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作者:Mark 来源:Mirror 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网




虽然有少数成功的加密项目在没有代币帮助的情况下实现了其软件的广泛持久分发,但它们作为异常值存在。如果您要编制一份月活跃用户数超过 10 万的加密产品或协议列表,您会注意到其中绝大多数要么已经拥有代币,要么已明确计划最终推出代币。加密市场为用户提供了更高的效率和公平性,因此自然地,要针对试图压低利润的新进入者建立可持续的竞争优势是极其困难的。

Uniswap 就是一个例子,凭借强大的品牌和高品质的技术,它能够多年保持霸主地位。即使他们最终也被迫添加代币,作为对 Sushi 等竞争对手的回应,这些竞争对手通过代币向用户提供的价值不仅仅是产品的功能。像这样的例子就是为什么我相信,在足够长的时间范围内,任何不推出代币的成功加密产品最终都会失去其利润,和/或将被推出代币并构建代币的竞争对手击败。为自己和社区带来更强的持久网络效应。



  1. 以持续的方式吸引对您自己(和您的代币)的关注和资本,以及

  2. 将流动的注意力转化为对用户有价值的产品。

孙宇晨和 TRON 网络是证明成功的加密产品可以按照这种特定顺序构建的最佳证据——尽管多年来人们对他们的滑稽行为投下了各种阴影,但很难不对网络提供的真正实用性留下深刻的印象(作为稳定币支付生态系统中的庞然大物)。他已经证明自己非常有能力吸引人们对自己的关注,并将其转化为一个已经为数百万人创造价值的真实网络。证据清楚地表明,代币可以充当其自身价值的自我实现预言,其中价格上涨可以在价值创造本身之前发生。这与传统公司建设/估值的工作方式直接相反,这就是为什么加密货币对于任何不习惯这种新范式的人来说仍然令人哭笑不得。



一个典型的例子就是 Helium 网络——他们能够(通过他们的 HNT 代币)吸引足够的流动性到他们的生态系统中,为自私的陌生人购买矿机并开始为自己赚取真正的利润提供稳定的激励。通过代币流动性的力量,他们能够用足够的矿工引导他们的网络,以占领陈旧的移动宽带市场。协调近400,000 名用户如果没有深度流动性的帮助,加入这样一个网络将是一项艰巨的任务,而深度流动性在任何多边市场发展时出现的早期波动中提供了一个有用的权宜之计。通过这种方式,Helium 需要销售的第一个也是最重要的产品就是他们的代币——没有它,无论他们的硬件或软件多么令人印象深刻,他们都无法吸引并保持足够的关注来达到必要的临界质量。挑战大型企业。

在像 Helium 这样的代币化产品中,代币的价格是衡量流入/流出给定生态系统的注意力的最低公分母。当代币价格下跌时,矿工们会流失,不仅因为他们的经济发生了变化,还因为围绕关注而存在的从众心理——如果我看到其他人都离开了聚会,我也更有可能离开。

这样,吸引流动性并不是一件一次性的事情,只在早期阶段才重要——它仍然是整个网络持续存在的先决条件,尽管随着社区提供足够的本地供应/需求,这一点变得越来越不重要。到网络。能够为您的项目吸引持续的流动性关注并不是一项微不足道的任务 - 它给加密货币创始团队带来的压力反映了在大型社交平台上作为创作者的艰苦经历,即使在错误的时间休息一天也可能是灾难性的为了你的成长。




代币是一种极其强大的协调工具,在接下来的十年中,我们将看到代币化网络的爆炸式增长,这将严重挑战那些在我们今天的生活中仍然拥有巨大权力的机构。代币还可以让商品化市场中的公司在竞争激烈的时期积攒注意力和良好的消费意愿,从而避免他们完全失去护城河。这为那些精通技术和创造性追求(软件和模因)的创始人提供了巨大的机会,他们有足够的勇气与大型现有组织竞争,并且有勇气度过不可避免的流动性干旱。 。


尽管如此,我们 Boost 仍然对仍在路上的代币化网络感到兴奋,我们认为钱包和 zk 技术的最新进展,加上无处不在的安全区块空间,为全新的应用程序群体创造了完美的配方。用户加入加密货币。

