AI 加密赛道——下一个牛熊轮换将继续存在

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 03:42:42 评论:0



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作者:ROUTE 2 FI;编译:白话区块链

以太坊的发展势头确实令人瞩目。它持续不断地攀升至新的高度。随着 EigenLayer 和现在 Ethena Labs 真正找到了产品市场契合点,我们似乎即将迎来更加辉煌的时刻。

今天我甚至看到了 Curve 正在考虑实施一种 Ethenea 策略,允许您使用 20 倍杠杆进行稳定币策略。这真是个疯狂的时代!今天就和大家一起探讨一下加密 AI 币。


在过去几个月里,我和朋友们一直在不断投入资金,寻找新的增长机会,尤其是在这种牛市条件下——但有一个领域(人工智能)引起了我最大的关注,在一月到三月期间看到了巨大的增长,无论是在价格还是关注度上,都仿佛重现了 web2 技术巨头英伟达的巨大成功。


加密领域内人工智能的崛起并不令人意外,随着传统金融(tradfi)领域的最新发展,比如 OpenAI 和英伟达以极高的估值筹集资金,加密领域势必要跟上步伐。其中一个重要因素是对英伟达回报的预期与实际回报之间的巨大差异,实际回报似乎总是超出了预期值。

将人工智能整合到加密领域代表着市场运作方式的重大革命,这个领域的潜力是巨大的,因为人工智能行业的市值仅为 230 亿美元,而热门Meme类的市值超过 600 亿美元。有人可能会认为梗图更新手友好,但让我们问问自己,这对加密作为一个领域真正带来了什么真正的好处?尤其是今年机构开始进入市场时——我们必须寻找那些专注于改善市场运作方式的项目。








在加密生态系统中,人工智能意味着许多不同的事物:机器学习、语言处理,甚至是增强生态系统各个方面。它也可以应用于交易、安全和数据分析等领域。在最近的发展中,交易已经成为加密货币持有者的一个重要兴趣领域,在这个特定的交易领域或者换句话说,任何图表指标上,人工智能算法可以用来分析市场数据,识别趋势,并根据特定条件自动执行交易,速度和准确性超出了我们自己的能力范围——导致了 +EV 结果,这也可以被高效、快速地进行回测。这只是一个例子,但总的来说,人工智能技术通过提高效率、安全性和透明度来革新我们的行业——在塑造我们生态系统未来的过程中发挥着重要作用。




C.合作伙伴关系:寻找与强大组织合作的项目——最近的一个例子是英伟达会议,该会议看到与 Near 协议有某种形式的合作,Near 协议的首席执行官在会议上发表了演讲。这大大提高了项目的可信度——导致 $NEAR 的价格在会议前几乎达到了 10 美元的峰值。




1)Render Protocol ($RNDR)

Render Protocol 是一个去中心化和无需许可的 GPU 渲染技术——因此得名“Render”。它满足了需要高质量图形的创作者的需求,将输入系统的数据转换为完整的图形的过程,这通常需要大量的计算能力。根据所需图形的复杂程度,一些渲染请求可能需要大量的 GPU 动力,因此 Render Protocol 通过提供其计算机网络以及其 GPU 动力来解决这一挑战,为任何人提供了一个庞大的 GPU 计算能力池。

自从 AI 叙事自 2023 年底以来至今,$RNDR 已经见证了显著增长——从去年年中起增长了近 600%。AI 项目现在可以利用 $RNDR 提供的 GPU 市场做各种事情,比如:用于深度伪造应用程序的图形,以及从文本生成的高级 AI 动力视频。值得注意的是,OpenAI 的 SORA 现在可以通过 $RNDR 执行渲染请求,为加密领域及其以后不断扩展的 AI 部门打开了下一级别图形的道路。

在最近的发展中,$RNDR 已经扩展到 Solana 网络,Solana 网络也是本周期的一大表现者,从 FTX 崩溃后的低点增长了近 1500%。$RNDR 在 2023/24 年期间一直活跃,该项目还与像 Beeple 这样的 CT 最著名的创作者合作。

2)Bittensor ($TAO)

