DeSci:探索 Biotech 项目进入 Web3 的业务模式及可行路径

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2023 年 1 月,专注于生命长寿领域研究和药物发现的去中心化组织 VitaDAO 获得了传统制药巨头辉瑞(Pfizer)领投的 410 万美元融资,是 DeSci Biotech 领域的里程碑事件,也让 DeSci 首次进入主流的视野。

区别于 DeFi 仅通过加密原生资产就能够实现的闭环业务模式,DeSci 的底层资产来自链下,需要密切地与链下现实世界相结合,这不仅涉及利用 Web3 技术及代币经济模型对传统 Science 的改造(如科研协作、经费获取、数据共享、成果转化、技术转让、产品商业化等),还会涉及链下诸多如隐私保护、数据安全、IP 产权、产品商业化与链上加密世界合规的问题。

由于 DeSci 领域涉及甚广,本文将以 DeSci 领域两个标志性的 Biotech 项目为例——Molecule 和 VitaDAO,从本人 Biotech 创业者的视角和投融资律师搭建 Web3 项目法律架构的视角,探索 Biotech 项目进入 Web3 的可行路径。


去中心化科学(Decentralized Science, DeSci)是一项运动,旨在通过公平平等地使用 Web3 技术栈堆来建立公共基础设施,以资助、创建、审查、确认、存储和传播科学知识与研究。这项运动旨在创建一个生态系统,激励科研人员能够公开分享他们的研究,并因其工作获得荣誉,同时允许任何人轻松了解研究并为研究做出贡献。


DeSci 并不是为了,也不可能解决所有科学研发相关的问题。目前,DeSci 在沿用 Web3 技术栈堆的基础上,来解决早期科研经费(链上 DeFi 流动性)、组织治理形式(去中心化自治、开放无许可参与),以及科学进程的透明(研究数据、成果的开放性)问题。

DeSci 正在创建一个更加去中心化和分布式的科学研究模式(如智能合约的自主运行与 DAO 组织的去中心化治理),让它能够更加抵制中心机构对于经费、科研成果的审查和控制,通过去中心化的方式获得多元化的科研资金,打通科研数据孤岛与对外交流的通道,并提供可重复性激励,创造一个能让科学研究与发现蓬勃发展的生态环境。

二、Biotech 在 DeSci 中的实践

在 Biotech 领域,早期的基础研究往往是后续临床试验、药物开发的生命线,但是通常都会受到紧张的资金获取渠道、复杂的法律权属、项目迫切商业化等诸多因素的牵制,这就会导致潜在有前途的研究项目难以启动。学术界将这种基础研究和临床试验之间的流失问题称为“死亡之谷”。

此外,与研究所相关的知识产权 IP 、数据资产本身也是一种高度缺乏流动性、中心化官僚主义和不透明的资产类别,限制着科学研究的发展。

在这种无奈的现状之下,Molecule 公司通过 Web3 的技术栈堆来为早期生命科学项目提供了一个资金筹集平台,构建了一个公开透明的资金资助、合作研发和 IP 产权交易的市场。

Molecule 的口号是:The future of medicine belongs to everyone。


2.1 Molecule

Molecule AG 是一家位于欧洲的公司,其构建了去中心化的 Molecule Protocol 平台,为早期生命科学项目提供资金资助、合作研发和 IP 产权交易,目前约有 12 个科研项目在平台上获得资金。

Molecule Protocol 平台的基础设施建立在以太坊之上,包括两层系统:Marketplace Discovery 和 Molecule Finance。

A. Marketplace Discovery

在 Marketplace 中,研究人员可以公开展示他们的研究项目、寻找全球资金提供者以及合作者以推进项目的进程。投资者和基金组织也可以在此接触早期研究阶段的生命科学项目,为其提供研究资金和技术支持。

