2023 Cosmos 生态系统一览

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作者:Harvey,CHANHEE KIM 来源:xangle.io 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



在本报告中,我们探讨了 2023 年 Cosmos 生态系统内发生的重大变化、重大技术更新和突出的新项目。我们还仔细研究了该生态系统的技术进步和市场变化,以及 Cosmos 如何重新定义现有的区块链范式。

  • 0.47版本更新

    • 升级到 CometBFT:重新命名的 CometBFT 是之前使用的名为 Tendermint 的共识引擎的分支,现已在 Cosmos SDK 中正式提供。0.47 版本没有重大的实现变化,此更新旨在帮助之前使用 Tendermint 的链迁移到使用 CometBFT。

    • 迁移到 cosmos/gogoproto:Cosmos SDK 使用由 google 开发的 Protobuf 作为传递交易中包含的消息的方式。然而,现有的 gogo/protobuf 不再维护,因此它已被分叉并开始在 Cosmos 生态系统中以 cosmos/gogoproto 的名称进行管理。

  • 0.50版本更新

    • ABCI 2.0:ABCI是负责共识引擎和负责链上不同功能的应用层之间数据交换的接口。共识引擎CometBFT(Tendermint)负责区块生成和交易广播,这是确定交易顺序的过程。由于 ABCI 的设计,内存池中按所需顺序处理交易存在限制。为了克服这个问题,ABCI 2.0 添加了一个名为“PrepareProposal”的新流程来确定内存池中交易的顺序并将其传递给 CometBFT。

    • Optimistic Execution:在之前的 Cosmos SDK 中,所有验证者都需要达成一致,然后才能执行交易并将结果提交到链上。这减慢了交易的执行速度,为了克服这个问题,引入了一种称为“Optimistic Execution”的功能。该功能允许交易在未经所有验证者同意的情况下执行和提交,从而获得更高的交易吞吐量。

    • SDK 模块:Cosmos SDK 包含用于应用程序开发的各种模块。此前,每个模块的更新都跟随SDK的更新版本,因此很难追踪每个模块的更新历史。在0.50版本中,每个模块的版本控制已更改为独立的,从而更容易跟踪历史记录。此外,数据存储模型Store和IAVL已经解耦,以便可以单独更新。

2-2. Metamask 上的 Cosmos

由于 Cosmos 生态中有多种链,即使助记词相同,每条链也有独立的地址。目前,使用名为 Keplr 的钱包服务来集成和管理它们,但需要利用新的钱包应用程序来利用 Web3 上出现的每个新链,这给用户带来了巨大的疲劳和进入障碍。

Cosmos 生态系统认识到这个问题,并且正在开展项目来解决这个问题。在此背景下,Metamask 推出了对 Snap 的全面支持,允许在 Metamask 上添加自定义功能。感谢 Metamask,现在可以在基于 Cosmos 的链上创建交易,而 Leap 钱包就是此类服务之一。



换句话说,已经奠定了技术基础,让熟悉基于 EVM 的链的用户更容易被 Cosmos 生态吸引。

2-3. 多虚拟机

不幸的是,Cosmos SDK 不支持智能合约的虚拟机。因此,出现了几个项目来开发在其他区块链协议中经过验证和使用的虚拟机或 Cosmos 生态系统独有的独立虚拟机。人们已经尝试将各种虚拟机(例如 EVM、WasmVM、SolanaVM、MoveVM 等)与 Cosmos SDK 集成,并且对某些虚拟机的支持受到高度赞赏。如果支持更常用的虚拟机,dApp 开发人员将更容易加入 Cosmos 生态系统。

3. 项目

以下是 2023 年 Cosmos 生态系统中出现的一些最有趣、最引人注目的项目。

3-1. Celestia

2023 年 Cosmos 生态中最热门的项目无疑是 Celestia。Celestia是一个具有代表性的模块化区块链项目,它将区块链的功能大致分为四个部分:

  • 执行:处理交易和改变链状态的能力。

  • 结算:验证计算层处理的交易。

  • 数据可用性:存储来自交易和区块的信息并确保其始终可用。

  • 共识:确定交易有效性或交易包含在区块中的顺序的能力。

在这些功能中,Celestia 专注于数据可用性。这与“L2”一词相结合,引发了 Cosmos 生态系统的 Rollup 热潮。为此,创建并支持了名为“Rollkit”的框架,该框架支持 Celestia 和 Cosmos SDK 之间的 ABCI。

Celestia Rollkit ( https://docs.celestia.org/developers/rollkit )

它取代了 Cosmos 的共识引擎 Tendermint(或更确切地说,CometBFT),并允许 Celestia 和 Cosmos SDK 直接通信。这允许通过将交易聚合在一个块中并利用 Celestia 的共识引擎和数据可用性来进行主权汇总。

3-2. Skip Protocol

Skip Protocol 是一个愿景为“主权区块链的主权交易基础设施”的项目。它有助于改善主权区块链的用户体验,并使交易处理顺序透明,以防止恶意 MEV 并从质量上改善网络。

