宏观与微观视角 为什么这轮牛市可能没有山寨季?

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 09:16:06 评论:0



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作者:Dr. Y.Ting,加密观察员 来源:X,@bitdot_eth

这轮牛市到底会不会有山寨季,我的想法可能和大部分人都不一样,我认为很可能没有山寨季,我会分别从宏观和微观层面说说我的观点。在此之前,为了大家能更好理解,我先把我对宏观经济周期的一些粗浅认知分享给你,如果你认为宏观经济很虚,对你在币圈赚钱也没有帮助,可以直接跳过。 以下是线程...





这两件事放在一起就造就了萧条阶段。萧条阶段的核心特征是滞胀,对于普通人来说,滞胀要远比通胀或者通缩可怕的多(可以问问你身边从事非web3行业的朋友这几年过的怎么样)。 用一句话来概括一下康波萧条:干啥啥赔钱,干啥成本还都贼高,不管是老板还是打工人,谁的日子都不好过。




但我觉得这种观点过于乐观了,倒不是我不认为比特币会TO DA MOON,而是降息很可能并没有想象的那么快,目前美国失业率这个判断萧条是否接近尾声的关键指标还仍然处在历史低位(见下图),简单来说就是别看利率这么高,大家的日子过的还有滋有味,那么美联储就有更足的底气来进一步控制通胀。






过去的每轮牛市大概都是按这个规律: 创新技术开启新叙事->早期财富效应->第一浪(泡沫浪潮)->技术的价值远低于预期叙事崩盘->市场超卖触底寻找合理价值->大浪淘沙,大部分项目归零,但同时也跑出来几个真正创造价值的龙头->第二浪(价值浪潮)。






uniswap创造了颠覆性的AMM机制使链上清算成为可能,这是去中心化金融的根基(如果链上不能清算,链上借贷就无从谈起),从DEX到DEFI,19年DEFI summer,财富效应推升泡沫带来第一浪->随后动物园叙事崩盘->大浪淘沙后大部分当年的DEFI项目已经归零,少部分有价值的龙头DEFI和DEX延续至今。




那么,现在回来再看一下这波牛市,仿佛并不是由某个创新技术造成财富效应,从而吸引圈外新韭菜入场推动牛市主升浪的剧本,推动这波牛市主升浪的是ETF!ETF确实让海量的老钱新韭菜入场了,但问题的关键是,ETF只能买 $BTC,在 $BTC 上赚钱了,他们只能cash out成美元,不能继续投资山寨币。


a) BTC猛涨,山寨币缺不跟,不断被BTC吸血 b) 感觉市场应该很热,但好像韭菜的热情又并不像之前牛市那么高,大部分人也没赚到钱,并没有过往牛市的大规模财富效应 c) 当前合约未平仓头寸体量历史新高(见下图),标明市场是极度火热的,与2)韭菜的感知形成鲜明对比。




