the orderly organization of tokens in the wallet. It is a token that is bound to the wallet address and cannot be separated, but you can add the function of sub-items. To upgrade itself, for example, you can add a nested attendance certificate token to each activity you participate in, so as to create your activity record. What is the current state? As we mentioned, the nesting method is part of the standard set initiated by the same team. All the sets that implement the new standards put forward by the team can be found in the market, but they are not clearly listed as nestable, although there are some assets that can be displayed and equipped, which are finally determined as standards in June. Therefore, it is still too early to judge how many projects will use it in the short term. Perhaps, like other standards, the team itself will be based on releasing the first real collection. However, this is an important step forward for the long-term development of the industry. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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