探索 SocialFi:谁会引领下一次社交革命?

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来源:Gryphsis Academy


  1. SocialFi 目前处于加密市场的边缘位置,缺少杀手级应用。

  2. SocialFi 具有保护个人隐私和促进流量价值再分配的优势。

  3. 目前活跃的 SocialFi 项目主要是社交协议&图谱、社交应用两大类。

  4. 未来的 SocialFi 项目需要降低使用门槛,激励优质内容,未来可期。


SocialFi 是利用区块链技术从社交网络中捕获价值的项目的统称。由于 Web3 世界存在各种代币、NFT 等工具,因此社交网络中的超级个体理论上可以方便地将他们的抽象影响力变现。

此外,Web3 世界的高度匿名性也使得线上的公众流量和线下的私人生活存在分离的可能,降低了成为互联网意见领袖的成本。

这些特性使得 SocialFi 项目在理论上有可能形成对传统社交媒体的竞争力(尽管目前我们还没有看到实际的例子)。

目前,SocialFi 代币市值仅有 17 亿美元,约占加密货币总市值千分之一,远低于 GameFi 、NFT 等主流赛道,地位较为边缘化,同时 SocialFi 赛道也尚未出现真正的杀手级、统治级应用,仍处于早期。

参考 Web2 世界中社交流量强大的变现能力,我们认为未来 SocialFi 还有较大的发展空间。


早在 2017 年前后,市场上就涌现出一大批 SocialFi 项目,例如 Steem、火信、ONO 等,但彼时的区块链行业技术尚未成熟,参与的用户有限,因此这批项目大多已经夭折。

2020 年,DeFi Summer 为整个区块链行业吸引了大量用户和资金,在这一浪潮的带动下,GameFi、SocialFi 等赛道又开始萌芽。在 2021 年底的狂暴大牛市中,又一批 SocialFi 项目,例如 CyberConnect 、Galxe 、Torum 、Deso 等完成了融资,这些项目许多至今仍然活跃在公众视野中,因此 2021 年可以视作 SocialFi 的元年。

2022 年,赵长鹏在《财富》杂志上预言 SocialFi 和 GameFi 将成为 2022 年区块链领域进步的主要驱动力。历史最终没有按照他预言的方向发展,不过SocialFi 赛道还是出现了一些优质的项目,例如极具野心的 Web3 社交协议服务层 Lens Protocol ,以及基于 Lens 的应用 Phaver 等。

2023 年 8 月,Friend.tech 以极具 Ponzi 和土狗风味的新 SocialFi 模型成功出圈,吸引了一批推特大 V 甚至 Onlyfans 博主前来入驻,24 小时协议费用一度跃居第三,仅次于 Ethereum 和 Lido 。但由于其代币经济学的简陋,目前其 Keys 交易量已大幅下滑,同时项目方迟迟不对积分进行代币空投,也逐渐消磨了用户的耐心。



毫无疑问,广义上的社交赛道拥有万亿级别的市场规模,即便把用户群体限制在 Web3 社群,市场前景也极为广阔。然而,目前 Web3 社区仍然主要使用 Twitter 、Telegram 乃至微信等传统社交软件,规模效应在社交赛道体现的尤为显著:即使有更好的解决方案出现,既有社交网络形成的惯性也会将用户留存在原有的平台上,迁移到新平台会面临极大的阻力。

综合来看,SocialFi 赛道 17 亿美元的低市值与传统社交平台的广阔利润空间形成了鲜明对比,我们可以期待未来 SocialFi 爆发奇点的到来。



社交协议有些类似于 Web2 世界的身份证、手机号、QQ 号等概念,利用社交协议可以有效地将用户的社交关系聚合起来,同时应用层的项目也可以直接继承社交协议中已经固定的社交关系,而无需在新的场景中重新搭建。

2.1.1 Lens Protocol

Lens Protocol 是协议层中极具特色的一个,其核心概念是利用 ERC-721 将个人资料、关注、收藏等概念全部 NFT 化从而赋予其金融属性。这个过程相当于把社交活动中捕获的价值实体化,将其所有权完全给予创作者并且允许其在不同 dapp 间流通,可以说充分体现了尊重数据价值的原生 Web3 精神。