Will there be a fake season in this bull market? My idea may be different from that of most people. I think there is probably no fake season. I will talk about my views from the macro and micro levels respectively. Before that, I will share with you some superficial knowledge of the macroeconomic cycle for you to better understand. If you think that the macro economy is empty and it is not helpful for you to make money in the currency circle, you can skip the following: the macro level of threads. We will experience one round on average every year. The complete cycle of Campo is from recovery to prosperity, from prosperity to recession, from recession to depression, and finally from depression to the recovery of the next cycle. Every technological innovation that changes human destiny has promoted the birth and development of a new cycle. We are currently in the depression stage of the fifth cycle of Campo, because the technological innovation that promoted this cycle has stopped. The technological innovation of this cycle is the Internet. Look at the current mourning and compare the effect of making wealth years ago. If you are familiar with it, There must be a personal feeling of how big this gap is. The global economy is stagnant. More importantly, in order to cope with the financial crisis that occurred in the previous recession, this round is the financial crisis of 2000. All governments have to start the crazy printing mode. COVID-19 has seriously aggravated this action, saving the economy in the short term, but at the same time creating the time bomb of inflation. In order to remove this bomb, all governments have to raise interest rates and lock the watch in reverse. Together, these two things have created the nuclear of the depression stage. The heart characteristic is that stagflation is far more terrible for ordinary people than inflation or deflation. You can ask your friends who are engaged in non-industry around you how they have been in recent years, and sum up in one sentence what Compaq does, what loses money, and what costs are high. No matter who is the boss or the employee, life is hard. Many people will be sure to wonder what this has to do with the currency circle. In fact, it has a lot to do with it. From the beginning of the year, the currency circle has been gradually accepted by the traditional world to the recent spot pass. If you have a comparison with the market, A more sensitive perception will find that the banker's trading methods before the year are completely different from those after the year. In fact, the old money has gradually entered the currency circle and replaced the indigenous banker in the original currency circle. The old money and all aspects of the economy are deeply involved. If there is no money in the whole traditional financial market, the currency circle will certainly dry up, and during the recession, because the ultra-high interest rate will lead to the hot money changing from the risk market to the risk-free bond market currency circle, which is the reason for these two years in the risk market. Just here, when will this round of Campo Shaw come to an end? We can find the law from history. When the interest rate is increased to the point where the economy is on the verge of collapse and the unemployment rate is soaring, the recession will come to an end. Many people expect the Fed to cut interest rates soon and fantasize that Bitcoin will not rise to US$ 10,000 when the interest rate is cut. But I think this view is too optimistic, not that I don't think Bitcoin will, but that the interest rate cut is probably not as fast as I thought. The former unemployment rate in the United States, the key indicator to judge whether the depression is coming to an end, is still at a historical low. See the figure below. Simply put, despite the high interest rate, everyone's life is still full of flavor, so the Fed will have more confidence to further control inflation. The real interest rate cut is forced because the economy can't bear it. Now, the economy is quite resistant, so I estimate that this round of high interest rate era is likely to last for a long time. The current interest rate has already occurred with the financial crisis in 2008. See the picture below, and the longer the high interest rate lasts, the greater the probability that it will crush the global economy at a certain moment. As long as the high interest rate lasts, the hot money in the market will be less and less, and without new funds entering the market, it will only maintain a zero-sum or even negative-sum game, so it will be difficult for the funds in the market to flow into the higher-risk cottage currency on a large scale. In the past, every round of bull market was probably based on this law to innovate technology and open new ones. The value of the wealth effect in the early narrative, the first wave of bubble technology, is much lower than expected. The narrative collapse, the oversold market, the bottoming out, and the search for reasonable value. Most of the projects have gone to zero, but at the same time, several real value-creating leaders have emerged. The second wave of value may be a bit abstract. We cite two examples to open the programmable era of blockchain, which is equivalent to turning blockchain from Nokia to smart phone. This is a subversive innovation technology, and at the same time, standards enable everyone to issue assets, bringing early wealth. The rich effect of various public chains is the first wave of the bubble. Later, everyone found that the air currency is really just the air market's expectation of the programmable blockchain is too high. The reality is that it can only create the air currency narrative collapse. At the end of the bear market, the market oversold and bottomed out. Most of the public chain projects came out to zero, and the second wave, which belongs to the programmable blockchain until now, only recognized the valuable public chain and created a subversive mechanism to make the liquidation on the chain possible. It is the foundation of decentralized finance. If the chain can't be liquidated, there is no way to talk about the wealth effect from to, which pushed up the bubble and brought the first wave. Then the zoo narrative collapsed. After the big wave of sand scouring, most of the projects in that year have been zero, and a few valuable bibcock have been continued to this day. From the perspective of leeks, the first wave is the easiest to get rich, and you don't need to understand anything. As long as you get the right narrative track, the second wave will make money. Only those who have the ability to surpass most people in the market can make money. Not only to the track, but also to the leader. From the point of view of the project, the first wave is also the easiest to get rich. The valuation of 10 billion yuan is not a dream, but it is necessary not to do anything. The concept of speculation is the most important. The difficulty of making money in the second wave is also exponentially increasing. The business model of the track can only survive if it is self-hematopoietic and competitive products can win. In this law, the first wave of each new narrative is driven by bubbles, from the small-scale wealth effect in the circle to the large-scale wealth effect in the circle, and finally it successfully attracts the circle. It is these new funds that promote the bull market's main surge, and finally it is because the new funds run out that the bull market has peaked and collapsed. Now come back and look at this bull market as if it was not caused by some innovative technology, so as to attract new leeks from outside the circle to promote the bull market's main surge. What drives this bull market's main surge is that a large number of old Qian Xin leeks have indeed been allowed to enter the market, but the key point is that they can only make money by buying dollars, just like you buy the Shanghai and Shenzhen index fund, your money fund will only help you buy that stock, but you can't buy it through this fund. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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