Bittensor($TAO)是一个机器学习产品,它创建了一个去中心化的平台,作为机器智能的市场。该平台使项目能够合作开发机器学习模型,从而促进快速扩展、知识共享,并创建一个不断增长的知识库。$TAO 是以社区驱动的机器学习方法的先驱,利用诸如激励等策略来鼓励网络的积极参与。

以下是 $TAO 网络的一些重要方面,首先,成员能够评估彼此的知识创造,而不是专注于特定任务,网络鼓励诚实和准确以维持公平。Token本身用于奖励和访问网络资源,并采取防止作弊的措施。这种安全的验证系统确保了交易的信任和完整性。

$TAO 也部署在 Solana 上,如上所述,Solana 是本周期的表现优异者之一,TAO 有望成为生态系统中最重要的人工智能计算项目之一。自 2023 年以来,Token $TAO 的价值已经实现了巨大增长——从 35 美元起步,目前价值 650 美元——在牛市期间,这个Token仍然是值得关注的加密货币之一。

3)Singularity ($AGIX)

Singularity($AGIX)在 2023 年底和今年初经历了显著增长。该项目主要专注于通过创建一个利用人工智能解决挑战的生态系统,为下一代人工智能解决方案开发框架。简单来说,$AGIX 是一个去中心化和无需许可的人工智能平台和市场。

AGIX 充当了这些项目的孵化器,为它们提供资金、技术支持和指导,以确保这些项目的成功推出并提供高质量的人工智能解决方案。生态系统中的各种项目都在这个去中心化市场上推出,这个市场成为了 AI 革命的中心。

AGIX 的市场建立在 Cardano($ADA)之上,这一选择是因为 Cardano 具有分散化和速度方面的特点。$AGIX 的一个值得注意的合作伙伴是 FetchAI($FET),在同一时间段也经历了显著增长。

考虑到 $AGIX 的用例,有无限的增长空间,因为整个行业相对于传统金融领域来说规模较小。








Arweave 是一个永久信息存储应用程序。用户可以通过一次性费用永久存储信息。Arweave 更多地关注长期存储,而 FIL 则专注于大规模存储。

价格从 2023 年 9 月起涨了 10 倍。AR 也是一个模块化的区块链——可能适应这种模块化热潮,导致更大规模的涨势。

整个 2023 年都在涨!

6)AIOZ Network

这是什么?AIOZ 网络是一个综合性的基础设施解决方案,用于 Web3 存储、去中心化人工智能计算、实时流媒体和视频点播(VOD),由人们提供动力。(AIOZ 网络是 Web3 AI、存储和流媒体的 DePIN。)




