利用 ArDrive 实现数据存储去中心化

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ArDrive 正在做的,就是提供一种永久存储解决方案,承诺将你的重要文件永久保存在区块链上,并且无需支付月费。注册 ArDrive,一次性付费,便可享受终身服务。

Ar.IO 利用区块链技术,使得普通用户也能将其信息安全地存储在其所谓的“永久网络”技术上,这意味着你的数据能在去中心化的平台上保存数百年。我们采访了 Ar.IO 创始人 Philip Mataras,探讨了这项技术的重要性以及这家基于区块链的初创企业的未来展望。以下是他的观点:

通俗易懂地解释 ArDrive 是做什么的?

ArDrive 是一款能在电脑和手机上使用的应用,它让你能够在区块链上永久保存你最重要的文件和照片,且不需要月费。

Ar.IO 是支撑 ArDrive(及许多其他应用)的技术,使它们能够读写 Arweave(https://www.arweave.org) 这个特殊的区块链,形成了我们所称的“永久网络”。与传统互联网不同,这里的数据可以存储数百年,不会被删除,也不会集中在大型科技公司的手中。


NFT 和元宇宙固然引人注目,但这些数据究竟存储在哪里?你是否仅仅为营销手段买单而忽视了背后的技术支持?我认为,许多人对 NFT 仍有误解,不清楚其数据实际存储之处。通常,这些数据被存储在易受攻击的平台上,或者是创作者能够随意修改或更改的平台上。我个人认为,这比收藏实体艺术品的体验要差,因为没有人能够进入我的家中,改动墙上的画作。

这些代币化的资产必须存储在能够向其所有者保证数据不可更改且持久的平台上,而这些平台不能由任何单一的中心化机构控制。简单的支付模式和基于 Arweave 的解决方案提供了最便捷的选择。

Ar.IO 的创始故事是什么?这个业务是如何开始的?

一切始于 ArDrive 和一个简单的目标:使永久存储对所有人都可用。作为一名企业架构师,我有大量关于文档管理和协作平台(如 OneDrive for Business)的经验。2020年夏天,我辞职创立了 ArDrive,一款易于使用的应用,允许用户在 Arweave 上上传、下载及分享他们的公开或私有文件。通过 Arweave Open Web Incubator,我得以推广自己和应用,并获得了早期发展的资金支持。

随着团队和产品的发展,到了 2021 年末,我们在 Arweave 的第二层基础设施方面看到了更多的机会,特别是 Arweave Gateways。这是一个未被充分开发的领域,因为它是 permaweb 体验中的一个集中化且可能受到审查的部分。因此,我们构想了一个新的网关网络,它开放易部署,并通过代币激励参与者。我们引入了一些新特性,如 ArNS,并自此一直努力推进其全面发布。


你们有三种不同的产品:ArDrive、ArNS 和 Gateways。能分别解释一下吗?

ArDrive 是我们的首个重点产品,旨在为任何人提供一个简单的工具,让他们能够在任何设备上轻松上传、下载及分享他们在 Arweave 上的公开或私有数据。这里的“任何人”可以是零售用户、商业用户、web3 用户或开发者,因为 ArDrive 更像是一个平台而非单纯的应用。部分原因是 ArDrive 使用了 Arweave 上的首批数据协议之一,“Arweave 文件系统”(ArFS)。我们必须创建这个协议,以确保用户能够像处理他们电脑上的驱动器、文件夹和文件一样处理他们的 Arweave 数据。因此,在过去两年中,我们构建了支持 ArFS 的开源代码库,涵盖了网络、本机移动和命令行应用程序以及其他核心工具。

Arweave 名称系统(ArNS) 基于 SmartWeave,是一个为 Arweave 数据提供友好名称的注册表。它是 AR.IO 网络的核心功能之一,因为注册的名称是通过 IO 代币支付的,并由 AR.IO 网络网关提供服务。例如,你为你的去中心化应用购买了“welcome”这个名称,就可以通过任何 AR.IO 网络网关的域名访问这个应用,比如 https://welcome.arweave.dev、https://welcome.g8way.io或https://welcome.permagate.io。这些是现有的使用我们试点测试的 ArNS 注册表的 alpha AR.IO 网关实例。

