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笔者总结了几种否定虚拟货币属性的观点。首先,以比特币为代表的虚拟货币虽然被称为货币,但不具备货币的全部职能。其本质为电子数据,创新了一种记账方式, 即由于所有节点均完整记录了交易,使账本具有不可篡改性。其次,由于虚拟货币具有匿名性、隐秘性、全球流通性,缺乏有效的监管措施,逐渐沦为洗钱、诈骗、受贿等违法犯罪的新型工具,社会危害性较大。最后,虚拟货币流通范围有限且不稳定。无论是比特币还是其他虚拟货币,都可能在一定范围内换取商品或完成支付,但能换取商品的并非都是货币,如我国历史上的粮票、布票等都曾经在较长时期、在很大范围内公开或半公开地换取日用品,但从来没有人把粮票、布票定义为货币。货币成为商品交换媒介的基本条件是其普遍接受性,基于此,虽然虚拟货币在区块链领域地位日益重要,但其本质还是数据,没有国家信用作保障,不被承认其货币属性。


有学者认为私人数字货币的所有形态一则尚未被国家强权所认可,二则未被市场作为货币接受,因此不具备货币的所有特征,在现阶段主要作为金融投资工具而存在。在国家层面上,除前文例举的部门规范性文件明确否定虚拟货币的货币属性,《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法(修订草案征求意见稿)》第19条也拟规定:“人民币包括实物形式和数字形式;为防范虚拟货币风险,明确任何单位和个人禁止制作和发售数字代币”。此举在为数字人民币的推广提供法律依据的同时,否认了私人发布虚拟货币的合法性。此处存在一个逻辑矛盾,中国人民银行等部委在文件里 否定了虚拟货币的货币属性,但又从虚拟货币的功能属性出发,将虚拟货币作为非法集资等非法金融活动的对象,间接承认了虚拟货币的资金属性。目前,我国否定虚拟数字货币的货币属性多是基于政策性原因。






法定数字货币,即央行数字货币,是指“中央银行发行的,以代表具体金额的加密数字串为表现形式的法定货币”。在电子支付、 区块链等新技术浪潮下,我国也在研发法定数字货币。中国人民银行早在2014年就启动了数字货币的研究项目,并于2017年获得了国务院的批准,至2018年中国人民银行就数字人民币共申请了63项专利,最终于2020年4月实验性地发行了数字人民币。法偿性是货币的基本特征,是货币的法定支付能力。而目前数字人民币因为本质依赖信息数据,其特性与纸币存在不同之处,推行数字人民币对传统的货币强制性有了突破,因此为适应数字人民币普及的需要,人民币传统的“不得拒收”的强制性也要随之改变。是以,笔者推测立法语言的变化是中国人民银行为适应数字人民币推广对货币强制性作出的突破所做的改变。