Lens 也拥有不错的用户数据:上线一年来已经拥有了接近 37 万用户,并且日活跃数也稳中有进。Lens 于 23 年 6 月完成了一笔 1500 万融资,Web2 社交巨头腾讯参投。

Lens 日活数据  Source:Dune

2.1.2 Farcaster

Farcaster 是 2023 年最为火热的社交协议之一,甚至连 Vitalik 本人都深度参与了协议的使用并对其进行了宣传。

Farcaster 协议的数据结构分为三层:第一层是用户身份,由 ETH、OP 等区块链存储;第二层是用户社交过程中产生的各类数据,这些数据并不上链,而是存放在由 Hubs 节点形成的服务器网络中;第三层是应用层,由生态内项目自行开发。与 Lens 相比,Farcaster 牺牲了一定的去中心化程度,更专注于重现传统社交媒体丝滑的功能。

Farcaster 于 2023 年 10 月刚刚向公众开放,短短几个月时间已经获得了21 万用户,成果斐然,这主要得益于其生态项目 Warpcast 带来的破圈效应,我们将在后文进行介绍。

Farcaster 用户数据  Source::Dune

Farcaster 架构示意图  Source:官方文档

2.1.3 CyberConnect

CyberConnect (CC) 目前是社交图谱赛道用户数量最多的项目之一,仅拥有profile NFT 的用户就接近 130 万。

CC 的核心概念和愿景与 Lens 类似,都是将用户个人资料 NFT 化,并将相应的社交数据与 NFT 挂钩。不同之处在于:CC 没有将关注、收藏等操作全部 NFT 化,也就意味着用户在进行这些操作时不需要付出 gas 费,显著降低了获客成本。

此外,与部署在 Polygon 上、受制于 Polygon 用户环境的 Lens 相比,CC 的多链部署给它带来了一定的优势。

2023 年以来,CC 的用户数迎来了爆发式增长(当然与其空投预期有关),6 月之后其用户增长趋于停滞。

CC 新增用户数据  Source:Dune


SocialFi 应用层涉及的范围很广,各种流媒体内容平台、share-to-earn 、个人发币平台等都可以算作 SocialFi 的范畴。在当前阶段,做出更接地气的项目、吸引更多用户进入是 SocialFi 迫切需要解决的问题,因此应用层的创新是重中之重。

2.2.1 Friend .tech

Friend.tech 允许用户用 ETH 购买入驻平台的 KOL 的“份额”,该份额的价值正比于售出份额数量的平方。用户购买“份额”后可以获得与 KOL 直接交流的权利,同时可以将份额出售从中获利。另外,Friend.tech 还给积极参与的用户分发积分,用潜在的空投预期吸引用户参与。

毫无疑问,Friend.tech 目前的经济模式注定无法长久,因为它既无法通过长期优质的内容输出留住用户实现盈利,也无法满足广告方的曝光需求。但是,这种低门槛、宣传导向的获客方式却值得 SocialFi 其它项目学习。

如果Friend.tech 能够像某些 Meme 代币学习,在获得流量后及时建设生态、完善价值捕获,那么或许能起死回生,但目前来看可能性较小。

 Friend.tech 份额价格增长示意图

2.2.2 Phaver

Phaver 是一个基于 Lens 的社交平台,目前也是 Lens 生态最大的应用。他的核心理念是让用户能够真正拥有自己的社交资产。用户可以把代币质押在自己认为优质的内容上,质押的人越多则代表内容越优质,创作者和质押代币的用户都可以获得相应的奖励。此外,用户可以通过完成任务来为自己积累链上信誉,从而增加积分。

但是,为了防止大量机器人涌入进行无效交互,Phaver 还独创了分级制度,需要用户完成电子邮件验证、购买 NFT 或质押治理代币,才可以获得将积分兑换成治理代币的资格。

通过上述机制,Phaver 实现了对发布优质内容和发现优质内容两方面贡献的激励,有效的实现了价值捕获。

Phaver 上线两年以来,已经积累了 120k 以上的钱包连接,并且拥有 3-4 万日活。此外,作为一个多链应用,Phaver 还会很快接入 Farcaster 协议并发行治理代币,可以预见它会成为 Warpcast 有力的竞争对手。

