你知道哪些加密投资技术指标?不如用3EX AI交易轻松搞定分析

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1. 移动平均线(Moving Average,MA)


2. 布林带(Bollinger Bands)

布林带是一个由美国技术分析师约翰·布林格(John Bollinger)开发的技术指标,由上轨(通常是SMA20)、中轨、下轨三条线组成,用于衡量资产的超买或超买情况。当价格逼近上轨线,表明市场处于超买状态,因此可能会下跌,形成卖出信号;当价格靠近下轨时,表明处于超卖,因此紧接着可能会上涨,形成买入信号。如果处于中轨线,既不超卖也不超卖,延续前面的行情(若先前上涨就继续涨,如若是下跌就继续下跌)。

3. 相对强弱指数(Relative Strength Index,RSI)

RSI也具有判断资产超买超卖的预示功能,同时还可以衡量资产价格变动的速度与强度。 RSI的计算是基于某段时间的平均涨跌幅,并将其转换为0-100的取值,而时间段通常使用14日,但是可以根据需求修改。RSI值在70以上被视为超买区域,预示着市场过度购买,存在抛售下跌的风险;RSI值在30以上被视为超卖区域,预示着市场过度卖出,存在买入上涨的信号。此外,如果RSI与价格线背离(即波动变化方向相反),价格趋势可能会反转。也就是说,原来上涨可能会变为下跌,而原来下跌可能变为上涨。

4. KDJ

类似布林带和RSI,KDJ也是一种衡量超买超买的技术指标,而且也包含三条线,分别是K、D、J,它们的取值范围在0-100区间。当K线超过80且向下交叉D线时,表明资产处于超买状态,形成下跌信号;如果K线低于20且向上交叉D线时,表明资产处于超卖状态,形成上涨信号。 J线是K与D线的差值,主要起着确认的作用。

5. 移动平均汇聚/散发指标(MACD)



  • 成交量:高成交量伴随着价格上升,表示强势市场,意味着多数交易者持买入看好的态度。高成交量伴随着价格下降,表示弱势市场,意味着多数交易者持卖出看空的态度。

  • 资金流向:交易盘口显示的是最近的买卖挂单。如果下方出现天量的买入挂单,预示着买盘很强,可以跟随做多。同理,如果上方出现巨量卖出挂单,要小心抛售。如果出现明显的资金变动,就值得参考跟踪。

  • 恐慌/贪婪指数:恐慌/贪婪指数描述的是市场(用户)情绪,取值范围0-100,0表示极端恐慌,100表示极端贪婪,50表示中性;而0-50表示恐慌,50-100表示贪婪。


然而,即使是最有经验的交易者也无法时时刻刻关注市场的每一个变动,更不用说能够无误地解读所有数据和图表。在动荡不定的加密货币市场中,及时准确的市场分析和有效的交易策略是赚取利润的关键。3EX AI交易平台正是基于这一理念而设计,旨在帮助用户赚更多的钱,帮更多的用户赚钱。这就是为什么3EX AI交易平台成为一个革命性的解决方案。3EX AI交易平台利用最先进的人工智能技术,为用户提供实时的市场分析和交易策略,让交易变得更加简单、高效。

3EX AI交易平台的核心优势在于其能够利用人工智能算法,根据用户选定的技术指标一键生成交易策略,识别潜在的投资机会,自动执行策略完成买卖操作。用户再也不用人工分析市场数据和拟合指标,这不仅为节省了大量的时间和精力,而且还能大幅提高准确性,并坚定执行策略,降低因人为情绪波动而导致的交易风险。

技术指标分析是寻找加密货币投资机会的有效方法,在快速变化的市场中,及时准确地执行交易策略同样重要。3EX AI交易平台以其强大的人工智能技术,为用户提供了一个简单、高效的交易解决方案。现在就加入3EX AI交易平台,开启你的智能交易之旅,让投资变得更加轻松高效。


