Mocaverse NFT 概览与数据分析

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 10:00:03 评论:0



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数据源:Mocaverse NFT Collection Dashboard

Mocaverse 是 Animoca Brands 推出的专属 NFT(非同质化代币)系列,包含 8,888 个独特的 "Mocas",分为五个部落。这个 NFT 项目能否在 2024 年达到发展的高峰?

关于 Mocaverse

Mocaverse 是 Animoca Brands 所推出的独家会员 NFT 系列,它包含了一系列多样化的数字实体,称为 "Mocas",共有 8,888 个。这些实体被划分为五个独特的部落,每个部落都代表着独特的理念:天使、建造者、梦想家、连接者和新资本主义者。

Mocaverse 不仅仅是一个收藏品,更是一个团结和协作的号召。会员们被邀请融入一个充满活力的领域,在这里学习、玩乐、积极贡献社会。这一系列建设都不仅仅是活动,而是支撑社区对 Web3 原则承诺的基石。


Mocaverse NFT系列

Mocaverse  的幕后团队

Animoca Brands 站在 Web3 革命的前沿,是 Deloitte Tech Fast 的获奖者,并被列入《财富》加密货币 40 强榜单和《金融时报》亚太地区高增长公司 2023 榜单。该公司通过原创游戏和与顶级娱乐内容的合作,推动数字资产权益的发展。Animoca Brands 拥有400 多个战略性 Web3 投资,并拥有包括 The Sandbox 和 Blowfish Studios 在内的多个子公司,是开放元宇宙的关键构建者。Animoca Brands 以授予用户数字资产权益和创造边玩边赚钱的经济体系为使命,积极创建一个公平和包容的数字未来。

Mocaverse NFT 系列数据

在瞬息万变的 Web3 世界中,理解非同质化代币(NFT)就像是探索一个广阔未知的海洋。数据分析是帮助所有相关人员找到方向的工具,如收藏家、投资者和创作者。它通过仔细查看交易记录、所有权转换、价格变动以及用户与 NFT 的之间的交互行为来实现这一点。这些信息帮助人们做出明智的选择,规避风险,并在 NFT 市场中发现新的机会。

拥有这样的指南对于在不断变化的 NFT 领域中保持正确方向至关重要。它有助于做出与市场同步的选择,确保没有人在庞大的 NFT 数据中迷失。

  • NFT市场趋势

NFT 市场是一个充满活力的生态系统,而数据指标则如同测量其变化脉络的晴雨表。市值、交易量、地板价以及交易市场的活跃度等关键指标,为我们解析该领域的健康状况和增长潜力。

那些能够把握市场趋势的投资者可以预测潮流的方向,管理投资风险,并发现隐藏的机会。这些数据非常重要,它是明智投资计划的基础,也是抵御 NFT 市场起伏的防线。


Source: Mocaverse NFTs - Market Cap, Volume and Floor Price

Footprint Analytics 数据显示,自2023年10月以来,Mocaverse 的市值和底价均有显著增长。

  • 用户行为

在 NFT 领域,用户行为数据如总销售量、买卖双方总数、独特持有者和每日交易等,提供了用户行为的微观视图。每日销售量、交易量以及持有者、卖家和买家数量的波动等指标,为市场脉动提供了实时洞察。

分析这些用户行为数据使 NFT 参与者对市场情绪和参与者活动有了更深入的理解。可以识别出购买高峰时段、持有者情绪的转变以及买卖压力的出现等趋势。通过利用这些情报,投资者和创作者可以完善他们的策略,使之与市场需求保持一致,并在不断变化的 NFT 世界中保持领先。


Source: Mocaverse NFTs - Daily Holders, Sellers and Buyers

Footprint Analytics 最新数据显示,截至 2024 年 1 月 16 日,Mocaverse NFT 的持有者数量已稳定在约 2,100 人左右,当前供应与持有者的比例为 4.22 。

The data source compiled by the author is the exclusive non-homogeneous token series, which is divided into five tribes. Whether this project can reach the peak of development in 2008 is about the exclusive membership series launched. It contains a series of diversified digital entities called a total of five. These entities are divided into five unique tribes, and each tribe represents a unique idea. Angel builders, dreamers, connectors and new capitalists are not only a collection, but also a call for unity and cooperation. Invited to integrate into a dynamic field, study and play here, and actively contribute to society, this series of construction is not only an activity, but also a cornerstone to support the community's commitment to principles. The behind-the-scenes team of the series stands at the forefront of the revolution and is the winner, and is included in the list of strong wealth cryptocurrencies and the list of high-growth companies in the Asia-Pacific region of the Financial Times. The company promotes the development of digital assets rights and interests through original games and cooperation with top entertainment content, and has a number of strategic investments and includes and. Many subsidiaries are the key builders of the open meta-universe, with the mission of granting users the rights and interests of digital assets and creating an economic system that makes money while playing, and actively creating a fair and inclusive digital future series of data. Understanding non-homogeneous tokens in a rapidly changing world is like exploring a vast unknown ocean data analysis, which is a tool to help all relevant personnel find their way, such as collectors, investors and creators. It changes ownership, price changes and users and creators by carefully looking at transaction records. This information helps people to make wise choices, avoid risks and find new opportunities in the market. It is very important to have such a guide to keep the right direction in the ever-changing field. It helps to make choices that are synchronized with the market and ensure that no one is lost in the huge data. The market trend is a dynamic ecosystem, and the data indicators are like barometers to measure its changing context. Market value, trading volume, floor price and trading market. Key indicators, such as activity, analyze the health and growth potential of this field for us. Investors who can grasp the market trend can predict the direction of the trend, manage investment risks and find hidden opportunities. These data are very important. They are the basis of wise investment plans and the defense line against market fluctuations. The data show that the market value and reserve price have increased significantly since June, and user behavior data in the field, such as total sales, total number of buyers and sellers, unique holders and daily transactions, are mentioned. It provides a microscopic view of user behavior, daily sales volume, fluctuation of the number of holders, sellers and buyers, etc., which provides real-time insight and analysis for the market pulsation. These user behavior data enable participants to have a deeper understanding of market sentiment and participants' activities, and can identify trends such as the change of holders' mood and the emergence of trading pressure during the peak purchase period. By using these information, investors and creators can improve their strategies to keep in line with market demand and stay ahead in the ever-changing world. The latest data shows that the number of holders has stabilized at around the current ratio of supply to holders is. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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