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作者:日月小楚,胡子观币成员 来源:X,@riyuexiaochu


我们都能观察到的一个现象,那就是公链越来越多了。之前,新公链的目标是增加TPS和降低GAS费,采用不同的技术方向,例如solana、aptos、conflux、各大layer2等等。而如今,新公链的目的改变了,更多的出于发展自己的生态,例如Treasure 推出的生态Layer2,Aveo公链、Loot 公链等等,又或者想利用自身的用户和资源,希望打造出一条成功公链,比如base、blast等等


跨链桥是21年牛市中兴起的,主要功能就是资产的跨链。当时的情况ETH中的Defi大爆发后,BSC、Avalanche、Fantom等公链相继出现并爆发。所以产生了比较大的资产的跨链的需求。当时的著名项目有multichain(原名 Anyswap)和celer bridge等。


首先要解决的钱包的问题,一条条公链,钱包都要配置,EVM的还好说,配置个百八十条的最多找起来多花点时间,但非EVM的每个链都要一个钱包,一个都不能少,体验感何止是糟糕。于是,抽象账户出现了,抽象账户就是一个钱包来搞定所有公链,比如最近口碑很好的ok钱包。本质上抽象账户是一个合约账户,它还可以使用社交账号来找回丢失的账号,统一使用gas token等功能。






Axelar最大的优势在于全链部署。Axelar提出了一个链间(Interchain)的概念,这个概念当中,所有的 Web3 应用将拥有一个统一的开发环境,这个开发环境将容纳多种链上不同的逻辑,并且支持来自多种链上的用户。简单来说,在Axelar开发的Dapp可以部署在它支持所有公链上。Axelar所支持的公链也是三个当中最多的。


LayerZero应该是家喻户晓的存在。它的特点是轻量化跨链信息传递,因此其选择使用预言机和中继网络来完成数据的传输。LayerZero 简化了跨链信息交互的流程,本身不负责信息的验证,而是由跨链双方来保证安全性。所以在效率上,LayerZero更高。


Wormhole起源于Ethereum 和 Solana 两个网络建立的跨链桥,它由链上组件和链下组件组成。链上组件主要包括发射器(Emitter),Wormhole 核心合约以及交易日志。链下组件主要由19个守护者节点和消息传输网络组成。得益于Solana强大的生态,Wormhole的跨链金额是最高的。




ZetaChain,虽然也提供跨链信息传递,但它主要专注在全链智能合约,借助ZetaChain打造能够跨越 Ethereum、Bitcoin 等多条链的真正互操作的去中心化应用。这点跟Axelar很像,并且同样采用Cosmos SDK。并且在全链部署上,ZetaChain比Axelar更有优势。但是由于资源和知名度的原因,ZetaChain的生态要比三大巨头稍逊一筹。

Axelar 的结构与 Zeta 更为相似,但也有明显不同。与 ZetaChain 相同的是 Axelar 也是基于 Cosmos SDK 开发的。不同的是它不直接托管 EVM,因此不支持与 Zeta 一样的全链智能合约。所以 Axelar 的目标市场是跨链消息传递,这与 LayerZero 类似。


Polyhedra 的核心亮点在于zk零知识证明,拥有最快的零知识证明(ZK)算法。其核心产品zkBridge在不增加额外信任假设的情况下保证了强大的安全性。通过简洁的证明,它不仅保证了正确性,还显著降低了链上验证成本。它的工作负载的速度比现有解决方案快数个数量级。LayerZero现在将zkBridge作为许多路径的默认去中心化验证网络(DVN)。Poyhedra的支持公链达到25条。

6.Particle Network

Particle Network 将自身定位为提供链抽象的模块里Layer1,用户可以在统一的界面下管理不同链上的账户和流动性,而无需下载各类钱包,进行复杂的跨链交易。Particle Network 于最初作为钱包抽象服务的主流提供商。Particle 新升级为钱包抽象、链抽象、流动性抽象、Gas抽象等功能。所以在链抽象赛道,它的强项依然是抽象钱包。

在巨头统治下,Particle将重心瞄准了新的方向,例如BTC layer2、GameFi的抽象钱包、SocaiFi的智能钱包等等。Particle为比特币layer2网络Merlin的40亿TVL奠定了基础。