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Technical analysis, as a method to predict the future price trend based on historical data and chart model, has become an important tool for many traders to find investment opportunities. By carefully analyzing various technical indicators such as candle chart moving average, traders can better grasp the market trend and make more wise trading decisions. Technical indicators are to study the law of price trend and speculate on the possible changes of future prices. No matter which indicator, the ultimate goal is to study long buyers and short sellers. The comparison of the seller's strength is as follows: one of the more popular and easy-to-grasp indicators and variants is the moving average. The moving average is a curve generated by calculating the average price in a certain period of time. It is usually used to identify the turning point support level and resistance level of the trend. When the price line candle line is above and close, it plays a supporting role. When the price line is below, it plays a resistance role to form a selling signal. Note that if the price line deviates too far, the price will return, that is, the demand for approaching can be divided into simple. The single moving average and exponential moving average give higher weight to the nearest price on the basis of, so it is more sensitive to the new trend. Bollinger Band is a technical indicator developed by American technical analyst John bullinger, which is used to measure the overbought or overbought situation of assets. When the price approaches the upper track, it indicates that the market is overbought, so it may fall and form a selling signal. When the price approaches the lower track, it indicates that it is oversold, so it may follow. It will rise to form a buying signal. If it is in the middle track, it is neither oversold nor oversold. If it rises before, it will continue to rise. If it falls, it will continue to fall. The relative strength index also has the predictive function of judging the overbought and oversold of assets. At the same time, it can measure the speed and intensity of asset price changes. The calculation is based on the average rise and fall of a certain period of time and converts it into a value. The time period is usually used, but the value can be modified according to demand. It is regarded as an overbought area to indicate the market. Over-buying has the risk of selling down, which is regarded as an oversold area above, indicating that there is a signal of buying up in the oversold market. In addition, if it deviates from the price line, that is, the fluctuation changes in the opposite direction, the price trend may reverse, that is to say, the original increase may turn into a decline and the original decline may turn into an increase, which is similar to the Bollinger Band and is also a technical indicator to measure overbought, and it also includes three lines whose value ranges are indicated in the interval when the lines exceed and cross downward. The assets are overbought, forming a down signal. If the line is lower than and crosses the upward line, it indicates that the assets are oversold, forming an up signal line. The difference between the signal line and the line mainly plays the role of confirmation. The moving average convergence and emission indicators are mainly used to judge the turning point of the asset price trend and generate trading signals, which mainly include three parts: the histogram and the bar chart. They are all processed by the fast line and the slow line, and the dead fork indicates an upward trend when it breaks upward, and the gold fork generates a buying signal when it falls below. The dead fork bar chart indicates a downward trend and generates a selling signal. When the bar chart is positive, it indicates that the fast line is higher than the slow line, indicating an upward trend. When the bar chart is negative, it indicates that the fast line is lower than the slow line, indicating a downward trend. If it deviates from the price line, it indicates a trend reversal. There are many other indicators, such as and so on. However, no matter which indicator is trying to measure the long and short power, if the bulls are strong, it indicates a rise. If the bears are strong, it indicates a decline, traders need to close it. Note that some data, such as trading volume, capital flow, panic and greed index, etc., can also reflect market forces. High trading volume with rising prices indicates a strong market, which means that most traders are optimistic about buying. High trading volume with falling prices indicates a weak market, which means that most traders are bearish about selling. The capital flow to the trading opening shows the recent trading pending orders. If a large number of buying pending orders appear below, it indicates that buying orders are strong, so you can follow suit. If there are huge selling pending orders above, you should be careful to sell them. If there are obvious changes in funds, it is worth tracking the panic greed index. The panic greed index describes the range of market users' emotions, indicating extreme panic, extreme greed, neutrality and panic, indicating greed. In addition, you can understand the amount of open positions, the number of open contracts, the number of transfer whale positions and wallet addresses in the capital rate chain, etc. However, even the most experienced traders can't pay attention to every one in the market all the time. Change, not to mention being able to correctly interpret all data and charts. In the volatile cryptocurrency market, timely and accurate market analysis and effective trading strategies are the key to making profits. It is based on this concept that the trading platform is designed to help users make more money and help more users make money. This is why the trading platform has become a revolutionary solution. It uses the most advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide users with real-time market analysis and trading strategies to make transactions change. 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