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Foreword to


Since the pilot, the pilot has been expanding in scope, and the application landscape has been expanding. In addition to end-of-course scenarios such as retail payments, public and industrial developments are crucial.


For enterprises, the digital renminbi has the advantage of real-time settlements, zero fees, traceability, etc., to reduce transaction costs for pilot businesses and effectively improve the efficiency of settlements. The digital renminbi application at the end of B is an extension of retail payments at the end of C, which will also further facilitate the development of retail payments at the end of C. Supply chain finance can be said to be one of the most basic and critical applications.


01 “Digital renminbi + supply chain finance” solves the problem of mutual trust among businesses, credit lending, as one of the most inclusive and basic financial services, has been valued by the digital renminbi pilot areas.


On 1 February of this year, Suzhou City stated at the Digital renminbi Pilot Promotion Meeting that, by the end of 2022, Suzhou had accumulated over 340 billion yuan in digital renminbi transactions and disbursed over 18.7 billion yuan in digital renminbi inclusive loans. The three-year action plan for the development of the digital financial industry in Suzhou City (2023-2025), published at the meeting, proposed that the amount of digital renminbi loans for small and medium-sized enterprises would be over 200 billion yuan. In April of this year, Kunsan City issued a pilot action programme for the intensive promotion of digital yuan in Kunshan City in 2023, in which it was clearly stated that the amount of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises would exceed 25 billion yuan.


In November last year, Fujian province asked the pilot area operators to actively issue loans in the form of a digital renminbi to encourage enterprises to use the digital renminbi to pay interest and repay the principal. By the end of 2022, 1,289,000 yuan in the form of a digital yuan loan had been granted. Since this year, the pilot areas have made some mention of consumer loans and micro-credit in the form of a digital yuan pilot programme to promote their application in the area of inclusive finance.


The digital renminbi can be effectively combined with loans, on the one hand, because the digital renminbi is well integrated with the goal of optimizing monetary policy. By tracking M0, it helps to enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of monetary policy, which may have a greater impact in the future as more functions expand. On the other hand, lending in the form of the digital renminbi has the advantage of being fast, efficient, and of ensuring genuine credibility in the flow and use of untrusted funds.


In conventional supply chain finance models, financial institutions provide credit services to supply chain SMEs, backed by core supply chain enterprises. But in traditional supply chain finance operations based on a true trade context, there are often some risk challenges:


On the one hand, it is difficult to identify the creditworthiness of enterprises that surrounds core firms up and down, the real trade process is difficult to control, and the flow of funds after lending is difficult to track; on the other hand, financial institutions are unable to participate deeply in every segment of the supply chain, and hence the limitations of relying on core business qualification letters make it impossible for them to reach more tiers and numbers of SMEs, especially downstream enterprises.


The digital renminbi, based on a broad system of accounts, can support enterprises in establishing wallets through any single identifier and loosely coupled with bank clearing accounts, which facilitates further sinking of supply chain financial services and reduces costs.


On the one hand, the sorting and settlement of debt transfers involving supply chain claims can be done through a digital renminbi wallet, while enterprises need not have to open clearing accounts in different banks to reduce the cost of opening accounts across regions and across banks; on the other hand, because of the high traceability of real-name renminbi wallets with high information intensity and the increasing choice of wallet terminals, there will be better genericity and ease in identifying businesses by giving small clearance to real wallets.


With and the addition of smart contracts, the digital renminbi not only meets the needs of different supply chain financial service scenarios, but also addresses the problems of mutual trust between enterprises , giving participating actors flexibility to agree rules and conditions, subject to compliance, to ensure that the water in the financial system is well irrigated to the end of the real economy along the supply chain relationship.




The period between 2023 and 2025 is likely to be a period of rapid development of the digital renminbi, with increasing ecological convergence and scaling up in some pilot areas.


On September 3, the Director of the Digital Monetary Institute of the People’s Bank of China, Mu Changchun, stated at the Annual Forum on China’s International Finance at the 2023 Trade and Investment Conference that the digital renminbi retail scene did not mean that it could only be used for small payments and not for large payments. Indeed, the criteria for distinguishing between wholesale and retail sales were not large.


He stated that, on the one hand, it was necessary to upgrade the payment tools used in all retail settings and, on the other hand, to upgrade the payment tools used in the wholesale payment scene to achieve full and seamless interfaces between the digital renminbi and the original electronic payment instruments.


The digital renminbi pilot has so far been largely covered by the retail consumption scene at end C. In addition to end C, areas such as wage generation, fiscal subsidies, loan disbursement, etc., “end B” and “end G”, where cross-border payment applications are an important future direction, have shown a wide range of applications.


In less than three years since the birth in December 2020 of the country’s first single-power platform, China’s digital renminbi consumption has become the dominant consumer’s preferred platform for the use of the digital renminbi. The data show that there are currently nearly 15 million users of the digital renminbi in Kyoto, nearly 20 million wallets, cumulative transactions amounting to more than 3 billion yuan and annual composite growth of more than 100%.


In addition to consumption scenes such as the “red bag,” digital renminbi is moving toward such industries as the “supply chain.” According to mobile payment networks, the smart-contracted supply chain financial full-link service is being introduced for businesses in Kyoto to provide a full range of services, such as online wallet opening, financial supervision, and efficient financing.


From the consumption scene to the industrial scene, from the “red bag” to the “supply chain”, mobile payment networks believe that there is a long way forward in exploring the digital renminbi scene in Kyoto.


Kyoto is one of the most commonly used Apps for consumer network purchases and is popular with a wide range of users through its good commodity security and high-quality fast distribution services. As a top Internet portal, starting with the “consumption end” is an initial strategy for expanding the scope of the digital renminbi pilot and application in Kyoto.


On the basis of the size and complexity of the supply chain, Kyoto technology has been able to absorb technology, models, algorithms, tool productization, standardization, a “double-link” model of digital supply chain finance for local governments, enterprises, and financial institutions, export supply chain financial science and technology platforms, support the digital transformation of core enterprises, and efficient and expeditious access to financing services for small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain. The platform builds a two-decade model of “Ten Supply Chain Financial Operations Systems plus Ten Smart Supply Chain Services Systems” that includes factor finance systems, credit flow transfer systems, procurement finance systems, movable property finance systems, etc., and introduces a variety of supply chain services and programmes that serve the industrial chain.


As a result, it is crucial to explore the digital renminbi application scenario further to the “industry end” or to Kyoto.


This time, the location of the digital renminbi with smart contracts in the supply chain financial scene is an active exploration of the digital renminbi at the industrial level, which will provide the direction for the application of eco-innovation and help to optimize resources in supply chain finance . digital renminbi programming is the most different from other modes of payment, and its application at the industrial level will accelerate the development of industrial digital finance by combining controls on information flows, financial flows, logistics.

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