Mint Ventures:备战牛市主升浪 我对本轮周期的阶段性思考

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作者:Alex Xu,Mint Ventures 研究合伙人


在上周,BTC 完成了对美元计价的历史高点的上摸,这意味我们进入了本轮牛市的正式阶段。相对于从熊市底部开始的反弹、回暖,牛市正式阶段的情绪将进一步升温,波动将更加剧烈。


  • 从 BTC 领涨的局面逐渐过渡为山寨币领涨,比特币市占率下降

  • 各类币种涨速和涨幅更加暴力

  • 成为社交媒体和搜索引擎的宠儿,大众关注度迅速增加




加密牛市的促动因素和 Alpha 赛道


在 BTC 的市值规模达到一定体量后,回顾过往 3 个周期,牛市都是由多个因素联合促动的,包括:

  • BTC 的减半(供需调整的预期),本轮减半将在 4 月发生

  • 货币政策的宽松或宽松预期,市场对利率水平高点已经过去达成了共识,对未来一个季度开始降低有较高期待

  • 监管政策的宽松。本轮周期体现在在美国会计准则更新,加密资产可以以公允价值体现在上市公司财务报表中, 以及 SEC 对灰度的败诉导致了 ETF 的通过等。

  • 新型资产模式和商业模式创新

本轮牛市已经具备了以上 4 点中的前 3 点。

每轮牛市的 Alpha 赛道

同时,每个牛市周期中,涨幅最猛都是该轮周期诞生(或是第一次爆发)的新物种,比如 2017 年牛市 ICO 盛行,涨的最多就是 ICO 平台(智能合约公链)如 Neo、Qtum 等;而 21 年牛市涨的最多是 Defi、Gamefi元宇宙,以及 NFT 资产, 20 年是 Defi 元年, 21 年则是 NFT 和 Gamefi 的元年。

然而本轮牛市发展至今,仍然没有出现如上两轮牛市周期智能合约平台以及 Defi 类似份量的新型资产模式或商业模式。

目前的 Defi、Gamefi、NFT、Depin,无论是新老项目,其产品形态还是叙事较上一轮均无太大进化,更多是在产品功能的迭代和修复,简单来说,它们都是“老概念”。


  • BTC 生态:以 ORDI 和节点猴为代表的铭文类资产,以及 BTC L2为主的二层项目

  • Web3 AI 项目:包括了上一个周期就已经存在的分布式算力类项目(Akash、Render network),以及本轮冒头的 AI 项目如 Bittensor(TAO)

但是严格来说,AI 并不是币圈的原生赛道,Web3的 AI 赛道更多乃是由 23 年 GPT 开启的 AI 热潮向加密行业渗透的结果,勉强能算半个本周期的“新物种”。


可能被误判的 Alpha 赛道们

在笔者看过的很多牛市投资组合的推荐中,都会将 Gamefi、Depin、Defi 赛道的 Alt coin(山寨币)放入资产池,主要理由是他们作为市值更小、弹性更大的加密资产,在牛市的正式阶段(BTC 新高之后)能大幅跑赢 BTC 和 ETH,实现 Alpha 收益。

然而正如笔者前面提到的,“每个牛市周期中,涨幅最猛都是该轮周期诞生(或是第一次爆发)的新物种”,Defi、Gamefi、NFT、Depin 等由于不符合本轮“新资产或新商业类别”的特征,作为历经第二轮周期的赛道,不要指望它们能复现第一轮周期时候的价格表现,因为一个资产类别只有在出现的第一轮周期才能享受巨大的估值泡沫。


或许有人会说,L1赛道在 17 年和 21 年的两轮牛市中都是涨幅榜“最靓的仔”,这不就是一个反例吗?


L1赛道在 21 年牛市的市场需求是有指数级别的爆炸性增长的,Defi、NFT、Gamefi 多个产品类别的大爆发,造成了用户和开发者双边市场规模的快速增加,制造了空前的区块空间需求,这不但推升了以太坊的估值,从以太坊溢出的需求,也造成了 Alt L1们的爆发, 21 年牛市才是 ALT L1们真正的元年。

而这一轮周期目前是否能复现上一轮 Dapp 产品类别和资产类别爆发,带来对于L1的需求的进一步增长?

目前仍然看不到。所以,这一轮L1们能实现上一轮涨势的前提也就不存在了,本轮牛市对 Alt L1们的期待同样也要放低。

BTC 和 ETH 本轮具备更好的赔率

本轮牛市目前最大的推动力,目前来看仍然是 ETF 通道打开带来的资金流入,以及对于这种长期流入的乐观预期。因此,本轮的第一大受益对象主要是 BTC,以及 ETH(潜在的 ETF 上市标的)。结合上文对于 Gamefi、Depin、Defi 以及L1的观点,本轮牛市想要博 Alpha 的难度更高,主仓配置 BTC+ETH 的收益风险比会比上一轮更好。

那么,作为同样受益于 ETF 的 BTC 和 ETH,哪个是更佳的选择呢?

