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作者:Zhixiong Pan 来源:ChainFeeds 

Restaking 生态终于迎来了两个重要里程碑:EigenLayer (和 EigenDA)上线主网,以及首批上线主网的 AVS:AltLayer、Brevis、eoracle、Lagrange、Witness Chain、Xterio。

AVS 才是 EigenLayer 协议能否真的具有实用性和安全性的最终体现。而此前的这些 Restaking 协议(Renzo/Puffer 等)或者流动性再质押代币,只是这个生态的起步和吸引流动性的手段之一。此前更多是通过激励供给,让更多 ETH 进入 Restaking 生态并调动更多节点,而 AVS 才有潜力释放需求,才能为 Crypto 和去中心化网络提供更多价值。

首批上线的 AVS 分布在各个赛道,包括 Rollup 即服务、预言机、ZK 协议处理、DePIN、游戏。最值得注意的是 ZK 协处理器,这是个相对新的概念,也没有成熟的产品,而 EigenLayer 竟然在首批同时支持 Brevis 和 Lagrange。

另外,EigenLayer 的主网上线并不意味着协议已经进入了成熟期,仍有很多尚未完全清楚的模块和方案,比如未来节点的罚没(Slashing)机制,如何从经济层面确保 AVS 的安全性,甚至是代币经济学的设计,都需要等待团队后续披露。

什么是 AVS?

AVS 全称 Actively Validated Services(主动验证服务),是 EigenLayer 协议中设定的一个概念。简单来说,可以把 AVS 类比为「中间件」,也就是可以为终端产品提供服务的,比如数据和验证的能力,比如经常提到的「预言机」就不是一个终端产品,但是却可以为 DeFi、游戏、钱包提供数据服务,这就是 AVS 中的一种。

AVS 的下游很可能是一个终端产品,可以直接面向普通用户。而 AVS 的上游就是这些参与 Restaking 的节点,他们通过在 Puffer / Renzo 等协议中收集的 ETH,然后让节点支持某些具体的 AVS。

相比大多数协议而言,EigenLayer 的商业模式也相对比较直接,终端用户会为自己使用的产品直接或间接付费,然后因为这些产品需要 AVS 提供的服务,所以这些费用会被分配给 AVS 、节点运营者、EigenLayer 协议以及提供 Restaking ETH 的用户等。具体如何分配也各不相同,而且早期也很可能可以利用 Crypto 的优势「代币经济学」,将协议自身的代币奖励给用户。

所以后续应该还需要发展更多的 AVS 类型,以及让终端产品能信任 AVS 服务的可靠性,才可能让整个生态完成闭环。

AltLayer: Rollup 即服务

AltLayer是一个「Rollup 即服务」(Rollups-as-a-Service,RaaS)供应商,可以根据需求定制 Rollup 这些 Layer2 网络的部署。对于一个 Rollup 网络来说 ,DA 的选择至关重要,所以除了以太坊之外,AltLayer 也支持了由 EigenLayer 开发的 EigenDA。

除此之外,AltLayer 还与 EigenLayer 合作推出了 Restaked Rollup 框架,并且提供了三个模块化的 AVS,分别是:

  • VITAL (AVS for decentralized verification of rollup's state):可去中心化验证 Rollup 状态的 AVS

  • MACH (AVS for fast finality):快速终局性的 AVS

  • SQUAD (AVS for decentralized sequencing):去中心化定序器的 AVS

其实也就是在试图解决区块链上的终局性(Finality)过慢、结算层和定序器中心化的三个问题。这也是 Rollup 的几个必要模块。此次上线的是 MACH 模块,为 Xterio 和 Optimism 提供服务。

Brevis:ZK 协处理器

「ZK 协处理」这个概念也有一年多的时间了,但由于具体的应用还比较少,以及晦涩难懂,所以很多人还没什么概念。简单来说,就是可以通过零知识证明技术,让以太坊的智能合约获得更多的可验证的数据,丰富应用的使用场景。

Brevis 提供的一个解决方案可以通过 AVS 来实现 ZK 协处理器的能力。其团队部分来自跨链桥协议 Celer Network,Mo Dong 是这两个项目的联合创始人。这次他也在香港 Web3 学者会议中进行了「A Smart ZK Coprocessor」的演讲。

Brevis 提出了 coChain 方案,用来进一步降低完全基于智能合约和零知识证明技术实现的「ZK 协处理器」的成本,也就是提供了一套更具有性价比的方案,并且能提供原本不能实现的能力。毕竟 EVM 还是有很多限制和束缚的。

