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最近, Starknet超级大空投落下帷幕后,几乎全球瞩目的焦点都落到了 @zksync头上。作为ZK-Rollup的半壁江山,zkSync各项数据指标还都占优,市场对zkSync抱有高预期也在情理之中。

不过,zkSync并没有表态空投计划,而多次提到了ZK is the Endgame。ZK技术真是layer2的终局吗?接下来,谈谈我的看法:

1) OP-Rollup和ZK-Rollup的技术论战是过去一两年的焦点,大家普遍认为ZK-Rollup的优势是不存在7天挑战期。这源于ZK技术能在layer2和主网之间快速转换交易状态,并确保每笔交易的有效性,而OP-Rollup只能假定layer2递交交易的乐观性,并留有7天的挑战时间窗口来确保layer2交易不会被作恶。


久而久之,OP-Rollup阵营在7天挑战期关键的安全机制上都松懈了,且鲜有Battle-Tested 7天挑战案例产生。


在我看来,OP-Rollup大力推进OP Stack等战略没问题,但一定要同步提速7天挑战方案的落实,不然在OP-Stack一键发链刺激下,layer2的Sequencer节点提交主体越多,利用7天挑战潜在安全问题来作恶的可能性也越大。


据Growthpie数据显示,过去两个月zkSync的Gas已经在layer2四大天王中保持较低水平,平均单笔Gas消耗控制在了$0.12左右,已经优于Arbitrum和Optimism。当时在铭文压力测试阶段,其他平台的Gas费随着天量交易流量的涌入都出现不同程度上涨时,唯独zkSync TPS刷新了新高,Gas费还出现下滑。

此外,坎昆升级后Blob区块投入应用后,会进一步锁定zkSync Gas费低的优势。原因很简单:


2、ZK-Rollup也会因抢夺Blob区块而拉高总Gas消耗,但,ZK不用把全部Raw Data全部存放到主网上,新释放的存储空间,会存放更大量的压缩后的SNARK证明,这会进一步抬升ZK layer2向主网输送的TPS,进而使得均摊后的Gas费相较OP更低。

虽然,ZK链下Prover系统也有一定的成本因素,但随着 @RiscZero @ProjectZKM等General-purpose轻量化解决方案的持续算法优化和硬件加速,这部分成本也在持续降低。


3)zkSync官方持续在和 @pudgypenguins @apecoin @moonbirds 等NFT社区密切合作,在官推以及Space直播间,能听到大量关于Account Abstraction账户抽象, Paymaster代付Gas, Onboard New Users增量市场、Gaming游戏,用户体验UX等关键词。


最近,不少朋友探讨PayMaster的潜在影响,在我看来,Account Abstraction账户抽象一直是zkSync的重点技术底层,基于Paymaster Function,项目方可以直接给用户Gas补贴,这意味着,未来可能有大量的ZK生态项目会基于Paymaster掀起Gas补贴大战,这会刺激和吸引更多的优质生态项目产生,同时也会在内卷中给zkSync生态内的项目带来一次喷涌发展的契机。

ZK系生态发展慢一直被诟病,源于ZK circuit电路技术门槛高,ZK数据结构以及算法优化等存在的认知Gap导致ZK相关的应用使用体验相对拉垮。Starknet搬出Tokenomics大招正有意通过市场化激励机制来加速解决这一难题。

据L2beat数据显示,STRK空投之后,Starknet的TVL快速从Rank 10多位冲刺到了第四位,TVl总量增长6倍达到了13亿美金。Tokenomics的价值和意义可谓立竿见影。和Starknet的基本面差不多,若zkSync也拿出Tokenomics的杀手锏,受到官方激励的项目方再基于Paymaster搞一轮Gas补贴大战,ZK生态的繁荣预期可想而知。

4)zkSync推出的layer3 Hyperchain和Optimism大力扶持的Superchain,都属于layer2项目方通过Stack战略来拔高自身品牌格局的一种Long-term策略。

当下SuperChain聚焦在layer2战略同盟,目标是构建很多基于OP Stack技术开源框架下的新layer2项目,最终通过共享Sequencer组件来实现超级链架构。




总之,ZK技术是下一代Mass Adoption时代的基础infra,是属于下一代应用链竞相角逐的核心催化剂。如果说OP-Rollup靠Tokenomics等掀起Stack一键发链热潮,让其成为坎昆升级前的主要焦点,那么坎昆升级后,技术、市场、生态等诸多因素都会推动ZK-Rollup成为layer2市场最靓的仔。

让Starkent的子弹先飞一会儿,zkSync正在蓄势发力,ZK is the Endgame!