在笔者看来,短期看可能是 ETH,因为 BTC 的 ETF 预期已经被消化在现有价格中,而 4 月减半完成后 BTC 也暂无其他关注热点。而对于 ETH 来说,ETH\BTC 汇率仍然处在低位,加上 ETH 的 ETF 预期逐渐升温,这都让 ETH 短期的赔率优于 BTC。

长期看,BTC 可能是更优的配置选择。总体来说,ETH 现在越来越像一个科技股了,其价值在提供区块空间服务,类似于一个Web3云服务项目,这个市场竞争激烈,其不断遭受其他区块空间服务商(L1、Rollup 以及 DA 项目)和各类新技术方案在叙事和市场份额上的侵蚀和挤压。以太坊的技术路线一旦走错,或是产品迭代速度太慢,这些都会成为被资金投反对票的理由。

反而是 BTC 的“电子黄金”定位随着市值的稳定扩大,以及 ETF 渠道的打开,正在越来越稳固,其作为对抗法币通胀的价值储备资产的共识,正在逐步取得从金融机构、上市公司到小型国家的采信。

曾经“ETH 在价值存储的价值可以超越 BTC”的论调则已经越来越没人提了。


虽然笔者认为本轮超配 BTC+ETH 会比上轮拥有更好的收益风险比,但这不意味着我们不需要配置其他 Alt coins 了,只是我们在规划比率时需要慎重考虑。


  • 在 BTC 和 ETH 上进行更高的配置比率

  • 控制在 Defi、Gamefi、Depin、NFT 等老赛道上的配置比率

  • 本轮出现新赛道上可以作为博 Alpha 的选择方向,比如:



    BTC 生态:包括铭文资产,以及 BTC L2等。笔者相对更看好前者,因为其是本轮出现的新资产门类,而 BTC L2实际上是以太坊 Rollup 的概念换壳,属于“新瓶旧酒”


此外,在周期上,笔者认为不同于过往牛市周期“减半后一年是主升浪”的规律,本轮牛市最大的主升浪年份应该是 2024 年,而不是 2025 年。

过往 BTC 减半年的年份依次是, 2012 年、 2016 年、 2020 年,本轮减半年份为 2024 年。

同花顺财经在去年种统计了近 10 年的主要金融资产的收益比较,具体如下:

Mint Ventures研究合伙人:备战牛市主升浪,我对本轮周期的阶段性思考

总体来说,BTC 符合“涨三年、跌一年”的规律,即减半前一年、减半年、减半后一年上涨,然后一年下跌。

而在第一轮比特币减半周期中,减半年 2012 年 BTC 涨幅 186% ,减半次年 2013 年涨幅 5372% , 17 年也是类似,所以在 2017 年牛市周期之前,BTC 基本符合“减半前小涨,减半后一年大涨”的规律。

而这个规律在上一个周期开始被打破,首先是减半的前一年 2019 年就有不小的涨幅(93.4% ,高于 2015 年的 40.9% ),然后减半年 2020 年涨幅为 273% ,高于减半次年 2021 年的涨幅 62.3% 。

本轮周期这种“上涨周期”前移的趋势进一步明显,BTC 在减半前一年的 2023 年 BTC 就实现了 147.3% 的涨幅,继续超越上一轮减半前一年(2019)的涨幅,而 24 年的一季度尚未完结,BTC 就已经实现了近 60% 的涨幅。

笔者认为,大概率 2024 年就将是本轮牛市的主升浪年份,不要再拖延等待 2025 年的大涨,提升仓位把握当下或许才是更为稳妥的策略, 25 年反而应该是我们的减仓收获之年。


