虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT丨比特币“已经超过”黄金 英伟达盘前涨超3%

币圈资讯 阅读:43 2024-04-22 04:41:50 评论:0



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根据摩根大通周四发布的一份报告,一项指标显示,在投资者的投资组合中,比特币已经比黄金更受欢迎,这得益于其价格不断创下新高。作为主流加密货币,比特币长期以来一直被人们拿来与黄金进行比较,有些人认为它是数字版本的黄金。从表面上看,黄金在投资组合中所占的比例应该高于比特币,因为据估计,有3.3万亿美元被用于黄金投资。 摩根大通表示,以名义金额比较这两种资产时,比特币的配置似乎更低,因为比特币的市值只有1.3万亿美元。因此理论上,比特币的价值仍可上涨153%,以达到黄金的价值水平。然而,这种计算忽略了一个重要因素,即风险,由于比特币的波动性比黄金高出约3.7倍,分析师们表示,期望比特币在投资者的投资组合中与黄金在名义金额上相匹配是不现实的。






ETH最近成交价 3912.33美元,日内涨跌幅-0.09%







据《南华早报》,香港金融管理局(金管局)宣布展开批发型央行数字货币(wCBDC)项目试点,这是全球首个针对代币化存款、代币化资产和央行数字货币结算的平台。它还将组建一个架构社区来制定通用标准。 据知情人士透露,微软和蚂蚁数科等公司将加入该社区。公开资料显示,蚂蚁数科在 2023 年推出面向香港及海外市场的 Web3 科技品牌 ZAN,为合规机构提供 Web3 技术服务,其产品可帮助开发者降低开发成本和技术风险。


在周五接受雅虎财经采访时,美SEC主席Gary Gensler被问及大约十家公司已提交以太坊现货ETF申请,以及他是否认为涉及灰度的夏季法院裁决是“先例”。Gensler拒绝对此做出任何暗示,他表示:“我不想预先判断任何一份申请,正如你所说,我们面前有10份申请,我不会预先判断这一点。但对于你的问题,我们会考虑事实和情况以及摆在我们面前的情况。”


香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)今天发表最新的《季度报告》,截至2023年12月31日止季度的财务摘要显示,在香港注册成立的基金的净资金流入按季急升179%至335亿港元。 截至2023年12月31日,914只在香港注册成立的基金的管理资产价值年增4.9%。持牌机构人数及及注册机构的人数为48,091,前期所收到的牌照申请人数按年上升16%,在证监会于季内发行的56个公司牌照中,申请第9类(提供资产管理)及第4类(就证券提供意见)受监管管理活动的分别占88%及66%,季内有六家虚拟资产交易平台提交了机构牌照申请。


▌DCG CEO曾于2022年提议将Genesis和Gemini合并,并筹划上市

比特币买卖交易网报道,DCG本周向法官提交的一份文件显示,DCG首席执行官Barry Silbert在2022年底与Cameron Winklevoss共进午餐时,建议其贷款公司Genesis与Winklevoss旗下的加密货币交易所Gemini合并,以避免即将到来的崩溃。 Silbert的电子邮件显示:“我对Genesis/Gemini/DCG 之间建立更紧密的合作伙伴关系的想法很感兴趣,包括公司的潜在合并。我向他明确指出,我们现在所走的道路可能会导致Genesis破产,这将使Gemini的存款(以及Gemini的业务)面临重大风险。他在这方面的表现出人意料地好,并意识到我们需要共同努力来降低这种风险”。


Web3应用程序接口服务提供商Kravata宣布完成360万美元种子轮融资,Volt Capital、Framework Ventures、Circle Ventures、Magma Partners和SIMMA Capital等参投。Kravata 来自于Web3 加速器Alliance Dao,是一种用户友好且安全的解决方案,可以连接到 Web3 并获得 Web2 体验,通过应用程序接口,Kravata 允许客户轻松地将 Web3 的优势集成到他们的服务中,而无需承担内部技术开发的负担,同时在每一步中都获得合规性和持续的支持。



    比特币买卖交易网报道,据companiesmarketcap数据显示,以太坊市值当前达到4749.8亿美元,日内涨幅4.35%,已超越SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust跻身全球资产市值排名第20位,仅次于沃尔玛,当前沃尔玛市值为4860.6亿美元.










