涉及7400万美元 一家已倒闭的香港交易所 Atom Asset (AAX) 逃避反洗钱(AML)分析

币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 09:17:40 评论:0



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近期,一家已倒闭的香港交易所 Atom Asset (AAX) 开始将资金从其钱包转移到各种去中心化交易所和中心化平台,据称是为了逃避反洗钱(AML)控制。

在被发现之前,最后一次已知的涉及 AAX 交易所钱包的交易发生在 2023 年 10 月和 2022 年 11 月。在倒闭之前,AAX 是香港最大的加密货币交易所之一,拥有超过 200 万用户。



2022 年 11 月 13 日,就在加密货币交易所 FTX 申请破产后两天,AAX 也因交易对手风险暴露而停止提款并清除了所有社交渠道。最初,AAX 将冻结归因于针对涉嫌恶意攻击的安全措施。



link: https://etherscan.io/address/0x56c1319b31a5316a327bd889d58c8633b204536c


Beosin KYT反洗钱分析平台对AAX交易所钱包近期的链上活动进行了深入研究,发现了一系列风险活动。首先,所有的25100枚ETH已被转移,操作人员采取了各种手段将部分ETH兑换为USDT,然后通过Cross Bridge跨链桥将资金转移到不同的区块链上,以进行资金的清洗。

Beosin KYT反洗钱平台


Beosin KYT反洗钱平台







1.  实施严格的KYC和AML规定


2.  监控交易活动

虚拟资产服务提供商应该实施实时监控系统,以便检测和分析可疑交易活动。这包括监控交易金额、频率、来源和目的地等信息。交易所可利用 Beosin KYT 对每一笔交易进行定位,对用户进行画像,对交易进行评级,识别链上犯罪行为,从而降低犯罪者利用虚拟资产洗钱的风险。

3.  设立报告机制

虚拟资产服务提供商应建立报告机制,通过风控系统报告任何可疑交易或活动。虚拟资产服务提供商应及时处理这些报告,并与监管机构合作进行调查。Beosin KYT 可为虚拟资产服务提供商出具可疑交易报告(STR),帮助监管机构和执法机构进行取证调查。

4.  加强合作与交流


Beosin注重KYT反洗钱工具的持续更新和优化,我们不断监测行业动态和新的安全威胁,将最新的分析成果和数据应用于Beosin KYT工具的改进中。这种持续的更新和优化确保了 Beosin KYT 在面对不断变化的恶意洗钱行为时能保持高度的敏感性和准确性。


AAX交易所事件再次凸显了反洗钱的重要性。为了更好地应对类似事件,监管机构需要与虚拟资产服务提供商、区块链安全合规公司加强合作,共享信息和最佳实践,引入先进的反洗钱分析工具和平台,如 Beosin KYT 反洗钱分析平台,以加强对链上资金流动的监测和分析能力。

Recently, a closed Hong Kong exchange began to transfer funds from its wallet to various decentralized exchanges and centralized platforms, allegedly in order to avoid anti-money laundering control. Before it was discovered, the last known transaction involving the exchange wallet occurred in June and June, and before it closed down, it was one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Hong Kong with more than 10,000 users. According to the analysis of the team, it was found that the exchange began to transfer money from its exchange wallet on June, and the transferred funds were shared. The three transfers are one at a time, and the funds are converted into more than 10,000 US dollars according to the current price. What is going on in this exchange? What are the unknowable data in the chain? Please continue to look at the ins and outs of the exchange incident with us. On the day of the month, two days after filing for bankruptcy in the cryptocurrency exchange, the withdrawal was stopped and all social channels were cleared. At first, the freeze was attributed to security measures against suspected malicious attacks. On the day of the month, the exchange issued a statement saying that it was flat. The platform needs to be maintained, except for the suspension of cash withdrawal, and the derivatives will be automatically liquidated. Since then, the platform operation and social media update have stopped. The strange thing is that after the silence, the exchange wallet began to move, and a large amount of money began to be transferred to other addresses, trying to avoid the identification and monitoring of tools. The anti-money laundering analysis platform has conducted in-depth research on the recent online activities of the exchange wallet and found a series of risk activities. First, all the money has been transferred to the operator. Members have adopted various means to convert part of the money into money and then transfer it to different blockchains through a chain bridge to clean the money. Most of the money has been transferred to the blockchain and transferred through some addresses, and then deposited in some addresses. This behavior shows an obvious attempt to escape and try to cover up the real source of the money and go to the anti-money laundering platform. At present, the Hong Kong police have taken prompt action against fraud and arrested two related personnel. Efforts are being made to draw the path of transferring funds and retrieve the assets of the affected users. The exchange uses decentralized exchanges, encrypted currency exchange and cross-chain bridges to try to blur the path and source of capital flow, which brings great challenges to regulators and analysis platforms. How to solve the problem of money laundering in encrypted currency? Because of the anonymity, convenience and decentralization of encrypted assets, criminals will choose to use encrypted assets to transfer their illegal profits. Suppliers such as cryptocurrency exchange, cryptowallet provider, cryptoasset payment processor, etc. are facing challenges such as anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing. For regulators, relevant departments should improve and implement regulatory policies to ensure that virtual asset service providers abide by and regulations, and at the same time strengthen cooperation with regulatory agencies in various countries and regions to jointly crack down on cross-border money laundering activities. For virtual asset service providers, the following are effective measures to prevent illegal funds. Strict implementation and regulations should be required by the exchange. Users carry out comprehensive identity verification and ensure that they meet the requirements, which includes collecting users' identity information, address verification and other necessary information to monitor transaction activities. Virtual asset service providers should implement real-time monitoring systems to detect and analyze suspicious transaction activities, which includes monitoring transaction amount, frequency, source and destination, etc. Information exchanges can use the positioning of each transaction to image users and identify crimes in the chain, thus reducing criminals' use of virtual. The risk of money laundering of assets to be proposed shall be reported by the virtual asset service provider, which shall report any suspicious transactions or activities through the risk control system. The virtual asset service provider shall promptly handle these reports and cooperate with the regulatory agencies to investigate, and may issue suspicious transaction reports for the virtual asset service provider, help the regulatory agencies and law enforcement agencies to conduct evidence collection and investigation, and strengthen cooperation and exchange. The virtual asset service provider shall actively cooperate with the regulatory agencies and law enforcement agencies of security companies to jointly fight. Combating money laundering can foresee that criminals will constantly adjust and improve their money laundering strategies to adapt to changes in regulatory measures and tools. They may adopt decentralized trading methods, use hidden trading paths or use technical loopholes to hide illegal capital flows. Virtual asset service providers should cooperate and communicate with security companies regularly, identify and respond to these changes in a timely manner, and pay attention to the continuous updating and optimization of anti-money laundering tools. We constantly monitor industry trends and analyze the latest security threats into. Results and data are applied to the improvement of tools. This continuous updating and optimization ensures that we can maintain a high degree of sensitivity and accuracy in the face of ever-changing malicious money laundering. Summarizing the exchange events once again highlights the importance of anti-money laundering. In order to better cope with similar events, regulators need to strengthen cooperation with the virtual asset service provider blockchain security compliance company, share information and best practices, and introduce advanced anti-money laundering analysis tools and platforms such as anti-money laundering analysis platform to strengthen the monitoring and analysis ability of capital flows on the chain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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