一览2023年热门Layer2:从TVL 3亿美元的Base到7日涨幅33%的Polygon zkEVM

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在探索区块链技术的新篇章中,Layer 2技术显得尤为重要。它是建立在公有区块链(Layer 1)之上的第二层协议,旨在扩大区块链的交易能力和应用场景。目前,大多数Layer 2解决方案都是基于以太坊网络构建的,这一点尤其值得关注。

Layer 2的核心在于通过在主链之外构建一个二级协议网络,这样可以将大部分交易和执行任务转移到Layer 2完成。然后,通过各种机制,这些结果会定期批量提交到Layer 1进行验证。这种方法的优点在于,它不仅极大地提升了区块链的交易速度,还降低了交易成本。更重要的是,Layer 2同时继承了公链的去中心化、安全性和隐私保护等优势。

根据L2beat的数据,Layer 2的总价值锁定(TVL)已经突破了130亿美元,目前达到了136亿美元。这一数字不仅展示了Layer 2技术的快速发展,也反映了市场对这一新兴技术的高度认可和信任。随着Layer 2技术的不断成熟和应用,我们可以预见,它将在区块链领域扮演越来越重要的角色。



接下来,我们将深入探索Layer 2的世界,并对几个引人注目的新秀项目进行详细的盘点。通过这些分析,我们不仅能更好地理解Layer 2技术的潜力,还能洞察未来区块链技术发展的趋势。


在探索区块链技术的旅程中,Layer 1公链,例如以太坊,虽然奠定了去中心化和抗审查的基石,但其在交易速度和成本方面的限制却成为了一个显著的瓶颈。尤其在DeFi、GameFi和NFT等领域迅速发展的牛市期间,网络拥堵和高昂的Gas费用成为了用户的一大障碍。


在这种情况下,Layer 2技术的重要性愈发凸显。Layer 2通过在Layer 1的基础上增加一层新的技术架构,有效提高了交易处理速度和降低了Gas费用。这一创新不仅解决了Layer 1在扩展性方面的问题,还使得普通用户可以轻松接入dApp和DeFi服务,体验到真正快速且经济的区块链交易。

Layer 2为公链网络带来的优势包括:

1、提升交易处理能力:由于Layer 1的交易速度受限于区块生成时间,它难以满足大规模商业应用的需求。Layer 2通过提高每秒交易数(TPS),实现了交易处理的高效率。

2、降低使用成本:Layer 2的操作可以显著减少Layer 1的高Gas费用,使得区块链应用对更广泛的用户群体更加可行。

3、拓展应用范围:Layer 2引入了更多创新功能,如增强隐私保护和跨链交互,进一步拓宽了区块链的应用场景。

4、优化用户体验:Layer 2的交易处理更加贴近传统Web2应用的体验,使得非技术背景的用户也能轻松上手。

5、增强Layer 1的安全性:通过将大量交易处理转移至Layer 2,可以有效减轻Layer 1的压力,从而提高整个系统的安全性。

总之,Layer 2不仅是区块链技术进步的关键,也是推动其广泛应用的重要驱动力。随着Layer 2技术的持续发展和普及,我们可以期待区块链技术在未来为各行各业带来更加深远的影响。

了解了Layer 2的重要性后,接下来,我们将转向一些引人注目的Layer 2新秀项目,深入了解它们如何利用这些优势,以及它们在区块链领域的具体应用和影响。

一览2023年Layer2赛道的热门巨星级项目:从Base到Polygon zkEVM

随着Layer 2技术的不断进步,2023年见证了几个引人注目的项目的崛起。Base、zkSync和Mantle等项目不仅在技术上取得了重大突破,还在市场份额上实现了显著增长。




Base:Coinbase的Layer 2革新公链

由Coinbase推出的Base,是一个基于Optimism OP Stack的以太坊Layer 2网络。它以高速、安全和低成本的交易环境著称。Base利用Coinbase在加密货币领域的深厚背景,为以太坊的开发者和Coinbase的用户群体提供了一个全新的DeFi生态系统。