Brevis coChain 是一个 PoS 区块链,可以通过 ETH 质押来保护其安全性,依赖 EigenLayer 协议。它在设计上更像是「乐观」机制和「ZK」机制的组合,或者可以称为欺诈证明和有效性证明。如果发现任何的作恶,就可以通过生成零知识证明发起挑战,并对作恶方进行惩罚。这里面也会涉及到一些博弈论和代币经济学的设计和考量。



预言机协议 eoracle 这个名字来自于 (e)thereum + oracle。他们称自己是以太坊上第一个「原生」的预言机,可能是因为该预言机的安全性是由质押的 ETH 保证的,而像 Chainlink 等预言机,安全性由 Chainlink 的节点网络和其代币 LINK 来保证的,安全假设不一样。

预言机的需求以及商业模式相比其他几个 AVS 就明确的多,很多DeFi、RWA 都需要链外的数据,而预言机网络就是通过参与的节点来验证数据。

eoracle 明确表示会是双代币的模式,其他几个 AVS 也可能会是这种模式,也就是网络的安全性依赖 Restaked ETH 来保证,同时也会发行 AVS 的原生代币,用来激励节点。至于原生代币的更多用途和设计,暂时没有披露,但他们认为原生代币可以促进网络的参与度(也就是激励用户?),确保公平价值分配(也就是收入按照 Token 分配?)和促进 eoracle 协议的去中心化(也就是作为权重或者治理?)。


Lagrange:并行 ZK 协处理器

Lagrange 也是 ZK 协处理器,但他们还强调了「并行」(Parallel)这一概念。除此之外,和 Brevis 提供的服务有些类似。

Lagrange 团队表示,他们设计的 ZK 协处理器原生支持并行化和水平扩展,能够轻松证明大规模分布式计算在链上存储或事务数据的结果,并且证明工作负载可以同时分布在成千上万的工作节点上,安全性也是由 EigenLayer 上的 ETH 来保证。

上个月,Renzo、Swell 和 Puffer 也宣布和 Lagrange 合作,这三方将分别委托 5 亿美元的 Restaked ETH 至 Lagrange。而 Lagrange 也为这些平台设计了一些利用到他们协议特点的功能,比如可以调用 Lagrange 获取链上历史数据的能力,然后依据这个数据为用户计算积分。

Lagrange 这个名字来源于数学家、力学家和天文学家「拉格朗日」。

Witness Chain:DePIN 网络

Witness Chain 是一个专为去中心化物联网设备设计的网络,它包含了很多组件,比如 DCL (DePIN Coordination Layer),其实也就是提供了一些 DePIN 生态所需要的基本服务,比如链本身的安全性、节点的带宽、物理位置等。他们把这些基本服务称为瞭望塔(Watchtowers),用来测量上述的这些数据,然后可以在 DCL 层中生成有效的证明和被使用。这很像 Witness Chain 中 Witness 的字面意思:「见证」。


Xterio:专注游戏生态的 L2

Xterio 和上面这些 AVS 稍微有些不同,它其实是利用 AltLayer 的 RaaS 发行的一条基于 EigenDA 和 OP Stack 的二层区块链。Xterio Chain将专注在 AI 和 Web3 游戏相关的场景中。AltLayer 表示,Xterio L2 使用的是上文提到的 MACH (AVS for fast finality)。AltLayer 同时也将 MACH 服务提供给 Optimism 的主网。


EigenLayer 生态肯定还会有更多类型的 AVS 上线。但 EigenLayer 对于以太坊生态带来的系统性风险也是很多人所担忧的,因为 EigenLayer 略过了「智能合约」,直接接管了以太坊的节点生态,这个情况和之前所有其他的基于以太坊的协议都不相同。不过这也是无需许可的系统的魅力,就算没有 EigenLayer,也会有其他人尝试这个方向。

另外,Lido 作为以太坊生态最大的流动性质押协议,不仅质押着最多的 ETH,也有很多节点运营商,或许 EigenLayer 和 Lido 的这些直接利益冲突也会让 Lido 重新思考他们的商业模式和可持续性,而 EigenLayer 自己也需要不少时间将缺失的模块逐渐补齐。

