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Jupiter 是建立在Solana网络上的交易聚合器。Jupiter上线于2021年10月,发展至今已成为Solana用户最爱使用的交易前端,聚合了Solana超过一半以上的交易量,Jupiter交易聚合功能的发展已经接近天花板。协议推出了Launchpad平台Jupiter Start和孵化器Jupiter Labs来进行横向扩张。Jupiter拥有庞大的用户群体和资源,Launchpad平台的项目质量有一定的保障。且其Jupiter Labs的衍生品项目TVL和交易量较高。综上,我们选择关注Jupiter。


Jupiter是建立在Solana网络上的交易聚合器,用户界面类似于1inch。协议提供交易聚合、限价单、定投功能。Jupiter聚合了Solana超过一半的交易量,在交易聚合上进一步发展空间较小。协议横向扩张推出类似发射平台的Jupiter Start和Jupiter Labs。截至2024年1月15日,协议并未公布融资信息。


Jupiter Start作为Jupiter推出的项目推动方案,在资源和用户基础的加持下有较大潜力。Jupiter推出了类似发射平台的Jupiter Start,目前关键功能Launchpad和Atlas功能暂未推出,但Jupiter拥有Solana网络庞大的用户基础,叠加其自身Jupiter Labs项目资源和合作项目,Jupiter Start项目质量有一定的保障,该功能值得关注。

Jupiter Labs项目为其它链明星产品的Fork版本,在Jupiter的推动下有较大潜力。Jupiter Labs暂时推出的两个项目为衍生品和LSD稳定币,在形式上非常类似GMX V1和Lybra,目前衍生品项目已经处于使用阶段,日均交易量接近9000万美元(受限于TVL)。可以看出,在Jupiter的推动下,Jupiter Labs的产品受到了市场的关注并吸引了较多的用户和资金。后续的LSD稳定币协议在借贷利率和赎回机制上小幅创新,填补了Solana相关领域的空白。

总体来看,Jupiter在Solana的交易聚合板块已无竞争对手,且聚合了超过一半的交易量,使DEX在Solana上成为了底层的流动性协议。在庞大的用户基础和项目资源加持下,其横向扩张推出的Jupiter Start和Jupiter Labs同样有较强的市场潜力,且Jupiter Start和Jupiter Labs可能产生联动效应。综合上述条件,我们选择关注Jupiter。




Jupiter是建立在Solana网络上的交易聚合器,Jupiter聚合了Solana网络上超过50%的交易量,是用户交易的首选。其聚合功能的发展已接近天花板,协议正进行横向扩张来进一步发展,Jupiter推出了发射平台Jupiter Start和孵化器Jupiter Labs两大功能来增加其影响力。





团队的主要人员为Meow和Ben Chow,二者于2021年5月成立Jupiter,同时,他们也是Solana上流动性平台Meteora的成员。


联合创始人—Ben Chow拥有多年的交互设计和产品经验,社交游戏公司 Hive7 的创始团队成员之一,多家公司的联合创始人。2021年5月,Ben与Meow成立了Jupiter Aggregator。






作为建立在Solana网络上的交易聚合器,Jupiter是Solana交易用户的主要选择之一。其目前主要提供交易聚合、限价单、DCA/定投、Jupiter Start四大功能。同时,Jupiter Labs联合社区与用户推出了独立的项目,目前包括永续合约产品和LSD稳定币。





图2-1 Orca交易界面[1]


图2-2 Orca SOL/USDC大额交易展示



Jupiter同时提供限价单功能,限价单避免了交易时价格影响造成的成本增加和滑点问题(不存在MEV问题)。在没有完全成交时,限价单可以被部分完成并受到部分交易代币。交易时,用户可以选择订单有效期、兑换价格和兑换数量。协议与 Birdeye 和TradingView合作,Birdeye提供代币的链上价格数据,Jupiter使用TradingView的技术来进行图表的数据展示。整体的交易体验十分类似于中心化交易所。

图2-3 Jupiter 限价单功能展示


DCA(Dollar Cost Averaging)被称作美元平均成本法,也叫定投。通过在一定的时间段内多次投资来摊平买入成本。Jupiter提供最小频率为分钟和最大频率为月的方式来进行定投。用户可选择定投频次、总时间段和定投的价格区间。