AIOZ%20的关键优势%20= 低延迟、无限扩展性、低成本、抗审查。














Peaq 上的 DePIN 总价值为 5 亿美元!(让这个数字深入你的心灵)。

团队拥有 25 人以上,包括思科前首席执行官,他们的Token发行计划在 2024 年。

The development momentum of Ethereum, a vernacular blockchain compiled by the author, is really eye-catching, and it continues to climb to a new height. With the real meeting point of the product market now, it seems that we are about to usher in a more brilliant moment. Today, I even saw that we are considering implementing a strategy to allow you to use double leverage to stabilize the currency. This is really a crazy era. Today, I will discuss with you the next indispensable continuous rotation of the cryptocurrency encryption track. In the past few months, my friends and I have Friends have been constantly investing money to find new growth opportunities, especially in this bull market, but there is one area where artificial intelligence has attracted my greatest attention. From January to March, I saw a huge increase, both in price and attention, as if it reproduced the great success of technology giant NVIDIA. Perhaps it will not be surprising to you. You may have heard that artificial intelligence projects in this field, both chain projects and some old projects, are spending some time studying. After various projects, the use cases and attention of some projects seem to be more interesting than others. Let me briefly express my thoughts here. The rise of artificial intelligence in the field of encryption is not surprising. With the latest development of traditional financial fields, such as raising funds with NVIDIA at a very high valuation, the field of encryption is bound to keep pace. One of the important factors is the huge difference between the expected return on NVIDIA and the actual return. The actual return always seems to exceed the expected value, and artificial intelligence is integrated. The field of encryption represents a major revolution in market operation, and the potential of this field is enormous, because the market value of artificial intelligence industry is only $100 million, while the market value of popular categories exceeds $100 million. Some people may think that the stalk map is more novice-friendly, but let's ask ourselves what real benefits this has brought to encryption as a field, especially when institutions start to enter the market this year, we must look for projects that focus on improving market operation. Before I discuss it in depth, I am coming here. Let's take a brief look at the potential use cases of artificial intelligence in the encryption field before some projects of interest in the coming artificial intelligence cycle. With the continuous development of this field, artificial intelligence technology has caused a sensation in the world of digital assets. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency is the peak of digital assets, and various kinds of artificial intelligence fields are attracting a lot of attention. Each of them uses artificial intelligence to enhance security, optimize transactions and improve scalability in different ways, and understand the various basics driven by artificial intelligence Principles and their different technologies can help us firmly hold and use this developing encryption field. In the encryption ecosystem, artificial intelligence means many different things, machine learning language processing and even enhancing all aspects of the ecosystem. It can also be applied to the fields of transaction security and data analysis. In recent development, trading has become an important interest area for cryptocurrency holders. In this specific trading field or in other words, it is artificial on any chart index. Intelligent algorithms can be used to analyze market data, identify trends, and automatically execute transactions according to specific conditions. The speed and accuracy are beyond our own capabilities, which leads to the results. This can also be backtested efficiently and quickly. This is just an example, but in general, artificial intelligence technology has revolutionized our industry by improving efficiency, security and transparency, and plays an important role in shaping the future of our ecosystem. Before going into further discussion, let's take a look at investing in artificial intelligence. Factors to be considered: the application scenario of technology. We should first understand the technology behind it and what its application scenario is. Ideally, we want to find a team that solves real-world problems and has a solid technical foundation. We also need to see who is behind the project. Sometimes age or experience time in a specific field is not the best factor to evaluate experience, but a team with professional experience in related fields is an ideal candidate. Strong candidates usually increase the success and reliability of fundraising. Opportunities, partnerships, and looking for projects that cooperate with powerful organizations. A recent example is the NVIDIA meeting, where the CEO who saw some form of cooperation agreement with the agreement delivered a speech at the meeting, which greatly improved the credibility of the project, resulting in the price almost reaching the peak adoption rate of US dollars before the meeting. It is able to assess whether the community supports the project and whether like-minded individuals believe in the adoption rate, which will lead to a healthy ecosystem market demand assessment. Market competition and differentiation strategic products have found a good product market fit. By considering the factors I mentioned above, you will be able to make more wise decisions when choosing investment projects. The following are some of my more optimistic introductions. It is a decentralized and license-free rendering technology, hence the name. It meets the needs of creators who need high-quality graphics. It usually requires a lot of computing power according to the complexity of the required graphics. To some extent, some rendering requests may require a lot of power, so solving this challenge by providing its computer network and its power has provided a huge pool of computing power for anyone. Since the end of the narrative, it has witnessed remarkable growth since the middle of last year. Now, the project can use the provided market to do various things, such as deeply forging the graphics of the application and generating advanced power videos from the text. It is worth noting that it can now be done by performing shading. Dyeing request has opened the road to the next level of graphics for the encryption field and its expanding departments in the future. In recent development, it has been extended to the network, which is also a major manifestation of this cycle. It has increased from the low point after the collapse and has been active in recent years. The project has also cooperated with the most famous creators like this as a machine learning product. It has created a decentralized platform as a machine intelligence market, which enables the project to jointly develop machine learning models, thus promoting rapid expansion. Developing knowledge sharing and creating a growing knowledge base is a pioneer of community-driven machine learning methods, which uses strategies such as incentives to encourage the active participation of the network. The following are some important aspects of the network. First, members can evaluate each other's knowledge creation instead of focusing on specific tasks. The network encourages honesty and accuracy to maintain fairness itself, rewards and accesses network resources, and takes measures to prevent cheating. This safe verification system ensures the trust and integrity of transactions and is also deployed in the world. As mentioned above, it is one of the outstanding performers in this cycle and is expected to become the most important artificial intelligence computing in the ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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