Near 创始人最新文章:Near 的链抽象化如何带来更好的 Web3 体验

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如果我们希望看到 Web3 成为主流应用,我们相信一个更加开放、去中心化、支持所有人自我主权的互联网对世界更有利,那么我们就需要做得更好。

当今Web3的主流叙事是模块化,或者为了可扩展性而将区块链的不同功能层分离出来,即结算、数据可用性和执行。二层解决方案、乐观和ZK rollup、数据可用性层、侧链和状态通道都是模块化解决方案的示例。





让我们想象一下使用Dapp应该是什么样子的:在不同网络之间轻松进行交易,使用单个界面浏览不同体验。举个例子,Alice拿起手机从锁屏界面打开了KAIKAI。她从本地店铺订了一杯冰沙,在应用程序中看到她最喜欢的服装店Maison有折扣活动,于是她订购了一双春季鞋。Alice发现自己已经赚了足够的KAICHING奖励可以在Maison兑换徽章,但她不知道这是 Polygon 上的 NFT,并在她的账户中兑换了它。

当她在当天晚些时候在KAIKAI应用程序中浏览Maison时,她她注意到她的新徽章上显示了一个优惠,可以购买他们商店里与她喜欢的 DJ 一起举办的独家活动的门票。她用KAICHING购买了门票,收到了两张票,她仍然不知道这是Arbitrum上的NFT。因为她有一个额外的名额,Alice邀请了她的朋友Bob和她一起来,并询问了他的地址。

Bob向Alice发送了他的NEAR地址,并打开了他的应用程序查看门票。他发送了一些ETH给Alice以表示对邀请的感谢,并查看了他帐户中的不同加密货币。由于他在地铁上并且有一些时间,他决定购买一些BTC,并使用USDC进行抵押,这样他就可以在Magic Eden上铸造一只Fighting Dragon NFT。他的朋友Charles之前发信息给他,说他们可以在NEAR上的一个新游戏中玩,他们的龙可以互相战斗,获得他们可以抵押的代币。



每个在 Web3 中构建应用程序的人都将受益于能够访问如此广阔的潜在用户市场(如本例所示),即任何使用应用程序的人。然而今天,开发者根据对流动性或特定Rollup或链的用户的访问选择网络,但在链抽象化的未来,他们可以只是选择最好的技术进行构建。用户将出现以获得最佳体验。