In, five ministries and commissions of the central bank issued a notice on preventing bitcoin risks. Since then, it has been confirmed that virtual currency-related business activities are illegal in China. Since then, the notices on preventing the financing risks of token issuance and further preventing and dealing with the speculation risks of virtual currency transactions have continued the policy spirit of prohibiting encrypted digital currency transactions, but they are different in the nature of virtual digital currency. For example, the new notice on further preventing and dealing with virtual currency transactions in. The notice of risk is different from the previous announcement, excluding whether the virtual currency does not have the expression of monetary compulsion. Does this change have a deeper meaning? What changes have the regulators' understanding of virtual digital currency? In view of the above situation, the author hereby writes an article to discuss the profound meaning of not mentioning monetary compulsion, and puts forward the disappearance of virtual currency without the expression of monetary compulsion. The notice document on preventing bitcoin risks is clear for the first time. Although Bitcoin is called currency, it is not issued by the monetary authorities. It is not true that the bank does not have monetary attributes such as legal compensation and compulsion. The announcement document on preventing the risk of token issuance and financing once again puts forward that the tokens or virtual currency used in token issuance and financing are not issued by the monetary authorities and have no monetary attributes such as legal compensation and compulsion, and do not have the same legal status as currency. It cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. The notice document on further preventing and dealing with the speculation risk of virtual currency trading says that Virtual currency does not have the same legal status as legal tender. Bitcoin, Ether, Teda and other virtual currencies have the main characteristics of being issued by non-monetary authorities, using encryption technology and distributed accounts or similar technologies in digital form, and are not legally compensated. It is obvious that the above documents are all led by the People's Bank of China, and they all mention that virtual currency does not have monetary attributes. Among them, the lack of legal compensation is always emphasized in the latest documents of the year. However, on the basis of emphasizing that virtual currency does not have legal compensation, I gave up claiming that virtual currency does not have monetary compulsion. This change has aroused the author's concern. After searching the literature and consulting the materials, I tried to interpret this change. Second, the basic attribute of credit currency, legal compensation compulsory currency, is a general property that is fixed as a trading medium. For a long time in human history, all countries adopted metal currency, but with the expansion of economic scale, metal currency has some limitations such as high cost and inconvenient to carry. This metal currency gradually gave way to all currencies in the era of credit currency credit standard, whether it is tangible paper money or other forms of currency, which has no value in itself. The reason why people are willing to accept this kind of currency form is that it is guaranteed by national credit, and people believe that others will accept this currency to pay off their debts in exchange. Therefore, the credit base of credit currency is the overall credit of issuing institutions and countries, which is manifested in the legal compensation and compulsory credit system of one currency. Political textbooks have said that money is produced in the process of commodity exchange, and its basic function is to realize the convenient exchange between different properties as a medium. In short, different exchange media will compete for the most popular currency through competition without the intervention of legal coercion. In the long historical evolution, precious metals stand out among many forms of exchange media because of their scarcity, stability and portability, and occupy the throne of money for a long time until the United States announced in. The era of monetary standard system in which dollars are not exchanged for gold has ended. The increasing demand for money and the limitation of the supply of monetary metals have led to the disintegration of the monetary system. Countries have invariably chosen to issue paper money credit as a fixed means of circulation and payment based on the legal tender issuing organs and the overall credit of society. The monetary standard system was born, and its obvious performance is the basic concept of legal compensation and compulsory legal compensation of money. The currency recognized by law has legal solvency for a specific range of debts, and the currency with legal repayment is called the legal repayment currency. For modern countries, giving the national currency the legal repayment attribute is the embodiment of the state exercising the right to coin money to adjust the value of the currency. If the national currency and the non-national currency are given legal repayment at the same time or only the non-national currency is given legal repayment, the hierarchical monetary payment system will no longer exist in the financial market, and there will be a lack of lender of last resort to provide the highest level of credit legal repayment currency. Creditors with absolute payment effect shall not refuse to accept the legal compensation currency to pay off debts unless the payment target is specially agreed, otherwise it will be considered illegal. Article 1 of the Law of the People's Bank of China stipulates that the legal tender of People's Republic of China (PRC) is RMB to pay all public and private debts in People's Republic of China (PRC), and no unit or individual may refuse to accept this article, which is considered as the direct embodiment of RMB's legal compensation in China. On the basic concept of three compulsions in the credit currency system. There is a strong national compulsion under the circulation of currency. The acceptance of currency is no longer just a voluntary matter among businessmen, but reflects the will of the country, and the rules for the issuance and circulation of currency have also risen to the national legal norms. However, apart from the normative documents issued by the central bank, the author finds that there are few separate references to the compulsion of currency in many academic documents. It is generally believed that the compulsion of currency is embodied in the second half sentence of Article 6 of the People's Bank of China Law, and scholars seem to refuse it. It is stated in the concept of legal compensation. It is said that Article 1 of the Regulations on the Administration of RMB requires that all public and private debts in People's Republic of China (PRC) be paid in RMB, which clarifies the legal compensation and compulsion of RMB, that is, RMB is legal tender and endorsed by national credit and compulsory works, thus giving RMB a strong credit attribute and enabling it to gain public trust. It also reflects the compulsion of currency, which is mainly manifested in that it cannot be rejected when paying off debts because legal tender is required. Therefore, the use of currency in a country is limited geographically, which is generally limited to the state management. Three virtual currencies are not legally compensated and compulsory. Whether virtual currencies have the characteristics of decentralization or not is an enduring discussion proposition. Supporters believe that virtual currencies represented by Bitcoin actually have the advantages of value scale, circulation means, storage means, payment means and the five major functions of money currencies of the world, and have the advantages that transactions can be queried without time and space, and the total amount is limited, which limits inflation. However, opponents believe that Bitcoin lacks the support of the state and is difficult to perform its duties as a commodity exchange medium as a functional currency. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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