Gateways 执行所有代表使用 Arweave 的应用程序的重型工作。AR.IO 网关是一种基础设施,任何人都可以运行并为整个永久网络或仅为他们的应用程序或社区提供服务。

网关的首要任务是接收来自应用的交易并将其传播到 Arweave 的去中心化网络。它还会缓存所有交易数据,以便用户可以快速访问。网关还会快速索引这些交易,并提供丰富的查询功能,使应用程序如 ArDrive 能够找到用户数据以及支持永久网络应用托管体验的许多其他功能。


目前,ArDrive 主要面向零售用户,同时也为开发者提供了大量工具。我们有许多 web3 用户正在使用 ArDrive 部署他们庞大的 NFT 收藏或最新的去中心化应用,看到如今的艺术创作总是让人感到惊叹。ArNS 通过为标准 Arweave 交易 ID 提供一个友好名称来支持所有这些用例——你怎么可能记住那些呢?

对于网关,理想的用户显然比 ArDrive 用户更具技术深度。这类用户主要是开发者、服务器管理员或技术团队。AR.IO 的优势在于,无论是小规模的个人项目还是大型企业的数据处理,它都能提供支持。

无论是 ArDrive、ArNS 还是 Gateways,只要你需要一个永久数据的解决方案,我们都能提供帮助,并且我们一直在努力使我们的产品更加易于使用,以服务于更广泛的用户。

IO 代币有哪些用途?

IO 代币是一个基于 SmartWeave 的代币,包含了 AR.IO 网络的状态和链上代码。我们正在探索所有可能的用途,但初步考虑了以下几个功能:

1.  作为网络服务的货币,如购买 ArNS 名称。

2.  作为加入并运营 AR.IO 网络网关的抵押品。 

3.  作为参与网络治理提案的抵押品。 

4.  作为激励网络参与者的奖励机制。


ArDrive 如何帮助艺术家和创作者?未来是否可以直接在市场上如 OpenSea 销售在 ArDrive 中保存的文件作为 NFT?

自 NFT 热潮开始以来,我们的社区已经在使用 ArDrive 存储基于以太坊的 NFT,并在 OpenSea 等市场上销售它们。ArDrive 的优势在于,创作者可以上传他们的数据和元数据,一次性支付费用,然后在他们的代币合约中引用这次购买,无需担心数据被删除。

创作者一直在将他们的收藏从 IPFS 转移到 ArDrive,并更新他们的合约。有一些简单易懂的教程指导如何操作,我们也提供了一些工具来帮助完成这一过程。我们尚未考虑直接集成或跨平台发布功能,因为市场上已有许多工具可以创建和管理代币资产。我们始终倾听社区的需求,但到目前为止,我们还没有在 ArDrive 应用中看到对此类功能的强烈需求。

能否解释 ArDrive 背后的永久存储技术是如何工作的?

Arweave 是一个专门为文件存储而设计的区块链,由全球的矿工(即节点)运行。向 Arweave 传输的数据包含了一次性的、足够覆盖 200 年以上存储成本的大额费用。

目前你认为 web3 领域存在哪些缺口,你认为需要采取哪些措施来填补这些缺口?






在 web3 领域,很容易陷入过度分析或过度设计一些复杂的集成或解决方案。这个领域变化太快,你不能浪费时间在最终可能不起作用、不可扩展或没有市场需求的事情上。


为什么选择 Ryze Labs 作为投资方?

因为他们在这个领域拥有丰富的经验、良好的品牌声誉、坚实的网络,最重要的是,他们对我们正在建设的技术充满热情。Ryze Labs 一直是推动我们团队和社区愿景实现的伟大合作伙伴。除了提供资金支持外,Ryze Labs 在将我们与行业内其他团队建立联系方面发挥了巨大作用。他们不仅在推广我们的产品方面给予了大量支持,还在我们的营销和社区策略上提供了宝贵的反馈和具体的建议,帮助我们成长并扩大影响力。