The author's source ecology has finally ushered in two important milestones, the online main network and the first batch of online main networks, which are the ultimate embodiment of whether the agreement is really practical and safe. These previous agreements or liquidity pledge tokens are just one of the means to start this ecology and attract liquidity. Previously, it was more likely to release demand by stimulating supply and mobilizing more nodes to provide more value for decentralized networks. Each track including the as-a-service Oracle protocol processing game, the most notable thing is the coprocessor, which is a relatively new concept and has no mature products. Just because it is supported in the first batch and another main online line at the same time does not mean that the protocol has entered a mature stage. There are still many modules and schemes that are not completely clear, such as how to ensure the security of future nodes from the economic level, and even the design of token economics needs to wait for the team to disclose what is the full-name active verification service. Service is a concept set in the protocol. Simply put, it can be compared to middleware, that is, the ability to provide services for terminal products, such as data and verification. For example, the often mentioned Oracle machine is not a terminal product, but it can provide data services for game wallets. This is one of them. It is likely that the downstream of a terminal product can directly face ordinary users, while the upstream is these participating nodes. They collect it through the waiting protocol and then let the nodes support certain details. Compared with most agreements, the business model is relatively direct, and the end users will pay directly or indirectly for the products they use, and then these expenses will be allocated to the node operator agreement and the users they provide because of the services these products need to provide. How to allocate them is also different, and it is likely to be used in the early stage. The advantage of token economics will reward the users with the tokens of the agreement itself, so it is necessary to develop more types and enable the end products to Only by trusting the reliability of the service can the whole ecosystem complete the closed loop, that is, the service provider can customize the deployment of these networks according to the demand, which is very important for the choice of a network. Therefore, in addition to the Ethereum, it also supports the development of the framework and provides three modular decentralized sequencers that can decentralize and verify the state quickly, which is actually trying to solve the slow finality in the blockchain. Three problems about the centralization of computing layer and sequencer, which are also several necessary modules. This time, the concept of module co-processing with service coprocessor has been on the line for more than a year. However, because the specific applications are still relatively few and obscure, many people still have no concept. Simply put, the smart contract of Ethereum can get more verifiable data through zero-knowledge proof technology, and a solution provided by rich application scenarios can be used to realize co-processing. The ability of the processor, the team part of which comes from the cross-chain bridge protocol, is the co-founder of these two projects. This time, he also gave a speech at the Hong Kong Scholars' Conference, and put forward a scheme to further reduce the cost of the coprocessor completely based on intelligent contract and zero-knowledge proof technology, that is, it provides a more cost-effective scheme and can provide capabilities that could not be realized originally. After all, there are still many restrictions and constraints. A blockchain can protect its security dependence by pledge. On its design, it is more like a combination of optimistic mechanism and mechanism, or it can be called fraud proof and validity proof. If any evil is found, it can challenge and punish the evil party by generating zero-knowledge proof, which will also involve the design and consideration of some game theory and token economics. The name of modular and programmable Oracle network Oracle protocol comes from the fact that they call themselves the first native Oracle in Ethereum, probably because of its security. It is guaranteed by pledge, while the security of the Oracle is guaranteed by the node network and its tokens. The security assumption is different. Compared with other nodes, the demand and business model of the Oracle are much more clear, and many of them need data outside the chain. The Oracle network verifies that the data is clearly represented by the participating nodes, and the other nodes may also be guaranteed by this model, that is, the security dependence of the network. At the same time, the original tokens will be issued to encourage the nodes to be original. The more uses and designs of tokens have not been disclosed for the time being, but they think that native tokens can promote the participation of the network, that is, encourage users to ensure fair value distribution, that is, income is decentralized according to the distribution and promotion agreement, that is, as a weight or governance. Parallel coprocessors are also coprocessors, but they also emphasize the concept of parallelism and the services provided. Some similar teams said that their designed coprocessors can easily prove to be large. Large-scale distributed computing can store or transaction data on the chain, and it proves that the workload can be distributed on thousands of working nodes at the same time, and the security is also guaranteed by the top. Last month, it was also announced and cooperated that the three parties would entrust billions of dollars respectively, and also designed some functions for these platforms that make use of their protocol characteristics, such as the ability to call the historical data on the chain and then calculate the integral for users according to this data. The name comes from mathematicians, mechanics and astronomy. The scientist Lagrange Network is a network specially designed for decentralized networked devices. It contains many components, such as actually providing some basic services needed by the ecology, such as the security of the chain itself, the bandwidth and physical location of the nodes, etc. They call these basic services watchtowers to measure the above data, and then they can generate effective proofs and be used in the layer, which is very similar to the literal witness in the text. It is slightly different from the above. A two-tier blockchain based on the sum will focus on the game-related scenarios, indicating that it uses the above-mentioned main network and also provides services to the challenge ecology. There will definitely be more types of online, but the systematic risk brought to the Ethereum ecology is also worried by many people, because it skips the smart contract and directly takes over the node ecology of Ethereum. This situation is different from all other protocols based on Ethereum before, but it is also the charm of the system without permission. Even if there is no one, others will try this direction, and it will be the biggest stream of Ethereum ecology. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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