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作者:Coinbase Research 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

以太坊的权益证明(PoS)共识机制是加密货币中最大的经济安全基金,总计近 US$112B。但保护网络安全的验证者并不仅仅只能通过锁定的 ETH 来赚取基本奖励。长期以来,流动质押代币(LST)一直是参与者将其 ETH 和共识层收益带入 DeFi 领域的一种方式——可以在其他交易中进行交易或重新抵押作为抵押品。现在,重新抵押的出现以流动性重新抵押代币(LRT)的形式引入了另一层。

以太坊相对成熟的质押基础设施和超额的安全预算使 EigenLayer 能够成长为生态系统中第二大 DeFi 协议(总锁定价值(TVL)为 $12.4B)。EigenLayer 使验证者能够通过重新抵押 ETH 来确保主动验证服务 (AVS) 的安全,从而获得额外奖励。因此,以液体重新抵押协议形式存在的中介机构也变得越来越普遍,推动了轻轨的扩散。

也就是说,我们认为,从安全和财务角度来看,与现有的质押产品相比,重新质押和 LRT 可能会带来额外的风险。随着自动驾驶系统数量的增长以及轻轨运营商策略的差异化,这些风险可能会变得越来越不透明。尽管如此,重新质押(和质押)奖励正在为新型 DeFi 协议奠定基础。如果这些提案得到实施,围绕将质押发行减少到最小可行发行(MVI)的单独讨论也可能进一步增加长期重新质押收益率的相对重要性。因此,对重新把握机会的过度关注正在成为今年最大的加密主题之一。


EigenLayer 的重新抵押协议于 2023 年 6 月在以太坊主网上上线,AVS 将在其多阶段部署的下一阶段(2024 年第二季度)推出。实际上,EigenLayer 的“重新抵押”概念为验证者建立了一种保护以太坊新功能的方法,例如数据可用性层、汇总、桥梁、预言机、跨链消息等,并可能在此过程中获得额外奖励。这代表了验证者以“安全即服务”形式的新收入来源。为什么这成为如此热门的话题?

作为最大的 PoS 加密货币,ETH 目前拥有巨大的经济基础来保护其网络免受恶意的多数攻击。然而,与此同时,验证者和质押 ETH 的不断增长可以说已经超出了保护网络所需的范围。在合并时(2022 年 9 月 15 日),质押了 1370 万个 ETH,大概足以确保当时 2210 万个 ETH 的网络 TVL。截至我们即将发布的消息,目前质押了大约 3130 万个 ETH,以 ETH 计价的数量增加了三倍,但以太坊以 ETH 计价的 TVL 实际上较低低于 2022 年末),为 1490 万个 ETH(见图 1)。


过多质押的 ETH 以及基础资产的安全性、流动性和可靠性使其具有独特的优势,有助于促进其他去中心化服务的安全性。换句话说,我们认为重新抵押作为一个概念在很大程度上是不可避免的,作为 ETH 固有价值的延伸。然而,天下没有免费的午餐。为了确保这些服务的正确性,重新抵押用于行为验证,并且可能会受到扣押或削减处罚,类似于传统抵押。(也就是说,当第一组 AVS 在 2024 年第二季度推出时,不会启用削减。)与质押一样,重新质押运营商会因其服务而获得额外的 ETH(或 AVS 代币)。


迄今为止,EigenLayer 的 TVL 增长令人震惊,仅次于 Lido(以太坊领先的流动性质押协议)。EigenLayer 实现了这一目标,同时保留了大部分流程的存款上限,并且还在启动任何实时 AVS 之前。也就是说,很难将持续的重质押需求与用户对短期积分和空投挖矿的兴趣脱钩。虽然随着协议的成熟,重新质押的 ETH 数量可能会继续增长,但我们认为,当积分挖矿结束或早期 AVS 奖励低于预期时,TVL 可能会出现短期下降。


EigenLayer 通过抵押各种底层 LST 池或原生质押 ETH(通过 EigenPods),建立在现有质押生态系统的基础上。在程序上,验证者将其提款地址指向 EigenPods,以获得 Eigen 积分,这些积分将在未来兑换为协议奖励。锁定在 EigenLayer 中的 LST(150 万个 ETH)约占所有 LST 的 15%,而锁定在 EigenLayer 中的 ETH 总量占用于质押的所有 ETH 的近 10%(3M,共 3130 万个 ETH)。(LST 本身占生态系统中所有质押 ETH 的 43%。)事实上,我们认为,在 2023 年 10 月后质押需求趋于稳定之后,最近人们对新验证者加入的兴趣是由重新质押造成的。2024 年 2 月,新增了超过 200 万个 ETH被押注,与 EigenLayer 存款上限暂停同时发生。事实上,一些 LST 提供商正在提高其目标 APY,以此作为利用重新抵押的兴趣来吸引新用户使用自己平台的一种方式。


