一文了解Arbitrum 的游戏王牌 XAI

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昨日 2024 年 1 月 3 日币安又公布其最新一期的 Launchpool 项目 - XAI,根据官网所介绍 XAI 是一个为大规模采用而开发的区块链游戏公链,然而游戏公链早已不是什么新概念,在众多游戏公链之中 XAI 作为后起之秀又有什么背景实力能让其在币安首发上币呢?打开文档介绍最后一句就让人懂了个中奥妙,“Xai is developed by Offchain Labs leveraging Arbitrum technology.” 原来 XAI 是由 Arbitrum 背后开发团队 Offchain Labs 直接支持协助开发的 Arbitrum Orbit L3 公链。

本周的 CryptoSnap Dr.DODO 带大家一同了解下这个由 Arbitrum 官方支持的 L3 游戏链到底有什么特色!


要了解 XAI 的技术基础首先得认识 Arbitrum Orbit L3 公链,在去年六月的 Megascope 中 Dr.DODO 也曾介绍过,简单来说 Arbitrum Orbit 是一个基于 Arbitrum L2 Rollup 的 L3 升级,做为结算层的扩容性解决方案,允许开发者一键发链,而 XAI 则是建立在 Arbitrum Nitro 之上的 Orbit L3 链。Arbitrum Nitro 通过客户端软件的基础层直接编译了 Geth 的核心,大幅提高了以太坊的兼容性。此外还内置了 BOLD 和 Stylus 等模块,BOLD 实现了无需许可的欺诈证明,可大幅降低提现延迟;Stylus 支持多语言开发,不仅提高效率还可实现从其他链向 Arbitrum 的无缝迁移。

可以说,Nitro 为 Xai 提供了一个稳定、安全且高效的基础。与 Arbitrum One 和 Nova 的无缝互操作也使 Xai 直接连接到了更丰富的生态资源上,相较于单独搭建独立公链,XAI 利用 Arbitrum 现成基础设施的方式使其开发上更具效率。


Arbitrum Orbit 给予 L3 公链相当大的自由度,包括共识机制、治理模式、gas fee 代币选择,经济模型等方面皆高度自治,因此 XAI 能够设计出独树一帜的代币经济模型,走的是类似 GMX 的 esToken 双代币模式,原生代币 XAI 与 staked 版本 esXAI 构成了一个通缩式的双代币体系,两者可以相互兑换,兑换比例随时间变化,XAI 作为治理代币和 Gas 代币,支撑着网络的运行;esXAI 则作为奖励代币通过质押机制吸引节点运营者,为生态提供基础设施。

XAI 代币分配

XAI 的总供给量为 25 亿枚,初始分配情况如下:

  • 团队和早期贡献者:20% 的代币逐步在 42 个月内解锁。

  • 投资者:22.41% 的代币在 30 个月内解锁。

  • 生态系统:2% 立即解锁用于市场做市,5.5% 在 42 个月内解锁用于生态建设。

  • 点奖励:50.1% 以 esXAI 形式发放奖励兑换 XAI 比例随着解锁时间变化。


Source: https://xai-foundation.gitbook.io/xai-network/xai-blockchain/xai-tokenomics


接着谈到游戏公链最重要的一题 - 游戏生态,据官网所披露目前有五款游戏正在准备中,其中作为首款发布的将是卡牌战斗游戏 Final Form,是一个提供了一个集卡牌、Roguelite 和战斗于一体的沉浸式体验,玩家可以进化卡牌参与联盟赢得奖励。由多名前游戏大厂开发者所组成的 Ex Populus 工作室所开发,同时 Ex Populus 也是 XAI 官方所合作的游戏开发商,将在基金会的指导下为生态系统提供服务,负责游戏的开发部分。

除 Ex Populus 外,XAI 还与多个行业头部企业达成战略合作,包括腾讯、Animoca Brands 等。这些合作伙伴为 XAI 带来了丰富的游戏资源和渠道支持。可以预见未来 XAI 生态有望涌现出一批优秀作品,从多个维度打造具有深度和广度的游戏世界。


Source: https://xai.games/


XAI 的推出也显示了 Arbitrum 与 Optimism 之间激烈竞争的一角。面对 Optimism 积极拓展 OP Stack Layer 2 市场,Arbitrum 选择了垂直进入游戏领域的第三层区块链。这种高度定制化的策略不仅显著提高了性能,也更好地满足了游戏用户的需求。

作为 Arbitrum 的战略举措,Xai 为其注入了强大的增长动能有望打开新的增长空间。相较于与 Optimism 正面交锋,Arbitrum 选择垂直整合避开红海、直插蓝海的做法也展现了 Arbitrum 团队的市场洞察力与定力。