  • Most of today's articles are not really decentralized applications. If users need to leave the application before they can start using it, it is actually not an application. It is just a front end. If users have to manually register and manage multiple account fees and bridges through exchanges, do you really build an application? I don't think so. This may explain why only millions of people in the world are using it. If we want to see it become a mainstream application, I will. Scientists believe that a more open and decentralized Internet that supports everyone's self-sovereignty is more beneficial to the world, so we need to do better. Today's mainstream narrative is modularity or separation of different functional layers of blockchain for scalability, that is, settlement of data availability and implementation of two-tier solutions. Optimism and data availability layers, side chains and status channels are examples of modular solutions, and the continuous increase of blockchain sum has led to the decline of user and developer experience. The world of chains has led to more mobile applications and users' fragmentation, and the user experience has become very complicated. This also applies to developers, who feel the pressure on a specific technology stack and limit the audience of their applications. Now when you build one, you limit yourself to a niche market by choosing a single chain. I want to propose a better vision that applies to the entire Ethereum ecosystem and let us work together to promote mainstream adoption through chain abstraction. The law is that the blockchain must be separated from users so that they will not become obstacles to entry or participation. Since, it has been focusing on this vision. Now it has become the network with the largest number of users in China, with monthly active users reaching 10,000 and total users below 10,000. This is how we attract billions of users and eliminate fragmentation. What does this mean for users? Let's imagine what it should be like to use it, easily trade between different networks, and use a single interface to browse different experiences. Let's take an example to hold hands. The machine opened from the lock screen interface. She ordered a smoothie from the local store. In the application, she saw that her favorite clothing store had a discount, so she ordered a pair of spring shoes and found that she had earned enough rewards to redeem the badge, but she didn't know it was on the screen and redeemed it in her account. When she browsed in the application later that day, she noticed that her new badge showed a discount to buy an exclusive event held with her favorite in their store. She bought the tickets and received two tickets. She still didn't know that it was on the train because she had an extra quota and invited her friend to come with her and asked his address. She sent his address to and opened his application to check the tickets. He sent some thanks for the invitation and checked the different cryptocurrencies in his account. Because he was on the subway and had some time, he decided to buy some and use them as collateral so that he could cast one on the train. His friend sent him a message saying that they can play in a new game on the Internet and their dragons can fight each other to get the tokens they can mortgage. All these interactions and transactions can be carried out in a single interface and are completely private. There is no wallet, no switching network and no transaction fee to deal with. These are directly embedded in the exchange or purchase and handled by the user representative. There is no need to worry about which network the tickets are on, and they can be sent to her with any encrypted currency he wants. In the next second, he can easily buy another cryptocurrency, all of which happens in one application. This is the seamless level that we should pursue as an ecosystem. How can we achieve chain abstraction? Everyone who builds an application in the process will benefit from being able to access such a vast potential user market, as shown in this example, that is, anyone who uses the application. However, today, developers choose networks according to their access to users who are liquid or specific or chain, but the chain abstraction is not. In the future, they can just choose the best technology to build it. Users will appear to get the best experience. Imagine how unreasonable it would be if users could not send messages to addresses. The core assumption of chain abstraction is that end users don't care about the underlying blockchain. In fact, the blockchain is just the infrastructure assets that get value from it, and it is safe from seizure, eliminating economic opportunities, eliminating transaction middlemen, global unlicensed identity, data sources, entertainment experiences, etc. The core goal of chain abstraction is to solve the increasingly fragmented modular landscape. Although this is most obvious in the user experience layer, it is possible because of the innovative liquidity of the security layer and the fragmentation of accounts. Zero knowledge has introduced a brand-new account book security method. In the past, people needed to trust a decentralized set of verifiers. Now even if there is only a single computer, it can prove whether the rules are followed by simple proof, which means that developers were either forced to build on the shared chain or not. Spending huge resources to start a new chain, now they can quickly start a chain on their own single server. This new paradigm introduces the concept of cross-settlement. As more and more chains become completely provable, if some proofs are published on other chains, there is no way to cancel this chain without canceling other chains. Transactions from one chain can also be settled on multiple other chains through proofs, which provides mesh security because all proofs are continuously aggregated and allowed to be in these chains. In order to achieve unified security, two things are needed at the bottom of the stack: data availability, which provides synchronization for everyone even if the operator is offline, and a decentralized sorter for applications without a central operator. The next layer is the unification of identity and security. Users can have an address on all possible chains and freely move assets between them. From the user's point of view, this should be a single account, and they can be on different chains. Applications interact and assets will be bridged or exchanged automatically. I call it account aggregation and will share more details in another article in the near future. The next version will be released in May. This version has the function of mapping addresses to bitcoin and other addresses. Accounts can request to sign transactions for another chain, which enables them to build multi-chain applications directly in the smart contract. The last layer is the unified experience layer or application layer. For example, it provides a way to interact with applications on different chains without users switching or leaving a single interface. The decentralized front end can provide easy construction. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


  • 安全聚合堆栈由 NEAR DA、zkWASM(与 Polygon Labs 合作)和 EigenLayer 支持的 Fast Finality 组成

  • 在此基础上进行帐户聚合,以便使用单个帐户在所有链上进行交易

  • 数据层支持从整体式、集成式、模块化、私有链和许可链到以可预测协议查询数据的所有内容。

  • 意图中继器可以使用此基础设施跨链执行复杂的意图

  • 去中心化的前端为多链上的多个应用程序提供可发现性和可组合性,构建成一个体验。

  • 超级(应用)钱包用户友好,并提供一种在不切换网络或处理Gas代币和桥接的情况下浏览整个Web3的方式。






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