借鉴 LST 的流行,丰富的 LRT 生态系统已经发展起来,有超过六种协议提供具有各种积分和空投方案的流动性重新抵押代币版本。在 EigenLayer 中保护的 3M ETH 中,大约 210 万(62%)被封装在二级协议中。我们之前在流动性质押市场中看到过类似的模式,并相信随着该行业的发展,替代方案的多样化将非常重要。 


从长远来看,如果原生质押发行量因质押参与度增加而下降(随着更多验证者的加入,收益率会降低),重新质押可能会成为 ETH 收益率越来越重要的途径。减少本地质押 ETH 排放的单独讨论可能会进一步提高重新质押收益率的相关性(尽管这仍处于讨论阶段的早期阶段)。

尽管如此,AVS 收益率预计在推出后相对较低,这可能会在短期内给轻轨带来挑战。例如,最大的轻轨 Ether.fi对其 TVL收取 2% 的年化平台费,用于“金库管理”。然而,并非所有轻轨都具有相同的收费结构,因此在这方面存在竞争空间。但如果我们使用这 2% 的费用作为计算盈亏平衡成本的标准,AVS 将需要每年为 EigenLayer 的安全服务支付约 2 亿美元(基于 $12.4B 重新抵押价值)才能实现盈亏平衡——比 Aave 或 Maker 收取的费用还要多在过去的一年里。这就提出了一个问题:AVS 需要产生多少业务才能提高 ETH 质押者的总体收益。


截至今天,尚未在主网上启动任何 AVS。第一个发布的 AVS(2024 年第 2 季度初)将是EigenDA,这是一个数据可用性层,可以发挥与 Celestia 或以太坊的 blob 存储类似的作用。继 Dencun 升级成功将第 2 层 (L2) 费用降低 90% 以上之后,我们认为 EigenDA 将成为模块化工具库中的另一个工具,可实现更便宜的 L2 交易。然而,构建或迁移 L2 以利用 EigenDA 是一个缓慢的过程,可能需要几个月的时间才能为协议带来有意义的收入。

为了估计 EigenDA 的初始收益,我们可以与以太坊 blob 存储成本进行比较。目前,每天大约 10 ETH 用于来自许多主要 L2 的 Blob 交易,包括 Arbitrum、Optimism、Base、zkSync 和 StarkNet(见图 5)。如果 EigenDA 看到类似的使用水平,根据我们保守的估计,每年重新抵押奖励的年化率约为 3.5k ETH,相当于额外奖励的约 0.1%。我们认为,尽管增加多个 AVS 可能会迅速增加收益,但前几个月的费用可能会低于预期。


EigenLayer生态系统中构建的其他 AVS包括互操作性网络、快速最终层、位置证明机制、Cosmos 链安全引导程序等。AVS 的机会空间极其广泛且不断增长。Restakers 可以有选择地选择他们想要用 ETH 抵押品来保护哪些 AVS,尽管这个过程对于每个新的 AVS 来说都变得越来越复杂。


这就提出了一个问题:不同的 LRT 将如何处理(1)AVS 选择、(2)潜在的削减和(3)最终的代币金融化。在传统的质押中,验证者的责任和收入之间的一对一映射是明确的,考虑到所有因素,使得 LST 成为一个相对简单的事情。但通过重新质押,多对一的结构增加了如何累积和分配收益(和损失)的一些不平凡的复杂性(以及 LRT 发行人方面的多样性)。LRT 不仅支付基本的 ETH 质押奖励,还支付获得一套 AVS 的奖励。这也意味着不同轻轨发行人支付的潜在回报会有所不同。

目前,很多轻轨模式尚未完全明确。然而,由于每个项目只有一个 LRT,给定协议中的所有代币持有者可能都会受到统一的 AVS 激励和削减条件。这些机制的设计可能因轻轨提供商而异。

一项建议是采取分层方法,轻轨发行人可以采用一系列“高”和“低”风险的 AVS,尽管这需要建立尚未定义的风险标准。此外,根据架构设计,代币持有者的最终奖励可能仍将支付所有 AVS 的总和,我们认为这违背了风险分层框架的目的。或者,去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 可以决定选择哪些 AVS,但这引发了关于这些 DAO 中的关键决策者是谁的问题。否则,LRT 提供商可以充当 EigenLayer 的接口,并允许用户保留采用哪些 AVS 的决策权。


