解析牛市金铲子 BNB 的财富密码

币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 08:48:54 评论:0



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根据DeFiLlama数据,BSC链上DEX 3 月 10 日交易量超越以太坊链上DEX,一举夺得头把交椅。

与此同时,BNB过去一周价格涨幅将近30%,交易量也显著增加。2024 年迄今的表现优于同类型代币,在交易所代币中涨幅最大,在公链原生代币中涨幅也遥遥领先。

作为币安交易所的原生代币及BNB Chain 燃料代币,如此抢眼的热度自然引发了市场对BNB这把金铲子的看涨情绪。


0BNB 近期涨幅

近日,BNB价格再次飙升,短时突破 630 USDT,创 2021 年 12 月 2 日以来新高。


回顾上轮牛市,BNB曾一度触及历史高点690.93 USDT,随后在2022年至2023年期间经历了价格波动,维持200-400 USDT 左右水平,目前它离历史最高价仅剩9%的差距。



0币安 Launchpool



BNB币价迅速攀升可以有多种解释,币安Launchpool是不可或缺的一环。挖矿规则很简单,用户通过质押BNB、FDUSD参与挖矿,从而获取新币奖励。这使得币安Launchpool 对BNB的赋能直击币价上涨核心。


不足一周的时间里,BNB从400 USDT上涨至500 USDT,吸引了大量投资者的关注和参与。







1)2024 Q1至今Launchpool新币挖矿收益率



1、从过去7期Launchpool的挖矿APY来看,其当日上线价格表现带来的收益率平均超过 100% ,收益最高的MANTA更是达到了186.92%。













从下图可知,币安市占有率自Q1开始就在稳步增加。2023年,币安吸引了超过4,000万名新用户,已累积 1.7 亿注册用户,较前一年年底增长了近30%。




首先,币安在交易所层面的投入可谓是“把用户需求捧在手掌心”,包括升级Binance Square,留存更多创作者及活跃用户,在过去的一年中币安广场的创作者人数从1,200增加至11,000,日活跃用户数从不到70万增加至160万以上。


去年10月推出跟单交易功能,三个月的周平均交易量超过了 20 亿美元,也逐步有了社交交易平台的影子。

近期币安更是推出 Futures NEXT,允许通过预测币安合约上线代币来赚取奖励,NEXT Pool 显示了用户提名的潜在上市代币的精选集合。

最值得一提的是,去年11月在币安app中推出 Web3 钱包,用户在CeFi与DeFi之间切换变得更加简单,无需繁琐注册,仅需一键操作即可。


此外,为响应火热的用户需求,铭文市场于2月1日正式上线币安 Web3 钱包。

最近一次更新是在3月15日,Web3 钱包已完成Solana网络集成,帮助用户轻松管理和交易Solana网络代币及访问多种dApps。

毋庸置疑,交易所始终处于币安版图核心位置,而作为投资和孵化项目条线的Binance Labs也扮演着举足轻重的作用。

Binance Labs通过行业领先的资源和资金优势,支持优秀项目加速发展,减轻它们上市和流动性建设的负担。这一策略既吸引了优质项目和团队,也为币安带来了更多用户,实现了互利共赢,推动了整个生态系统的繁荣。

过去一年Binance Labs主要集中在Web3 链游、 defi 生态和ZKP(零知识证明)领域,贡献了众多应用场景和商业模式,为用户带来了更多元的产品选项。


BNB Chain 已发展成为一个包含多条链的综合性DeFi系统,融合了计算、存储及Layer 2技术。


以繁荣的BNB Smart Chain为基础,加之BNB Greenfield的去中心化存储平台,为BNB Chain生态带来了显著的增益。

同时,引入了基于Optimism技术的低成本交易opBNB,填补了Layer 2 的空白,进一步显著降低了本就低成本的BNB Smart Chain的gas费用。

BNB Chain 2023 年度报告指出,过去一年日活用户突破 100 万,得到了较大幅度增长。3 月 10 日,BSC 链上 DEX 交易量更是达到了 24.74 亿美元,位居首位。

以太坊链上 DEX 日交易量为 20.38 亿美元,排名降至第二;Solana 链上 DEX 日交易量为 13.61 亿美元,排名第三。

最近一个季度以来,BNB Chain 进行了多个方向的更新:

更便宜。官方计划将 opBNB 交易速度提高一倍,并将 Gas 费用降低 10 倍。

更全面。引入One BNB概念,旨在将 BSC、opBNB 和 Greenfield 整合到一个有凝聚力的生态系统中,确保去中心化计算和存储解决方案之间的无缝交互。

更多空投。3月13日 BNB Chain 推出「空投联盟计划」,将向 BSC 和 opBNB 用户发布追溯空投,旨在奖励社区对 BNB Chain 的支持,能从中看出BNB Chain对链上生态的大力发展。由于BNB目前季度自动销毁与BNB Chain 出块总数锚定,链上生态越活跃,币价上涨越值得期待。



在Web3领域,币安业务版图经过多年拓展,已广泛涉及诸多方面:从核心的交易所功能到云服务、PoW矿池子、质押服务,再到金融和支付解决方案,以及围绕Binance Labs的投资与孵化活动。

同时,在DeFi领域具备BNB Chain的强大实力,币安实现了几乎每个重要领域的覆盖。

话说回来,BNB这把金铲子,作为币安生态唯一用于价值捕获的载体在平台币范畴外,还拥有了公链币生态的想象力,同时收获币安及BNB Chain发展红利,长期价值十分可观。