图2-4 Jupiter定投界面展示


2.3.4Jupiter Start

Jupiter将成立自己的项目推进平台Jupiter Start,致力于在保护投资者利益的同时来推进新项目的发展。Jupiter Start的过程分为社交介绍、教育、预上线、Launchpad和Atlas五个板块。社区介绍将持续一周,主要介绍项目的理念、经济模型等并进行社区讨论。教育会将个别项目放入网站的一部分,基于部分符合资格的用户通过阅读材料和链上操作来赚取代币。预上线可以使用户在流动性添加之前进行限价单和DCA操作。

目前社区介绍、教育和预上线功能已经推出,值得期待的为Launchpad和Atlas(暂未说明)功能。鉴于Jupiter Labs的项目会发行自身协议代币,其Launchpad项目有可能为衍生品项目。

2.3.5Jupiter Labs

Jupiter Labs独立于Jupiter,Jupiter Labs的项目最终会独立运营,Jupiter用户和社区能获得一定的优先使用权和代币激励。目前Jupiter Labs启动的项目为永续合约和LSD稳定币。

Jupiter Perpetual

Jupiter Perpetual是Jupiter Labs推出的类似GMX V1的衍生品协议,目前已经处于使用阶段。协议用户主要分为流动性提供者与交易者。流动性提供者提供的流动性被兑换成一揽子代币(目前包括BTC、ETH、SOL、USDC和USDT),池中代币的权重更高的主要为SOL和USDC,即主要的交易标的为SOL。


图2-5 JLP数据[2]


Jupiter Labs的LST稳定币协议XYZ暂未推出,根据其文档介绍,协议与Lybra V1较为类似。用户通过抵押SOL可以铸造生息稳定币SUSD(没有借款利息),协议通过质押的LST获取质押收入,收入将被分配给SUSD持有者和协议的治理代币。协议的主要特点在于,当LST收益率高于SOL借款利率时,SOL LST将在借贷协议抵押并用于借出SOL并置换成LST,使用杠杆套利的方式来将收益最大化。其次,在可能的附加机制中,协议采用赎回机制来确保SUSD价格的稳定性。频繁的赎回可能会影响借款人的头寸,尤其在市场波动预言机产生延迟时(SUSD持有者兑换SUSD为借款人的LST),协议通过引入小额价格区间治理代币赎回的方式来降低对于借款人的影响。当SUSD的价格介于0.95-1美元之间时,协议可能采用SUSD赎回治理代币的方式来降低借款人被赎回的频率。


图2-6 XYZ运行逻辑[3]

总结:Jupiter提供交易聚合、限价单和定投功能。整体交易方式十分类似于1inch。定投功能可以设定价格区间、时间和频率,为附加功能。Jupiter Start的Launchpad功能和Atlas功能暂未推出,可能是后续发展的重点。协议推出的Jupiter Labs正在孵化衍生品和LSD稳定币两个新的协议,新协议后续将独立运营,并给予Jupiter用户和社区一定的优先使用权和激励。



表3-1 Prisma Finance大事件





图3-1 Jupiter月交易数据[4]

目前Jupiter共聚合了29个协议的流动性,其中通过交易聚合产生的交易量排名前五的协议分别为Orca、Raydium、Phoenix、Lifinity和Meteora。前五的协议占据了Jupiter接近 90%的交易量。其中值得一提的是Meteora,Meteora的团队成员同样包括Meow和Ben Chow,协议的前身为去中心化交易所Mercurial Finance。在FTX暴雷后,Mercurial Finance宣布停运并快照代币持有者获得Meteora 20%的代币,且Jupiter将在Meteora上进行代币启动/添加流动性,目前Meteora已经开始了对于流动性提供者的激励计划(在添加流动性前将10%的代币分配给LP)。

图3-2 Jupiter DEX交易量数据





Jupiter目前并没有明确的路线图,考虑到协议即将发行代币,进一步行动应该为成立DAO进行协议治理。Jupiter Start的Launchpad和Atlas功能将在未来推出,Jupiter作为Solana上的明星项目,有较大的用户群体,Jupiter Start也能获得一定的资源优势。






