
币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 04:35:40 评论:0



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作者:wsj and wired;编译:秦晋,碳链价值


报道称,币安的金融犯罪合规主管、前国税局特工Tigran Gambaryan和币安的同事Nadeem Anjarwalla于2月26日被拘留。这两人飞抵尼日利亚与官员会面,但尚未受到指控。

另据《连线》杂志报道,Tigran Gambaryan和另一位币安同事Nadeem Anjarwalla在尼日利亚首都阿布贾已被关押两周。

Tigran Gambaryan在担任美国联邦特工期间,其帮助领导具有里程碑意义的调查,打掉加密货币窃贼和洗钱者、暗网毒贩,甚至是加密货币资助的儿童剥削网络。现在,在他卸任加密货币交易所币安职务后,他自己也成为一种非常不同的联邦加密货币打击目标:在过去两周里,他和另一名币安高管被尼日利亚官员强行拘留。

自2月26日以来,现任币安刑事调查小组组长的Gambarya和币安驻肯尼亚的非洲地区经理Nadeem Anjarwalla被剥夺护照,并被关押在尼日利亚首都阿布贾的一处政府房产内。据他们的家人称,两人都未被告知任何针对他们的刑事指控。据《金融时报》报道,在尼日利亚国家货币大幅贬值之际,尼日利亚采取广泛行动禁止加密货币交易所,而这两人似乎被卷入这一行动之中,《金融时报》率先报道这两名高管被拘留的消息,但并未透露他们的身份。

Gambaryan的妻子Yuki Gambaryan表示,没有任何确切的答案:他怎么样了,他会怎么样,什么时候回来。不知道这些让我很痛苦。




当 《wired》联系币安时,其发言人拒绝就这些人或公司本身被指控的罪名或尼日利亚政府可能提出的释放他们的要求发表评论。币安发言人告诉《wired》:虽然我们目前不便对指控的实质内容发表评论,但我们可以说,我们正在与尼日利亚当局合作,将Nadeem和Tigran安全带回家与家人团聚。他们是最正直的专业人士,我们将为他们提供力所能及的支持。我们相信此事会得到迅速解决。


对于Gambaryan来说,成为币安与不满的政府之间争端中的一枚明显的棋子是一个具有讽刺意味的转折。Gambaryan在2021年被高调招聘为币安调查小组的领导,这被广泛认为是为清理交易所的黑钱流动,更好遵守法规,并与执法部门更紧密地合作。去年11月底,币安同意与美国检察官达成认罪协议,将为涉嫌洗钱支付创纪录的43 亿美元和解金,并接受美国监管机构的严格审查。

在担任币安职务之前,Gambaryan曾在美国国税局刑事调查(IRS-CI)部门担任探员,在执法界因其开创影响巨大的加密货币案件的记录而闻名。例如,仅从2014年到2017年,Gambaryan就领导调查两名从丝绸之路暗网毒品市场窃取加密货币并将执法情报出售给其创建者的腐败联邦探员,努力追踪从Mt. Gox交易所窃取的65万枚比特币,帮助开发一种加密追踪技术以找到运行大型AlphaBay暗网市场的服务器,并参与捣毁基于加密货币的儿童性虐待材料网络 Welcome to Video。

曾与Gambaryan密切合作的前检察官Will Frentzen称,Gambaryan在国税局-CI 工作期间是一名「最正直」的「一流特工」。弗伦岑说:他参与的案件堪称当时最大的加密货币案件。他在调查方面很有创新精神,国内很少有人能想到他的调查方式,而且在归功于谁的问题上,他非常无私。我认为没有人对这类调查产生过更大的影响。


Anjarwalla是币安的政府事务专家,毕业于牛津大学和斯坦福大学,一年前加入这家加密货币公司。他的妻子 Elahe Anjarwalla在一份声明中写道,他是Binance的中层管理人员,没有决策权。她还说,Anjarwalla是一名穆斯林,在斋月期间被关押;他们的幼子在过去两周里长出第一颗牙齿;他们的孩子将在下周过一周岁生日。Nadeem是一个充满爱心的丈夫和父亲。他是我最好的朋友,她说。我只希望Nadeem能回到我们身边。

Yuki Gambaryan说:两个人可以看电视,也可以去阳台,但Gambaryan向妻子描述的拘留经历就像「土拨鼠日」。我看得出他在努力保持积极的态度,但这对他的影响很大。他开始不耐烦了,他感到绝望了。