在用户体验改进中,该项目旨在解决区块链间通信(IBC)协议的问题。IBC 是一种用于在 Cosmos 内不同链之间交换资产的协议。为了通过 IBC 转移资产,必须创建一个通信“通道”,每个通道都需要为其连接的每个链提供唯一的 ID。下图展示了连接 Axelar 和 Terra2 的通道,代表了从 Axelar 向 Terra2 发送 ETH 的示例。


Skip API ( https://api-docs.skip.money/docs/ibc-routing-algorithm )

通过 IBC 传递到另一条链的资产将具有新的面额,遵循以下命名算法:


这里需要注意的是,即使相同的资产被发送到同一个链,如果通道的价值,或者说路径的价值不同,它的面额也会完全不同。换句话说,即使 ETH 中的资产相同,在 Terra2 中也会被识别为不同的资产。当资产通过复杂的路径交付时尤其如此,因此很难知道交付了哪些资产。


为了解决这些问题,Skip 提出了一种最优路由算法来在 Cosmos 生态内交付资产,并通过确定资产的面额来提供更好的用户体验。

Skip 协议还提供了各种可用于基于 Cosmos SDK 开发区块链的 API,例如多链交易跟踪和 Block SDK。Skip 还向社区提议将 Skip 的功能纳入 Cosmos SDK 中,为生态系统的发展做出贡献。

3-3. 其他项目






dYdX被认为是最成功的DEX,并且已经使用Cosmos SDK成功迁移到Layer1。






4. 链上性能

4-1. 开发活动


虽然 Cosmos 网络上的开发活动总体保持健康,但第二季度的智能合约部署数量最高(2,226),增长率也最高(21.4%)。核心开发者数量呈逐渐上升趋势,这也是生态基础设施积极建设的标志。

与此同时,去年第二季度和第三季度部署的智能合约数量分别为 2,226 和 1,777 个,高于第四季度的 1,701 个。虽然与前两个季度相比,开发活动确实有所放缓,但考虑到第四季度年底导致的下降,我们认为活动水平仍在持续。

4-2. 网络活动


Cosmos 网络活动中最引人注目的是,第二季度和第三季度的开发活动转化为第四季度整个生态系统的增长。如表所示,Cosmos 生态系统中的 TVL 在第三季度持续下降,但在第四季度大幅上升。

第四季度 Cosmos 生态系统 TVL 的爆炸性增长可归因于两个因素的结合。首先是 10 月中旬各 Layer 1 主题的流动性涌入。2H 期间,大量流动性流入 Layer 1 生态,Solana、Cosmos 和 Avalanche 以爆发性的表现拉动整体 TVL。

此外,包括Cosmos SDK在内的对开发者友好的基础设施环境,以及基于IBC生态系统构建的庞大的区块链连接网络,也为用户带来了实际效用。仔细观察 TVL 趋势就会发现,这不仅仅是暂时的上升,而是持续的趋势。对协议成熟度的满意可能会推动第 1 层的流动性,促进 Cosmos 的发展并减少用户流失。



与表现最低的第三季度(1,470,050 个)相比,第四季度活跃钱包数量也增加了近 55%,达到 2,280,335 个,反映出生态系统充满活力。这是由 Cosmos IBC 生态系统的互操作性推动的,这导致了链上活动的增加,例如用户参与每个协议上的活动以及通过 DeFi 使用代币。

此外,从IBC生态中关键协议的TVL趋势来看,下半年基于Cosmos SDK的协议的持续炒作也起到了重振生态的作用。事实上,我们可以看到协议的 TVL 略有增加。与 THORChain 等项目从第四季度初开始增长不同,Injective 协议从第四季度末到现在 TVL 出现爆炸性增长。我们可以将其解释为 Cosmos IBC 生态系统内流动性和交易活动的顺序流动。

4-3. 网络安全


Cosmos 目前共有 180 个活跃验证者。前 9 位验证者持有 40.89% 的质押 $ATOM 供应量。目前 Cosmos 上有 2.44B $ATOM 质押,约占总供应量的 65%。

5. 结束语

2023年对于Cosmos生态来说是具有里程碑意义的一年,见证了多个项目的发展和重大变化。我们相信,这些变化表明 Cosmos 不仅仅是区块链技术的一个领域,而且正在推动整个区块链生态系统的创新。

Celestia、Skip Protocol 和其他著名项目展示了 Cosmos 生态系统的多样性和灵活性以及它如何不断发展。这些项目开创了区块链技术的新用例,并帮助创建更高效、用户友好的区块链环境。

Cosmos 生态系统的成长和发展增强了我们对区块链技术未来的兴奋。它们为开发者、用户和投资者打开了新机遇的大门,并为未来几年持续的创新铺平了道路。我们预计 Cosmos 生态系统在未来几年将继续这种积极的趋势,并且在此过程中将不断出现新的技术挑战和机遇。