其中就包括了后续通过 IP-NFT 形式转让给 VitaDAO 的 University of Copenhagen 生命长寿的项目。


B. Molecule Finance

Molecule Protocol 平台通过将链下的研发协议(Sponsored Research Agreement)转换成 IP-NFT 带到链上,使得资金提供者可以通过购买 IP-NFT为项目筹集资金,或者整合到为特定疾病治疗垂直领域的投资组合管理的 DAO 中。

资金提供者可以通过购买、持有 IP-NFT 的形式为科研项目提供资金以及流动性,IP-NFT 持有者能够获得研究人员的研究产权以及未来成果(例如知识产权、版税、数据等)。

(An Open Bazaar for Drug Development: Molecule Protocol)

C. Molecule 生态

至今为止,MoleculeProtocol 平台通过模块化的开放堆栈,搭建起了一个较为完善的链上链下 DeSci 生态。其利用各种 DeFi 组件(Balancer、Gnosis)来构建项目资金的流动性,利用治理组件(Moloch)来实现病人社区、科研人员与投资者的集体参与治理,利用 DAO 的 Launchpad 基础设施 来实现社区早期资金的筹集与社区框架搭建,利用开放科研实验工具(The LAO)进一步加速推动研发,利用法律框架(OpenLaw)保障链下科研知产 IP 的权益以及链上投资人、参与者的权益。

2022 年 6月 13 日,Molecule 完成了 1300 万美元的种子轮融资,该轮融资由 Northpond Ventures 领投,Backed VC、Shine Capital、Speedinvest 以及前 Coinbase 首席技术官 Balaji Srinivasan 参投。

D. 总结

DeSci 并不是为了,也不可能解决所有科学研发相关的问题。Molecule 在沿用 Web3 技术栈堆的基础上,来解决早期科研经费(链上 DeFi 流动性)、组织治理形式(去中心化自治、开放无许可参与),以及科学进程的透明(研究数据、成果的开放性)问题。

有人认为Molecule 更像是 DeSci 赛道的 OpenSea,但是区别于交易链上原生资产的 OpenSea,DeSci 项目最重要的,依旧是链下的底层科研项目以及知识产权 IP 数据,依旧需要对底层科研项目进行孵化、治理、与推动发展。

因此,由 Molecule 孵化的专注于生命长寿领域的 VitaDAO 应运而生。

2.2 VitaDAO

VitaDAO 正式成立于 2021 年 6 月,由 Molecule 倡导并发起,致力于构建一个专注于抗衰老药、生命长寿项目的去中心化、社区治理平台,旨在加速生命长寿的研发,延长人类寿命和健康寿命。

VitaDAO 在 Molecule 平台上是资金提供者的角色,其通过社区募资的方式,专门为生命长寿项目提供资助并获取知产 IP 数据,并通过 DAO 的组织方式进行去中心化治理,成为全球首个专注于生命长寿的 DAO。


A. 社区募资与社区治理

VitaDAO 于 2021 年 6 月 23 日启动了社区轮的融资,任何人都可以通过购买或积极参与社区贡献的方式来获得 VITA 代币,并通过持有 VITA 代币来积极参与 VitaDAO 的社区治理。

目前 VitaDAO 设立多个工作组支持 DAO 的去中心化运营,包括设立治理、代币经济学、宣传、法律、抗衰老科学和运营小组,主要工作内容包括资助早期科研项目或投资初创公司以获取知产 IP 数据和股权。


B. 商业模式

尽管 VitaDAO 实现了链上的募资以及链上的治理,但是其主要商业模式依旧来自链下。

VitaDAO 需要将资助科研项目获取的知产 IP 及数据资产进行商业化变现(如科研数据的授权使用、知产 IP 的转让/授权、与医药机构的合作研发等等),获得的资金进一步填充 DAO 的金库来支持更多项目,由此形成一个良性的循环。

2021 年 8 月,VitaDAO 受让了 MoleculeProtocol 平台的第一个 IP-NFT,该项目来自 University of Copenhagen 的抗衰老生命长寿的项目。

截至目前,VitaDAO 已成功资助了 22 个项目,总计投资超过 420 万美元。

(VitaDAO Whitepaper)