Jupiter暂未公布代币JUP的具体功能,笔者认为,短期内JUP主要用于社区治理。后续Jupiter Labs的新项目可能会对JUP持有者进行空投和给予优先测试权力,同时,Jupiter可能仿照1inch给予质押者正向滑点收入。

5. 后续问题

Jupiter已经聚合了Solana上50%的交易量,后续的主要发展在于协议的Jupiter Start功能和Jupiter Labs。

5.1 Solana DEX行业概述


5.2 Jupiter Start

在交易聚合进一步增长有限的情况下,Jupiter Start或是Jupiter扩大版图的另一方向。目前Jupiter Start仅有介绍、教育和预上线功能,Jupiter Start核心功能Launchpad暂未推出,Jupiter拥有庞大的用户群体,流量效应较强。考虑到其自身的资源优势,其上发射的项目可能有较高的质量。

5.3 Jupiter Labs

Jupiter Labs与JUP DAO、Solana社区、Jupiter用户合作推出新的DeFi协议。Jupiter Labs中的项目最终将会独立运营,但Jupiter用户、社区和持币者能有早期的优先使用权和代币奖励,Jupiter Labs的项目也可能在Jupiter Start上启动。

Jupiter Labs目前推出的产品为衍生品协议和LSD稳定币,衍生品协议已经处于早期使用阶段,流动性(JLP)被限制在5000万美元之内,协议总体非常类似GMX V1。另一个协议为LSD稳定币协议XYZ,整体类似Lybra V1,但在Lybra的基础上通过利率套利(抵押LSD借出SOL并置换成LSD)来增加稳定币持有者和协议代币持有者的收入。同时,在其它稳定币协议直接赎回抵押品的方式来维持价格的基础上,XYZ在小额脱锚(5%)时使用治理代币进行赎回来维持借款人的头寸,在保护借款人的同时增加了治理代币的稀释风险。

总结:Jupiter本身的交易聚合业务几乎抵达天花板,其采取了向DeFi板块横向扩张的战略,推出Launchpad平台Jupiter Start和孵化平台Jupiter Labs。Jupiter有较强的资源优势(自身庞大的用户量和Jupiter Labs项目),Launchpad项目值得关注,其Jupiter Labs虽创新较少,但填补了Solana上相关项目的空白,在Jupiter的支持下仍有较大潜力。