Source: https://abmedia.io/arbitrum-orbit-is-ready-for-release


随着坎昆升级的日子越来越近,ETH Rollup 生态的许多代币也开始上涨,曾经被戏称是稳定币的 $Arb 也悄悄翻倍了,而作为 Arbitrum 的亲儿子 XAI 再加上币安黄袍加身,身价更是水涨船高。

XAI 带着 Arbitrum L3 响亮的头号以其技术创新、经济机制设计和应用拓展,正在成为区块链游戏领域的新星。其估值可以拿同类型的 Myria 甚至是 Gala 来对比,当然好的背景不一定会有好的产品,这部分将考验团队如何吸引更多优质的游戏工作室前来 XAI 上开发游戏。如果游戏生态成功打造,XAI 的用户基数和商业价值都将获得几何级的提升,这也将验证 Arbitrum 在 Layer 2 市场的竞争实力而游戏玩家也将受益于更便捷、平滑的游戏体验。

Yesterday, February, 2008, Coin Security announced its latest project, which is a blockchain game public chain developed for large-scale adoption according to official website's introduction. However, the game public chain is no longer a new concept. As a rising star among many game public chains, what background strength can make it start to coin in Coin Security? Open the document to introduce the last sentence, and let people understand the mystery. It turned out that the public chain was directly supported and assisted by the development team behind it. This week, we will take a look at this official support. What are the characteristics of the game chain? The technical basis to be understood must first be understood. The public chain was also introduced in June last year. Simply speaking, it is an upgrade based on. As an expansion solution of the settlement layer, developers can send the chain with one click, and the chain built on it greatly improves the compatibility of Ethereum through the core compiled directly from the basic layer of the client software. In addition, it also has built-in modules such as and so on to realize the fraud proof without permission, which can greatly reduce the delay of withdrawal support. Multilingual development can not only improve efficiency, but also realize seamless migration from other chains. It can be said that it provides a stable, safe and efficient foundation, and the seamless interoperability with harmony also makes it directly connected to richer ecological resources, making it more efficient in development than building an independent public chain by using ready-made infrastructure alone. Token economy gives public chains considerable freedom, including consensus mechanism, governance model, token selection economic model and other aspects, so they can design a unique tree. Flag's token economy model follows a similar dual-token model. The original token and the version form a deflationary dual-token system, which can be exchanged with each other. The exchange ratio changes over time as governance tokens and tokens support the operation of the network, while as reward tokens, it attracts node operators to provide infrastructure for the ecology through the pledge mechanism. The total supply of tokens allocated is 100 million. The initial allocation situation is as follows: the tokens of the team and early contributors gradually unlock the investors' tokens within months. Unlock the ecosystem immediately. Unlock it for market making. Unlock it within months. Unlock it for ecological construction. Reward will be distributed in the form. The exchange ratio will change with the unlocking time. The official pro-game's trump card game ecology will then talk about the most important issue of the game public chain. According to official website, there are currently five games in preparation, among which the first one will be the card battle game, which provides an immersive experience that integrates cards and battles. Players can evolve cards. Participate in the alliance and win the prize. Developed by a studio composed of several former game makers, the game developers who are also officially cooperated will provide services for the ecosystem under the guidance of the foundation, be responsible for the development of the game, and also reach strategic cooperation with many industry leaders, including Tencent. These partners can foresee the future ecology, and a number of excellent works are expected to emerge to create a tour with depth and breadth from multiple dimensions. The introduction of the strategic positioning of the official pro-environment game ace in the world of drama also shows a corner of fierce competition with it. Facing the active expansion of the market, the highly customized strategy of choosing the third-tier blockchain that vertically enters the game field not only significantly improves the performance, but also better meets the needs of game users. As a strategic measure, it has injected strong growth momentum into it, which is expected to open up new growth space. Compared with the practice of choosing vertical integration to avoid the red sea and directly into the blue ocean, it is also exhibited. Now the team's market insight and determination are the trump cards of the official pro-environment game. The author's point of view is that with the approaching of Cancun's upgrade, many eco-tokens have begun to rise, and those once dubbed as stable coins have quietly doubled, while the pro-son, plus the yellow robe of coins, has become a rising tide with a loud number one, and is becoming a new star in the field of blockchain games with its technological innovation, economic mechanism design and application expansion. Its valuation can be compared with the same type or even, of course. This part will test how the team can attract more high-quality game studios to develop games. If the game ecology is successfully built, the user base and commercial value will be improved geometrically, which will also verify the competitive strength in the market and gamers will benefit from a more convenient and smooth game experience. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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