然而,在发布时,重新抵押过程对于运营商来说应该相对简单,因为 EigenDA 将是唯一需要保护的 AVS。然而,EigenLayer 的一个特点是,投入到一个 AVS 的 ETH 可以进一步重新投入到其他 AVS。虽然这可以增加收益,但也会加剧风险。当涉及到理清服务之间的削减和索赔条件的层次结构时,将相同的重新质押的 ETH 提交给多个 AVS 会带来挑战。每个服务都会创建自己的自定义削减条件,因此可能会出现这样一种情况:一个 AVS 因不当行为而削减重新质押的 ETH,而另一个 AVS 则希望收回相同的重新质押的 ETH,作为对受损参与者的补偿。这可能会导致最终的削减冲突,尽管如前所述,EigenDA 在首次启动时不会有削减条件。 

使这一设置进一步复杂化的是 EigenLayer 的“池安全”模型(其中 AVS 利用质押 ETH 的公共池来保护其服务)可以通过“归属安全”进一步定制。也就是说,各个 AVS 可以获取(额外的)重新抵押的 ETH,这些 ETH 仅用于确保其特定服务的安全——这是 AVS 支付溢价的一种保险或安全网形式。因此,随着更多 AVS 的推出,运营商的角色在技术上变得更加复杂,并且削减规则也变得更加难以遵循。LRT 的扩展除了这种重新抵押的复杂性之外,还从代币持有者那里抽象出了许多潜在的策略和风险。 

这是一个问题,因为我们认为人们最终会去这些轻轨提供商提供的回报最高的地方。因此,轻轨可能会被激励最大化其收益率,以获得市场份额,但这可能会以更高(尽管是隐藏的)风险状况为代价。换句话说,我们认为重要的是风险调整后的回报,而不是绝对回报,但在这方面可能很难保持透明度。这可能会导致额外的风险,因为 LRT DAO 会被激励最大限度地多次重新抵押以保持竞争力。 

此外,如果 LRT 支出完全以 ETH 进行,LRT 还可能对非 ETH AVS 奖励造成下行抛售压力。也就是说,如果 LRT 需要将原生 AVS 代币转换为 ETH(或 ETH 等价物)以便将奖励重新分配给 LRT 代币持有者,则重新抵押的价值可能会受到反复出现的抛售压力的限制。 

另外,轻轨还具有不可忽视的估值风险。例如,如果质押提款队列延长(以太坊 Dencun 分叉后验证器流失限制从 14 减少到 8),LRT 可能会暂时偏离其基础价值。如果 LRT 成为 DeFi 中广泛接受的抵押品形式(例如借贷协议中的 LST),这可能会无意中加剧清算,尤其是在低流动性市场中。

这是假设这些 DeFi 协议首先能够正确评估 LRT 的抵押品价值。实际上,LRT 代表了不同的投资组合持股,这些持股的风险状况可能会随着时间的推移而发生变化。可以添加或删除新的成分股,或者 AVS 本身的收益或偿付能力风险可能会发生变化。假设,我们可能会看到这样一种情况:市场低迷可能会同时影响多个 AVS,从而破坏 LRT 的稳定性,并放大强制清算和市场波动的风险。递归借贷只会放大这些损失。另一方面,能够将 LRT 分解为其原理和收益组成部分的协议可以在一定程度上帮助减轻这种风险,

最后,正如以太坊联合创始人维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin)所强调的那样,在某些情况下,重新抵押机制中的重大故障可能会威胁以太坊的底层共识协议。如果重新质押的 ETH 数量相对于所有质押的 ETH 足够大,则可能会存在经济激励来强制执行可能导致网络不稳定的错误决策。


EigenLayer 的重新抵押协议有望成为以太坊上各种新服务和中间件的基石,这反过来又可以在未来为验证者产生有意义的 ETH 奖励来源。从 EigenDA 到 Lagrange 的 AVS 也可以极大地丰富以太坊生态系统本身。 

也就是说,围绕底层协议采用 LRT 包装器可能会因不透明的重新分配策略或底层协议的暂时错位而导致隐藏风险。不同的发行人如何选择要保护的 AVS 以及向 LRT 持有者分配风险和回报仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。此外,AVS 的初始收益率可能无法达到市场设定的极高预期,但我们预计随着 AVS 采用率的增长,这种情况会随着时间的推移而改变。尽管如此,我们认为重新抵押支持了以太坊的开放创新,并将成为生态系统基础设施的核心部分。 