The introduction of the author's research partner completed the touch of the historical high point of dollar pricing last week, which means that we have entered the formal stage of this bull market. Compared with the rebound from the bottom of the bear market, the mood in the formal stage of the bull market will further heat up and fluctuate more violently. Every formal stage of the bull market has some common characteristics, such as the gradual transition from the leading situation to the cottage currency leading the rise, the decline in bitcoin market share, and the increase in various currencies is more violent, becoming social media and search quotes. The darling of the engine, the public's attention is increasing rapidly. In this paper, the author tries to logically deduce the possible differences between the current cycle and the past cycle, and puts forward his own thinking and coping strategies. This paper is the author's phased thinking as of the time of publication, which may change in the future, and the viewpoint is extremely subjective, and there may be errors in the reasoning logic of factual data. Please do not use it as an investment reference. Welcome the criticism and discussion of peers. The following are the driving factors for encrypting the bull market and the driving factors for the bull market on the track. After the market value of Su Shi has reached a certain volume, it is recalled that the bull market in the past cycle was jointly driven by many factors, including the expectation of halving the supply and demand adjustment. This round of halving will be loose or loose in January. It is expected that the market has reached a consensus on the high interest rate level in the past and has high expectations for the beginning of the next quarter. The loosening of regulatory policies is reflected in the updating of American accounting standards, encrypted assets can be reflected in the financial statements of listed companies at fair value and The loss of gray scale has led to the innovation of new asset models and business models. This round of bull market has already had the previous points in the above points. At the same time, the fastest increase in each bull market cycle is the new species that were born or broke out for the first time in this round. For example, the most popular bull market in the year is the platform smart contract, the public chain is equal, and the most common bull market in the year is the meta-universe and the asset year is the first year, and the first year is the sum year. However, the development of this round of bull market has not yet appeared. The smart contract platform of market cycle and the new asset model or business model with similar weight. At present, the product form and narrative of both new and old projects have not evolved much compared with the last round. More importantly, they are all old concepts, and the relatively new species appearing in this round are mainly two ecological inscriptions represented by node monkeys and the main two-tier projects, including the distributed computing projects that existed in the last cycle. This round of projects, such as, but not strictly speaking, the original track of the currency circle, are more the result of the penetration of the craze opened in 2000 into the encryption industry, which can barely be regarded as a new species in this cycle. The deduction and strategy of this round of bull market may be misjudged. In many bull market portfolio recommendations that I have seen, the track's counterfeit coins will be put into the asset pool. The main reason is that they can outperform greatly as encrypted assets with smaller market value and greater flexibility after the formal stage of the bull market. However, as the author mentioned earlier, the biggest increase in every bull market cycle is the new species born or first erupted in this cycle. As a track that has experienced the second cycle, don't expect them to reproduce the price performance of the first cycle because an asset class can enjoy a huge valuation bubble only in the first cycle, because a new business model or asset class appears in the first bull market. The main challenge is to be falsified, which is difficult in the frenzy of the bull market, while the same track project faces the challenge of proving in the second round of bull market, that is, to prove that its business ceiling is still high, and there is still a lot of room for imagination, which is also difficult because it is not easy for people to believe the stories they have told again. Some people may say that the track is the most beautiful in the last round of bull market in 2000 and 2000. Isn't this a counterexample? Isn't it true that the market demand of the track in the bull market in 2008 was exponentially explosive, and the explosion of multiple product categories caused the rapid increase of the bilateral market scale between users and developers, creating an unprecedented demand for block space, which not only pushed up the valuation of Ethereum, but also caused its explosion. The bull market in 2008 was the real first year for us, and can this cycle reproduce the purpose of further increasing the demand brought about by the last round of product category and asset category explosion? I still can't see it before, so the premise that we can achieve the last round of gains in this round is gone. The expectations of this round of bull market for us should also be lowered and this round has better odds. At present, the biggest driving force of this round of bull market is still the capital inflow brought by the opening of the channel and the optimistic expectation for this long-term inflow. Therefore, the first beneficiary of this round is mainly the combination of the potential listing targets, and it is more difficult for this round of bull market to blog. The return-risk ratio will be better than that of the previous round, so which is the better choice as the same benefit? In my opinion, in the short term, it may be because the expectation has been digested in the existing price, and there is no other hot spot for the time being after the monthly halving is completed. For me, the exchange rate is still at a low level, and the expectation is gradually heating up, which makes the short-term odds better than the long-term allocation choice. Generally speaking, it is now more and more like a technology stock, and its value is similar to providing block space services. A cloud service project is fiercely competitive in this market. It is constantly eroded and squeezed by other block space service providers, projects and various new technical solutions in narrative and market share. Once the technical route of Ethereum is wrong or the product iteration speed is too slow, these will be the reasons for the funds to vote against it. On the contrary, the positioning of electronic gold is becoming more and more stable with the steady expansion of market value and the opening of channels, and its consensus as a value reserve asset against the inflation of French currency is gradually being taken. From financial institutions, listed companies to small countries, the argument that the value of value storage can be surpassed has been increasingly ignored. Although I think that this round of over-allocation will have a better profit-risk ratio than the last round, this does not mean that we don't need to allocate other things, but we need to carefully consider the strategies we are considering when planning the ratio. Generally speaking, the author is now considering the following strategies: to control the allocation ratio on the sum, and to control the allocation ratio on the old track. This round of new tracks can be used as the choice direction of Bo, such as the best speculative media. Every round will have a concept renovation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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