截至2023年10月,Base的总价值锁定(TVL)达到了3亿美元,占据了前10大Layer 2解决方案市场份额的7.2%。Base的迅速崛起得益于Coinbase的强大支持和诸如friend.tech这样的SocialFi应用的流行。


zkSync,由Matter Labs开发的zk-Rollup项目,专注于为以太坊提供高效、低成本和保密的交易解决方案。zkSync Era自3月推出以来,已经成为市场上的第七大Layer 2解决方案,其10月的TVL达到1.2亿美元,占据了2.8%的市场份额。zkSync之所以受欢迎,部分原因是它吸引了寻求空投奖励的用户,他们将资金桥接到该网络以期获得额外收益。

Mantle:BitDAO推出的Layer 2创新型网络

Mantle Network是由领先的去中心化自治组织BitDAO推出的Layer 2网络。它采用Optimistic Rollups技术,提供比以太坊更快速且更经济的交易体验。Mantle的TVL在10月超过了4800万美元,市场份额达到1.1%。BitDAO与Mantle Network的合并为Mantle带来了巨大的资金支持,使其在加密货币领域占据了一席之地。

Polygon zkEVM:同时具备EVM和zkRollup的双重优势

Polygon zkEVM是Polygon推出的zk-Rollup解决方案,结合了EVM兼容性和zkRollup的优势。截至11月11日,其总锁仓量达到了1亿美元,7日涨幅高达32.42%,在Layer 2解决方案中排名第10。


Gnosis协议是一个无需许可的去中心化交易所,通过环交易机制大幅提高了流动性。Gnosis的TVL在10月达到了1.601亿美元,市场份额为3.7%,相比年初增长了2.47倍。这一增长得益于Gnosis Chain对MakerDAO旗下生息稳定币sDAI的支持。Gnosis Chain作为sDAI的主要持有者之一,正在成为资产代币化的关键领域。

这些Layer 2项目不仅展示了技术创新,还为区块链技术的未来发展开辟了新的道路。随着这些项目的成熟和发展,它们有望在推动区块链技术的普及和应用方面发挥更大的作用。


随着我们对2023年Layer 2领域的新秀进行了深入的探讨,一个明确的趋势浮现出来:Layer 2技术不仅在不断成熟,而且正在塑造加密货币和区块链技术的未来。从Base的快速增长到zkSync的隐私保护,再到Mantle和Polygon zkEVM的创新应用,这些项目展示了Layer 2技术的多样性和潜力。

这些进展不仅对技术爱好者和开发者具有重要意义,也为普通用户提供了更多的选择和更好的体验。随着交易速度的提升和成本的降低,Layer 2解决方案正在打破传统金融服务的界限,为大众带来更加便捷和经济的数字资产交易方式。

展望未来,我们可以期待Layer 2技术继续推动区块链的创新和普及。随着更多的项目和应用的出现,Layer 2将不仅仅是技术的一个分支,而是成为推动整个数字货币领域向前发展的关键力量。在这个新的Layer 2时代,我们将见证更多创新、更广泛的应用场景和更深远的影响。