There is an old saying in the venture capital circle that the first founder focuses on products and the second founder focuses on distribution, which describes that product builders usually expect them to rely solely on product quality to achieve growth, rather than investing in creating repeatable models to help them attract attention and users' attention to their products. However, I believe that many cryptocurrency founders lack another element, that is, the founder of token cryptocurrency. I overestimate the listing of its products for a long time and underestimate the listing of its tokens. When I say tokens are products, I am not kidding. In fact, I believe that for anyone trying to build a valuable company in the encryption field, your primary goal should be to attract permanent attention and liquidity for your tokens, that is, to sell them to anyone who is willing to hold them for a long time. Anyone with eyes can see that the main use cases of blockchain so far are the purchase, transfer and sale of some applications. Adding extra steps or metadata to these interactions helps users build complex methods to create value for themselves by using the tokens they own, but everything we do in the field of encryption, every link we skip, and every seed word we write are ultimately for an interaction, which begins with our purchase of some token ecosystems. Although a few successful encryption projects have achieved extensive and lasting distribution of their software without the help of tokens, they are stored as abnormal values. Now, if you want to compile a list of encryption products or protocols with more than 10,000 monthly active users, you will notice that most of them either already have tokens or have a clear plan to eventually launch the token encryption market, which provides users with higher efficiency and fairness. Therefore, it is naturally extremely difficult to establish a sustainable competitive advantage for new entrants who are trying to depress profits. For example, with strong brands and high-quality technology, it can maintain its dominance for many years, even if they eventually do. I am also forced to add tokens as the response of peer competitors. The value that these competitors provide to users through tokens is not only the function of the products. Examples like this are why I believe that any successful encryption product that does not launch tokens will eventually lose its profits and will be defeated by competitors who launch tokens and build tokens, bringing stronger lasting network effects to themselves and the community. This may eventually be applicable to enterprises other than cryptocurrencies to cope with the network. The increasingly efficient market driven by the proliferation of network and artificial intelligence is worth noting. It is closely related to the current operation mode of airlines in the real world, because their operating profit rate is extremely low, and most of their value comes from loyalty programs Delta Air Lines' main products, which are no longer flights. This is Delta Integral. Looking back at the evidence of cryptocurrency, it seems that it is possible to build a very successful cryptocurrency project in the following ways to attract attention and capital to yourself and your tokens in a sustained way. Sun Yuchen and the Internet are the best evidence to prove that successful encryption products can be built in this particular order. Although people have cast various shadows on their antics for many years, it is hard not to be deeply impressed by the real practicality provided by the Internet. As a giant in the stable currency payment ecosystem, he has proved that he is very capable of attracting people's attention and transforming it into one that has already reached millions. The real network evidence of creating value clearly shows that tokens can serve as self-fulfilling predictions of their own value, in which the price increase can occur before the value creation itself, which is directly contrary to the way traditional companies build valuations. This is why cryptocurrency is still ridiculous for anyone who is not used to this new paradigm. When the price of any asset soars, people will pay more attention to it, which is so true for cryptocurrency and any other asset. It seems to be particularly good at turning the increased attention into the increase of the intrinsic value of the basic network. This is because encrypted networks welcome skilled contributors to join their communities regardless of their professional background, while traditional organizations are walled gardens with sparse entrances. Few non-encrypted money organizations are set up to take advantage of the large amount of attention that may be gained during the reflective price behavior. Therefore, we not only need to evaluate encrypted assets according to the current and future values that the network is creating, but also need to consider the follow-up. The influence of liquidity flow on the future trajectory of the network. People enter this ecosystem in order to make money through this novel business model, which provides rich returns for those who can predict the future liquidity and value creation as soon as possible. The best founders in the field of encryption have not turned a blind eye to this fact, but found a way to weaponize this inherent desire in order to establish a valuable network so that all participants can make money through the existence of the network. A typical example is. Network they can attract enough liquidity into their ecosystem through their tokens to buy mining machines for selfish strangers and start to provide stable incentives for themselves to earn real profits. Through the power of token liquidity, they can guide their networks with enough miners to occupy the old mobile broadband market and coordinate nearly 100 users. It will be an arduous task to join such a network without the help of deep liquidity, which is developing in any multilateral market. The early fluctuations provide a useful expedient measure. The first and most important product that needs to be sold in this way is their tokens. Without it, no matter how impressive their hardware or software is, they can't attract and maintain enough attention to meet the necessary critical quality challenge. Large enterprises, in token products like this, the price of tokens is the lowest common denominator to measure the attention flowing into and out of a given ecosystem. When the price of contemporary coins falls, miners It will be lost not only because their economy has changed, but also because of the herd mentality around attention. If I see that others have left the party, I am more likely to leave. Attracting liquidity is not a one-off thing, but it is still a prerequisite for the continuous existence of the whole network, although it is becoming less and less important as the community provides sufficient local supply demand. It is not a trivial task for the network to attract continuous liquidity for your project. The pressure it brings to the founding team of cryptocurrency reflects the creation on a large social platform. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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