        Headline JPMorgan Chase Bitcoin has surpassed gold. According to a report released by JPMorgan Chase on Thursday, an indicator shows that Bitcoin has become more popular than gold in investors' portfolios, thanks to its ever-rising price. As a mainstream cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has long been compared with gold. Some people think that it is a digital version of gold. On the surface, the proportion of gold in the portfolio should be higher than bitcoin, because it is estimated that trillions of dollars have been used. JPMorgan Chase, who invested in gold, said that when comparing the two assets in nominal amount, the allocation of bitcoin seems to be lower, because the market value of bitcoin is only one trillion dollars, so in theory, the value of bitcoin can still rise to reach the value level of gold. However, this calculation ignores an important factor, that is, the risk is about times higher than that of gold. Analysts said that it is unrealistic to expect bitcoin to match gold in nominal amount in investors' portfolios. The value of the supermarket is rapidly approaching Apple's NVIDIA, which rose once in pre-market trading on Friday, so that the stock is expected to rise for the seventh consecutive trading day, which is the longest continuous increase since last month. As the demand for artificial intelligence chips shows no signs of weakening, the market value of this chip manufacturer has increased by more than one trillion dollars so far this year. At present, the total market value of NVIDIA is about one trillion dollars, while the market value of Apple has shrunk to one trillion dollars. As of press release, the latest transaction price shows that the dollar has recently risen and fallen in the day. Transaction price US dollar intraday rise and fall recent transaction price US dollar intraday rise and fall recent transaction price US dollar intraday rise and fall recent transaction price US dollar intraday rise and fall recent transaction price US dollar intraday rise and fall policy Microsoft and Ant Financial will participate in the digital currency project of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. According to the South China Morning Post, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the launch of the wholesale central bank digital currency project, which is the first platform in the world for the settlement of token deposits, token assets and the central bank digital currency. It will also set up a frame. According to informed sources, companies such as Microsoft and Ant Financial will join the community. According to public information, Ant Financial launched a technology brand for Hong Kong and overseas markets in 2000 to provide technical services to compliance agencies. Its products can help developers reduce development costs and technical risks. The chairman refused to give any hint on whether to approve the spot Ethereum. In an interview with Yahoo Finance on Friday, the US chairman was asked about ten companies that had submitted spot applications for Ethereum and whether he had. He said that I don't want to prejudge any application, as you said, we have an application before us, and I won't prejudge this, but we will consider the facts and the situation in front of us for your question. Last quarter, the net fund inflow of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission soared to HK$ 100 million, and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission published the latest information today. The financial summary of the quarterly report shows that the net capital inflow of funds incorporated in Hong Kong has soared to HK$ 100 million every quarter. As of June, the value of assets under management of funds incorporated only in Hong Kong has increased year by year, and the number of licensed institutions and registered institutions has increased year by year. The number of applicants for licenses received in the previous period has increased year by year, and the number of companies applying for class I asset management and providing opinions on securities in the company licenses issued by the CSRC has accounted for the respective proportion of regulated management activities in the quarter. Six virtual asset trading platforms have submitted applications for institutional licenses. The blockchain application proposed to merge and plan to go public in 2006. A document submitted to the judge this week shows that the CEO suggested that his loan company merge with his cryptocurrency exchange at the end of the year to avoid the imminent collapse. The email shows that I am very interested in the idea of establishing a closer partnership between them, including the potential merger of the companies. I made it clear to him. It is pointed out that the road we are taking may lead to bankruptcy, which will put our deposits and our business at great risk. He has performed surprisingly well in this respect and realized that we need to make joint efforts to reduce this risk. The application interface service provider completed the $10,000 seed round financing, and the application interface service provider announced the completion of the $10,000 seed round financing and the equal participation from the accelerator. It is a user-friendly and safe solution that can be connected and experienced through the application. The interface allows customers to easily integrate their advantages into their services without bearing the burden of internal technology development, and at the same time get compliance and continuous support at every step. The cryptocurrency Ethereum ranks first in the global asset market value ranking, which is currently second only to Wal-Mart Bitcoin Trading Network. According to reports, the data shows that the market value of Ethereum has now reached US$ 100 million, and it has surpassed the global asset market value ranking, which is second only to Wal-Mart. Boya Interactive plans to continue. To purchase cryptocurrencies not exceeding USD 100 million, Boya Interactive issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In order to further promote the Group's business development and layout in the field, the Board of Directors sought shareholders' approval at the shareholders' meeting to further grant the authorization to purchase potential cryptocurrencies, and authorized the Board of Directors to continue to purchase cryptocurrencies with a total amount not exceeding USD 100 million. On the date of this announcement, the company has purchased bitcoins with an average price of about USD, bought ethercoins with an average price of about USD 10,000, and purchased TEDA coins with an average price of about USD. The market is full. Pricing The Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by one basis point in January. The swap market is fully priced. The Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by one basis point in January. What determines the price of bitcoin? The market forces of supply and demand affect the price of bitcoin. When the number of sellers increases, the price usually falls, and vice versa. Bitcoin prices are also affected by media reports, investor sentiment and regulatory news, which leads to rapid price fluctuations and affects the prices of other goods and services. The market dynamics of supply and demand also determine the price disclaimer bit of bitcoin. As a blockchain information platform, the content of the article published by the currency trading network is for information reference only, not as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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