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  • 自我托管。用户应该完全拥有和控制自己的数字资产,并能够以安全便捷的方式使用它们。(有史以来的首次数字产权解锁)

  • 开放创新。技术原语应该是无需许可且可组合的,以建立一个由独立产品和服务组成的弹性生态系统。

  • 社区所有权。建设者、贡献者和用户应该拥有并控制为我们的日常生活提供支持的协议和基础设施。从长远来看,这将使网络参与者的动机保持一致,代币作为协议的一种机制,将用于捕获其创造的价值并将这些价值分配给利益相关者和有助于其成功的活动。



Safe诞生于经典的创业格言之下——“创建自己想要的东西”,当时Gnosis团队开发了一款内部多签智能合约钱包“Gnosis Safe”,用于存储团队资金。该钱包很快被其他寻求以简单方式管理链上资产的DAO和社区所采用。在当时不断增加的DAO工具套件中,Safe是最早找到产品市场契合度的。

到2022年我们领投Safe时,它已经成为众多DAO、企业和高级用户事实上的资产管理解决方案。Safe当时存储了超过400亿美元的价值,一个新兴的生态系统包括钱包(Metamask Institutional)、金库管理(Coinshift、Parcel)、DAO工具(Onchainden)、NFT投资组合管理(Castle)等产品都建设在Safe的核心智能账户之上。







· 在15个网络的总价值超过1000亿美元

· 仅ETH的月转账量就超过10亿美元

· 已有800万个Safe账户被创建(同比增长290%)

· 已达成4200万笔Safe交易(同比增长350%)

· 已有200多个项目基于Safe账户和工具开发建设


Safe现被用于通过传统的支付渠道(通过Gnosis Pay和BasedApp等借记卡产品)来支持支付业务。有史以来第一次,消费者可以使用他们自己的Safe中的资产从任何接受Visa付款的商家那里购买商品。Safe{Core}智能账户还为Worldcoin的自我托管所有权技术栈提供支持,在全球拥有数百万唯一地址用户。


以Recovery模块为例,安装后,用户就可以立即指定一个Recoverer并自定义recovery(恢复)条件。Safe最近推出的Recovery Hub利用该模块提供了一个精心策划的加密货币recovery选项市场(从Sygnum和Coincover选项开始),迎合个人、DAOs和机构对recovery解决方案和提供商的不同偏好。



作为第一家同时也是领先的智能账户提供商,Safe一直走在账户抽象领域的前沿,账户抽象旨在将智能账户作为与web3交互的默认方式。2023年是钱包生态的关键一年,ERC-4337 EntryPoint合约的主网部署以及嵌入式钱包的激增,使用户能够使用熟悉的登录流程登录dapps。

对于开发人员和建设者来说,Safe{Core}是将Safe智能帐户集成到任何平台的重要工具。Safe{Core}有一个账户抽象SDK,被设计为不受gas抽象、身份验证提供商和交易中继基础设施的paymaster服务的影响,这使Safe账户几乎可与任何开发工具栈兼容。Safe{Core} SDK继续领先市场份额,开发人员希望通过账户抽象功能增强他们的dapp可用性。