A brief introduction to Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network, we witnessed the rapid ecological development in, and attracted many developers and projects with its unique interoperability and modular architecture. It can be said that these characteristics have opened up a new horizon for blockchain technology. In this report, we discussed the major changes, major technological updates and outstanding new projects in the ecosystem in, and we also carefully studied the technological progress and market changes of the ecosystem and how to re-examine. Defining the existing blockchain paradigm, the version is updated and upgraded to the renamed branch of the previously used consensus engine named, and now the version has been officially provided in. There are no major implementation changes. This update aims to help the previously used chain to migrate to the way of using the message contained in the transaction developed by, but the existing one is no longer maintained, so it has been forked and started to be managed in the ecosystem under the name of. The version update is responsible for the consensus engine and different functions on the chain. The consensus engine is responsible for block generation and transaction broadcasting, which is the process of determining the transaction order. In order to overcome this problem, a new process named to determine the transaction order in the memory pool is added, and all verifiers need to reach an agreement before executing the transaction and submitting the results to the chain, which slows down the execution speed of the transaction. The topic introduces a function called, which allows transactions to be executed and submitted without the consent of all verifiers, so as to obtain higher transaction throughput. The module contains various modules used for application development, and the update version of each module has been followed before, so it is difficult to track the update history of each module. In the version, the version control of each module has been changed to be independent, so that it is easier to track the history. In addition, the data storage model and have been decoupled so that they can be updated separately. Because there are many kinds of chains in the ecosystem, even if the mnemonics are the same, each chain has an independent address. At present, we use a wallet service called to integrate and manage them, but we need to use new wallet applications to take advantage of each new chain that appears on the internet, which brings great fatigue and barriers to entry to users. The ecosystem recognizes this problem and is carrying out projects to solve it. Under this background, it has launched comprehensive support for and allowed to add custom functions to the internet. Thanks can now be created on the chain based on. Building a transaction and wallet is one of such services. In other words, wallet has laid a technical foundation to make users familiar with the chain based on ecology more easily attracted. Unfortunately, multi-virtual machines do not support smart contracts, so several projects have emerged to develop virtual machines that have been verified and used in other blockchain protocols or independent virtual machines unique to the ecosystem. People have tried to integrate various virtual machines, such as peer and peer, and their support for some virtual machines is highly appreciated. Common virtual machine developers will be more likely to join the ecosystem project. The following are some of the most interesting and eye-catching projects in the ecosystem in 2008. The hottest project in the ecosystem in 2008 is undoubtedly a representative modular blockchain project, which roughly divides the functions of the blockchain into four parts: the ability to handle transactions and change the state of the chain is settled, the availability of transaction data processed by the computing layer is verified, the information from transactions and blocks is stored, and the transactions can always be determined by consensus. Validity or the ability of the order in which transactions are contained in a block focuses on data availability in these functions, which, combined with the word, has triggered an upsurge in the ecosystem. For this reason, a framework named is created and supported, which supports and replaces the consensus engine or, to be more precise, allows direct communication with each other. This allows sovereign aggregation by aggregating transactions in a block and utilizing the consensus engine and data availability. It is a sovereign trading infrastructure with a vision of sovereign blockchain. Project it helps to improve the user experience of sovereign blockchain and make the transaction processing sequence transparent to prevent malice and improve the network in quality. In the improvement of user experience, this project aims to solve the problem of communication protocol between blockchains, which is a protocol for exchanging assets between different chains in China. In order to transfer assets, each channel must create a unique communication channel for each chain it connects. The following figure shows that the channel of connection sum represents the example sent from direction to direction. The assets of the other chain will have a new denomination and follow the following naming algorithm. It should be noted that even if the same asset is sent to the same chain, its denomination will be completely different if the value of the channel or the value of the path is different. In other words, even if the assets in the chain are the same, they will be identified as different assets, especially when the assets are delivered through complex paths. Therefore, it is difficult to know which assets have been delivered. In order to solve these problems, an optimal routing algorithm is proposed to be within the ecology. Deliver assets and provide a better user experience by determining the denomination of assets. The agreement also provides a variety of functions that can be used to develop blockchain, such as multi-chain transaction tracking and proposing to the community to contribute to the development of the ecosystem. Other projects are positioned as chains specializing in transactions, and their goal is to become fast, not this is also a major trend in the development of blockchain in. It is considered to be the most successful to establish a partnership with and support various kinds of participation in the ecology, and it has been successfully migrated to strengthen governance through its own tokens. It is a liquidity pledge agreement similar to Ethereum. Liquidity pledge in the ecology is inherently difficult because assets are scattered in multiple chains, aiming at realizing multi-chain liquidity pledge in the ecology by using inter-chain account inquiry and inter-chain security. It is an enterprise-oriented blockchain support. Although the development activities on the network are generally healthy, the number of smart contracts deployed in the second quarter is also the highest, and the number of core developers is on the rise, which is also a sign of the active construction of ecological infrastructure. At the same time, the number of smart contracts deployed in the second quarter and the third quarter of last year is respectively 200 and 200, which is higher than that in the fourth quarter. Although the development activities have indeed slowed down compared with the previous two quarters, considering the decline caused by the end of the fourth quarter, we think that the activity level is still the most noticeable among the continuous network activities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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