C. 代币经济

根据 VitaDAO 的数据,截至 2023 年 1 月,其中 60% 的代币尚未投放市场(Unminted)。在成立之初(即 2021 年 6 月),社区拍卖了 10% 的代币,而在 2023 年 1 月的由传统制药巨头辉瑞(Pfizer)领投的 410 万美元融资中,7% 的代币被以 Token Sale 的形式置换。此外,服务提供商、工作组和财政库各自获得了 10%、10% 和 3% 的代币份额。未投放市场的代币每个季度以 0.4% 的速率释放。

VITA 代币持有者享有的是治理权而非 IP-NFT 的所有权,但是 VITA 代币对应 VitaDAO 金库资产(IP-NFT、生命科学项目股权、科研数据)的价值也会随着 VitaDAO 资助项目的增多,而不断提升,具有巨大潜力。


D. 总结

VitaDAO 是在 Molecule 在构建起 Biotech 生态后,成功孵化的第一个 Biotech DAO,这种模式也获得了主流传统制药巨头辉瑞(Pfizer)的认可,具有标志性的意义,值得所有 DeSci 项目借鉴。

相对于 Molecule这个相对大而全的生命科学 Discovery 市场,VitaDAO 这种更加细分、更加专注的 DeSci 运作方式,更容易能够获得资金的关注,能够叠加该领域细分市场的资源,从而形成该领域的特有社区。

如 VitaDAO 这个专注于“生命长寿”科研发展的社区就能够:(1)获得链上链下资金流动性的关注以及支持;(2)让病患自愿贡献数据以换取未来治愈康复的曙光;(3)更加开放的科学能够吸引全球关注生命长寿发展的人才及资源,帮助科研项目度过基础研究、临床试验、产品商业化等各个阶段。

(VitaDAO Longevity Biotech Conference at Zuzalu 2023)

三、探索 Biotech 项目进入 Web3 的可行路径


尤其是对于 DeSci 领域的 Biotech 项目而言,知产 IP 以及数据资产依然需要链下主体进行持有、运营、申请专利保护等,并且需要根据满足每个司法辖区对于知产 IP 以及数据资产的监管合规。

Molecule 和 VitaDAO 的 Web3 路径,值得我们借鉴。

3.1 Molecule——从平台到协议的渐进式去中心化路径

在上面的案例中,Molecule AG 就是一家欧洲的运营公司,从一开始的中心化运作逐步转变到以太坊上搭建 Molecule Protocol 平台。

中心化的 Molecule AG 通过在 Molecule Protocol 平台上嵌入各种协议组件,如 Balancer、Gnosis、Moloch、The LAO、OpenLaw、 等,搭建好自身的链上链下 Biotech 生态之后,转型为去中心化的 Molecule Protocol,逐步孵化了 VitaDAO,并在此后获得融资。

虽然并没有看到 Molecule Protocol 代币经济的消息,但是可以预见的是,在渐进式去中心化转型为 Molecule Protocol 之后,Molecule AG 公司实体的定位将转变为 Molecule Protocol 的核心贡献者,而非实际运营者,在后续代币分配上面可能获得对应 15%—20% 的代币激励。

3.2 VitaDAO——社区发起的去中心化组织路径

反观由 Molecule 倡导并发起的 VitaDAO,Molecule 更多扮演的是发起人的角色,而非实际运营者。实际运营由社区选举的工作组(Working Groups)承担,依托 Molecule 已经搭建好的架构进行运营。

可以说,VitaDAO 是构建在 Molecule 社区基础之上形成的去中心化组织,初始资金由社区提供,进行后续通过社区自治运行。

由于 VitaDAO 社区发起的去中心化特质,其代币分配就少了中心化机构作为发起人以及投资人的部分(对比模拟的 Molecule 代币分配方案),代币分配方案更加偏向社区。


3.3 Biotech 项目进入 Web3 的可行路径

由于,Biotech 项目的知产 IP 以及数据资产等都还是需要链下的法人实体来进行持有并维护,代币经济体系也需要参与者生态的支撑,因此 Biotech 项目一进入 Web3 就立即实现去中心化并不现实,即使是 Molecule 这样的公司也是如此。

Biotech 项目需要首先通过中心化的方式运行,建立起自身的参与者生态,并设计好代币分配方案以激励生态参与者。

代币设计需要明晰:Web3 能够为 Biotech 项目带来什么?

