Evmos数据表现稳步上涨 回购销毁的利好恐难以持久?

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 10:53:18 评论:0



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近日,Evmos基金会在加强其市场地位方面采取了重要举措。据1月9日的消息,Evmos基金会从项目的前联合创始人Akash Khosla手中回购了高达5940万枚EVMOS代币,价值约760万美元。这一行动的细节令人关注:基金会和Khosla就代币返还的具体回购金额达成了协议,尽管具体数额尚未公开。此次代币回购预计将对Evmos团队及其贡献者的代币分配产生重大影响。




EVMOS的出现标志着在加密货币领域的一项技术尝试,旨在将EVM(以太坊虚拟机)兼容链融合到Cosmos生态系统中。这种整合尝试意味着原本基于EVM的区块链,如Fantom、Avalanche和Harmony,可以通过Evmos接入Cosmos的IBC(Inter-Blockchain Communication)生态系统。这样的技术布局为不同区块链之间的资产和信息流通提供了新的可能性。


2022年11月,Tharsis Labs通过代币销售完成2700万美元的种子轮融资,由Polychain Capital领投。这次融资吸引了Galaxy、火币、HashKey、Coinbase Ventures、Circle Ventures、Asymmetric及其他Web3领域的投资者。筹集的资金将用于Evmos的进一步开发和生态系统建设。















在Evmos网络中,与其他基于Tendermint和Cosmos SDK的区块链一样,质押代币的解锁期为三周。与以太坊不同,Tendermint区块链的gas费用通常较低。Evmos作为与EVM兼容的链,需要平衡其gas消耗量,以匹配其他EVM链的水平。尽管在Evmos上,不使用EVM模块的交易几乎不产生费用,但涉及EVM模块的交易仍需支付gas费。









According to the market data, its performance in the market is growing steadily. At present, its market value is about $10,000, and its turnover in the past hours has reached about $10,000, which is an increase compared with the previous day. In addition, it has more than $10,000 monthly active users and more than $10,000 monthly transaction volume, and provides a variety of applications and services at the same time. The upward trend of these data may be the market response to recent actions, so what actions have been taken recently to trigger such positive data feedback? Here is a report for you. Exploring the scarcity of assets that will soon start the repurchase and destruction mode will be shaped. Recently, the Foundation has taken important measures to strengthen its market position. According to the news on May, the Foundation has repurchased up to 10,000 tokens worth about 10,000 US dollars from the former co-founder of the project. The details of this action have attracted the attention of the Foundation and reached an agreement on the specific repurchase amount of tokens, although the specific amount has not been made public. This token repurchase is expected to have a significant impact on the token distribution of the team and its contributors. Prior to this, the CEO made a speech on the platform and announced a proposal on destruction. This proposal was passed by a majority in favor and will be implemented during the upcoming software upgrade this Thursday. At that time, as many as 100 million tokens will be destroyed. In addition, all transactions conducted on the Internet from that day on will also be destroyed. This move not only shows the management of its token value and supply, but also reflects the consideration of the health and sustainability of the network. Generally speaking, these steps of the Foundation. With the upgrading of software and the adjustment of token economic structure, the market will continue to pay attention to its impact on the whole cryptocurrency field. The emergence of the technical scheme to realize the interconnection between ecology and Ethereum has attracted the attention of the capital market, which indicates a technical attempt in the cryptocurrency field to integrate the compatible chain of Taifang virtual machine into the ecosystem. This integration attempt means that the original blockchain is like and can. The technical layout of the connected ecosystem provides new possibilities for the circulation of assets and information between different blockchains. From a historical perspective, the origin of technology can be traced back to the original goal of the project, which was to combine the consensus agreement with Ethereum. However, with the development of technology, especially the emergence of technology, the original intention and positioning gradually changed, which prompted the development team to adjust its strategy and turn to build a new-based blockchain on the Internet. This new direction not only focuses on the mutual smart contract with Ethereum. The operability also emphasizes the composability between systems. In October, the seed round financing of $10,000 was completed through token sales. This financing attracted investors from Huobi and other fields, and the funds raised will be used for further development and ecosystem construction. Through this series of development and capital injection, it shows its technical and market potential in the field of cryptocurrency. As a platform aimed at enhancing the interaction between different blockchains, it plays a role in promoting cross-chain communication and modularization in the field of cryptocurrency. With the continuous expansion of its ecosystem, it may lead a new development direction in the cryptocurrency world, understand the tokens that promote the results of chain governance in the economic model ecology and cooperate. In the blockchain world, developers, users, block proponents or verifiers and miners play a key role in the value creation and maintenance of the network. However, many blockchain projects fail to accumulate sustainable value for these key participants equally. Usually, most of the value is blocked. Proponents accumulate, but users and developers get relatively little. The official launch theme poster takes an innovative approach to this problem. Tokens will not only be used as transaction fees and pledge tokens, but also become the first token in the ecology to promote the results of chain governance. In addition, it aims to connect the three major actors, developers and users, and achieve a win-win situation from an economic point of view. The main functions of tokens include providing remuneration for network developers and operators to participate in the governance voting registration module of the agreement upgrade. Tokens formulate application-based incentives to enable high-priority functions of the network. These functions not only promote the healthy development of the network, but also create value for token holders. Token holders participate in the decision of incentives by voting, which directly affects the practicality and value of tokens. In the initial stage of token issuance, part of the total supply is airdropped to users, while the rest is allocated to community pools and strategic reserves to accelerate the development of the ecosystem. At the initial stage, a higher inflation rate is set. More than 100 million tokens have been issued in a year. According to its original token issuance model, the issuance of new tokens will follow the exponential decay schedule, and the inflation rate will be gradually reduced every year. The model aims to complete the issuance of a total of 100 million tokens in a year. After four years, the token issuance will end, when the token holders can vote to decide on the further distribution method or set the token ceiling. Like other sum-based blockchains in the network, the unlocking period of pledged tokens is three weeks, which is different from that of Ethereum. The cost of a block chain is usually low. As a compatible chain, it needs to balance its consumption to match the level of other chains. Although the transaction that does not use modules in the world hardly generates costs, the transaction that involves modules still needs to pay fees. The cooperation between the repurchase and destruction plan and increases its market potential, so that the application based on it can be effectively expanded as a data layer. This cooperation enables the efficient operation in the world to improve the scalability and security, which is a particularly optimized mechanism. These characteristics and future development of tokens show their diversified value in the market, and also point out their potential influence and innovative ability in the blockchain field. With the continuous development of its ecosystem, tokens may play a more important role in the cryptocurrency market. What positive measures will be taken in 2008 deserve further attention? With the closing of 2008, the team made an ambitious plan for 2008, and they are ready to adopt a brand-new structure. Adjust and deeply reshape the technology platform to achieve the goal of surpassing competitors, which is not only reflected in the innovation and optimization of technology, but also the concrete practice of the long-term vision. The core vision is to build and promote financial applications and infrastructure in the next century by using the most cutting-edge, safest and extensible technology blockchain. This year will be a key year for technological innovation and market expansion. They plan to optimize the user experience and develop more efficient solutions to cope with a wide range of application scenarios, so as to establish their leading position in the field of financial technology. The development strategy in 2008 aims to pass. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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