什么是 ERC-404?一周内首个代币暴涨12000%的实验性标准

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 09:48:57 评论:0



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作者:Shaurya Malwa 来源:coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

ERC-404 允许多个钱包直接拥有同一个 NFT,并且在未来,它可以支持将这种特定敞口进行代币化,用于贷款或抵押权益。

  • Pandora 是第一个尝试让代币和 NFT 同时工作的框架。

  • ERC-404 并不是“官方”代币标准,但这并没有阻止其他开发者在推出一周后效仿 Pandora 的成功。


Pandora {{PANDORA}} 是第一个所谓的“ERC-404”代币,周五上午的交易价格从不到一周的 250 美元低点升至 32,000 美元。它的供应量仅为 8,000 个代币,过去 24 小时内的交易量约为 7600 万美元。


一些项目已经抓住了这一炒作并发行了自己版本的 ERC-404 代币。

其中一些公司将一小部分代币供应空投给 Pandora 持有者,增加了对代币的需求,同时也为自己的项目创造了炒作。与此同时,一些区块链已经在其他区块链上推出,例如 Arbitrum 和 Solana,以期成为完全不同的生态系统中的先行者。


知名交易所OKX和Binance 宣布在其 Web3 钱包上支持 ERC-404 代币,增加了该标准的合法性,并进一步推动了炒作。

什么是 ERC-404?

ERC-404 结合了流行的 ERC-20 和 ERC-721 标准(分别用于在以太坊上发行代币和不可替代代币 (NFT)),使开发人员能够创建可以自由交易和公开使用的碎片化 NFT 集合。市场。

在目前的形式下,NFT 作为一种一对一的资产存在,与代币不同,代币的持有者可以购买整体的一小部分。

虽然碎片化 NFT 确实存在,但它们通常依赖于将这些 NFT 锁定在钱包中并发行代表该 NFT 的代币的实体。这些碎片化代币可以自由交易,可能无法准确匹配锁定的 NFT 价值。

这是 ERC-404 想要解决的关键问题之一。它允许多个钱包直接拥有一个 NFT,并在未来创建一个用例,其中特定的风险可以被代币化并用于获取贷款或持有股权。

“加密货币界的人讨厌摩擦,”Pandora 和 ERC-404 的开发者之一 ctrl 在 Telegram 消息中告诉 CoinDesk。

“ERC-404 之前的每个解决方案都存在太多摩擦,通常是一种包装解决方案,抽象了人们想要分割或制造液体的原始 NFT,”他说。“收藏家讨厌这一点,并且它极大地限制了采用。ERC-404 默认情况下具有这些功能,并且不依赖于令人困惑的第三方协议和解决方案,”他补充道。

ERC-404 开发人员在他们的 GitHub 页面上表示,虽然它结合的两个标准“并不是为了混合而设计的”,但该项目“努力以尽可能稳健的方式做到这一点,同时最大限度地减少权衡。”

开发者 0xacme 在 Github 上表示:“这个标准完全是实验性的,未经审计,而进行测试是为了确保执行尽可能准确。” “然而,重叠标准的本质确实意味着集成协议将无法完全理解它们的混合功能。”


然而,ERC-404 并不是官方认可的以太坊代币标准,而是一组定义数字代币在特定区块链生态系统中应如何表现和交互的规则和协议。

该团队正在积极制定代币标准的以太坊改进提案(EIP)。EIP 是向以太坊引入新特性或功能的过程。开发人员补充说,EIP 过程可能需要一段时间,而且完成起来并不快。

ctrl 说:“我们确实需要确保我们做得正确,并通过一项万无一失的提案来解决这个问题。” “考虑到我们是从市场非常非正式的一面催生出来的奇怪的新生事物。”


Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network allows multiple wallets to own the same one directly, and in the future, it can support the tokenization of this specific exposure for loans or mortgage rights. It is the first attempt to make tokens work at the same time. The framework is not the official token standard, but this did not prevent other developers from following suit a week later. The first token based on the new unofficial experimental Ethereum standard has produced a new million in the encryption market. Its sub-asset category is the first so-called token. The trading price on Friday morning rose from a low of less than a week to US dollars. Its supply was only US dollars, and the trading volume in the past hour was about US dollars. Some projects have seized this hype and issued their own versions of tokens. Some companies have airdropped a small amount of tokens to the holders, which has increased the demand for tokens and created hype for their own projects. At the same time, some blockchains have launched examples in other blockchains. For example, with a view to becoming a pioneer in a completely different ecosystem, well-known exchanges and announcing their support for tokens in their wallets have increased the legitimacy of the standard and further promoted speculation. What is the combination of popular and standard for issuing tokens and irreplaceable tokens on the Ethereum respectively, so that developers can create a fragmented market that can be freely traded and publicly used. In the current form, as a one-to-one asset, the holders of tokens different from tokens can buy the whole. Although fragmentation does exist in a small part of the body, they usually rely on entities that lock these in wallets and issue tokens representing them. These fragmented tokens can be traded freely and may not accurately match the locked value. This is one of the key problems to be solved. It allows multiple wallets to directly own one and create a use case in the future, in which specific risks can be tokenized and used to obtain loans or hold shares. One of the developers who hate friction and harmony in the cryptocurrency industry is disappearing. There is too much friction in every solution, usually a packaging solution, which abstracts the original idea that people want to divide or make liquid. He said that collectors hate this and it greatly limits the adoption of these functions by default and does not rely on confusing third-party protocols and solutions. He added that developers said on their pages that although the two standards it combined were not designed for mixing, the project tried to be as robust as possible. The way to do this is to minimize the trade-off. The developer said in the paper that this standard is completely experimental and unaudited, and the test is to ensure that the implementation is as accurate as possible. However, the essence of overlapping standards does mean that the integration protocols will not fully understand their mixed functions, but it is not the officially recognized Ethereum token standard, but a set of rules and protocols that define how digital tokens should behave and interact in a specific blockchain ecosystem. The improvement proposal of Ethereum, which is actively working out the token standard, is to introduce new features or functions to Ethereum. The process developer added that the process may take some time and it will not be completed quickly, and said that we really need to ensure that we do it correctly and solve this problem through a foolproof proposal. Considering that we are a strange new thing born from the very informal side of the market, if approved, the standard will become the official standard recognized by Ethereum Foundation, a non-profit organization that maintains the Ethereum blockchain, and be used in the Ethereum ecosystem as an agreed framework compatible with Ethereum-based applications. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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