2.2.3 Warpcast

Warpcast 是 Farcaster 生态的旗舰项目,其界面和使用方法高度还原了传统社交平台,给用户带来了极度流畅的体验,这也使它被称为“ Web3 世界的 Twitter ”。

除此之外,Warpcast 还将发行代币、发行 NFT 等 Web3 特有的元素原生内置于 App 中,极大的降低了用户参与链上标的炒作的门槛。这样的设计在用户群体中激发了一股 fomo 的热潮,甚至已经孕育出了 $Degen 这类高市值 Meme 代币。

目前,用户进入 Warpcast 的主要目的仍然是淘金,在短期的财富效应消散后,它能否真正代替 Twitter 成为 Crypto Degen 们新的网络家园仍然有待观察。

$Degen 代币价格情况,快照时间:2024/3/5

2.3 标的梳理




近年来,大量微博和推特用户涌入“去中心化社交平台” Mastodon(长毛象)。Mastodon 并非区块链项目,其采用的技术是多个服务器的联邦运作。

不同服务器运营商可以制定截然不同的规则(例如有些服务器可以发上千字的文章,但有些则要求用户将文章限制在 500 字以内),非常类似于美国不同的州,用户可以自由选择加入不同的服务器,并遵守当地的行为准则。

严格来讲,Mastodon 并非严格去中心化,服务器“州长”仍然可以随意封禁个人的账号(但你仍然可以选择加入其它州)。Mastodon 迄今已经达到了百万月活,是任何 SocialFi 项目都无法与之相比的,但也说明真正去中心化的 SocialFi 未来还有极大的增长空间。

无论是中文社区日益严重的审查还是 Twitter 出现的各种问题,都在让人们思考如何在社交平台上保卫个人隐私和言论自由,这就给 SocialFi 这类赛道可乘之机。不久的将来我们或许有机会在 SocialFi 赛道看到持平甚至超越Mastodon 的项目。

3.2 对流量价值的再分配是SocialFi 的核心竞争力

正如 Defi 构成了对传统银行业和交易所的挑战,SocialFi 的最终目标是颠覆现有社交平台对流量价值的垄断。


诸如 Phaver 这类项目就试图改变这样的利益分配格局,让流量的价值能够真正被创作者和消费者获取。


相较于 Web2 社交平台,SocialFi 在隐私保护和数据价值分配等方面具有天然的优势,然而由于使用区块链应用的门槛较高,单是创建钱包一步就难倒了大多数用户。

未来 SocialFi 项目应该放下身段,在应用新技术之余思考如何将去中心化社交传播到更大的群体,一方面要优化操作流程,降低用户学习成本,提高用户的体验;另一方面也要利用好 Web3 特有的代币机制,对优质内容和优质创作者进行激励,才能实现长期的用户留存和正反馈循环。

