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作者:Pierre Rochard;来源:刘教链


比特币的治理(governance)之所以重要,是因为比特币是第一个成功的、流动性最强的、最广为人知的加密货币。用Michael Goldstein的话说,“健全的货币是文明的基础支柱,比特币重拾了这一强大的社会协调工具。” 如果比特币的治理模式存在缺陷,就会阻碍比特币充分发挥其潜力。如果比特币的治理模式存在缺陷,比特币的利益相关者就应该努力修复它。






Matt Corallo 认为,无信任(trustlessness)是比特币最重要的特性。Matt 将无信任定义为“在使用比特币时,除了你运行的开源软件外,无需信任其他任何东西”。如果没有无信任属性,所有其他积极的结果都会受到损害。

Daniel Krawisz 认为,比特币价值最大化是治理事实上的优化目标。Daniel 说:“比特币升级的一般规则[......]是,能提高比特币价值的升级会被采用,而不能提高比特币价值的升级不会被采用。”

在比特币治理的背景下,这两种观点分别反映了义务论准则和结果论准则之间的经典分歧。我倾向于 Matt 的义务论准则,即关注无信任。纵观货币史,从古代钱币生产者到现代中央银行,信任他人生产货币的结果就是滥用信任。在无信任度上妥协可能会帮助比特币价格找到一个局部最大值,但代价是找到一个更高的全局最大值。此外,没有证据表明比特币的价格与比特币协议的升级有关。也许比特币的基本价值会受到升级的影响,但比特币的流动性和波动性很低,价格并不能可靠地反映基本价值。如果我们无法观察到升级对比特币价值的影响,那么结果论准则似乎就不够充分了。



比特币治理程序维护着一套验证规则。从高层次来看,这套长长的验证规则涵盖了语法、数据结构、资源使用限制、合理性检查、时间锁定、与内存池和主分支的调节、coinbase 奖励和费用计算以及区块头验证。要不折不扣地修改这些规则并非易事。



每项规则的改变都始于研究。例如,隔离见证(SegWit)就是从研究修复交易可篡改性(transaction malleability)开始的。交易可篡改性已经成为一个严重的问题,因为它阻碍了闪电网络(Lightning Network)在比特币上的部署。行业和独立研究人员共同合作,最终形成了隔离见证。



当研究人员发现了一个问题的解决方案时,他们会与其他协议开发者分享他们提出的修改建议。分享的形式可以是向 bitcoin-dev 邮件列表发送电子邮件、正式白皮书和/或 Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP)。




实施阶段的另一个问题是,如果比特币协议开发者和更广泛的比特币社区普遍认为某个实施方案有争议,那么参考实现的维护者就不会合并该实施方案。参考实现的维护者有一个深思熟虑的政策,即遵循共识的变化,而不是试图强加这些变化。C++ 参考实现托管在 github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin,是中本聪代码库的直接继承者。由于其成熟性和可靠性,它仍然是最受欢迎的比特币节点实现。

要绕过参考实现的维护者,不顾一切地修改共识,就像复制比特币代码库并发布提议的修改一样简单。这种情况就发生在 BIP-148 用户激活软分叉(UASF)中。






软分叉有一个链上治理功能,叫做带超时和延迟的 BIP-9 版本比特位。该功能以滚动方式衡量矿工对软分叉的支持。矿工对提案的支持度被用作更广泛社区支持度的替代衡量标准。遗憾的是,由于挖矿集中化以及矿工和用户之间的利益冲突,这种代理衡量可能并不准确。矿工的链上“投票”也延续了比特币是矿工民主的神话,只有矿工才能决定交易和区块的有效性。只要我们承认并接受代理测量的局限性,BIP-9 就是有用的。


验证规则的更改由完全验证节点的去中心化点到点网络执行。节点使用验证规则独立验证其操作者收到的付款是否属于有效的比特币交易,是否包含在有效的比特币区块中。节点不会传播违反规则的交易和区块。事实上,节点会断开并禁止发送无效交易和区块的对等节点。正如 StopAndDecrypt 所说:“比特币是一座坚不可摧的验证堡垒。” 如果每个人都认定挖出的区块无效,那么矿工的 coinbase 奖励 + 费用就一文不值。

矿工的作用是提供时间戳功能,并通过工作量证明来确保安全。所提供的哈希率,一方面来自于硬件和电力的成本,另一方面来自于coinbase 奖励和费用的收入。矿工是雇佣兵,过去他们提供的时间戳功能没有经过完整的规则验证。由于挖矿集中化,无法信任矿工自己执行验证规则。


在我看来,目前的比特币治理模式已经防止了无信任度的下降。在过去的 5 年中,比特币链上交易的急剧增加似乎看不到尽头。如果比特币的治理模式没有抵制去年矿工发出的将最大区块重量增加一倍的信号,那么就会开创将交易吞吐量的价值置于无信任度之上的先例。