The transaction aggregator based on the network was launched in June, and has become the favorite transaction front-end for users. More than half of the transaction volume has been aggregated. The development of the transaction aggregation function is close to the ceiling agreement. A platform and incubator have been launched for horizontal expansion. The quality of the project with a huge user group and resource platform is guaranteed to a certain extent, and its derivative projects and transaction volume are high. In summary, we choose to pay attention to the investment summary, which is the user interface of the transaction aggregator based on the network. Similar to the agreement, it provides transaction aggregation, limit order and fixed investment function, which aggregates more than half of the transaction volume. There is little room for further development in transaction aggregation. The agreement has launched a similar launch platform and the financing information has not been announced as of the date of the agreement. The transaction aggregation function is close to the peak, and the proportion of transactions aggregated on the network is small. It has always been the only competitive transaction aggregator on the network. With good trading experience and user interface protocols, its hourly transaction volume has been about. It is conservatively estimated that its aggregated transaction volume has exceeded the total transaction volume of the network, and there is little room for further improvement. As a project promotion scheme, it has great potential to launch the current key functions and functions of a similar launch platform with the blessing of resources and user base, but it has a huge user base of the network, and its own project resources and the quality of cooperative projects are guaranteed to some extent. This function is worthy of attention, and it has great potential under the promotion of versions of other chain star products. The two projects launched temporarily are derivatives and stable currency, which are very similar in form. At present, the derivative projects are in the use stage, and the daily average transaction volume is close to 10,000 US dollars. It can be seen that the products promoted by the company have attracted the attention of the market and attracted more users and funds. The subsequent stable currency agreement has made small innovations in lending rates and redemption mechanisms, filling the gaps in related fields. Generally speaking, the existing transaction aggregation plate has no competitors and aggregated more than half of the transaction volume. The liquidity agreement, which has become the bottom layer in the world, is promoted by its horizontal expansion with the support of huge user base and project resources, and also has strong market potential and may have linkage effect. Based on the above conditions, we choose to pay attention to the fact that the final evaluation of the first-class warehouse is the result of comprehensive analysis of the current fundamentals of the project according to the evaluation framework of the first-class warehouse project, rather than the prediction of the future price rise and fall of the project tokens. Many factors affecting the token price are not the only reasons. Therefore, we can't think that the project price will definitely fall just because the research report judges that it is not concerned. In addition, the development of blockchain projects is dynamic. If the fundamentals of projects that we judge as not concerned change significantly and positively, we will probably adjust to pay attention to projects that we also judge as concerned. If there is a major malignant change, we will warn all members and may adjust to not pay attention to the basic situation. The project introduction is a transaction aggregator based on the network, which aggregates more than. The transaction volume is the first choice for users to trade. The development of its aggregation function is close to the ceiling agreement, and it is expanding horizontally to further develop. Two functions, launch platform and incubator, have been introduced to increase its influence. The main personnel of the team are Yihe, who was established in June, and they are also members of the co-founder of the mobile platform. The co-founder of Microsoft Yahei has many years of interactive design and product experience social games. One of the founding team members of the company, the co-founder of several companies and the establishment of Microsoft Yahei Fund in June, Microsoft Yahei has not published any financing code, and most of the well-known projects such as auditing have been well-known projects and American projects, which have rich auditing experience and a certain reputation in the industry. As a transaction aggregator built on the network, it is one of the main choices for trading users. At present, it mainly provides four functions of transaction aggregation, limit order and fixed investment, and at the same time, it has launched a unique joint community and users. At present, the established projects include perpetual contract products and stable currency transaction aggregation. Like most transaction aggregators, users can select transaction pairs and enter the transaction quantity in the system, and will automatically find the optimal exchange path in the supported decentralized exchanges. For tokens that are only liquid individually, transaction aggregation can directly find liquidity. For tokens with large transaction volume, it can provide better transaction price slip points through multi-path methods. Users can choose to modify the exchange before trading. Easy-to-charge sliding point size and whether to use direct path and other parameters, the trading interface is cleaner, and the similar trading experience is better. In the setting, the language block browser and nodes can be adjusted by themselves to adapt to different needs and avoid single point of failure. At present, to support the integration of an application containing trading functions, certain conditions must be met, including liquidity and security audit, which require at least 10,000 US dollars of liquidity to ensure a certain trading volume demand. Secondly, the code needs to be audited to ensure that the security is aggregated. Part of the transaction volume is partly due to the fact that the user interface is the most liquid, accounting for hundreds of millions of dollars, followed by the fact that other mainstream tokens except their own agreement tokens are more liquid, but their transaction volume is often less than their own. Most of the transactions come from the aggregated transaction interface, which is not a conventional similar operation interface, but the way to choose to re-enter the quantity is not in line with the user's operating habits. Secondly, the white list that has not been added needs to enter the contract address to find, although it can meet the needs. The small transaction demand of households, but the transaction experience is far from that shown in the figure. Secondly, the overall liquidity of tokens is not strong. Using an aggregator to conduct large-value transactions can reduce a certain slip loss. For example, the slip loss exchanged with one million is close to the slip loss that can be reduced by using an aggregator. The price impact diagram shows that large-value transactions are generally applied because of the user interface liquidity and airdrop, and users will first adopt aggregation after getting used to using the aggregator. Instead of trading, there is a certain user's sticky limit order, and the function of limit order is provided at the same time, which avoids the cost increase and slippage caused by the price influence during trading. There is no problem that the limit order can be partially completed when the transaction is not completely completed and is partially traded. When the token is traded, the user can choose the order validity period, exchange price and exchange quantity agreement and the technology used to provide the online price data of the token in cooperation to display the data of the chart. The overall trading experience is very similar to the centralized exchange chart. The function of limit order display is also called the average cost method of US dollars, and the fixed investment is passed at a certain level. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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