跨链互换 DEX 如何改变加密资产交易?

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作者:Wilson jack 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



什么是 DEX?它是如何运作的?

去中心化交易所(DEX)是促进加密货币交易者之间交易的点对点市场。与传统交易所不同,DEX 的运作无需银行、经纪商或其他中介机构的参与。流行的 DEX 的例子包括 Uniswap 和 Sushiswap,它们在以太坊区块链上运行。这些 DEX 是不断发展的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 生态系统的一部分,该生态系统通过兼容的加密货币钱包提供对各种金融服务的直接访问。

(DEX) 去中心化交易所的工作原理,无需中央机构或中介机构即可运作。相反,它使用智能合约来促进用户钱包之间的直接交易。这些智能合约根据预定义的规则自动执行交易,使用户能够直接从钱包安全地交易加密货币。





公证人机制引入可信实体,在互不信任的各方之间建立间接的相互信任。这种机制的例子包括 Interledger 和 Corda,它们通过提供可信中介来促进跨链交易。

侧链/中继链 侧链是与主链相关的区块链网络,可以分析和验证主链的区块和账本数据。另一方面,中继链是在两条链之间构建的通道,以促进数据交互。使用侧链和中继链的项目示例包括 BTC-Relay 和 Polkadot。




什么是跨链互换DEX?跨链交换 DEX 是促进跨链资产交易的去中心化交易所。这些去中心化交易所利用创新的多链网络协议来汇集来自多个区块链的流动性,使用户能够跨不同的区块链生态系统进行交易。通过利用智能算法和资产多样性,跨链交换 DEX 可以增强去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的流动性、交易量和市场增长。

跨链交换 DEX 聚合器利用智能算法来确定跨多个区块链生态系统的最有效的交易路线。这些聚合器汇集来自各种区块链协议的流动性,允许用户快速、无缝地在不同网络上的代币之间切换。EmiSwap 就是这样的一个例子,它在 Polkadot 和 Solana 的币安智能链等上运行。

跨链互换 DEX 的优势 跨链互换 DEX 具有多项优势,包括:

  • 无缝交易:简化并加快多个链代币的交换过程。

  • 去中心化交易:使用户能够在没有第三方治理干预的情况下交换数字资产。

  • 降低第三方风险:确保代币持有者对其代币拥有完全控制权,从而增强安全性和隐私性。


跨链交换 DEX 平台具有诸多优势,包括:

  1. 链之间的桥梁:促进跨多个区块链网络的无缝资产转移。

  2. 区块链不可知论:支持不同区块链生态系统之间的互操作性。

  3. 超快:以最小的延迟执行交易并减少结算时间。

  4. 高流动性:聚合来自各种区块链协议的流动性以提高交易量。

  5. 可扩展:适应 DeFi 领域不断增长的需求并提高用户采用率。

  6. DEX聚合:利用智能算法优化交易执行并增强用户体验。

流行的跨链交换 DEX 协议

从 THORSwap 到 GravityDEX 和 Polkadex,多种跨链交换 DEX 协议在 DeFi 领域获得了广泛关注。这些平台利用创新的多链网络架构和智能算法来汇集流动性、优化交易执行并提高市场效率。通过弥合不同区块链网络之间的差距,这些协议使用户能够访问各种资产并利用去中心化金融领域中的新兴机会。


随着 DeFi 生态系统内对互操作性和流动性的需求持续上升,跨链交换 DEX 平台将在塑造加密资产交易的未来方面发挥关键作用。随着跨链技术的不断进步和创新 DEX 协议的激增,用户可以期望在不同的区块链网络上获得无缝、高效的交易体验。通过释放跨链交换 DEX 平台的潜力,去中心化金融格局已为未来几年的指数级增长和大规模采用做好了准备。


跨链技术和跨链交换 DEX 代表了区块链生态系统的重大进步。这些技术有望通过增强互操作性、流动性和去中心化来彻底改变加密资产交易。随着区块链行业的不断发展,跨链交换 DEX 将在推动去中心化金融及其他领域的创新和增长方面发挥至关重要的作用。