In the new chapter of exploring blockchain technology, technology is particularly important. It is a second-layer protocol based on public blockchain, aiming at expanding the trading capacity and application scenarios of blockchain. At present, most solutions are built based on Ethereum network, which is particularly noteworthy. The core is to build a second-level protocol network outside the main chain, so that most transactions and execution tasks can be transferred to completion, and then these results will be submitted to the inspection in batches on a regular basis through various mechanisms. The advantage of this method is that it not only greatly improves the transaction speed of blockchain, but also reduces the transaction cost. More importantly, it inherits the advantages of decentralization, security and privacy protection of public chain. The total value lock of data has exceeded $ billion, which not only shows the rapid development of technology, but also reflects the market's high recognition and trust in this emerging technology. With the continuous maturity and application of technology, we can foresee that it will be in blockchain. The field plays an increasingly important role in the past six months. Next, we will explore the world in depth and make a detailed inventory of several eye-catching rookie projects. Through these analyses, we can not only better understand the potential of technology, but also gain insight into why the future development trend of blockchain technology is crucial. It can complement the multiple shortcomings and lay a solid technical foundation for the industry. In the journey of exploring blockchain technology, public chains such as Ethereum have laid the cornerstone of decentralization and anti-censorship. However, its limitation in transaction speed and cost has become a significant bottleneck, especially during the bull market in the fields of peace and development, network congestion and high cost have become a major obstacle for users. The charm of blockchain lies in its provision of a more economical and faster transaction method. However, when the transaction cost soars to hundreds of dollars, the advantages of blockchain compared with traditional payment methods such as or are greatly reduced, and users have to avoid the high handling fees of traditional payment through blockchain. Facing the contradiction of more expensive transaction cost of blockchain, it is difficult for blockchain to attract a wider range of users. In this case, the importance of technology is becoming more and more prominent. By adding a new layer of technical architecture on the basis of it, the transaction processing speed is effectively improved and the cost is reduced. This innovation not only solves the problem of expansibility, but also enables ordinary users to easily access and service and experience the advantages that blockchain transactions bring to the public chain network, including upgrading transactions. Processing capacity is limited by the block generation time, so it is difficult to meet the needs of large-scale commercial applications. By increasing the number of transactions per second, the high efficiency of transaction processing can be realized, and the operation of reducing the use cost can be significantly reduced, which makes the blockchain application more feasible for a wider range of users, expands the application scope, introduces more innovative functions, such as enhancing privacy protection and cross-chain interaction, further broadens the application scenarios of blockchain, and optimizes the transaction processing of user experience, which is closer to communication. The experience of unified application makes it easy for users with non-technical background to get started with enhanced security. By transferring a large number of transactions to the pressure that can be effectively reduced, the security of the whole system is improved. In short, it is not only the key to the progress of blockchain technology, but also an important driving force to promote its wide application. With the continuous development and popularization of technology, we can expect blockchain technology to bring more far-reaching influence to all walks of life in the future. After understanding the importance, we will turn to some attractive ones. Eye-catching rookie projects have a deep understanding of how they make use of these advantages and their specific applications and influences in the blockchain field. A list of popular superstar-level projects on the track in 2000 has witnessed the rise of several eye-catching projects with the continuous improvement of technology, and other projects have not only made major breakthroughs in technology, but also achieved remarkable growth in market share. The top ten projects and this year's star projects all occupied the market share of the top three solutions in January. This year, the innovative public chain, which was launched in February and February respectively, quickly occupied a place in the market. It is based on the Ethereum network, which is famous for its high-speed, safe and low-cost trading environment, and provides a brand-new ecosystem for the developers and users of Ethereum by using its deep background in the field of cryptocurrency. The total value of the public chain has reached $100 million by the end of March, and the rapid rise of market share has benefited from the strong. Great support and the perfect combination of popularity, privacy and efficiency of such applications, the technical solution developed by the project focuses on providing efficient, low-cost and confidential trading solutions for Ethereum. Since its launch in January, it has become the seventh largest solution in the market, and its monthly market share has reached billion dollars. Part of the reason why it is popular is that it attracts users seeking airdrop rewards, and they bridge funds to the network in order to obtain additional income. The innovative network launched by the leading. The decentralized autonomous organization launched the network, which uses technology to provide faster and more economical trading experience than Ethereum, and its market share exceeded 10,000 US dollars in the month. The merger of and has brought huge financial support, making it occupy a place in the field of cryptocurrency. At the same time, it has the dual advantages of and, and the launched solution combines compatibility and advantages. As of March, its total lock volume has reached 100 million US dollars, and its daily increase is as high as the first in the solution. Decentralized transactions without permission are required. One of the main holders of the agreement is a decentralized exchange without permission. Through the ring trading mechanism, the liquidity has been greatly improved, reaching US$ billion in last month, and the market share has doubled compared with the beginning of the year. This growth has benefited from the support of its interest-bearing stable currency. As one of the main holders, these projects not only show technological innovation, but also open up new roads for the future development of blockchain technology. With the maturity and development of these projects, they are becoming the key areas of asset tokenization. The technological innovation breakthrough that is expected to play a greater role in promoting the popularization and application of blockchain technology is worthy of attention. In the future, there will be more high-quality projects pouring into this track. With our in-depth discussion on the rookie in the field of, a clear trend emerges. The technology is not only maturing, but also shaping the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, from rapid growth to privacy protection to innovative application. These projects show the diversity and potential of technology. These developments are not only of great significance to technology lovers and developers, but also provide more choices and better bodies for ordinary users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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