The author, Sun Moon, Xiao Chu, Beard, and the source of the coin-watching members is related to cross-chain. We have heard many names, such as cross-chain, bridge chain, interoperability, full-chain account, abstract chain, abstract intention transaction, etc. It sounds like a headache, and we can all observe a phenomenon that there are more and more public chains. Previously, the goal of the new public chain was to increase and reduce fees, such as major ones, but now the purpose of the new public chain has changed more for the development of its own ecology, such as the introduction of ecological public chain, Or want to use their own users and resources to build a successful public chain, such as and so on. In this bull market, there must be more and more public chains, so the demand for cross-chain is also surging. In fact, there is no need to be afraid that it is a step-by-step development. Cross-chain bridge was the main function that emerged in the bull market in 2000, when the public chain appeared and broke out one after another, so the demand for cross-chain of relatively large assets was generated. For example, with the increase of public chains and the rise of non-chains, islands have been formed and separated, so only the cross-chain of assets can not meet the needs of the multi-chain era. The first problem to be solved is the wallet problem. It is good to say that it takes more time to configure one hundred and eighty public chain wallets at most, but it takes more time to find one wallet for each chain, but it is more than bad to experience one. Therefore, an abstract account appears, which is a wallet to solve all public chains. For example, the wallet with a good reputation recently is essentially an abstract account, and it can also use social accounts to retrieve the lost account. The functions of unified use have solved the problem of wallet fragmentation in each chain, and it is also necessary to solve the problem of fragmentation in each chain. Then the demand of the bottom warehouse is cross-chain information transmission. We hope that we can read the state of the chain in the chain or read the information of the chain or the state of the chain at the same time. This is the interoperability of the chain. When we can transmit information across the chain, we can do a lot of things. For example, full-chain lending and cross-chain voting governance are more beneficial to the agreement. The liquidity in the chain is not separated, so it can be used in a unified way to realize the aggregation of liquidity. Imagine what is behind the chain when we operate in the chain after having an abstract wallet with assets and cross-chain information transmission. For example, if we want to mortgage what is in the wallet to lend, we don't need to mortgage it to the loan agreement and unify the one-time payment. It doesn't matter which chain the loan comes from, it will be negotiated according to the liquidity. This is the chain abstraction. The cross-chain agreements that go online in this cycle are basically chain abstraction agreements, all of which have the functions of cross-chain information transfer, assets cross-chain, etc. Their difference is that the implementation method and the technology used are different, so let's focus on the following differences. The biggest advantage at the head of this track is that the whole chain deployment puts forward a concept of inter-chain, and all the applications of this concept. There will be a unified development environment, which will accommodate different logics in various chains and support users from various chains. In short, the public chain that can be deployed in development and supported by it is also the most widely known of the three. Its characteristic is lightweight cross-chain information transmission, so it chooses to use Oracle and relay network to complete data transmission, which simplifies the process of cross-chain information interaction. It is not responsible for the verification of information itself, but by. Cross-chain to ensure security, so the efficiency is higher. It originated from the cross-chain bridge established with two networks. It is composed of on-chain components and off-chain components. The on-chain components mainly include transmitter core contracts and transaction logs. The off-chain components are mainly composed of a guardian node and a message transmission network. Thanks to the strong ecology, the cross-chain amount is the highest interoperability. In addition to the head, this track has several very important members and is expected to become a giant in the future, although it also provides cross-chain information transmission. However, it mainly focuses on the whole-chain intelligent contract by creating a truly interoperable decentralized application that can span multiple chains, which is similar and adopted, and has more advantages than the whole-chain deployment, but the ecology is slightly inferior to that of the three giants due to resources and popularity. The structure is more similar, but there are obvious differences. The difference is that it is not directly hosted, so it does not support the same whole-chain intelligent contract, so the target market is cross-chain. The core highlight of message passing is that zero-knowledge proof has the fastest zero-knowledge proof algorithm, and its core product ensures strong security without adding additional trust assumptions. Through concise proof, it not only ensures correctness, but also significantly reduces the cost of verification on the chain. Its workload is several orders of magnitude faster than the existing solutions. Now it will be the default decentralized verification network for many paths. The public chain has reached the goal of positioning itself as a module providing chain abstraction. In the block, users can manage accounts and liquidity on different chains under a unified interface without downloading various wallets for complex cross-chain transactions. The main provider who initially served as an abstract wallet service has been upgraded to abstract wallet chain, abstract liquidity and other functions. Therefore, in the chain abstract track, its strength is still the abstract wallet. Under the rule of giants, it has focused on new directions, such as the smart wallet of abstract wallet, which has laid the foundation for the billion-dollar bitcoin network. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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