There are various networks in the blockchain technology field, but the interoperability and exchange between them is often challenging. The demand for interconnection of these networks is becoming more and more obvious, especially with the continuous emergence of new blockchain projects seeking to expand this breakthrough technical function. The transaction speed is still a key issue in many blockchains because it directly affects the scalability. Many blockchains are difficult to handle a large number of transactions, resulting in a bad user experience during network congestion. In order to meet these challenges, cross-chain technology has become a promising solution. This paper discusses the complexity of cross-chain technology, paying special attention to cross-chain exchange decentralized exchange and its impact on the trading pattern of encrypted assets. What is how it works? Decentralized exchange is a peer-to-peer market that promotes transactions between cryptocurrency traders. Unlike traditional exchanges, it does not require the participation of bank brokers or other intermediaries. Popular examples include the blockchain with them in Ethereum. These are part of the developing decentralized financial ecosystem, which provides direct access to various financial services through compatible cryptocurrency wallets. The working principle of decentralized exchanges can operate without central institutions or intermediaries. On the contrary, they use smart contracts to promote direct transactions between users' wallets. These smart contracts automatically execute transactions according to predefined rules, enabling users to safely trade cryptocurrency directly from wallets. What is the concept? Cross-chain technology refers to the ability to exchange tokens or assets between different blockchain networks without intermediaries. This technology plays a vital role in promoting interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem and realizing seamless communication and asset transfer between different networks. Cross-chain technology breaks the isolation of blockchain data and allows asset data and functional states across different blockchains to be exchanged, transferred and exchanged. Cross-chain exchange technology is a concrete application of cross-chain technology, focusing on promoting. Exchange of assets between different blockchain networks. This technology enables users to transfer assets from one blockchain to another in a safe and decentralized way, thus enhancing the liquidity and interoperability of blockchain ecosystem. The mainstream cross-chain exchange technology notary mechanism introduces trusted entities to establish indirect mutual trust between parties who do not trust each other. Examples of this mechanism include promoting cross-chain transactions with them by providing trusted intermediaries. The side chain of the relay chain is the area related to the main chain. Blockchain network can analyze and verify the block and ledger data of the main chain. On the other hand, the relay chain is a channel built between two chains to promote data interaction. Examples of projects using side chains and relay chains include hash locking, hash locking or atomic exchange. Hash locking and time locking are used to promote secure transactions between all parties. This technology was pioneered by Bitcoin Lightning Network to allow asset exchange and decentralization across different blockchains. Distributed private key control Distributed private key control involves Distribute private keys between decentralized nodes to control assets in the blockchain network. This method ensures that users retain control of their assets and realize interoperability between different chains. Cross-chain exchange changes encrypted asset transactions. What is cross-chain exchange? Cross-chain exchange is a decentralized exchange that promotes cross-chain asset transactions. These decentralized exchanges use innovative multi-chain network protocols to collect liquidity from multiple blockchains, enabling users to conduct transactions across different blockchain ecosystems. Cross-chain exchange using intelligent algorithms and asset diversity can enhance the liquidity, trading volume and market growth of decentralized finance. Cross-chain exchange aggregators use intelligent algorithms to determine the most effective trading routes across multiple blockchain ecosystems. These aggregators collect liquidity from various blockchain protocols, allowing users to switch between tokens on different networks quickly and seamlessly. This is an example. What are the advantages of running cross-chain exchange on the smart chain of money security and so on? Advantages include seamless transaction, simplifying and accelerating the exchange process of multiple chain tokens. Decentralized transaction enables users to exchange digital assets without the intervention of third-party governance, reduces the risk of third parties, and ensures that token holders have complete control over their tokens, thus enhancing security and privacy. Cross-chain exchange platform has many advantages, including bridges between chains, promoting seamless asset transfer across multiple blockchain networks. Blockchain agnosticism supports different blockchain ecosystems. Interoperability between systems is super fast, transactions are executed with minimum delay and settlement time is reduced. High liquidity aggregates the liquidity from various blockchain protocols to improve the transaction volume, which can be expanded to meet the growing demand in the field and improve the user adoption rate. Aggregation optimizes transaction execution and enhances user experience by using intelligent algorithms. Popular cross-chain switching protocols from to and various cross-chain switching protocols have gained wide attention in the field. These platforms use innovative multi-chain network architecture and intelligent algorithms to collect flows. Optimizing transaction execution and improving market efficiency by bridging the gap between different blockchain networks, these protocols enable users to access various assets and take advantage of emerging opportunities in decentralized financial fields. With the increasing demand for interoperability and liquidity in the ecosystem, cross-chain exchange platforms will play a key role in shaping the future of encrypted asset transactions. With the continuous progress of cross-chain technology and the proliferation of innovative protocols, users can expect to be in different blockchain. Obtaining a seamless and efficient trading experience on the network has prepared for exponential growth and large-scale adoption in the next few years by releasing the potential of cross-chain exchange platform. Conclusion Cross-chain technology and cross-chain exchange represent significant progress in blockchain ecosystem, and these technologies are expected to completely change encrypted asset transactions by enhancing interoperability, liquidity and decentralization. With the continuous development of blockchain industry, cross-chain exchange will play a vital role in promoting the innovation and growth of decentralized finance and other fields. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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