According to the author's source, the daily trading volume of the data link surpassed that of the Ethereum chain and won the top spot in one fell swoop. At the same time, the price rose nearly in the past week, and the trading volume also increased significantly. So far, the performance has been better than that of the same type of tokens in the exchange, and the increase has been the largest among the original tokens in the public chain, and it is also far ahead of the original tokens and fuel tokens in the currency security exchange. Such eye-catching enthusiasm naturally triggered the market's bullish sentiment about this golden shovel. Why do you say that tokens are the golden shovel of this bull market? What wealth does the rise contain? This password will take you to explore the huge potential and opportunities of tokens. Recently, the price has soared again, and it has broken through the new high since the beginning of the month. How strong is the rise? It has risen since the beginning of the month and has exceeded the increase in the past few days. The last bull market once hit an all-time high, and then it experienced price fluctuations from to to maintain the left and right level. At present, the only gap between it and the historical highest price means that the market is less worried about the regulatory incident of currency security. After the storm, it still showed strong resilience and re-established confidence to a certain extent. This foreign currency security and new currency mining also provided a key driving force for its rise. Currency security is a service provided by the Currency Security Exchange, and users can get token rewards for new projects by pledging cryptocurrency. This plate is also called new currency mining. This process is a bit like pledge mining, except that the mined coins cannot be traded immediately, which may contain potential high-quality projects. In other words, the exchange allows users to earn a lower price. Ben and risk participate in the acquisition of new coins that will be listed soon. The price of coins has risen rapidly, which can be explained in many ways. The mining rules are very simple. Users can participate in the mining by pledge, so as to obtain the new coins reward. This enables the coin pair to empower and directly hit the core of the rising price. For example, the on-line derivatives exchange that was launched in January has brought a significant boost to the price. In less than a week, it has gone from rising to attracting the attention and participation of a large number of investors. Looking back, since the first quarter, the coin security has been launched at a high frequency. The number of participants in this project ranges from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands. With the continuous influx of such a large amount of demand, the price naturally rises all the way, and the rate of return is higher. At present, the pledge currency used to dig new tokens is the mainstream stable currency. Based on the pledge data officially released by the currency security bureau, the annualized rate of return of the full mining cycle of the online project in this quarter is calculated. Participation is a relatively safe and high-yield mining method, and the mining rate of return is much higher than that of the other two stable currencies, which is almost equivalent to adding the two currencies. It can be said that it is a stable financial lottery ticket tailored for the holders of money. Why do you say this? Let's take a look at the historical performance rate of return at the bottom. So far, the mining rate of new coins has been compared with the mining rate of different tokens. Note: The current price reference time is month and day. From the past mining period, the average rate of return brought by its online price performance exceeds the highest rate of return, and the game will be doubled according to the historical highest price, and the occupation of users' funds will be greatly reduced due to the generally short mining time. Therefore, time participation can be said to be a safer and more profitable mining method. From the above-mentioned overall increase ratio, it can be seen that the increase ratio of new coins on the online currency is almost around recently, and when the price is the highest, it is close to twice the closing price of the online trading day. From the online currency, it can be seen that there are many high-quality projects, which is also one of the important reasons for the subsequent high price of coins. Most of the high-quality projects are issued through the derivatives trading platform, such as the chain tour track, the dark horse game track rookie, which has attracted much attention. Almost all of them are projects with very good fundamentals and a strong user base, and there are also currencies with certain development potential in the follow-up. It can be said that the income of the new currency projects on the currency security line is good. By comparing the mining methods, the yield brought by the online price performance is much higher than that of the other two stable currencies, which is almost equivalent to adding the two. Imagine that when you hold a bull market and put it into the pool for mining, the development of the bull market gold shovel platform will be flat. The value of the dual concept of NTD public chain currency mainly depends on the fundamental situation of the exchange behind it, which is also in line with a basic law. The development of the platform directly affects the market performance of its tokens. From the market share performance, despite the impact of the outbreak of events and other storms in recent years, the market share of the currency security market has remained stable around and maintained its position as the first brother of the exchange. From the following figure, it can be seen that the market share of the currency security has been steadily increasing since the beginning. More than 10,000 new users have accumulated 100 million registered users, which is close to the business level compared with the end of the previous year. So from the business level, what kind of empowerment can the currency security backed by it bring? The answer is that the ceiling is high enough and the imagination is large enough. As the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, in recent years, it is not limited to its own trading business, but strives to build an all-round cryptocurrency ecosystem. First of all, the investment of currency security at the exchange level can be described as holding the needs of users in the palm of your hand, including upgrading and retaining more. Creators and active users In the past year, the number of creators in Coin 'an Plaza has increased from less than 10,000 to more than 10,000 daily active users. The high-frequency online project allows users to gain more than most financial returns by making new achievements. Coin 'an has made use of the brand effect to benefit users and improve user loyalty at the same time. Last month, it launched the documentary trading function for three months, and the average weekly transaction volume has gradually exceeded 100 million US dollars. Recently, it has been allowed to launch a social trading platform. Earning rewards by predicting the online tokens in the currency security contract shows the selected collection of potential listed tokens nominated by users. What is most noteworthy is that the wallet was launched in the currency security last month, making it easier for users to switch between and without cumbersome registration. This update can effectively reduce the threshold for new users to enter the ecology, on the other hand, it also enables old users to operate on the chain more conveniently. In addition, in response to the fierce user demand, the inscription market was officially launched on February. The latest update of wallet was on, which helped users to easily manage and trade online tokens and access a variety of online tokens. Undoubtedly, the exchange has always been at the core of the currency security map, and it also plays an important role as an investment and incubation project line. This strategy not only attracted high-quality projects and teams, but also brought more users to realize mutual benefit and win-win results, and promoted the prosperity of the entire ecosystem. In the past year, it mainly focused on chain tour ecology and zero-knowledge certification. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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