Imagine that you uploaded a family holiday photo album to the network for storage today, and your descendants can still view this photo album after middle age. Similarly, imagine that your important files or other data can be stored safely and permanently. What you are doing is to provide a permanent storage solution, and promise to keep your important files permanently in the blockchain and enjoy lifelong service without paying a monthly fee to register and pay a one-time fee. Using blockchain technology, ordinary users can also store their information safely. In the so-called permanent network technology, this means that your data can be stored on a decentralized platform for hundreds of years. We interviewed the founder to discuss the importance of this technology and the future prospect of this startup based on blockchain. The following is his opinion. It is an application that can be used on computers and mobile phones. It allows you to permanently save your most important files and photos on the blockchain without the need for monthly fees to support and many other applications. They can read and write. This special blockchain forms what we call a permanent network, which is different from the traditional Internet. The data here can be stored for hundreds of years and will not be deleted or concentrated in the hands of large technology companies. Why is the centralized storage platform so critical and the meta-universe is eye-catching? But where are these data stored? Do you just pay for marketing means and ignore the technical support behind it? I think many people still have misunderstandings and are not clear about the actual storage place of their data. Usually, this is the case. These data are stored on vulnerable platforms or platforms that creators can modify or change at will. Personally, I think this is worse than the experience of collecting physical works of art, because no one can enter my home to change the paintings on the wall. These token assets must be stored on platforms that can assure their owners that the data can not be changed and lasting, and these platforms cannot be controlled by any single centralized organization. Simple payment models and based solutions provide the most convenient choice. What is the founding story? How did this business start? It all started with a simple goal to make permanent storage available to everyone. As an enterprise architect, I have a lot of experience in document management and collaboration platforms. In the summer of last year, I resigned and created an easy-to-use application that allowed users to upload, download and share their public or private files on the Internet. Through me, I was able to promote myself and my application and obtained financial support for early development. With the development of the team and products, by the end of the year. We have seen more opportunities in the second-tier infrastructure, especially in this underdeveloped area, because it is a centralized and possibly censored part of the experience, so we have conceived a new gateway network, which is open and easy to deploy and encourages participants through tokens. We have introduced some new features, such as and have been striving to promote its full release since then. Generally speaking, this is a natural process and has undergone several real strategic changes. So far, we believe that. In order to be very successful, you have three different products and can you explain them separately? It is our first key product, which aims to provide a simple tool for anyone to easily upload, download and share their public or private data on any device. Anyone here can be a retail user, commercial user, user or developer, because it is more like a platform than a simple application, in part because it uses one of the first data protocols in the world, the file system. We must create this association. So in the past two years, we have built a supported open source code base covering network native mobile and command-line applications and other core tools. The name system is based on a registry that provides friendly names for data, which is one of the core functions of the network, because the registered names are paid by tokens and services are provided by network gateways, such as your decentralized applications. If you buy this name, you can access this application through the domain name of any network gateway, for example, or these are the existing gateway instances that use our pilot test registry to execute all the applications used by representatives. The heavy-duty work gateway is an infrastructure that anyone can run and provide services for the whole permanent network or only their applications or communities. The primary task of the gateway is to receive the transactions from the application and spread them to the decentralized network, and it will also cache all the transactions. Easy data so that users can quickly access the gateway, it will also quickly index these transactions and provide rich query functions, so that applications can find user data and support many other functions of the permanent network application hosting experience. Who are your ideal customers, retail users or institutional users? Can you serve both? At present, it is mainly for retail users, and it also provides a lot of tools for developers. Many users are using it to deploy their huge collections or the latest decentralization. It's always amazing for applications to see today's artistic creation. By providing a friendly name for standard transactions to support all these use cases, how can you remember those? For the ideal users of gateways, it is obviously more technical than users. Such users are mainly developers, server administrators or technical teams. The advantage is that it can provide support for both small-scale personal projects and large-scale enterprise data processing, whether or as long as you need a permanent data solution. Can help, and we have been working hard to make our products easier to use to serve a wider range of users. What are the uses of tokens? Tokens are based on the status and chain code of the network. We are exploring all possible uses, but we have initially considered the following functions as the currency of network services, such as purchasing names as collateral for joining and operating network gateways, as collateral for participating in network governance proposals, and as incentive mechanism tokens for encouraging network participants. Ecosystem is a mechanism to ensure the fairness, openness and profitability of gateway operation, so that the permanent network can be promoted worldwide. How can artists and creators be helped in the future? Can they directly sell the files saved in the market? Since the craze began, our community has been using storage based on Ethereum and selling them in other markets. The advantage is that creators can upload their data and metadata, pay a one-time fee and then quote this purchase in their token contracts. Creators have been transferring their collections from to and even more. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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