简单来讲,Web3 能够低成本地以 token 的方式激励社区贡献的成员,迅速形成生态网络效应。

这一点在 Web2 中,只有在公司向 VC/PE 进行大规模融资后补贴用户才能实现,并且这种 To VC 而非 To User 的运营方式并不一定能够适用于现在的市场环境。

如 VitaDAO 这种专注于“生命长寿”科研发展的社区而言,能够通过代币经济的设计,快速启动项目,激励各个生态环节中的参与方,迅速形成网络效应:(1)对于科研项目投资者、流动性提供者的激励;(2)对于提供自身数据病患的激励;(3)对于帮助科研项目度过基础研究、临床试验、产品商业化等各个阶段成员的激励。

在完成生态建设,并且设计好明确的代币经济方案之后,可以逐步转入去中心化 DAO 的治理运行模式。因此我们看到,在中心化的 Molecule AG 构建起参与者生态之后,渐进式地进入到去中心化 Molecule Protocol 协议,或去中心化组织 VitaDAO,这都是 Biotech 进入 Web3 的可行路径。

在此之后,可以参考 RWA 的模式,由 DAO 专门设立基金会/SPV,独立运营知产 IP 与数据,以满足链下监管合规的要求。


DeSci 可能不是解决当前科学研究领域问题的唯一方案,但是,它能够提供一个可能可行的解决方案。

尽管与任何技术创新一样,DeSci 领域存在诸多风险,如 DAO 组织的法律定性、知产 IP 数据的权益归属、链上投资人以及链下科研人员的权益保障等,但是要知道:

DeSci 仍处于起步阶段,只有少数科研项目和科学 DAO 在区块链上启动,随着像 V 神、Coinbase 的 Brain、Balaji 等加密领袖的关注,以及传统制药巨头辉瑞(Pfizer)的认可,该领域的巨大发展空间正在被打开。