The consensus mechanism for proving the rights and interests of Ethereum, a bitcoin trading network in Shanouba, is the largest economic security fund in cryptocurrency. However, the verifier who protects network security can not only earn basic rewards by locking. For a long time, mobile pledge tokens have been a way for participants to bring their and consensus benefits into the field, and they can be traded in other transactions or re-mortgaged as collateral. Now re-mortgaged appears in the form of mobile re-mortgaged tokens. The introduction of another layer of Ethereum's relatively mature pledge infrastructure and excessive safety budget has enabled it to grow into the second largest agreement in the ecosystem. The total locked value is to enable verifiers to ensure the safety of active verification services through re-mortgage, thus obtaining additional rewards. Therefore, intermediaries in the form of liquid re-mortgage agreements have become more and more common, which has promoted the proliferation of light rail, that is to say, we think that from the perspective of safety and finance, compared with existing pledge products, re-pledge and re-pledge. It may bring additional risks. With the increase of the number of autonomous driving systems and the differentiation of light rail operators' strategies, these risks may become more and more opaque. Nevertheless, re-pledge and pledge incentives are laying the foundation for new agreements. If these proposals are implemented, separate discussions around reducing pledge issuance to the minimum feasible issuance may further increase the relative importance of long-term re-pledge yield. Therefore, excessive attention to regaining opportunities is becoming the biggest this year. One of the encryption themes of Ethereum, the remortgage protocol based on remortgage was launched on the main network of Ethereum in June, and the actual remortgage concept will be launched in the second quarter of the next phase of its multi-phase deployment, which has established a method for the verifier to protect the new functions of Ethereum, such as the data availability layer summarizing the cross-chain messages of the bridge Oracle, and may get additional rewards in the process, which represents a new source of income for the verifier in the form of security-as-a-service. Why has this become so popular? Topic, as the largest cryptocurrency, has a huge economic foundation to protect its network from malicious majority attacks. However, at the same time, the continuous growth of verifiers and pledges can be said to have exceeded the scope needed to protect the network. At the time of merger, 10,000 were pledged, which is probably enough to ensure that 10,000 networks were pledged at that time. As of the news we are about to release, the number of pledged products has tripled, but the price of Ethereum is actually lower than that at the end of the year, which is 10,000. The security, liquidity and reliability of pledged and basic assets make it have unique advantages, which helps to promote the security of other decentralized services. In other words, we believe that re-mortgage as a concept is inevitable to a great extent as an extension of inherent value. However, there is no free lunch in the world. In order to ensure the correctness of these services, re-mortgage is used for behavior verification and may be detained or reduced, which is similar to traditional mortgage, that is, when the first group is in the second year. When the quarterly launch, the reduction will not be enabled, just like pledge. The operators will get extra or token pledge for their services. The growth so far is shocking, second only to the leading liquidity pledge agreement of Ethereum, which has achieved this goal, while retaining the deposit ceiling of most processes, and before starting any real time, it is difficult to decouple the continuous pledge demand from the users' interest in short-term points and air-drop mining, although it has been pledged with the maturity of the agreement. The number may continue to increase, but we think that there may be a short-term decline when the integral mining is over or the early reward is lower than expected. By mortgaging various bottom pools or protoplasm, the verifier will point his withdrawal address on the basis of the existing pledge ecosystem in order to obtain points, and these points will be converted into 10,000 points locked in the agreement reward in the future, accounting for about all, while the total amount locked in the pledge occupies nearly 10,000 points, accounting for all pledges in the ecosystem. In fact, we think that the recent interest in new verifiers after the pledge demand has stabilized is caused by the re-pledge, and more than 10,000 bets have been added in the year, which coincides with the suspension of the deposit ceiling. In fact, some providers are raising their goals as a way to attract new users to use their own platforms by using the interest of re-mortgage. The popular and rich ecosystem has developed, with more than six agreements providing various points and airdrop schemes. We have seen similar models in the liquidity pledge market before, and believe that with the development of the industry, the diversification of alternatives will be very important. In the long run, if the circulation of protoplasm pledge decreases due to the increase of pledge participation, the yield will decrease with the participation of more verifiers. Re-pledge may become an increasingly important way to reduce local pledge emissions. It will further improve the relevance of the re-pledge rate of return, although it is still in the early stage of discussion. Nevertheless, the rate of return is expected to be relatively low after the launch, which may bring challenges to the light rail in the short term, such as the annualized platform fee charged by the largest light rail for its treasury management. However, not all light rails have the same charging structure, so there is room for competition in this respect. However, if we use this fee as the standard for calculating the break-even cost, we will need annual safety clothing. It is necessary to pay about 100 million US dollars to achieve breakeven based on the re-mortgage value, which is more than the fees charged. In the past year, this has raised the question of how much business needs to be generated to improve the overall income of the pledger. As of today, the emergence of active verification service has not started any first release on the main network. At the beginning of the first quarter of the year, it will be a data availability layer that can play a similar role to the storage of or Ethereum. After the successful upgrade, we believe that the first layer fee will be reduced above. In order to become another tool in the modular tool library, cheaper transactions can be realized. However, construction or migration is a slow process, and it may take several months to bring meaningful income to the agreement. In order to estimate the initial income, we can compare it with the storage cost of Ethereum. At present, it is used for many major transactions every day, including and as shown in the figure. If we see similar usage levels, according to our conservative estimation, the annualized rate of re-mortgage incentives is about the same as that of additional incentives. We think that although adding more may increase the income rapidly, the fees in the first few months may be low. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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