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作者:HYPHIN、THOR 来源:onchaintimes 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



互联网文化和表情包 (meme) 在加密领域长期占据重要地位。这一点的证明就是撰写本文时,Memecoin的总市值高达约 666.5 亿美元。狗狗币占整个类别的大约 43.81%,其价值高于一些知名企业(例如沃达丰、Pinterest 和罗技)。


Solana扩张和交易量激增的一个重要因素是其充满活力的链上Memecoin生态系统,今年引起了极大的兴趣,例如“dog wif hat” 和“Bonk” 等名称已进入主流并飙升至极高的估值。






每个利基市场都发展了自己的独特文化,索拉纳链上的链上活动也不例外。自从索拉纳牛市开始以来,错过改变人生的机会和一夜暴富的故事在 Twitter 上屡见不鲜。意识到潜在的造富交易即将发生,许多不同背景的人都被吸引到流动性池中,希望能幸运地发一笔财。



由于推出Memecoin所需的成本极低,每天都会有大量新的交易对在去中心化交易所上市。这使得它成为一个快节奏的环境,频繁轮换、趋势和元策略的转变司空见惯。大多数,如果不是全部的新交易对都缺乏流动性,导致价格影响大、波动剧烈。一个项目的平均寿命往往在 24 小时左右或更短,这主要是由于恶意行为者试图通过拉地毯式骗局和欺骗性营销欺骗雄心勃勃的毫无戒心的投资者来利用这种狂热情绪。

如果您花足够的时间在 Telegram 群组中查看图表并在 Twitter 上筛选标签,就会发现一个模式,可以让您将大多数参与者映射到对该领域至关重要的特定角色。


  • 开发者:被奉为神明,开发人员被视为能够引导社区走向财务自由的牧羊人。他们的决定通常会塑造项目早期价格走势并决定项目的寿命,因为作为创建者,他们可以完全控制基本面并可能持有大量代币供应。

  • 影响者:利用他们在社交媒体上的影响力,影响者会出于不同的动机分享他们的个人投资以提高人们对项目的认识。根据他们的意图,有些人希望通过增加社会证明来加强社区,有些人只是想寻找退出流动性以获利。

  • 社区成员:忠诚到底,愿意毫无保留地追随项目走向承诺之地或归零。这些人经常出现在聊天群组中与他人互动,不知疲倦地在知名人士的帖子下宣传他们的投资,而知名人士的关注可能会成败。

  • 狙击手:通过自动进行链上交互,在流动性添加到池中并开放交易后立即不加选择地购买代币,这些钱包的操盘手希望利用普通交易员介入后产生的上行势头获利。在大多数情况下,他们并不看好长期前景,并且会尽早抛售,因为机会很多。

请记住,所有这些都发生在残酷无情的玩家对战环境中。为了保持竞争力并取得竞争机会,已经开发了许多具有实用分析功能的交易工具来加快决策和执行速度。Photon 和 BonkBot 等服务受到大多数交易员的青睐,相较于传统选择而言,它们大大提高了生活质量。

成功 Memecoin 的特征



我们可以利用历史数据尝试识别一些常见的模式和指标,以便在一定程度上评估项目潜力。例如,通过分析排名前 50 的Memecoin,我们可以大致了解表现优异者的属性。






该可视化中一个有趣的细节是使用了“copy”关键字,其中包括从原创概念衍生出来的项目,并融入了自己独特的元素。 这些项目会不断出现,为错过先驱项目的人们提供第二次机会。



  • 禁用铸造授权的项目百分比:100%


  • 流动性池代币销毁率:

    • 平均值 - 78.7%

    • 中位数 - 98.0%


  • 前 10 个钱包持有的代币百分比:

    • 平均值 - 27.51%

    • 中位数 - 21.79%

在大多数情况下,顶级代币持有者分布在 20% 范围内,并且因项目而异。百分比越低,少数个人因大量抛售而扰乱市场秩序的可能性就越低。

  • 交易开始天数:

    • 平均值 - 23.52 天

    • 中位数 - 6.66 天

由于大多数Memecoin的寿命不超过几天,因此交易开始后 100 小时后仍有交易量 (即活动迹象) 通常是一个很好的指标。排名前 50 的Memecoin的中位数寿命不到一周,这表明市场变化有多快。然而,顶级Memecoin往往保持相对稳定,并在排行榜上占据一席之地。



为了促进交流并尽早进行市场营销,项目需要在媒体平台(例如网站、Twitter、Telegram 和 Discord)上露脸,以确保可信度和最大限度的传播范围。

  • 每支项目拥有的独特平台数量:

    • 1 个平台 - 2%

    • 2 个平台 - 10%

    • 3 个平台 - 78%

    • 4 个平台 - 10%

我们观察到的三分之二以上的Memecoin至少拥有 3 个渠道,因此如果没有 Telegram 和 Twitter 聊天室,就应该立即引起警觉。


  • 没有内讧: 人们在群聊或 Twitter 上不断争吵对项目形象不利,可能会让对项目感兴趣的投机者望而却步。积极的情绪和积极、健康的讨论更具吸引力。 *强大的 Twitter 影响力: 在 Twitter 上拥有坚实的品牌和可识别的特征(例如内部笑话、表情包的常见主题)对于最大化项目被记住、识别和病毒式传播以吸引尽可能多的关注至关重要。

  • 受人尊敬的 KOL: 知名社交媒体人士支持并经常提及该Memecoin将是一个巨大的利好,而与以拉高然后抛售出名的 KOL 合作则应该避免。




如果你想知道为什么「危险信号」轴从 4 开始,答案是:Solana 上没有危险信号的 Memecoin 根本不存在。通过建立社区排名与存在的负面因素数量之间的比率,我们可以将每个代币松散地分配到一个类别中。