Abstract: At present, it is on the edge of the encryption market, lacking killer applications, which has the advantages of protecting personal privacy and promoting the redistribution of traffic value. At present, the active projects are mainly social protocols, maps and social applications. The future projects need to lower the use threshold and stimulate high-quality content. The industry overview in the future is a general term for projects that capture value from social networks by using blockchain technology. Because there are various tools such as tokens in the world, super individuals in social networks can be convenient in theory. In addition, the high anonymity of the world makes it possible to separate online public traffic from offline private life, which may reduce the cost of becoming an internet opinion leader. These characteristics make it possible for the project to form a competitive edge against traditional social media in theory, although we have not seen any practical examples yet. At present, the market value of tokens is only 100 million US dollars, accounting for about one thousandth of the total market value of cryptocurrency, which is far lower than that of other mainstream tracks, and the track is still marginalized. There is no real killer dominant application, and it is still in the early stage of reference. In the world, social traffic has a strong liquidity. We believe that there is still much room for development in the future. As early as years ago, a large number of projects such as Huoxin emerged in the market, but at that time, the blockchain industry technology was not mature and the users involved were limited. Therefore, most of these projects have died, attracting a large number of users and funds for the whole blockchain industry. Driven by this wave, the madness of waiting for the track began to sprout at the end of the year. Another batch of projects in the bull market, such as financing, have been completed. Many of these projects are still active in the public eye, so 2008 can be regarded as the first year. Zhao Changpeng predicted in Fortune magazine that it will become the main driving force for the progress of blockchain in 2008. History did not develop in the direction he predicted, but there were still some high-quality projects on the track, such as the ambitious social protocol service layer and the application based on it, which were successfully attracted by the new model with a strong local dog flavor. At one time, the cost of the agreement jumped to the third place, second only to and. However, due to the simplicity of token economics, the transaction volume has dropped sharply at present, and the project party has been slow to airdrop tokens for points, which has gradually worn away the patience of users. There is no doubt that the social track in a broad sense has a trillion-level market scale, and even if the user group is limited to the social market, the prospects are extremely broad. However, at present, the community still mainly uses traditional social software such as WeChat. The scale effect is particularly obvious in social track. Even if there is a better solution, the inertia formed by the existing social network will keep users on the original platform and move to the new platform, which will face great resistance. On the whole, the low market value of the track is in sharp contrast with the vast profit margin of the traditional social platform. We can look forward to the singularity in the future. The industry map, social agreement map layer and social agreement are similar to the world's ID card, mobile phone number and other concepts. Social protocol can effectively aggregate users' social relationships, and at the same time, projects in the application layer can directly inherit the fixed social relationships in the social protocol without rebuilding them in new scenes. Its core concept is to give financial attributes to personal data by completely focusing on collection, which is equivalent to materializing the value captured in social activities, giving its ownership to the creator and allowing it to circulate among different people. It can be said that it fully embodies the original spirit of respecting the value of data and has good user data. In the past year, it has nearly 10,000 users, and the number of daily activities has also improved steadily. In June, it completed a million-dollar financing. Tencent, a social giant, participated in the daily activities. Data is one of the hottest social agreements in 2000, and even I deeply participated in the use of the agreement and publicized it. The data structure of the agreement is divided into three layers. The first layer is the blockchain storage of user identity, and the second layer is the user social process. All kinds of data generated in are stored in the server network formed by nodes, and the third layer is the application layer, which is developed by the ecological projects themselves. Compared with this, it sacrifices a certain degree of decentralization and pays more attention to reproducing the silky function of traditional social media. It has just been opened to the public in June and has achieved remarkable results in just a few months, mainly due to the circle-breaking effect brought by its ecological projects. We will introduce the schematic diagram of user data architecture in the following article. At present, the file is one of the projects with the largest number of users on the social graph track, and the core concept and vision of having only 10,000 users are similar. The difference is that the user's personal data are personalized and the corresponding social data are linked, which means that the user does not need to pay for these operations, which significantly reduces the customer acquisition cost. In addition, compared with the multi-chain deployment that is deployed on the internet and is subject to the user environment, it has brought certain advantages to users for years. The number has ushered in explosive growth, of course, which is related to its airdrop expectation. After a few months, its user growth tends to stagnate. The application layer of new user data covers a wide range, and all kinds of streaming media content platforms, personal coin-issuing platforms, etc. It is an urgent problem to make more grounded projects at the current stage to attract more users. Therefore, the innovation of the application layer is the most important thing, allowing users to purchase the share of the platform, and the value of this share is directly proportional to the level of the number of shares sold. After purchasing the share, the party users can get the right to communicate directly, and at the same time, they can sell the share and profit from it. In addition, they can distribute points to the users who actively participate, attracting users to participate with potential airdrop expectations. Undoubtedly, the current economic model is doomed to be unsustainable because it can neither retain users through long-term high-quality content output nor meet the exposure needs of advertisers. However, this low-threshold publicity-oriented way of obtaining customers is worth learning from other projects. If it can be like some tokens, Learning to build an ecological system in time to improve value capture after gaining traffic may bring people back to life, but at present it is less likely. The schematic diagram of share price growth is a social platform based on, and it is also the most ecological application at present. His core idea is to enable users to really own their social assets, and users can pledge tokens on the content they think is high-quality. The more people pledge, the better the content, and the creators and users who pledge tokens can get corresponding rewards. In addition, users can accumulate online reputation for themselves by completing tasks, so as to increase points, but in order to prevent a large number of robots from flooding in. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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