对于Gambaryan的妻子本人来说,焦虑和不确定性使过去两周成为 她一生中最艰难的日子。她还没有告诉他们两个年幼的孩子。

Yuki Gambaryan说:有时我觉得我再也见不到他了。我只是求他们放他走。

According to the Wall Street Journal, Nigeria, Africa's largest economy, accused Qian An, the world's largest crypto exchange, of causing its currency collapse and detained two of its executives, thus pushing the situation to a new height. It was reported that Qian An's financial crime compliance supervisor, a former IRS agent and a colleague of Qian An's were detained on January, and they flew to Nigeria to meet with officials but have not been charged. According to wired magazine, another colleague of Qian An has been detained in Abuja, Nigeria. During his two-week detention as a federal agent in the United States, he helped lead a landmark investigation to destroy cryptocurrency thieves, money launderers, clandestine drug dealers and even children's exploitation networks funded by cryptocurrency. Now, after he left his post of cryptocurrency exchange, he himself has become a very different target of federal cryptocurrency attack. In the past two weeks, he and another cryptocurrency executive have been forcibly detained by Nigerian officials, and the current head of the criminal investigation team of cryptocurrency security has been stationed since May. Kenya's African regional manager was deprived of his passport and detained in a government property in Abuja, Nigeria. According to their families, neither of them was informed of any criminal charges against them. According to the Financial Times, Nigeria took extensive actions to ban cryptocurrency transactions when Nigeria's national currency depreciated sharply, and the two men seemed to be involved in this action. The Financial Times was the first to report the detention of the two executives, but did not disclose their identities. There is no definite answer. I don't know when he will come back. It pains me that American citizens have dual citizenship of Britain and Kenya. Their families said that they arrived in Abuja on March at the invitation of the Nigerian government to resolve the dispute with Bi 'an. The next day, they met with Nigerian officials and planned to talk to the government about the Nigerian government's order that the telecommunications company of the country ban access to Bi 'an and other cryptocurrency exchanges. The regulatory agency accused Bi 'an. It devalued Nigeria's official currency, the naira, and led to the illegal flow of funds. However, according to the family members, they were taken to the hotel shortly after their first meeting with the Nigerian government and were asked to pack their bags and transferred to the hotel managed by the Nigerian National Security Bureau. Officials confiscated their passports and detained them in this house against their wishes. It has been two weeks since their family members said that an official from the State Council, USA, visited a representative of the British Foreign Office, but Nigerian government guards have also been present to stop them from talking privately. When contacted with Qian An, his spokesman refused to comment on the charges against these people or the company itself or the Nigerian government's possible request for their release. Qian An's spokesman told us that although it is not convenient for us to comment on the substance of the charges at present, we can say that we are cooperating with the Nigerian authorities and will go home with the safety belt to reunite with their families. They are the most upright professionals and we will do our best to help them. We believe that this matter will be solved quickly. After falling ill last week, the two men were once transferred to a local hospital. According to his wife, his specific symptoms are not clear, but it may be malaria. However, he later recovered. The two men were sent back to the Nigerian government building and have been detained there. It is an ironic turning point for me to become an obvious pawn in the dispute between the currency security and the dissatisfied government. In 2000, they were recruited as the leaders of the currency security investigation team, which is widely regarded as Clean up the black money flow of the exchange, better abide by laws and regulations and cooperate more closely with law enforcement agencies. At the end of last year, Qian An agreed to reach a plea agreement with the US prosecutor, and will pay a record $100 million in settlement for suspected money laundering and be strictly examined by the US regulatory authorities. Before taking up the post of Qian An, he worked as an agent in the criminal investigation department of the US Internal Revenue Service. He was famous in the law enforcement field for his pioneering record of cryptocurrency cases with great influence. For example, he led the investigation of two people from the Silk Road from 2000 to 2000. Corrupt federal agents who stole cryptocurrency in the online drug market and sold law enforcement information to its founders tried to track down 10,000 bitcoins stolen from the exchange, helped to develop an encryption tracking technology to find servers running a large dark market, and participated in the destruction of the network of child sexual abuse materials based on cryptocurrency. The former prosecutor who worked closely with him said that he was the most upright first-class agent during his work at the IRS. frentzen said that the case he participated in was the largest cryptocurrency case at that time. The investigation is very innovative, and few people in China can think of his investigation method, and he is very selfless in the question of who to attribute it to. I don't think anyone has had a greater influence on this kind of investigation. The wife pointed out that her husband has won the support of the American government. She said that the American government needs help to negotiate his freedom now. She said that he has done a lot of good things for this country in his career, and I believe it is his turn to get the same support from his country. She said that she didn't know about American state affairs. What has the hospital or the US Embassy in Abuja done so far to save him? An expert in government affairs graduated from Oxford University and Stanford University and joined the cryptocurrency company a year ago. His wife wrote in a statement that he was a middle-level manager and had no decision-making power. She also said that he was a Muslim who was detained during Ramadan. Their youngest son had his first tooth in the past two weeks. Their child will be one year old next week. His birthday is a caring husband and father. She is my best friend. She said that I only wish to come back to us and say that two people can watch TV or go to the balcony, but the detention experience described to his wife is like groundhog day. I can see that he is trying to keep a positive attitude, but it has a great influence on him. He is beginning to feel impatient. For his wife, anxiety and uncertainty have made the past two weeks the most difficult day of her life. She has not told them that sometimes I feel that I will never see him again. I just beg them to let him go. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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