Note: 此文已参加由 @CNzksync 中文社区举办的征文大赛—zkSync,未来已来。

Author Hao Tian's view on the source chain: After the curtain of the recent super airdrop came to a close, almost half of the world's attention was focused on it, and all the data indicators were still dominant. It is reasonable for the market to have high expectations, but it was not stated that the airdrop plan was really the end. Next, let's talk about my views and the technical debate that has been the focus of the past year or two. It is generally believed that the advantage is that there is no day challenge period, which stems from the fact that technology can quickly switch transactions with the main network. State and ensure the effectiveness of each transaction, we can only assume the optimism of submitting the transaction and leave a challenge time window of days to ensure that the transaction will not be evil. In fact, users will only be sensitive to the real-time transformation characteristics of the transaction state when they bring up the scene. Most of the common interactions are often completed internally, but only part of the transaction data and status updates are submitted to the main network to finally record and determine the user's perception of the day challenge period, which is bound to be weak over time. The security mechanism is lax and there are few challenges. Perhaps it seems to many project parties that as long as the market and ecological data operation are good, all the problems existing in the decentralized day challenge can be temporarily ignored by the market. In contrast, the advantages in the security mechanism are congenital. In my opinion, it is no problem to vigorously promote the strategy, but we must speed up the implementation of the day challenge plan at the same time, otherwise, the more nodes submitted under the stimulation of one-click hair chain, the more users will use the day to challenge potential security problems. The greater the possibility of doing evil, the technical performance has been very good after the upgrade. On the one hand, the upgrade of the proof form is the key. The fee has indeed realized the vision that the larger the number of users is, the cheaper it will be. According to the data, the average single consumption in the past two months has been kept at a low level among the four kings, which has been better than that in the inscription stress test stage at that time. The fee of other platforms has risen to varying degrees with the influx of trading traffic, but it has only reached a new high and declined. After the upgrade in Cancun, the block will further lock in the advantage of low fees. The reason is very simple. The cost structure is almost entirely on the cost of data storage and verification submitted to the main network. Although the block will increase the data storage and thus reduce the cost, the use of external data packets is also market-oriented. It is foreseeable that many project parties will raise the total price in order to seize the priority use right, thus reducing the expectation of sharing fees, and will also raise the total consumption in order to seize the block, but it is not necessary to store all of them on the main network. The newly released storage space will store a larger amount of compressed proof, which will further promote the transportation to the main network, thus making the cost after sharing lower. Although the offline system also has certain cost factors, with the continuous algorithm optimization and hardware acceleration of lightweight solutions, this part of the cost is also decreasing. Obviously, whether it is the possibility of data compression or hardware acceleration, the project side has more initiative in cost control, but the project is more dependent on the data characteristics of the main network. The fee reduction is not as good as expected. There is more room for imagination. The official continues to work closely with other communities. In the official promotion and live broadcast room, you can hear a lot of keywords such as account abstraction and incremental market game user experience. It can be seen that the official is actually intentionally guiding the market. From the perspective, it also reflects that the values in the integrated chain continue to bring incremental markets to the main network and the potential impact that many friends have discussed recently. In my opinion, account abstraction has always been a key technology, and the bottom level based on the project can be directly given. User subsidies this means that there may be a large number of ecological projects in the future based on the subsidy war, which will stimulate and attract more high-quality ecological projects, and at the same time, it will bring a spurt of development opportunity to ecological projects in the inner volume. The slow ecological development has always been criticized because of the high threshold of circuit technology, the knowledge of data structure and algorithm optimization, which has led to the relative collapse of related application experience. We are trying to speed up the solution of this problem through market-oriented incentive mechanism. According to the report, after the airdrop, the total amount has doubled from multiple sprints to the fourth place, which has reached the value and significance of hundreds of millions of dollars. It can be said that it is immediate and the fundamentals are similar. If the project side also comes up with the killer weapon and is encouraged by the government, it is conceivable that the project side will launch and vigorously support it based on the expectation of a round of subsidy war and ecological prosperity. It is a strategy for the project side to raise its own brand structure through strategy. At present, the goal of focusing on strategic alliances is to build many new projects based on the open source framework of technology. Aim To realize the super-chain architecture by sharing components, in contrast, it is more flexible. At the same time, we can promote the strategic expansion of allies who have great demand for the system, and then use the higher-level application chain to seize the high-frequency application market such as games. The application chain market is very important for technology, and the various technical native characteristics such as high and low fees and interactive experience determine that it may not be dominant in pure financial applications, but if we look at a broader market that is highly expanded and extremely experienced and oriented to game applications, the imagination space will be large. In short, technology is the foundation of the next generation era, and it is the core catalyst for the competition of the next generation application chain. If it is said that the one-click hair chain boom will become the main focus before Cancun's upgrade, then many factors such as the technology market ecology will promote Cancun to become the most beautiful in the market. The bullets will fly for a while and are gaining momentum. This article has participated in the essay contest organized by the Chinese community, and the future has come. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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