目标应该始终是识别和与具有高社区评级和最少警告标志的 Memecoin 进行互动,因为它们成功的可能性更大。








Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network benefits from the convenience and low barriers to entry brought by the convenient methods used by many blockchain developers. It is easier than ever to exchange and create custom tokens. Coupled with social media and the growing number of retail investors, this has greatly accelerated the expansion of tokens that provide no utility and only rely on loyal communities and ruthless and active marketing to maintain their growth. Introduction to Internet culture and expression packs are long in the field of encryption. The proof that the period occupies an important position is that the total market value at the time of writing is as high as about 100 million US dollars, and dogecoin accounts for about the whole category, and its value is higher than that of some well-known enterprises such as Vodafone and Logitech. Ethereum has long been a central hub with almost no competitors. Until recently, these token-related activities have shifted and occurred on the Solana chain, becoming the main platform for projects to enter the market and speculators to seek entry opportunities. An important factor for the expansion and surge in transaction volume is that it is full of activities. The chain ecosystem of power has aroused great interest this year. For example, names such as "and" have entered the mainstream and soared to extremely high valuations. Although we disapprove of trading, it is still beneficial to understand what is happening in this market that is gaining a foothold and gaining popularity. At first glance, it seems impossible to distinguish the reasons behind the seemingly meaningless token price increase, but if we look closely, we may find some clues, so in this article we will check every corner and seam. Make a broad overview of the whole space in order to try to find out what happened. Before analyzing, it is best to understand the operating environment and its characteristics. Because the whole market lacks rationality, it is necessary to keep an open mind to observe. Every niche market has developed its own unique culture, and the activities on the Solana chain are no exception. Since the beginning of the Solana bull market, stories of missing life-changing opportunities and getting rich overnight have been common in the world, and it is realized that potential wealth-making transactions are about to happen. Many people from different backgrounds are attracted to the liquidity pool, hoping to make a fortune. One of the main characteristics of the Solana chain is that a large number of tokens are created every day. Because of the extremely low cost required for launching, a large number of new transaction pairs are listed on decentralized exchanges every day, which makes it a fast-paced environment. Frequent rotation trends and changes in meta-strategies are commonplace, and most, if not all, new transaction pairs lack liquidity, resulting in great price fluctuations and drastic price fluctuations. The average life expectancy is often about hours or less, mainly because malicious actors try to take advantage of this fanaticism by pulling carpet scams and deceptive marketing to deceive ambitious unsuspecting investors. If you spend enough time looking at charts in groups and screening labels on the internet, you will find a model that allows you to map most participants to specific roles that are crucial to this field. Role introduction developers are regarded as gods and developers are regarded as being able to guide the community to wealth. Free shepherds, their decisions usually shape the early price trend of the project and determine the life of the project, because as founders, they can completely control the fundamentals and may hold a large number of tokens to supply. Influencers will use their influence on social media to share their personal investments for different motives to improve people's understanding of the project. According to their intentions, some people hope to strengthen the community by increasing social proof, while others just want to find ways to withdraw from mobility to make profits. Are community members loyal to the project and willing to follow it to the promised land or zero without reservation? These people often appear in chat groups to interact with others and tirelessly publicize their investment under the posts of celebrities, and the attention of celebrities may succeed or fail. Snipers add liquidity to the pool by automatically interacting on the chain and buy tokens indiscriminately immediately after opening transactions. Traders of these wallets hope to take advantage of the upward momentum generated by the intervention of ordinary traders to make profits in most cases. In several cases, they are not optimistic about the long-term prospects and will sell as soon as possible because there are many opportunities. Please remember that all these things happen in a ruthless player-to-player competition environment. In order to maintain competitiveness and gain competitive opportunities, many trading tools with practical analysis functions have been developed to speed up decision-making and execution, and services are favored by most traders. Compared with traditional choices, they have greatly improved the quality of life. Only a few tokens can succeed in the vast ocean of tokens. Maintaining a high valuation for a long time and having a closely related community means that success can't be achieved without some quantifiable factors. Having a robust due diligence framework will make the process of screening a lengthy watch list easier and save time, which leads to a question: What valuable information can we use to effectively analyze these unpredictable tokens? We can use historical data to try to identify some common patterns and indicators in order to evaluate items to a certain extent. The goal potential, for example, by analyzing the top performers, we can roughly understand the attribute trends of the outstanding performers. Because the whole field is mainly driven by trends and narratives, it is worth paying attention to the current popular categories or themes so as not to bet wrong. By using the word cloud map to visualize hot topics, we can easily see the current main trends and sub-trends. In this example, the tokens of animal themes are the most relevant, among which cats are the most popular sub-themes. The second largest cluster in this visualization is network culture. Covering cryptocurrency, Twitter and mainstream emoticons, an interesting detail in this visualization is the use of keywords, including projects derived from original concepts and incorporating their own unique elements. These projects will continue to appear to provide people who have missed pioneer projects with a second chance. After narrowing the scope of promising categories, some technical details should be evaluated before continuing. In order to avoid unlimited selling pressure, the percentage of projects authorized for casting should be prohibited. This setting is disabled for all items we have observed. The average median of the destruction rate of liquidity pool tokens can reduce the risk of liquidity being withdrawn by the creator when the deployer adds initial liquidity. The median here shows that most of the initial liquidity will be destroyed. The average median of the percentage of tokens held by the previous wallet is within the range in most cases, and the lower the percentage varies according to the project, the lower the possibility that a few individuals will disrupt the market order due to a large number of selling. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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