The decentralized organization focusing on the research and drug discovery in the field of longevity won the financing of $10,000 led by Pfizer, a traditional pharmaceutical giant, which is a milestone in the field. It also makes the vision of entering the mainstream for the first time different from the closed-loop business model that can be realized only by encrypting the original assets. The underlying assets come from the offline and need to be closely combined with the offline real world, which not only involves the transformation of the traditional technology and token economy model, such as the acquisition of data sharing results. The commercialization of technology transfer products will also involve many issues under the chain, such as privacy protection, data security, commercialization of property rights products and compliance with the encrypted world on the chain. Because of the wide range of fields, this paper will take two landmark projects in the field as examples and explore the feasible path of project entry from the perspective of my entrepreneurs and investment and financing lawyers to build a legal framework. What is decentralization science? Decentralized science is a movement aimed at establishing a public foundation through the fair and equal use of technology stack piles. Facilities to finance the creation, review, confirmation, storage and dissemination of scientific knowledge and research. This movement aims to create an ecosystem to encourage researchers to share their research openly and win honors for their work. At the same time, it allows anyone to easily understand and contribute to research. It is not to solve all the problems related to scientific research and development, and it is impossible to solve them on the basis of following the technology stack reactor. At present, the form of liquidity organization governance in the early scientific research funding chain is decentralized, autonomous and open without permission. And the transparency of scientific process and the openness of research data results are creating a more decentralized and distributed scientific research model, such as the autonomous operation of smart contracts and the decentralized governance of organizations, so that it can resist the examination and control of funds for scientific research results by central institutions, obtain diversified scientific research funds through decentralized methods, open up channels for scientific research data islands and external exchanges, and provide repetitive incentives to create a platform for scientific research and discovery to flourish. The exhibition's ecological environment II, the practice in the field, the early basic research is often the lifeline of drug development in the follow-up clinical trials, but it is usually constrained by many factors such as tight access to funds, complicated legal ownership and urgent commercialization of projects, which will make it difficult to start potential promising research projects. Academics call this loss between basic research and clinical trials the Valley of Death. In addition, the intellectual property data assets related to research are also highly lacking. The lack of liquidity, centralized bureaucracy and opaque asset categories restrict the development of scientific research. Under this helpless situation, the company has provided a fund-raising platform for early life science projects through the technology stack reactor, and built an open and transparent market for fund-raising cooperative R&D and property rights transactions. The slogan is that it is a company located in Europe, and it has built a decentralized platform to provide funds for early life science projects. At present, there are about 10 departments in cooperative R&D and property rights transactions. Research projects get funds on the platform. The infrastructure of the platform is built on the platform of Ethereum, including two-tier system and ongoing research. Researchers can publicly display their research projects, find global funding providers and partners to promote the project process, and investors and fund organizations can also contact life science projects in the early research stage here to provide research funds and technical support, including the long-lived project platform transferred to them through subsequent forms. By transferring the research and development agreement under the chain, Instead, it is brought to the chain so that the fund providers can raise funds for the project through purchase or integrate it into the portfolio management for the vertical field of disease treatment. The fund providers can provide funds for scientific research projects through purchase and holding, and the liquidity holders can obtain the research property rights and future achievements of researchers, such as intellectual property royalty data. So far, the platform has built a relatively perfect ecological benefit from the chain and the chain through the modular open stack. Using various components to construct the liquidity of project funds, using governance components to realize the collective participation of patients' community researchers and investors in governance and utilization of infrastructure, to realize the early community fund raising and community framework construction, and to further accelerate the promotion of research and development by using open scientific research experimental tools to ensure the rights and interests of scientific research and intellectual property under the chain and the rights and interests of investors in the chain, and completed a seed round of financing of $10,000 on April, this round of financing was invested by the lead investor and the former chief technology officer. Summary is not to solve all the problems related to scientific research and development, and it is impossible to solve the problems of decentralized liquidity, organizational governance, autonomous opening, unlicensed participation and transparent research data achievements in the early scientific research funding chain on the basis of following the technology stack pile. Some people think that it is more like a racetrack, but the most important thing that is different from the original assets in the trading chain is still the underlying scientific research projects and intellectual property data under the chain. Therefore, incubation governance and promotion of development emerged as the times require, focusing on the field of longevity. It was formally established in March by advocating and initiating the construction of a decentralized community governance platform focusing on anti-aging drug longevity projects, aiming at accelerating the research and development of longevity and prolonging human longevity and healthy longevity. On the platform, it plays the role of a fund provider, which provides financial support for longevity projects through community fundraising, obtains intellectual property data and conducts it through organizational means. Heart-centered governance has become the first community fund-raising and community governance focusing on longevity in the world. The community round of financing was launched on January. Anyone can get tokens by buying or actively participating in community contributions, and actively participate in community governance by holding tokens. At present, several working groups have been set up to support decentralized operations, including the establishment of governance token economics, publicity, law, anti-aging science and operation groups. The main work includes funding early scientific research projects or investing in start-ups to Although the business model of obtaining intellectual property data and equity has realized the fundraising and governance on the chain, its main business model still comes from the commercial realization of intellectual property and data assets obtained by funding scientific research projects, such as the authorization of scientific research data, the transfer authorization of intellectual property and the cooperative research and development of pharmaceutical institutions, etc., to further fill the treasury to support more projects, thus forming a benign cycle. The first project of the platform was transferred in October, and the anti-aging and longevity project from this project has been successfully funded. Up to now, the total investment of this project has exceeded 10,000 US dollars. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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