Author's source Liu Jiaolian Why do we care about the governance of Bitcoin is important because Bitcoin is the first successful, most liquid and most well-known cryptocurrency. In other words, a sound currency is the foundation pillar of civilization. Bitcoin has regained this powerful social coordination tool. If the governance model of Bitcoin is flawed, it will hinder Bitcoin from giving full play to its potential. If the governance model of Bitcoin is flawed, Bitcoin stakeholders should make efforts to repair its bit. The discussion of currency governance often focuses on who is the final decision maker, and the repeated candidates, including miners' nodes and investors' governance objectives and mechanisms, are often only hinted or even divorced from reality. The view on past governance efficiency is often who won or lost a specific decision rather than whether the decision-making process itself is sufficient. What is the governance of bitcoin? It is a set of rules for transaction and block verification. Individuals use these rules to verify that they are trading and executing. Whether the payment received in the block conforms to their subjective definition of bitcoin, if two or more people adopt the same set of verification rules, they form a subjective social consensus about bitcoin. What is the purpose of bitcoin governance? There are various opinions about the purpose of bitcoin governance. For what results should governance optimize? No trust is the most important feature of bitcoin. No trust is defined as not trusting anything except the open source software you run when using bitcoin. If there is no untrusted attribute, all other positive results will be damaged. It is believed that the maximization of bitcoin value is the optimization goal of governance. It is said that the general rule of bitcoin upgrading is that it can improve the value of bitcoin. The upgrading of bitcoin will be adopted, but it will not be adopted. In the context of bitcoin governance, these two views respectively reflect the classic differences between the deontological criterion and the consequentialist criterion. My preferred deontological criterion is to pay attention to distrust. From ancient coin producers to modern central banks, the result of trusting others to produce money is abuse of trust. Compromising on distrust may help the price of bitcoin find a local maximum, but at the cost of finding a higher global maximum. Besides, there is no evidence that the price of bitcoin is related to the upgrade of bitcoin agreement. Perhaps the basic value of bitcoin will be affected by the upgrade, but the liquidity and volatility of bitcoin are very low, and the price cannot reliably reflect the basic value. We should try to define how the current bitcoin governance program actually works before evaluating whether the current bitcoin governance program meets the established goal of maintaining the untrustworthiness of bitcoin or improving the value of bitcoin. The current bitcoin governance program maintains a set of verification rules, which cover grammar from a high level. It is not easy to modify these rules to the letter. Most of these rules are inherited from Satoshi Nakamoto. Some rules are added or revised to solve vulnerabilities and denial-of-service vulnerabilities. Other rules are modified to achieve innovative new projects, such as adding new opcodes to enable new scripts. Every rule change begins with research, such as isolating witnesses. It is from the study of repairing the transaction's tampering that the transaction's tampering has become a serious problem, because it hinders the deployment of lightning network on Bitcoin, and the cooperation between the industry and independent researchers has finally formed an isolated witness. Critics point out that there is occasionally a disconnect between what researchers want to study, the expectations of users and what is beneficial to the network's characteristics. In addition, computer scientists in academic circles prefer scientific simulation to engineering experiments, which has always been a tension in the scientific research community. When researchers find a solution to a problem, they will share their modification suggestions with other protocol developers. The form of sharing can be to send an email to the mailing list, a formal white paper and/or implement the proposal. The researcher who made the proposal or other protocol developers interested in the proposal will implement the proposal in the node software. If the researcher cannot implement the proposal or the proposal is not well received by peers, the proposal will stay at this stage. To be abandoned or modified, although this may give people the impression that the contributors of Bitcoin protocol development can veto the proposal, researchers can explain their reasons to the public and bypass the existing developers. In this case, if researchers lack reputation and credibility, they will be at a disadvantage in the implementation stage. Another problem is that if Bitcoin protocol developers and the wider Bitcoin community generally think that an implementation is controversial, the maintainers of the reference implementation will not merge the implementation. The maintainer of the scheme reference implementation has a thoughtful policy, that is, to follow the changes of the consensus rather than trying to impose these changes. The reference implementation is hosted as the direct successor of the Satoshi Nakamoto code base, and it is still the most popular bitcoin node implementation because of its maturity and reliability. It is as simple as copying the bitcoin code base and publishing the proposed changes to bypass the maintainer of the reference implementation. This happens when the user activates the soft fork to modify the verification rules. Some proposals can only be implemented by hard forking. From the point of view of pre-forking nodes, soft forking is forward compatible. After adopting soft forking, nodes before forking can continue to verify the consensus rules before forking without upgrading software, but these nodes before forking do not verify the rule changes made by soft forking. From the point of view of nodes before forking, hard forking is not forward compatible. The nodes before forking will eventually appear in different networks from the nodes after forking. The influence of hard forking and soft forking on the network and users has always been controversial. Soft forking is considered to be safer than hard forking because it does not need to be explicitly chosen to join, but it may also be regarded as a threat. If someone disagrees with soft forking, it must be hard forked to overthrow it. After the implementation of node software, users must be persuaded to use node software. For example, blockchain browsers also have greater power because many users rely on their nodes. In addition, exchanges can decide which verification rule set belongs to which token, speculators, large holders and other exchange counterparties. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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