Since the establishment of the fund in, we have invested in many projects. Our investment decision is based on the view that the token network driven by software and managed by the community has great potential to affect the whole world economy and society. We believe that the technology to achieve this goal is based on the following three main principles: self-hosting users should completely own and control their digital assets and be able to use them in a safe and convenient way for the first time in history. The primitive of word property rights unlocking open innovation technology should be license-free and combinable to build an elastic ecosystem composed of independent products and services. Contributors and users should own and control the agreements and infrastructure that support our daily life. In the long run, this will keep the motivation of network participants consistent. As a mechanism of the agreement, tokens will be used to capture the value created by them and distribute these values to stakeholders and contribute to their success. In the past five years, its activities have laid a solid foundation for the three pillars of the ecosystem. First, it provides a self-managed smart account so that chain organizations can safely store and manage their funds. Then, it opens its core infrastructure to allow independent teams to develop and build in a modular and license-free way. Third, it also introduces tokens to help the project realize the decentralization of technical economy and governance of key components in the ecosystem. Why do we invest? Born under the classic motto of starting a business, we created what we wanted. At that time, the team developed an internal multi-signing smart contract wallet for storing team funds. The wallet was quickly adopted by other people and communities seeking to manage assets in the chain in a simple way. It was the first to find the product market fit among the ever-increasing tool suites at that time. By the time we led the investment, it had become a de facto asset management solution for many enterprises and advanced users, with a value of more than 100 million dollars stored at that time. Our ecosystem, including wallet, vault management tools, portfolio management and other products, are built on the core smart account. As long-term users, we have regarded it as the key infrastructure in this field, but our value proposition that we are more excited about what is coming is far more than an independent multi-signature wallet. It is designed as a completely safe programmable ownership platform. In the past two years, we have been working with the team to build this vision and continue to pass and make continuous progress. Programmable ownership is the flagship self-managed wallet based on smart account contract. Because of its unparalleled safety performance, team's technical rigor and community management, it is now one of the products with the most Lindy effect. In the round of market cycles, the adoption is getting stronger and stronger, and the failure of centralized service providers who have been found to ignore users' funds has further promoted the adoption. Within one week after the incident was exposed, users turned to self-managed solutions. The inflow of more than US$ 100 million further shows that the market is full of confidence in this product and has expanded the user base of the product and service ecology. Today, the key performance is as follows: the total value of each network exceeds US$ 100 million, and the monthly transfer volume alone exceeds US$ 100 million. Ten thousand accounts have been created, with a year-on-year growth of ten thousand transactions. A number of projects have been developed and built based on accounts and tools, and now they are used to support payment services through traditional payment channels and debit card products, for the first time in history. Consumers can use their own assets to buy goods from any merchant who accepts payment. Smart accounts also provide support for self-hosting ownership in technology stack. Users have millions of unique addresses around the world, and they can combine with other protocols and applications with smart contracts that have been tested in practice. At present, there are many applications in their application stores, covering areas such as bridging and governance. More importantly, users can interact directly from the wallet interface, and the architecture is convenient for third-party models. This allows users to choose the service provider they want to cooperate with and turn it into a platform for downstream products and services. Take the module as an example. After installation, users can immediately specify one and customize the recovery conditions. The recently launched module provides a well-planned cryptocurrency option market, which caters to the different preferences of individuals and institutions for solutions and providers from the sum option. Other examples of modules include session key account automation and expenditure restriction to the present. The zodiac team is responsible for the most prolific security modules, but in the past year, we have seen the emergence of specialized module infrastructure projects such as and, which have accelerated the development of modules through developer tools and module registries, making smart accounts more powerful than ever and accessible to all. As the first and leading provider of smart accounts, account abstraction has been at the forefront in the field of account abstraction, aiming at using smart accounts as the default way of interaction. The deployment of the main network of the key one-year contract of wallet ecology and the proliferation of embedded wallets enable users to log in with familiar login processes, which is an important tool for developers and builders to integrate smart accounts into any platform. An account abstraction is designed to be unaffected by the services of abstract authentication providers and transaction relay infrastructure, which makes the account compatible with almost any development tool stack and continues to lead the market share. Developers hope to enhance him through the account abstraction function. Our usability, commitment to the highest security standards and its unparalleled consistent performance enable developers to launch production-ready users to interact with accounts because they have stood the test of time. Account abstraction is only the first step to release their full potential. The tried-and-tested infrastructure and vibrant builder community enable them to achieve more ambitious goals in the next few years. As long-term users and members of the ecosystem, we expect to see that with smart accounts becoming the main way of interaction, primitives will spread and popularize in the new user base networks and markets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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